“EL HERALDO CRISTIANO.** Official organ of the Methodist Church, Spanish Work in the Southwest. Editor, A. Niñea. Co-Edítor Mrs. J. I. Juares. ('ontributing Editors: Eaequiel Alvirea, Rnu| Salazar, R. M. Díaz, Esaú P. Muñoz. Manager, Rev. Frank Ramos. Published Monthly. Annual Susbscrip- tion, r>0c. Publication Office, P. 0. Box 73, Station A, San Antonio, Texas. Entered as second class matter March 25, 1939, at the post office nt El Paso, Texas, under the Act of March 3, 1879. NUM. 243 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, JUNIO DE 1940 EPOCA II ■ pi jiiS/yv Bl i Concilio de Obispos de la Iglesia Metodista Primera Fila: Obispos Herbert Welch, R. E. Jones, H. Lester Smith, U. V. W. Darlington, Francis J. McConnell, John M. Moore, Edwin W. Hughes. Segunda Fila: Obispos Ralph S. Cushman, W. W. Clair, J. R. Chitambar, James Cannon, Jr., J. C. Bloomfield, Hoyt M. Dobbs. Tercera Fila: Obispos Chas. C. Selecman, Ivan Lee Holt, W. E. Hammaker, John Gowdy, J. L. Decell, J. C. Baker, Paul B. Kern, F. T. Keeney. Cuarta Fila: Obispos W. C. Martin, J. Ralph Magee, A. W. Leonard, Titus Lowe, Arthur J. Moore, E. F. Lee, Chas. L. Mead, J. W. Picket. Quinta Fila: Obispos Clare Purcell, W. W. Peele, E. L. Waldork, J. H. Straughn, J. E. Gattinorri, G. Bromley Oxnam, A. P. Shaw. Ultima Fila: Obispos Ralph A. Ward, R. J. Wade, E. G. Richardson, John M. Springer, A. Frank Smith. IgX THIS DRAWING IS SUBSTANDARD FOR PRINTOUT FROM MICROFILM