Diciembre 17,1978 EL UVALDE TIMES w & 6- A VISIT FROM MACLOVIO: These youngsters were delighted with a very special treat last Wednesaay afternoon at the Ccnxnunity Council’s Family Planning Clinict when they were visited by Maclovio and his owner, Ignacio Estrada The well nown ventriloquist is manager and school coordinator for World Book-Childcraft hit. and offers his educational presentation . The idea of the presentation was to help children accept medical treatment more cheerfully. Want To Advertise With Us? Guitar Lessons Offered at SWTJC Guitar lessons featuring a unique electronic teaching method will be among spring semester course offerings when Southwest Junior College resume Jan. 11. •allows each student to listen to himself without hearing the instruments of students.” other Texas classes for the Guitar lessons beginner will be offered from 6 until 9 p.m. each Wednesday or at 10 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. “Students do not need their own guitars,” according to instructor Ed Stein. “The college provides instruments for the students in addition to a special electronic earphone set .which Call Us Now, El Uvalde Times 278-3616 Se Invitan Músicos A Un Nuevo Grupo Sigue aumentando el ínteres en una banda de concierto de la comunidad míen tras que el Southwest Texas Junior College busca residentes del area que están listos para “soplar pitos” de nuevo. es de músicos anteriores de empezar su interes en Tenemos talento en Uvalde y reunir una 40 a 50 piezas. la música. mucho la area de podemos banda de “Desde los dias del Tío Billy Evans nunca ha habido una banda de la comunidad,” dijo Ed Stein, director de la Bellas ultimo comunidad hace 23 anos. Division Artes, coro de El la sus “Buscamos alumnos que ya hayan tocado antes pero que han dejado sus intrumentos por una razón u otra,” explico Joe Silva, el director de la banda S. W. T. J. O.. La banda de concierto de la comunidad se reunirá de las 6 p.m. a las 9 p.m. todos los lunes en el Tate en el Solamente alumnos que recibir crédito colegio por participar en la banda necesitan completar la registration el 8 de enero. de. existía La Fiesta Del Diez y Seis Antonio, llegara a saludarlo. ó de Las otras eran para Nomas uno de estos era del partido mio. Los otros tres eran de los que mas me criticaban y que tal vergüenza les daria al tomar parte en el paseo y llevar la banda tricolor que era como dos yardas de largo. Asi les pagaba las criticas que me hacían. Pague lo que costaron los programas y lo que costaron las bandas y les encargue que me los hicieran pronto y me aseguraron que en dos dias los tenia yo en Hondo. Y lo cumplieron y empeze a mandar a todos los pueblos que habia de San Antono a Crystal City y a La Pryor y Del Rio y demás Un: Gift of If you've got a child on your list who deserves something special, give him an account at First Savings. Play an important role in his future security. Teach him early about the value of saving money. And add a little to his account on other special holidays too. Toys may be broken. Clothes, outgrown. Goodies — eaten and long gone. But a savings account at First will always be there as a reminder that you cared enough to provide for his future. Southwest Tom’s Sales VENDING MACHINES RentGís, Sales & Commission Baste * Candies * Peanuts * Potato Chips * Cookies Buildings - Factories Schools - Serv. Stas Etc Hom's. *POTATO CHIPS *SNACKS * CANDIES * PEANUTS Serving the Wintergarden Region CALL RAMIRO GARZA OR ROGER GARZA 278-5338 Financial Security. IRST SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 400 North Getty Street, Uvalde, Texas 78801 • 278-7191 B SSIÜ PASS First Saving: