epresenti'ng different social classes and different religions. At the present we are actually making a beginning" with our drears of betterrent. Who have been responsible for the great work that is being begun with our Mexican Youth? It is an honor for me to state that we are deeply indebted to several men who are working with our Mexican groups by means of the Y’.'CZ organisation. Isn’t it wonderful that we have our dear American friends who looked into our difficulties as Mexicans and still more graciously are lending a hand in the development of our race in spite of many, criticisms and oppositions that arise from other Americans who still think that wc ar¿ foreigners? I will mention only one nai e, because he represents the whole wotk taat is being done among our Mexican Youth. That great man is Mr. Forrest P.Knapp. His name will alwavs live in our hearts because he has shown "unselfish and tremendous-interest in the welfare of the Mexican Youth. Youth, let ’’s take advantage of those rare opportunities given us by the Y.KI.C.A. organization. Get your pencil and^rake plans for what you think ought to be done to e^lar^c our Conference work. T?rite ideas and present tn.er-»t +Me Corfe-ence. I right say that we have some very m-teresting ide^s that are going to be presented at tne coming conference. Ppr’t feel pe ssir,ist?.c about anything, loj your brain with plenty of amunition ano rake use of it at the Conference. - 5 -