EL UVALDE TIMES DICIEMBRE 24.1978 PAGE 4 Un Mensaje A La Conciencia Texas Travel Facts POR EL HERMANO PABLO And Oddities 3 LEONES SUELTOS Bernard Griebner, de 21 anos de Guardian de leones en Gelsenkirchen, Alemania, entro al parque Safari de la ciudad, un jardin zoologico comercial y abrio las jaulas de los leones. Diecinueve fieras salieron de sus encierros y rugieron en libertad. A la manana siguiente los trabajadores del parque hallaron solo ropas ensangrentadas y restos de huesos y carne humana. Bernard habid sido devorado. edad , Dias antes, Bernard habia sido despedido de su puesto de guardián. ¿La razon? Tenía mal genio y no se llevaba bien con sus capataces y compañeros. Es decir, tenía leones sueltos dentro de su cuerpo, leones de la ira, del enojo y de la furia. Cuando fue despedido se enojo' aun más. Dijo que él era más capaz que ninguno de manejar leones. Los Esa noche se fue al parque, y abrio las jaulas de todas las fieras, quizá' para demostrar que era buen domador. Pero los animales pudieron mas que el y Bernard murió destrozado. Con las fieras salvajes no se juega, pues uno nunca sabe cuán fieras pueden ser. Texas offers a series of ten Travel Trails specifically designed as pleasure-driving routes. They avoid major Interstate and U.S. H igh wa y s wherever possible, rambling over less-used state and farm roads (all paved) for close up personal views of ten different regions of the state. The driving routes follow the state’s most scenic rural highways and lead to each area’s foremost sites of recreational, historical and visitor interest. Texas Travel Trails are signed on the highways and interpreted by free folders from state tourist bureaus - Texas Highways Magazine. nation. - Texas Highways Magazine. The world’s most famous source of beautiful red-plum agate, as well as a dazzling array of other gem and mineral varieties, is the Woodard Agate Ranch on State Highway 118 south of Alpine, Texas Rock hunters probe Rock hunters probe the ranch’s 4,000 acres of rugged mountain-desert landscapes and carry home their finds for a modest 35 cents per pound. ranch lapidary experts offer amateurs free help in grading specimens. There are also RV sites with hookups. - Texas Highways Magazine. world's first oil-boom town, has been recreated in Beaumont, Texas, where Anthony Lucas’ 1901 gusher resulted in the famous Spindietop Oil Field, introducing the modern petroleum industry. - Texas Highways Magazine POSADAS EN UVALDE: El Grupo Guadalupano de Uvalde sigue ■ 0 4' Ml He aquí amigo, algo para reflexionar. “Leones sueltos” podemos titular esta disertación. Las pasiones que duermen semidomadas dentro de nosotros, se parecen a los leones de Griebner. Pueden manejarse dentro de nosotros, por un tiempo, si tenemos mucho cotrol y mucho tino. Pero, ¿quien sabe cuándo van a embravecerse? Y quien sabe que podra dominar fácilmente sus pasiones, cuando éstas se enfurecen? Every Sunday from December through April is “live steam day” at The Engine Room Steam Museum in Alamo, Texas. The museum is among a host of attractions in Texas southern popular winter throughout sub tropical tip, haven visitors a for from the Babe Didrickson Zaharias, the world’s greatest woman athlete of the early 20th Century, is honored by a memorial museum in her hometown of Beaumont, Texas.-Texas Highways Magazine. Gladys City, Belton, Texas, v established in a hu in 1850. It is s that before any sto were built, the first merchant sold goods from his wagon, and the first saloon was barrel of whiskey and a tin cup under a shade tree. --Texas Highways Magazine. In the heart of Big Bend National Park in West Texas are the Ch isos spirit) Among Spanish about the is the story that on dark, black nights, they go away to visit other mountains in Mexico. -Texas Cont’d on Page 5 (ghost or Mountains. ancient folk tales mountains LAS teniendo gran éxito con las posadas que se celebran anualmente en Uvaíde. Presenciamos aqui la posada en la residencia del Sr. el pasado martes. CYO Will Perform.... who will be participating will be Mary Aviles as the Angel; Josie Maldonado as Mary; Oscar Orona as Joseph; Julian Contreras as Melchor, Eleazar , Trevino Gaspar; Toro Jorge Blanca Freddy Soledad Ana Alamillo, Dolores Esnada. Hilda Cuellar, Hernandez as the shepperds; Mike Diaz, Eleazar Lugo, Jr. and Eligió Trevino as pages; Judy Canales as the Narrator. the y Sra. Alfredo Flores there will be singing of Christmas carols by the Mariachi Choir and the Sacred Heart Choir as del Baltazar; Acosta, Velasquez Alejandro, de la Cerda Roland as Others assisting in the play are Maria Ibarra , sound; Ana Aviles, lighting; Iza Ibarra, make up; John Aviles and M. del stage props; Teresa Castellanos, costumes. Direciting the play is Rev. David G. Following the play Valle, Sister Perez Special participants during the mass will be a Seminarian from Sacred Heart Church, Joe Aviles, and the four candidates to the permanent diaconate-Tony Fortunato Charlie Hector Garcia. Hinojosa, Crow and La gran mayoría de los crímenes, de las muertes, de las violaciones, de las heridas que se causan, provienen de un momento en que no se supo o no se pudo dominar alguna pasión desatada. Cuando el aposto! Pedro nos dice que el diablo anda alrededor nuestro “como león rugiente, buscando a quien devorar”, esta' haciendo una descripción vivida del gran Adversario nuestro y de como y quiénes son sus ayudantes. Texas Economic Growth May Slow Down Journalism.... Cont’d from Page 1 newspapers,” said Steve Montiel, who was co-director of the 1978 Summer Program (SPMJ). Cuando el diablo quiere destruir una persona, inflama sus pasiones y las pasiones son leones sueltos dentro de la mente, del corazón del alma, y destruyen al que tiene y destruyen a los que toman contacto con el. Solo Jesucristo, amigo Jesus, actuando desde poder de su ayudarnos a destructivos. Espíritu domar mío. Solo el Señor arriba en la fuerza y y su Palabra, puede todos esos leones AUSTIN: Comptroller Bob Bullock forecast Monday in a revenue report to the Legislature that Texas ... economic prosperity will continue for the next two years but he cautioned that national forces may slow down the rate of the state’s growth. billion more that the state is spending in its current budget. 9 GOLDEN DEUGHT I Serving You Has Brought Us great Joy. Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo La Familia Lozano La, Gitana Tortilleria fa ® Overall, all minorities comprise only about 4% of the editorial staffers of U. S. newspapers. S PM J’s goal is to help increase this percentage- and thereby help improve coverage of minority communities- by training 15 to 20 persons each year and placing them directly in newspaper reporting jobs. The estimate includes a $743.2 million balance expected to be left in the treasury August 31, but that figure includes $300». million which has already been appropriated to the agencies by the Legislature and may be spent. The balance may be further reduced by special or emergency appropriated by the incoming Legislature. mild that spend more Comptroller will be available. constituion the money from and other Bullock’s estimate said. predicted that from existing and other He predicted that Texas’ economic growth will slow down to less than three Cont’d on Page 5 o A O Eastside Shell Truck Stop 278-9652 ■ jro Wishing You And Yours A Wonderful A^n.¿4Í»itzu Even with a mild recession in mid-1979, though, state government will have available for its budget record taxes sources, revenue “Our program at U.C. Berkeley is nationally recognized as one of the best training grounds for newspaper reporters,“ said Frank Sotomayor, an SPMJ board director. Bullock money taxes sources will top $21.2 billion in the 1980-81 budget period, or 2.8 The requires Comptroller to make a revenue estimate at the start of each legislative session, and under the state’s pay-as-you-go policy the Legislature cannot —end more than the says Besides the recession, Bullock’s estimate is based on assumptions that there will be a gradual recovery and federal policies will bring inflation under control by mid-1981. “We offer free tuition and room and board,” Sotomayor said. “And we guarantee a full time newspaper job upon completion of the 11 week training period.” “Yet, in the past, we have received relatively few applications from Latinos. We urge all qualified persons to apply now.’ Applications are now available for the 1979 program, to be held June 17-August 31 at the School of Journalism, University of California, Berkeley The deadline for completed applications Cont’d on Page 8 Clváotmai) As the Christmas glow adds to the spirit of the season, we think it a fine time to thank all our customers for their very loyal and friendly patronage. A Merry Christmas to all! Ed Kaufmann Texas Farm Bureau 111 Calera St. 278-9181