EL UVALDE TL te; WEST GARDEN VISITORS: Personnel from the Carrizo Springs School District visited the Early Childhood Center at West Garden School last week. Nan^y Balzen shows visiting teacher, Debbie Langford, one of the excercises used periodically at the E.C.C. Among the children taking part are Andy Espinoza, Elias Luna, Laura Ruiz, and Jose Angel Ortiz. Fewer Welfare • •• state’s only cash welfare program. Now that number is 89,000. Again three years ago, there were 1,039,000 persons in Texas receiving food stamps. Now there are 724, 000. Texas is the only major state in the . nation to see such reductions in the numbers of welfare and food stamp recipients. . The burdening welfare . bureauracy is yet another cry, yet staffing levels of Texas’ welfare agency, the Texas Department of Human Resources, have actually dropped by over eleven percent since its high. Currently, TDHR em-employees 12,700 persons, down from the high of 14,400. Yet while the numbers of both welfare recipients and the staff to serve them has dropped, the number of calls made to the . TDHR reporting child abuse has toppled since 1975, while staff numbers have, again, dropped. Using San Antonio and Bexar County as an example indicative of the state as a whole, in 1975 there were 1,372 cases of child abuse referred to TDHR’s child welfare office in San Antonio. In ’77 that same office responded to 3,700 calls and has seen an average of 400 calls per month in 1978 (projecting the years total to over 4,800 in that city alone). Yet at the same time, the number of child welfare staff responding to these child abuse calls has actually drop ped from 280 to 242. Medicaid is the largest single state welfare gram in terms of expenses. The Department of Human Resources is asking for S2.6 billion in Medicaid funds for fiscal years 1980-81, an increase of S904 million over the previous two year period. Yet it’s not the welfare family that is causing the great increases. It is the aged, the blind and the disabled. Texas’ poor, aged, blind and disabled will need over $2.1 billion Texas Medicaid funds for the next two year period. Yet a group of only around 67,000 will use the majority of those welfare funds. That group comprising those poor Texans living in state-supported nursing homes. Welfare needs in Texas are increasing, yet it’s not the welfare family, nor is it the food stamp recipient or the state employee that are seeing the benefits. By cutting welfare, Texans are really saying “deprhe the aged, the blind, the disabled, put the prevention of child abuse on the back-burner. Let’s save money at the expense of our past and our future-- our aged and our abused children.” Los Mitos Acerca De Las Vitaminas Para Los Resfríos James Lind, el enfermero del navio ingles Salisbury y “padre de la medicina náutica”, condujo la primera prueba terapéutica clínicamente controlada, en 1747. En el barco, su experimento determino el valor de la fruta cítrica en la prevención y tratamiento del escorbuto. Cuarenta y dos anos mas tarde, la Marina Real Adopto la administración de una onza de jugo de limón diaria a cada uno de los tripulantes. Esto elimino el escorbuto en la Marina de Su Majestad y preservo tantas vidas que se acredita a la vitamina C con haber hecho por lo menos tanto SISTER MARIE SPIRITUALIST READER AND ADVISOR Do you feel disgusted with life. Do you have problems? Such as love, family problems, marriage, sex problems, bad health or sickness, business problems? Sister Marie was gifted by God for this work. She has helped thousands and thousands who have come to her and brought sunshine and happiness to their lives. “I guarantee success where other readers fail” Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily 7 days a week 220 W. Main (Hwy 90) Uvalde 278-9473 Southwest! om’s Sales VENDING MACHINES P.sntats, Sales í Commission Basis * Candies ■*’ Peanuts Potato Chips * Cookies Buildings - Factories Schools - Serv. Stas Etc CALL RAMIRO GARZA 278-5338 * POTATO CHIPS * SNACKS ‘CANDIES ‘PEANUTS Serving The Wintergarden Area como Lord Nelson para la derrota de Napoleon. Asi comenzó el reconocimiento de la vitamina C, la que por fin fue aislada y recibió su nombre en 1933. Hoy sabemos lo siguiente acerca de h vitamina C: ayuda a mantener unidas las células del cuerpo y fortalece los vasos de la sangre; ayuda a curar las heridas, contribuye a la formación de huesos y dientes y ayuda a resistir infecciones. También se sabe que la vitamina C ni previene los resfríos por completo ni contibuye a curarlos. Los alegatos de que la vitamina C reduce el numero y severidad de los resfríos o catarros siguen siendo motivo de controversia, pues en varios estudios clínicos, personas a quienes se hizo creer que recibían vitamina C. Pero que en realidad recibían tabletas inertes, dijeron que sufrían de menos resfríos de lo que les ocurría por lo general, y en varios casos, las personas que recibieron vitamina C, no descubrieron cambio alguno. El estudio mas impresionante realizado hasta la fecha, sugiere que dosis masivas (de 1 a 5 gramos por dia) pueden reducir tanto la posiblilidad de que se Continued on Pg. 7 English As A Second Language Dr. David De Camp will be the featured speaker at a mini-conference on English as a second language at The University of Texas at San Antonio Feb. 3. A professor of English and linguistics at The University of Texas at Austin, Dr. De Camp will give the plenary address on teaching composition to speakers of other languages. ond language and bilingual education teachers and school administrators will begin at 8 a.m. in the Humanities-Business Building at UTSA. The university is co-sponsor-ing the all-day event with TEXTESOL II, the southern Texas affiliate of TESOL, the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Association. Buckingham, professor of English as a second language at the University of Houston and TESOL executive board member. His talk, entitled “Supermarket Linguistics: Has In- flation Set in?” will focus on increased awareness of bicultural-bilingual education. The conference for sec- Another featured speaker will be Dr. Thomas Who Has Sessions will include discussions of current research and problems in second language education, and educators will suggest ways in which parents can help children acquire uage skills. lang- The at will be Hayes, the Dr. Dr. Right-Of-W ay? When birds find themselves in the pathway of airplanes, the “friendly skies” can become an extremely dangerous place. At least two major air disasters in the United States since 1960 have been caused by bird air strikes. When cities locate sanitary landfills near airports, the bird populations often inincrease in that area, a* birds are attracted to new food sources. This can increase the likelihood of collisions between the birds and the airplanes that are taking off or landing on nearby runways. Two professors from The University ofTex-The Texas at San Antonio are study to determine the activity patterns and populations of birds at the site of two proposed landfills in San Antonio. The ecology professor, whose primary area of research has been in the enviromental control of reproduction in “pest” bird species, participated in a similar study at a landfill site on the San Francisco Bay which was near two airports. The birds we are most concerned with locally are the Redwinged Blackbird, the Brown- headed Cowbird, the Great-Tailed Crackle and the European Starling. These sidered pest species, and are the types of birds which quently attracted to dumping areas in large numbers,” he said. are con- are fre- University of co-directing a Dr. Rutledge said large flocks roost overnight in an area, then converge on nearby feeding grounds where they remain for most of the day, especially in winter. “During other birds smaller feed periods,” he said. Presiding sessions Curtis Carolyn Kessler and Dr. James Lantolf of UTSA; , Imelda Idar and David Wurst of the Defense Language Institute, Lackland Air Force Base; and Robert Richmond of Winston Churchill High School. The conference will be open to the public. Registration fee will be $2 for TEXTESOL II members and $3 for non-members. Those interested in obtaining more information may phone the UTSA Division of Bicultural-Bi-lingual Studies, (512) 691-4426. Camino Real... Camino Real serves as the health planner for the area bounded by Edwards/ Kerr, Gillespie and Comal on the north, Guadalupe Wilson andKames on the east, Atascosa, La Salle and Dimmit on the south and Maverick Kinney and Vai Verde on the west. Dr. James Rutledge, assistant professor of animal ecology, said birds that feed in such areas pose a safety hazard which are especially vulnerable during takeoff Birds can go right through the windshield of a plane or be swept into and totally destroy jet engines,” Dr. Rutledge said. to aircraft, and landing. seasons, break groups for the into and shorter The two landfill sites selected by the city’s Department of Public Works are located off Wetmore Road, near International Airport, and the Pablo’s Grove area, near Kelly Air Base. The proximity of the sites to airport Continued on Pg. 8 Preparándose Para La Jubilación que hacer lo Siempre ha hacer Quizas le teatro, o alo algo el mayor a su necesitara Cuando se jubile, tendrá amplia libertad para quiera, deseado diferente? interese el mejor le gustaría tener un pequeño negocio. Sea lo que sea, si quiere sacarle provecho jubilación, planear. Recuerda con cuanto cuidado preparara su carrera? A lo mejor obtuvo > experiencia o quiz: tomo cursos especializados... de FOR RETIREMENT, en el que le ofrecen algunas indicaciones. Si desea un ejemplar gratuito pidalo a: Consumidor, Pueblo, Colorado 81009. Siempre conviene hablar con los expertos para adquirir conocimientos sobre temas relacionados con la jubilación, tales como salud, legales, vivienda y otros. finanzas, de la He aqui algunas fuentes a que recurrir. de las puede El Departamento Salud, Educación Bienestar (Deaprtment of Health, Education and Welfare) cuenta con un folleto, en ingles, llamado PLANNING for AIM (Action Independent Maturity) ofrece seminarios para planear la jubilación. Esta organización, que Continued on Pg. 8 “Because of the importance of the hearings and great distances within our service area, we have decided to have two hearings, instead of one,” Thornton continued. The first of the two hearings is set for the Uvalde Civic Center in that city. The Center is located located on Main St., just west of Eastern city limi. That hearing is slated for Thursday, February 22, 1979. PAGES Menu UVALDE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS Monday- February 5, 1979 Barbecue Burger French Fries Pinto Beans Chilled Peaches Oatmeal Cookie Tuesday-February 6, 1979 Pizza Seasoned Green Beans Whole Potatoes Gelatine with Whip Wednesday- February 7, 1979 Enchiladas with Chili Pinto Beans Spanish Rice Fruit Cobbler Bread Thursday- February 8, 1979 Hamburger Lettuce and Tomatoes Buttered Corn Onions and Pickles Cake Square Friday- February 9, 1979 Shrimp Krispies and Catsup Seasoned Spinach Macaroni and Cheese Pork and Beans Cookie Batter Bread Vi Pint mild with every lunch Subject to supplies available. Now Open! East Side Texaco Se/f Service Texaco Products Reg. Gasoline Firechief 61.9' Unleaded Texaco 65.9e Premium Sky Chief 67.9e Managed By Mr. & Mrs. t Vicente Gonzales, III | Don't be surprised to find a spider in your morning newspaper. The spider I is merely looking to see which of the | town's merchants is I not advertising. He will then go to that I store, spin his web | across the door and I lead a life of undisturbed I peace! i El Uvalde Times । P.O. Box 1671 I Uvalde, Texas 78801