- 7V?.{ A‘ lbilr.si,|. _,u>| ¡i 1 drive tu Mi» B‘s pet,. SMUhtoS mrth. and shifa-, WRITING for 7 HE PRESS. LATE HOURS. Wbv? roña. the Mexican Mitiist.-i »r «amipwrorto t*í)6Wr a': 5. Never roll ymirmainiM-ript. Whv ? exiítov, compositor tMSURMCE. B, causo people Km Kiwni. a little fi |. path ihnm .b » and Territories, ntliag city of 8,-ts a Mayor, City two toile higher V be rotwh-red as Tto^iXeo place. iht rfalirtof th*Mi-i.rvi.rrn n. the nflhetilr»**.! with the n m si until -early t» was orgenhed t time until now h-tu iB the aur- Used Mr *¿4i fodder m-tíe**#.’ “What felfa earn bet iglaa if ARD I'KNt'LKICN A re you n ni.ui ? If *■>. y.»i hnve |.r..b.i),h iiud th,. ion of uiaiuilaehuxM-s ,n„| vMi the oily „f M.yi.o, loixo I'hi, ago, via th,. i>ur váreles» w.-hisluu-ss. it. IXw’t xtriu- in a númoeojiir hand. > irj/F/.Vf,- Po/; ,! Ho.V.t.V TO ■0Kt RE.inr; «.Idilio»' aud GOOD REASONS -why Ove INSURED SHOULD PREFER THE Springfield." li. Ik brief. Why ? n't r.-a.t long stories. The foundat ' । ben ----- from. lo go ...»in,-uhi-rc, th-lting ready i, a mighty c.js t.iti.-a for a woman tu |Hiiforni. it *1«.t,s has been *»; but in tin.».- day* <.f ts,mpi¡i:t. t-d «Mtn me*, mid itunim. ral-li- sj>jh mluE'-? tti-«-h- :w£ All I heal of the -un Tile -uiith- rii ¡-ortioti lot New Mix;.!-is »ot visiusl by tiios--i terrific ti..rth niets that ti-v in the ,-k H< ia the vicinity upplr the need, velh'gun fapliB turvA liridt-yenh wine fine blocke j mid «ill vetm-ti «1 «mt t)lv The p,ult W»H} ■ from itu- effect vf heat, the r.-¡ i.l i-v.ip.ratii-u uf tuoL-l'ir»- by the drv I atuiuaphere mvíii- tu haic a e»H.)inir cf- with such fatal results t<> man ami atii-tua!>. The diffcn-nn-fa-1 W«i-n the telu-l" raturt- of the Gulf of Mi-xm> . which in wii.t.-r is afauit 7tf‘ । al< I that of Xe» I Mi viro i- nut w ¡¿real as to pnaiuro a intend yetti-m •'Bedad,1 said a pa’rwtie Iriihumn ycetvrdny, 11 but, it’s u ripe watenndou that should by ¿lio emblem of Itvlxnd. It «Iwirys he» the green alsjvo tho rod.” FHYSIClMlS NO pUVV tvs I hx- Xvfa-b- liui,. oOx’U-b>- trip «¡11 b,- seven b20- tnl llh the Amidst If" a liawipapcr? J’1"’*1 “* !*',lS v-ut" to." Aft. wtt a *h*8 ■ MATUMAÍ. . ¡’and caBed out: -fit..-*,. Mui t.-il! npjurent in- - 't«udOT»ilti,V'11' "1ST. fa 8t»ik$ tV»N toy 3 1’eSnUiM SHOPS KÁNI'SK TAHUR. -i*h^Xn '” 'i ION AL BANK F NEW MEXICO. UNPIVIOÍD PROFITS. 13C.000.ili) MTIIIMI. Hl\k OfiSazs-ta, Fe *n< ,#1 IK 11*1 X Rocky Moun^ **Ail.. SANTA b'l< N EW ISxfMXTIlUeDA Y. NOV KM HERÍ LXTRoi>l-t'Th)X t>F fWf'.H.’O tf.L\77<|rZV?.*?;.S' L\To MUX I Co After « great .<»/ kwbegtn tu.eh.f*.' Is^pyi ettott -kink^. f >- of hi1* grand Xh^-het« d doubt owing to thnb ai-i.-mimi-nex. an,¡ habit* Imt wore to th - h.-iltbinoxi of th - .-..iiutrv— . . ' .......M.v ttiiir. It lx exited that .jliih- •» nnuifar->f (lur Mmg m.umlht-turem W¡U mkn «¡y, «hem samples ,.r whatever warm thT li.ive Io s-H. adaptable |lt the Mexix.-d «fade. This fa iln exivlh-ut id.-awsm1, faxtlitully .-an-h-d .mt, will fa tVuiUllj ,1 g-H*! r.-uh 1. w- Would like r./ "" viJI i»g tik-ng- i •" Ik Keepi>U'|l it." M'd llio !m> vluvrraily, - fhajhxifit" Th** the uWOMtvring slm.,^ every (Wfieuhy ni-rtheanu Ifahirtl task is Mre yo.ltlcfc tn it. |>,, l)oi kivp thift ing hopar^n #T hunt ~it j*, hut gs- aiy and by little ¡t w-¡)| grow xw*Uc> tAi i fa dotn-. TAHLK ETIQUETTE. Th.- I’ldbiwing hsots,itncmfaj fin all these trial* tin: eonsolaiiUi of n-liraon ailbbe wanting liecauw¡ a i-onstaní diw jiation dulls the faith «tid make* recourse rut. itobmwhy - f y n ,xf tb.- -wly «huS^I । isoViti'hi tint to?t' .-fiifehnfo j u,er, il.x >i‘ <•>-' Steamship City uf Pare, ilu- n-und ; "***‘ a ft1"-?1* lino of Amorieati goods rvp. uui Um,-1 •■“'mo sixty Eastern nianufinto- * i ->-.*.|ti.il j 1111,1 lin «prívale capital uf |5u,-■ns em-hJ Hi* 'ai1"!»» i* to establish * are p i-. Í ,‘l8v,|l"|e' ,o>' iho .'ah* of American gurula that form I CV,T-V c'lJ "f a,|.v innktrtanre on the tay s-vth » I '”MM of Americii. Now. fet .lev: m>« '!eCtitlonií-ti whoMj rare ehforjirtto has the floe.1 ■'iln’nlS,|inui„g ;«,.»• ui-hing to nn-ximpH-iliing something or IX-wmlnr, summer : «"rthy in fain,-, atmn imagining life a ami .iixt|,vir in an hour . 'Ir<-.im that tin- >.-om-r he woke from (he »h.it tiro j ft riir-iigb. The rime tv wake is t (rv i i-l-l-.iii tlm -'t liHtid. yet hi- hr «*nu i । gn,dxul I l.'Jl th- it i- uficii ihxvx-oirv t-sgo into •• tril.-* "' fur the frcvt j. „mp„.jtlir,. iin,| il.fa ,.an nol ||C (jon(1 , , , , - • , J., ' wl" " ft'il' writt.si utH-n. foémi X-fo I'/'" ‘ Wlit'"l’-rty ami di-iiJ-tfa. fo-inp l»-.ut ei tn-, ¡ ht. srp ,ln , >wvfu| | f ( p-r unm,-.-. sod xv.-r.fa fr-nn fonfon Ian gtisx;.-*. X\ by"? Bevan-*- xuu have iu, below ih, .uni .ill that n-ul.j In- dc.'irvd tor out d> éter fnvriiig mffin.nt t..>t hi1 uiontin of thwnilKr aud et.-li in *.n>e iii'to,--» th,. 1. -Ifoht bt-trin at tho Ti ry top <.f the firei Win "? Bvcanw if you have written a head for your art irle, the tiiitor will ptufoibly want to change it. sod if you han- imt—which fa the Ik-:ter way— he muM write yon. Besidi* he wants !1X10,11 111 "bieli to « rite his in-tnietions to , turns ..I the Koeky M,nmtain>. which I rhe printer n* to the nju- to be U.^, j rang.- fa-nveen latitude awi r,- alill wl„.r(. al|., wlu.n ,}|e * .¡fc ,o ! miel «ttíM'ti .li.viH 11. . <*..!/* 1* ! Í'Ibwdwtwd ttow'^f. e -of. mut i,QOt), afld H.#*thd Bieck ,r®< ifetlH I tame thing in Mexico—toltabliali agenctce ' ’** every town tor the distribution of Atm-riean iminuíhetlire». The timé fa most opportune, mul the coming excursion will affltril abundant provision for 'udt.w undertaking. Wt> titrimfaml that arniny.-mcDis have been {wrfected j by which all the sutiijdei taken trill be of the w«rid, *e-> fatlMewWIwn cxuwijueat adnuiM [t hits 4?litig huyera gi-t a purer uf RMnray, itK.rf.we snewHy luí, tion of the wmuoI wrar^wj^'"'" the amount tn God a great effort and resignation tn j uu-n win- are for tfa fimt tiiun entering fediimiable wwiety, will, if cltnoly follow, cl. fa productive of Iwnoficfol reaulu: tho food on the (title. Ifon t Áhistk aÁkfackon to the wtnwsge, rati ,ifa'«w. uayatery. and, «fare ‘llttbln^eevfl ialjronr host when tfa buyer he i fa heir nit laid. Ifoo’t rat your Mp with yottr fork, this la an uuparikw^fc breach of good manrn-#.. Remember that ytiur knife ie (he proper utensil. Alwaye eat ail you wish while at the tolde, for ^.je very untaiantierlv to fill ।fwirywMfwwitty"járaT■ " - r"*,***wV~»MMi.. wan all you want fat pocket I XVheii you have flnkbfd eating don't short: your chair luck «¿tinit the wall and put y,,nr fivt qjgn the table. p|4ce them carefully in the lap of the gt^ntfa man or lady sitting n,.xt to you. If you »w anything you don't want Ilia will well nigh »tl :uipx«*tbiiiiy. It i*- difficult to ri-Mtwfe, in feet even ing. x Vmi an- iufatii.iicd with Mm B, ) i.u invite her to ride behind your s-inti t.f prays. y(,n m-e wire <-n«ugh .0 kmur that all worm-....... lhe m.<« of them, a,|. «tire » fin# tiirmi.it, ami would naich smmer fa m.ide b>u- to by a m.ui who owns u nice team than by „ii.- ufa takws It!.* iiirings in horre em* anj oumibu.re... You set- the time at ¡I.:») p. lu. Sfi,. ‘■weeth1 ask, yx>u ¡f y-t-.i lmuLI not ju-t as well come at i. Of c.ntrao sb.- would but 4‘” d iubtn if «he ........................................' ...ter inwriag.., as the French" say. • we change all that, and madam must fa remix tvhen in.'ii-imir bid* her. -y -h. fa 1,-ft fa. to gain the attention of oar imj«:tuoiu youth. tfa fatiante a# t »50>««N),(to9^y «............., 6* lhe '-LTiato if • t*1* wdf-guidam,-* and'^lfartWimct i _ ' ftif Bntiwnty. 'fheytnmvt find ont tbeí svS ofauny thfc^ by experience, andj Dur yotinp ttiSn ami young w* mee bate contracted in a gnael mensure many will never know that upon a youth of thoughtlow fadrigi-nre there fo¿w* a premature old age ef aorron-. CLOSE OF TffE SEASOX. HrieV'^Srcáiti^riíWtW and got good in lion or« is in an irregular yuhtihas already cut-grown ito apo*. aa.liUos to climb tho predpitottaeWai.rti.bXls by wlfo-h ¡t isenelosed. Whitexwtt^a. approached by winding stand bum dred* if feel «fane fa- Ijvcl of the town. Under Dcwdwwd ¡n^here is xnothtf city—tho city of tfa miler*. Opening* to the tunneb «nd .«dfte'are i be carefll) how thtj1 wt "■gel» .' -.y .-. .'S'ft;' ■VV.'itó». Are slsnlirera ' ineynxe tolwr e lereaíetiL"! b«* huri, bet note* cf * fared weiai* "'.-- :7- ; “ Afa** “ Uy er a .hawU^^™^?^ foro tirarei aád Never put the napkin-rings or spoon* hito yottr pxket us this « aét an in of refinement, .nd may leave your conduct open tji critiefam. Some persons tlw their bread to dry their plate with, this is intolerable. The pocket handkerchief is the proper article in this ctaergenev. ArttT rh»i nwtfll ._. •» „ew „ ^mierajiY brought mi. . Iu .ssistitig your nearrat friend yon «hotild not use the vulgar phrase, - Well, Cully, wiU you have » ball ? This is ungetittemanly in the extreme. IV- the elegant expreMton, “ Sir, «ill you have a Santa Pe straight, a -Southwestern smile, or a Chicago stntt-tier?"" 1 she the • eyes still kindle at ¡ i,l¡ll|ir,*,d into tin- city of Mexii-o without and hfa faiuul tales a ' ps.' Hiwit'if duty <-r examination by cits. -t.tff. Bow fair t]lv J ,l,n> hiiit.it' officer». A large and e«*mmo-' in your -M age lie Í,ii,,UM will I... plaw| at th,, jfa. I |h>smI of the exeur*i.>ufats by the govern-j iiient fertile display of the’guoxfa. giving . excellent menus for showing our future j Cii-toim-rs the character of our agricultural implement* and the products of our various manulhetorie-s. The gov.-mment has given t-very assurance that during the til"., tvccks' st-journ of the Americans, the very best „f everything they ut to w y»ur horses ami administer sx-iue sharp worxls to your etnaU delinquent irro..xu. ami he tiuuufa his «««,- nt tou the minute your back fa turned. ■ By the limt you get into the house *¡reiu M«*?K fa romfny down ■ tod says .Marie will fa down in a moment and she is so sorry to have kept you waiting. Fnim-above stairs you vau hear the sound ut the notes of prt-jxaralion. Much treading back and forth, opening of dos. et duora, shutting of drawers, welding uf the maid in suppress,-,! tones, and liveli-Ox’s* generally. If you wuld look into Marie's chant-far you would fa in dopair. Her ” crimp* are not taken dxitrn. her boots unbuttoned, her pull-back’s elastic eo.-xfa are out uf gear and the maid fa fixing them; she can't find her braeeh-te ; one cuff "pin is ini&siug; rim has put arnica (III her handkerchief by mistake, think-mg it jockey dub. there i» .» button off her basque from hurried buttoning, and oh «fear! dear* where arc her parasol and her leuion kids, and her ia,v scarf, and that coral neck chain, «nd » shawl, and a white face veil auxl a doten other necessary articles ? She has hurried so that her face fa afl ■; IU fc bldXi*. and i* Ukv a Wtoherwomau, and «> scire* the powder j puff and xlauba a Hide chalk on her forehead, ami leaves some in her eyebrows, wd liojwa ¡i won't lx- .iron, as die is going to ride out with a man and not with a woman. Women always see such things, aud *peak about them to other women, and put ou an air of righteousness and inno-oeace. and wonder how Obristiau falles can powder their &*«, But the comer •potheewy could, if fa cbono,’ unfold '»talé of small fays or girii, coming in after autw.'t to get . fax oflily white *• for a wotnim as reat fw ¡{— ”Oh, ixmawteuqy I". al-t yotncliírífflfl* fa-1 kw common. Tita *clu3-L¿vJT-2™™ fog to do tho agreeable with Mrs. ti. t65 jrt^!5 twore voy* » the dark; everybody knows that rimoet^l guarid», rob-: beries, and mtinicra take place fa night, which, * fore, that the <|uettioaable n-velrií» of m:m should be left to late hour». Many a young man returns from his place of employment, takes'his evening meal and winter* forth iutmedistdy afterward* without *ny special purpoae, except to H-ek petty adventure»—a low grade of knighu-rrantry." Ho may go to » s«|wn, •imply walk the sírcete, staml at a corner, or indulge in one of the other many dis-xipations of youth. Tlth is a very rom. mon ease; many unsuspecting parent* though Mmówliat annoyed console them-«riVes t because they bear nothing ¿f what their children are doing) with the thought that they are guilty of no sinful acts. But reflecting fathers and moth-vw cannot but feel sppreheosioaiandask thetoM-lvra what the result of these foifa I iti* is to be, , W e camiot but say to uurselve* that , whv» e man ronstautiy chooses the night " for his amusement, he fa affaid to have the snu shine on what he doe*. He who does not wfah witness,* fo hi* conduct with an associate upon whom ho has ae« particular affections must feel guilty a» to hfa actions in such company. Ton wy| always Gnd that such person while veir willing to tell you every amusing faci-dent of tho day's expérienw, are «¡. tremely reticent as to event* of the evm-fag; wmeihiuglaughable must happes’ then as well a* dnriug the day, and why do vre not hear of it? But. bwidtw the win which ia occwica-ed directly by these nightly enjoyments, ■ there are evil conaenuences to heabh. Formerly there were manly iporia in which yotingwwj cotild indulge, a*d invigorate while they amused tfamwelw*. Such aimiseiwate are lt—nriag' THE PRECIOUS METALS That the procew of extracting theyre-cinu* nasal* from the UweU of the earth » a CMtly mm may be inferred fewa the simple &ct that upwar* of tlOyOO»,*)» in the ehape of aeewmenta. fee the 4md-opmewt of mining ptopeety fa CMmfa, -Sewh and Ariaew, have been levied It ia . “ A^nhplwt taw áMw.IñÉ'íi*-- Mr. C*fclfa< “ . ’ “ WU fa 4* jefarii ,t 11 cote, praxwta. Ufa.'* ' < *5.WbM fa faeeriii^ -w«s v-v uwrmreu ronin, ami the a*cr-tion is probably not wry wide of the mark. Tfa production of the goMmiae* in 1848 was 110,000.000, and the great- \ eat yield was in 185.3, when the amount wna 185,000,000. The total pnsfart of gold in California since 1848 iaeetimaied at 11,000,000,060. Although aihefhw been induded among the xnetdic products of the State, the. greater part of that shipped from San Franefaeo, uatii within a few yearn past, was from tita mira* of Nevada. The sijver wi»*V Xerade aro the wonder of the world. They were discovered in 1859, eleven yea» after the aopiisitiau of the Temió-, ry by the United States under the of Guadeloupe Hidalgo. The Comstock lode is situtited on tit Mount Davidson, at Virgini^'^* hay County. Its value e¡u vér-bearing «¡uslsany deposit of the/reciou* Dirt*19 ever met with in lhe b¿to,T ot »¡n5oS enterprise, and even /urpawmg the fe-mous minea of Me^oo and Pero. Tho capitalji£ the tbirt-j£fivc mine* consisting tKTómstodt hi * repwent» ttie enoT" ®ous sum of 142^690.°°°' ‘tt4 ’he diT" idewfo |113,390,fNXC'Oi'$fte entire &p®ñew* * * ductien of the precigiM ****.of.. I cetiw‘ C Miwimippi river, since arat^f 1875. ie 1275,400,000. The v 1.100,000,000 in 1877 cmea prfo from Nevada, which produced of 144^20,000; bw bullfoa 86,650-,' and gold *460.000. California prodt^ brik^rJ ” *** «■,‘¿•'*1. "Ia i*d«to ta*ík *r-r* — graaboppm. ft. itli turning " 1 x but there called aeai ; X» town had ted out. last wing that the. and enxed. Frota ptx>» have poured reii fro-unt 0» liag country, ft the & East and the Pacifio St there i* now inhabltanta. toil, polioo at fire depirtmcnts, chi ches, schools, a epaplt line, daily mu a, money-enlcr p» ire, three haul and hundneda of st> w, shop*, sakoi ’ feat now city. । ........ _„,v «, uf of straggling n irity. _ The prin- t-offire. two new». MICHIGAN GIRL. ie taeau-.-st mu fe tlial hu was .-m, ÍPHfah. ;y and faggwltfaiMfaie-fo,- ifawtir». ' In'wiyt» «Unwi” tocuwefe,'". 'V*- ' ether foaturw sttveis have a iür full ñamo and ■tul of your letter. W-1 rtf dwxtioa, tkaa to ■ICE *N. a H*fa to awW*1* 'ly,- N N^., •he ****-. **»■ did w*,’1 W w*wwi; ***$ **"*; x*$ *ert k dtóat |» wM* ‘ The Jesuit* mitrnuuil>er :HH6; France ha» <11101; < terni*ny, AtMriauc Belgium, Holland, 2535; luly, I-ititijifagfaed, HG5; Spain, 1382; North 727; South Ameriea. 384. . of 816,250,Oto; *ih*r, ind h&V blllluw *1 7VÍAAA n. I *■ 'i " “What fa the Natióual air of owtryt" »Aod e fotniyw iu We*, ingtw. " Ttaii.*iN.tiwM) lai»,’' : plied # Mtitr, pfiietiny to the (,wpit*l,^ ' liy jufl uuw dwiav and ba* bullion, 51,750,000. CoitST erabiy more than oae-half of thia of 1876 cat* Item Nevada, the < Úwwme.yrat -aft fa fy¿&TmX3'-rnM."».i U^tay I OS I .GW Í- : “Iknow I« n.jetiW'fa* fa-'ti^ MMiMH,-" aaM-w Jfafef •WtttiiWHrt. ’ Jefa i' ya* fa*.*. JN» M MN» ***S^E^S faMN***'fatiWfar^" IfaMéwMittWl Iwu^faekCfae,^ Lirerpool and London GLOBE. xvhat iu lexa- are i-alfal •• northers," and when ..lire exjK-rieii.-ed i.y man, tln-y are drea.i.nl-.v. the j-vstilcmv. ilu the Inch plateaus the atmosphere fa puritr itself. In .the rich bottoms wlu-rv vegetation grow* rank a<-cmii|Kiiiied with uudsture, there ar.- some t ares of malaria. A rank I Wfa- * Xegeiat-.m avvimqemi.sl by Inwt attxl Lm..’.roi of nrele.M fafar. to mv nolhftis uuitsturc prsluee tl.fa th.............1 - ' - - •iinersoly proportioned to tin- Mpiarv of th.-ir r*pective length*. That fa. n half c-diiuiiiartii-le fa rem] by four titm-aas many people a* oue of double that length. 7. Have the fear of the naste-lix-ket «matantiv and Meadily before y.mr cvm. B<-<-aube it will save v-m a vast area is email and a change to higher lo-cati-ns will effect iii a few days a permanent cure. The old inhabitants of the Mesilla Valley say. that for the j*Mt fift.t-n yean- there hail been no cas«. .-of the chilfa and fever until the fill t,f 1RTT. This was brought slumt by a fell of more than two inches of rain within the period ) :,r ,weni-vf-i,r h’,,w" Ti>ft M««erd* I'kvtxa UssMrtix, •l.'tT'.tziyiNk—nu* «4 I ‘‘i * moDtb ut mure uf Vvn," itiR Wi-ixlher. Nearly every house lias a stock corral adjoining it; thesu are never clean.-d in a IsouL.l^ruift-iw'sn-1" ."tics of years; droppings <«f stock get to ' ,\u ns rws h*‘v rara r-sio ! be two or three fret ik-ep, and being «oranpTír'hiíi.'hnü.u uTim- 1 thoroughly naturatid with two inches of wtostsSr,- ................. . _____ ... . . * . . vvr. ] of pip-r and ¡"ista¡re.( rii'-l S. Always write i । ai]f initials, write your own name and address Mow it. It will mu bi- divulged. 9. “Thesi- pnix-pts in tby tamiiory keep;" and for f«ir you might fiiryi’t them, cut them out and put them where you ran readily run through them when tempted to^spill innocent ink.—ikxtoii TVtlHXCvint? , I Nt**»* I*t ■» wants to grow up will ew tag in ra»d d*bb^ That's all, bub, «■* *•*. **7 gate a fawlisg a**k»* *** ■*-mala.'’ tiwiigv II. Dy riii", who litro about six mik* «>ut on the (¡rand Hirer ro.nl, tells the following story of Alias Anny Brown, his niece, who i* but 10 tears old: On ."Mturday night MLx» Broivu, with her fill hot. left this city.-to drive Louie iu’a light wagon, drawn by one horse. Mr. Brown Im- been an invalid for two or three years, and is very weak and unable to resist any assault. They had driven about a mile In-youd the toll-gate, the father bidding the reins, when two men suddenly jit mpitl to the head of the hone, «nd rtnpfwd him, after which one of litem stopped Imc-k find informed Mr. Brown that if he had any money or other valuables he would do well to produce them. Mr. Brown explained tlial he wa» — num and liad no money tn let him oroei-fld unharuaed. By this timo the seeond highway man bad left the head of the Iwtoe and joined his companion, and both were badgering Mr. Brown, idling him that it was lua-lre* to affect great physical weaknew and poverty, for he :tou*t “ ahell out.*' Meanwhile the giri had gained powowimi of tint whip, wtid at this point she mtddenly seized the rrirut end, with th# heavy butt-end of t1« whip, knocked one cf the robbcm down, while ebo dealt the other e severe blow. Then, giving tho whip to the harae, ahe wctxixietl in driving buraelf aud father nut .of reach of tho robber» end beyond dimger, although one of the highway med disehrageil a1'pistol at the flying couple.— Ikin-if f'rrr l*ir»a. of Ml*, m _ ei[ij thorough fan* Pile, Walnut, Stal nuts. Almost cv built, thcl stores m *t*kn being mere fed story and,a hu log*. Immlx-r b i i-st demand, and the three or fours are not ad«|uate Irately bMtnroa rat larger and betfar have been started, are tinder way. utmed Chestnut, d Harrison Ave-hing i» cheaply carry tho largest n$. Tbx-re are a two story build- (?.I VE 1 rJStt* OIRLS A' CBAHC8- ht will be > 8*yto 'li* wfltaiE ehaiei «•ii.MjWftNlMR wlxlec, wAiWti",íí rm», gave out gasstia for niot.lli»; this, of iv.urse. pruduc-d rieknesn, e sii-kntsuitbnt with proper eleetilinms would, have bo,n avoided. Another rau.-w ofrieknetts is the cmmtnieti-in of himstM. which in a tutyur-ity of vasv», among the jxairvr elassre, lieve but one dunr nnd no w inilotr. These are clim-il at night as tight m a jug; aud then sleeping uh a flour of earth which is daily sprinkleil with water, the only wonder is that a single indi) ¡dual of this class is left. A tuung tho claw of Mexicans whose tm-ans enable them tn i'put up buildings to suit their taste, it ie i the univcriul i-ustom t;i cui-loec oil form-• ing a hollow *»pmre. either with build-: ings ooenpiixl nsn-sidcnci * for tbennwh ce, .•mid retainer*, or to Hiiyph-tuent with.ado--Í Ik* walls <»f eipiol height h with tliebuHd-¡ ings; this fh-qucnlly with bitt * single I opening outside, *ti$< iently large to drhe ! #. tram in , ibi-n sli is elided up atekiug । it air tigl-t im the sides; tbi* musí of i neetwii) retain ell bad air Tlii»*t) le. A M«itau«r» * Wiiwe**x^r*,K- 4 l l1- J- v- >^rxrLI A <-1, ewra.tatt.ix*">»-1'>-- CIOTHtSti. o p 4 4"-.-. ATow-nt. Xtutb-s 4 c„- Ct*y-raiiK'lSmui** '"• "• fort-w- it A. K.4.H : X»raSv1euX,'fa",01*ow * **■-■»»»*«. «OTELA '.SMOK «■—»■ 4X»i" 11 we* formerly the ciintism in Sect-hud to allua the culprit at tfa gtiluwi to wwj; * pialra when a nquicve waa export-vd. One of the chaplains to the fanuat* Marquis of Mon Iroso, being xxmdvimivd to death for atlewlinx hi* uimeter in wk, of hi., rxiloiu, end faiug or, fired at tfa gallo».« to twsui- a psalm, fa wtartwi the Bantu Heinriieubadi say*; « Alwaja deep with your fent to the equator.” “Jen m>. llamo," rupliis » euavlrial wri-t,>riri knowing bow hy taiiy «m1« tnmtlic dent' R. ¥. W»ri : Sumejtntm tte .Rer. Chartfc of. it rotted, Hwfafwl "‘Nyfcwd *#fa tAwvf*" h-.’ifted with quick-eíí. greater edfpoe-lit then» »re very, tican iq-pear et ** lua uiicx¡ii*cted call-,, her with a-'wet cf d and none hl her pasted ro«0|l 4* *»-ate. |Mft' Ililld'1* of th” tfapiow* ctote. who. l*fag U ring - *■!«»» N» v- >yray« or «Im « i-Jim, .'oraMlifat »k* Up * colleetioe! **w. sgothc l»nl MiAqptif i« wintry w a fo yf'tfa Kybeopai Yuifc. Hie 'iortwr-b. d btiy » hi- *»nke to st n»WU dfl* # fay re»|:«»W. ' Th® atiuud of your horses {«wing up that sidewalk iu your eor*. and you know the old man is particular about hi* grounds; aud directly you hear sometliiug snap, and rush out to find that oue of your spirited nigs has bndeen off * fence picket, and i» trying his best on another by way of dee* sert.' V- ' Will she ever get ready? •• S/,. You go back u> tell Mt». B. that yyro hOMwere w> restive that you mutt by them, and you retire, to the sidewalk painfully cDtiseivwi that scree* tlw itrw^ fa that tenement iiouw, half a doten children and young people, and *». many moto idle Wen, arc wetchi«g yu« and laugldogMyOur pFedkeroeBt, telling each tóúelhat that « the ehap “ that it tty-fag to court Marie B., and. she's had nit>c <ar* alrtwljr, and «very tW of Aetii went hack cm her.” Yoe otpumlt y«»r wwteh, Z» o'clock! Yee fed Iwdfaed to *w faratiM of co* co^ turne* pimwd fatrk *> tight, that she etfaep* toward'ys^Jike aaaail. and you wwstetiy woadwr bdw *fe* i* ever goUgto IMtp high «WHjA to get into tlie wrfagv ; astd her fart b eu iwootoiteg, andheflMl. Im* euiif faawatit theitoaow yf.fatr k*^N< ^W*a>Ú..aH...M and tfawponefon cfepsda pqyeeete I» w> 6M»y ccuettivie aw fa#d, he MW to fan tie# ,« these habit* mart 4*acc. It fa eletr that We eau not expert, to idrtib^a.fa^ltfa frames during the time that nattue, designed Htf re»^. We need but look it the pale cheek, the worn wearied kwk et many of oúr young folk* to tell their »wde of Ufe. I» some the midnight chill . may speedily develop into the rough, eon-lumptiou and premature death, ■ i» others the evil nwdt may lx< hardly perceptible, •ccordtoi'tothe difference of eorMitution, b^t njierthtkax in all there ia a» ityney *^to hrelth, and faa^y of the iib that trouble tho man of mature ago may bo traced to the irregataritSre <«f youth. Besidro, ¿umeatie relatioei and tiow*-tie happinese nuu* sufk* fa afirt jwi ftvtu. youthful extravagance. He wl» fau spent year after yw hi* owniwge h the club-roup», fa tho ealesw, In the ball-ryom. or wi a foative gathering one right i» one house anolicr fa another, ia ’wit going to change hii life all at «nw. Ha who ha* been one nl^t here and anothw there will not aftwwsttda dl doww «xfc. totitfdly wary evening at hie own fire-niidt; be who be», aesglft pleww tw ie tiw ooaepaay of many, leaving th* wwwüado* of