¡FELICES PASCUAS—HAPPY EASTER! El Uvalde Times EL UNICO PERIODICO BILINGÜE EN EL WINTERGARDEN * THE ONL Y BILINGUAL NEWSPAPER IN THE WINTERGARDEN AREA 25‘ VOLUME TWO NUMBER TEN UVALDE, TEXAS MARCH 26 THROUGH APRIL 3, 1978 i? ■ Estas dos lindas conejitas ya están listas para la tradicional busca de cascarones del dia de la Coneja Fallas son Sandra Romo, hija de los Srs. Rubén y Gracie Romo, y Maria Elena Munoz, hija de los Srs. Rogelio y Anna Munoz. ♦ - V 5 ' i X LAST MINUTE NEWS NOTICIAS DE ULTIMA HORA ANOTHER BEA TEN BY POLICE OTRO GOLPEADO POR POLICIAS At press time, we were informed about yet another case of police brutality that took place Thursday March 24 at the Uvalde City Jail. The victim was Miguel Angel Marquez who had been arrested for driving while intoxicated. According to an official source the beating was the worse he had ever seen and it looked as if several policemen were involved. The reason given for the beating was that the man “got out of line.” /Xccording to our source the man looked as if he had been in a car wreck. Also we have been informed that Policeman Gary Dawson has been fired as a result of this last incident. The initial complaints by citizens against Uvalde policemen have mentioned Dawson as being one with the most complaints, but the City Council refused the citizens demand that he be fired A la hora de publicación fuimos informados de aun otro caso de brutalidad por policías de Uvalde que tuvo lugar el jueves 24 de marzo por la noche en la cárcel de la ciudad. La victima fue Miguel Angel Marquez, un nacional mexicano quien había sido arrestado por manejar en estado de ebriedad. De acuerdo con un informador oficial la golpieza es la peor que el ha visto y parece ser que varios policías fueron responsables. La razon dada por la golpieza es que el hombre “se salió fuera de linea.” Asi mismo se oye que el hombre estaba tan li ■ •M; If i í i i i uT It f-'jí i-U iJ # ; • / si ; FRONT PAGE CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 These two cute Easter Bunnies are all set for the. traditional family Easter Egg Hunt. They are Sandra Romo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Romo, and Maria Elena Munoz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio Munoz. THIS I HAVE TO SAY COUNCIL RE JECTS CITIZENS CONCILIO RECHAZA CIUDADANOS FIESTA DE LOS BARRIOS As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, let us all find peace and joy in loving-one another, that what Christ died for, may be fulfilled. Let us all this year break the barriers of religious faith, ethnic origin, or economic lines and see one another as individuals and try to understand the differences between one another before passing judgement. Thank God for our ability to think! THIS I HAVE TO SAY My best wishes an appreciation go today to several persons who have been working towards the establishment of a clinic that could be the solution to the lack of medical care for many citizens in Uvalde and nearby communities. First, thanks to George Garza, Director of the Community Council of Southwest Texas and his staff, and also thanks to Alvin Smith, Chairman of the Board of that agency who have been working very hard to make this clinic possible. At this time the decision is up to the local doctors since the Uvalde Commissioner’s Court and our City Council have already agreed to provide the money needed to prepare the application (for federal funds) for such clinic. In conversations with Doctors James Winn, George Allison and Martha Strickland I have reason to believe that they agree such a clinic is needed very much in Uvalde and they will do their best to make possible it’s approval. The Uvalde Hospital Administrator Alan Holmes must also be recognized for his interest in the establishment of this clinic. To me this is an example that in Uvalde all citizens can work together to solve our problems. CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 Esto lo Tengo que Decir Al celebrar la resurrección de nuesto Señor Jesucristo, encontremos paz y alegria en amarnos unos a los otros, que la razon por 'la cual Cristo murió sea cumplida.. Este año quebremos las barreras de religion, origen ethnico, y lineas económicas, y veamonos como individuos simplemente, y tratemos de comprender nuestras diferencias’, de los unos y los otros, antes de juzgarnos Gracias ha Dios por nuestra habilidad de pensar! CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 The City Council chambers had never seemed so small until the March 13 meeting. Citizens began arriving early to assure a good place, but nevertheless many were left out in the hallway, the stairway and the sidewalk. In the council chambers it was shoulder to shoulder. The reason for the unusual attendance was the presentation of complaints and now turned demands by a group of citizens against several policemen. Most of those present were supporting the complaints against the policemen. Also present in the meeting were most of the members of the Uvalde Police Department, including Police Chief Vance Chisum and attorney Emmett Harris who has been obtained as legal council by most of the Uvalde police officers. The group presenting the complaints has now been organized under the name Citizens Organized for Public Action. Jesse Moreno, the father of Tony Moreno who was the last person who claims he was abused by two Uvalde policemen, is the president of the organization. Other officers who were also present at the meeting are Vicente Gonzales, vice-president, Ernest Luna, treasurer, and Bobby Ruiz, secretary. Attorney Alonzo Villarreal, Jr. will be the legal counsel for the group. COMISIONADOS A CORTE APRIL 11 COMMISSIONERS TO COURT APRIL 11 DEMANDA CONTRA COMISIONADOS La demanda que alega que los precintos del Condado de Uvalde creadas por la corte de comisionados en 1973 violo la ley de los derechos de votar de 1970 volverá a la corte el 11 de abril en la Corte del Distrito en San Antonio. La demanda alega que los precintos como fueron formados no le da a los Mexico-American os la representación que le corresponde a su populacio'n en el condado. La demanda fue puesta en Octubre de 1976 pero las tres jueces que le escucharon por primera vez decidieron posponer su decision ya que el Governa-dor Dolph, Briscoe llevo una demanda a la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos diciendo que Tesas no deveria de ser efectada por la ley de Derechos de Votar ya que tenia suficientes representantes Mexico-Americanos en puestos governamentales. La alegación del Governador Briscoe también es que el numero de representantes Mexico-Americanos deve ser por el numero de votantes registrados, y no por la populación. CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 La sala de juntas del concilio de la ciudad nunca se habían sentido tan pequeña hasta la junta del 13 de marzo. Ciudadanos interesados empezaron a llegar temprano para asegurarse un buen lugar, pero de todas maneras muchos se quedaron en el pasillo, en los escalones y en la banqueta. En la sala del concilio estaban de hombro a hombro. La razon por la asistencia fuera de lo normal era la presentación de las quejas ahora vueltas demandas por un grupo de ciudadanos contra varios policías. La mayor parte de los ciudadanos presentes estaban apoyando las quejas contra los policías. También presente en la junta estuvieron casi todos los miembros del Departamento de Policías de Uvalde, incluyendo al Jefe de Policía Vance Chisum y al Licensiado Emmett Harris, quien ha sido obtenido como abogado por la mayoría de los policías de Uvalde. Mayor Parte De Ciudadanos Apoyaban Las Quejas Contra Policía SUIT ON COMMISSIONERS TO BE HEARD APRIL 11 The suit that alleges that the precincts in Uvalde County created by the Commissioners Court in 1973 violated the Voting Rights Act of 1970 will return to court on April 11 in District Court in San Antonio. The suit alleges that the precincts as they were formed do not give Mexican American the representation they should have according to their population in the county. The suit was filed in October 1976, but the three judges that heard the case decided to postpone their decision since Governor Dolph Briscoe had filed a suit and which was pending in the United States Supreme Court at the time, alleging that Texas should should not be bound by the Voting Rights Act of 1970, sayings that Texas had enough Mexican-American representatives in government posts. Governor Briscoe also al- CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 Lovely Liza Olivarez was chosen Reina de los ríos. (Queen of the Neighborhoods) and is seen accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Josie Olivarez.. Liza competed with other lovely girls, and they were the center of attraction during the lively celebration of St. Joseph's Day in Uvalde. FIESTA DE LOS BARRIOS The Fiesta of San Jose de los barrios was a grand success. Seven teams vied for the volleyball championship. Winner of the teams was; Sacred Heart Barrio. A soccer game played between the teams of Batesville, Uvalde, and Monterrey was played in two parts with the second part of the game played in Batesville. Champions of the gamer were very well since it is the major sport in Latin America. Winner of the most delicious Capirotada contest was Juanita Lopez. Judges for the event were Teresa Maldonado, Genoveva Morales, Julia Moreno, Mrs. Juan Zavala and Mrs. Elvira De La Rosa. Thirteen dishes competed in this CONTINUED ON PAGE 8