TIIL MEXICAN VOICE Sept-Oct., 1939 FROM MY VIEWPOINT (Continued from page 2) tine to develop his talent. This boy Is just one of tho many Mexicans with talont going to waste without even making an attempt to show his talent, why? Because as I have said before and say again, no ambition for education. V/e need ambition"combined with education to get ahead. Because "/e have all tho facilities of high education but without ambition, what good does It avail us to have them........Nothing. In clos ijfc I want to say that v/e need more educated people not only because v/e live in the United States but most important because some day we may be able to help to bring our Mexico to the world heights it was Intended for. At least that's From My Viewpoint I JEN K'S LAKE CAMP Bringing together Mexican fellows from all types of homes, communities, backgrounds, and giving them all an equal opportun-ty of developing in Mind, Spirit, and Body /as the big featur • of the 1939 Jenk's Lake Camp, held from August 2Bth to September the fourth The 1939 camp at¿ractod-fellows from the ages of 10 to 25 and from San Diego to Santa Barbara. Not only /as the camp successful in numbers, but in the good many ortho fellows roc-ived. In Mind, there /ere thf? opportunities of crafts, featuring leather, wood, and bakelite work, group and solo singing, instrumental music, camp n°vs v/5 th humor galore, skits, folk dancing, and talks by Mr. Rudy Frederick, Mr. Moody Kilgore, Mr. Knapp, Mr. Synder, Dr. Sandoval, Rev. Watson and Rev. Quintanilla which brought out the moral qualities we should develop. In Spirit, was grace from the leaders and the hymn before meals, morning religious study was divided Into three age groups. Mr. Henry Carrasco leading the youngest, Tom Garcia the next, and Mr. Willmarth the eldest. Interesting were the talks on leadership given by tho leaders which v/ere folloved by open discussion. In Body, were the activities of s/imr.lng ,hiklng, boating, (which'unconsciously taught teamwork) baseball, table tennis, and of course, cabin clean-up ./hich nay ho clasood in this category. For a year, now, Mexican kids big and small will be waiting impatiently for another week at Jenks Lake, and we hope that this woek will leave a definite imprint on their minds as to their opportunities, their no-, d of clean living and their undeveloped talents... MEXICAN CONFERENCE LEADERS MEET Combining business wjth pleasure, the leaders of the Mexican Youth Conference met at Jenks Lake for a hectic two-day session in which they ironed out their difficulties very ably. The sessions were presided by Paul Coronel. Henry Ramirez, and Paul Coronal gave reports on their«sectional activities namely Los Angelos, and Santa Barbara. Stephen Reyes reported on the progress of (Continued on page 4)