THE DAILY RANCHERO. volumi; i.; II. MATAMOROS, MEXICO, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1865. ¡NUMBER 135. .li.ilc ui,.i di-gnide. /U/i/,770 ILi1 <-uiy it-aiiitfr.l un power, utid il« purity . fu-r Hhutini ,-itr-n *1 ! ite-iul l>> icii I) i Gen. Mejia to have j hnzin A «aoi»«ti*sei*eir1. by d'.-igniug pei 'Oil« in inula* it tippeui tuGie I ', dernl euiiiu.t.i'di > ut F"it Binan. CONSPIRACY. The Diabolical Plot Discovered, been Assassinated* 820,000 I lie Price That Coii'jfitat >. ta'.c.’H uUuii'lu.,' •' . ' , ! OH I Illi Olli.T l.l'l'H. .1 l" i,' l’,’"'"ííi-i ‘i"w'h.:?'tv‘ah'n ¡None but Americans' h-’-* «->- s till! lll'tlll.'tV beli'W Illi" City, util It I - . , - u.'i-e:. ih. tin-i .u n [,n iniicuuiiM .osm» Implicated, Wt have TTio'im" Mt'jai.nnd the Lui.iiig "s.r <’l i' br'u.l the inline sf Lieut. । eiuie within oar t-'ieli v, «i.iiefit for. 'lliin. like a '.■onc''ivrd tonspim.h.... in-and i'Rti rmnilicaiimi'. tn.: IL Wu have Wf|i' in hnpr'i'i.d pay. mid .'i.j.-yiug ii'nii'l'is.'i' 'f''i'"r ei ini'-iva-perfidy ¡vid trcuehry. :u.d |ri.v>- Aiiierii’iin in ILh i'ily every»Lern in fact -Hill'd I.e-mly and humili.itingly fi-.'l. They si hi) luiin fomented th in e 'iHpnn-•■y. tlii'iiidi lh‘‘y ttrny !!"<• Ii.'yond iinp'i’ml nutliorily, will fmd ihnti'W-lvi's lulimve.l not no siinimnry ii . Ihil iallir!">l by llu-nw.ii'J, will be far more imril.le. Kveti the iincotnjnon ennui v out law: thnu?h they nre. obtaining their living by mb-bfity ftnd pillugo are dnuliiy lUiui.ed by their i'OinpÍH'iiy hi ¡m appalling a nnnli- id ivnrfare, mill if ¡ins lliing were wanting tn IIOTKLS ». RKSTA Utt ANTS. PRtiitiMKHA kf.TTAVflATT. Tiiailu iiin esciiiu;and hu« nc*t been urriMled. • Asuiiian Uoxurm.icv.—We are iiell. rj'HE bii«iue«s^if nu¡^!irni^in thw. < them fur wltk-mnit; and all iwumk , , , I , , , . . i.i itidcLU'il are rei)i>e«ti d l„ pav urevi'i.H I» that li.'stiuiouy coréis the wlio.e ur future «-ide from,tli"h, (Ih'dsiiii’s nnswen Io tho little nttenlion. iiiti'crog til ions propounded linn on trial doubly eout icted II ini of all that Will cbiirgi’d. None bul Amvricniii weie iinplicnled ¡ fenu nt difficulty between the lm|*crinl in lhe plut. and iuuvt'i ii r tl.iubl Aiile ' muí United Slates aiilLoritiis. The fust p'ie.ui liiuclieiy is iiihtl.-dlo iisri-ud,nicy p'ffm I will be lo induce Imperial trii'*ps to । oiu nil olli.T N-iiic of the cuntía-1 fire nt somebody or s.'iii- Uiii g in the di ■' ri't'lk'ii of Biown-iviEe in tli? fii.jfe i/etting led In to e ii I er Hint place, i* hoe id lids not । milwhI by a ruse golti n up fur 1l.e pur-j pose, a pack of villains now in Bruwsvilh'-for I lie object have agreed lo nnkc a ■ m covert Juitdiiig on this «ide in the uigbl uiirl fire upon that place, then flro and •-i, belli ci>iii¡.t'tlvJ chuTgi* it im a premed ¡luted attack by lhe ..ild mdv lie inti'n'.ilini'i linjieriiif forces upon our tuighboring ■ -...........11 town. Wuunfy tnetliuti ihc maliw to [mt nil parties on llieif But ns it ii both cun-1 1‘UTXaM ., , , , , ¡ H. MnthnliirfM, Oct. il. fQ85. 131 «t tempibie tmd transparrn!. Wt need only to • ! i.iy Unit, an effort will scoti !>e male, I p.H«ib!y wn«r made diiriuif llit! night. In **' HE c h.'telnftue esiibug in tbi< ", ' 3 «. Horkt. .t «'•>.. 1» ii'iin lliii iluy diwlvvd by inulniil < umriit. Mr. Hv. Duvkh'ikh will li,|Ui4,itc il.t bu»nit'>»i>r the Ji rm. p.-rpr:i WM. MORFI. Hi ttnilAMuNf*. |.-t ¡.i., L. U. 1 ER. - f| HK co hi rrlnfoi J dty timfrr Ihr *fyk tf Vi ib iiHifi ihin iLiv ih^/ilwrl bv h Riem ht.,1 * Sptfif-r. rpHK flesuuirmit atUehniei.t of th. j> flu- cmiflplr-, I '.i. y, Aitve m.ij eti-'.jil Ibe (’upliiin mid ■ ' Li. utvomil, and it i« in fvidi-nv<■ that lliu । | whok' company id fori Mnlaiizu» were to Matamoros Sold by the Cun-. haw imil »urri'ud>.-H'd io,and [nil to deslh ■ by lie- outlaw.1.. I Mtidi of ibe n.ihiiiiii ,r.ihiiuing In this Plastering mid i fiiit'iil Work! pint tort for $35.01 M). Flic (*iil,v 1o iisivei been l>illas¡,». P r o y r <* n s II o #? wn.t rr Re-otwncA na the last. Fur ll.e rec'-piinn ami acc'mmo'l ilion of ¡te • M a iJ iiuiiter.iiu • .«turners and g.nrite. N.. hire U.-n iparetl to rnake lire i' >íu:ph t; tn till" Hi-t.',. I .ly. TliO Witt-« ail.t l,r.i.,,.r« were purebsaed io Frtn- e. t-y .me nf Ike pn-prii'tiui nf th». U-i««e, au.! «iiuu. t („• eji. elieJ, if cqcit'e.l. by any t FnpUa t.hl IiiJ-l builii.iV the '■i|y W:is Io -fil-igo King nf llit! Ray (Mo.> Circuit i'.kiM nut h.i1.'- Tie- moti.-lruux । Cavalry Skirmish. ij The Enemy Retreat. i m c i.'fuhitnui nt uur1 plot d m>y I Li. iit. Biirrli.cnmiit.mdin;; it evlnp.iny of Wi'iD' I «'lint-, t» hnse tv th'« tn iruinr ih h¡4 elm! .-Iltli A mil ii.ill ti.-llve.idf. i-’i'itiui ib1 h iift'h' mid tl iule. I'Oll h l<- h.itsvi'i'ii the North mui. tinii.-d yi"'!.r.iíiy (I, According Hi publb uiten in Bi.iivin. ville. hixt ev.. irm.y slip!.... Hint Of tln>gin|ihy. Al Ilium tli ',itiiti'*iiil. Hint it • ENEMY'S BATTERY BEATEN OFF i1" rV'"1 r,',r'"|H'v!’3 k,,tM IE ruin .mi' jcutorJoy 'i Etirj.| ATTIiMPI' TO S1IKLI THE TOM.V, Ik'll-KHHtl I 'm iii>Iin f tint I'»», b I ¡.'•i' ptnsiiiiity. dum.ii*o of <*«n*tqiifitri*. n« is gft'crnlly "he ■n m pul II R1'. uliinlmii " । nt >1. Ifm-mit Cfty. f'-r prra. I.ietf wilhmil । I ilk <1 u flu1 'nilh ui Uh* jtiiiw fmHhtiiH.iii Falfi. r t'i.'i in. a | - n -1 nt fl .i.u.Im. lukim, Wintld l.kewi'r' be pim«'«K|<।,.111,.।,.tf ,i... i... । t . ,i .in"■'* comm miiy to picture to tiiein ! mui hxecüti'ii. I «ellas ihc li"ii"rn they ban) i-scnpeJ, • ■ . i).;ori,'li ihc viL'diMiff id the hnpirhil I'.iiilmiy I.i Lus and the [flighted faith ui the (’.iited Slides, he inntdeied fill who. fell into hi« biindi. e »ecti the tiflicini inmr.iln wtinmt of I hr 'flu- iniisn! ufn portion of fbelli ul siiti-.fy the wot Id nt large what tliv Impi*'' tLe li-.e.'i is Jn-iulv vv ¡ire led, if iiiey h.iiv liul g-iveriinieut is cimt.'iidiiig for, ilm run-i-piuics hi .pli'iiliotl, SVonM furnish a (<'!'•' mb'y Halislii.'li'ry ¡-'"liuii'u. Ai-d Hu-Mv.Siciili jn'iijiti' upon belli,' 111 id-' :i'' ij.iniuliii willi all tin' liiets and Imrror* "■(' ihi" -i -i ''inulimi ami pil'.ig.' pi.,I, c:ii'i.i । l.iil tn Ijvhohl the-bi'itii '.vli'.'h :r,s.ii! Ihi-ni inil aivnv. to-in. Th.' i'liltun (M>i.) Irltgrapli anyji, the setn'i able Thv'i lloidwnrv, who Iv.ia liven I pii«tnr of lhe Hid .•b-limd IhiptiM ("hureli. | II-, thill pl.iil'. b-r the i.Ht 'Zt* Tear*., nfid a pLeudif'i' nt Ihc GiiHpci lor Ujiwerd ol lutll 1 mi atuiy. [ir.-ui-In-.I !ii« fiIs. rtnou Io I'm tm llil'l lul'Hin.i!. -r mrkr. INNliKl ! 1 ION 111 II tlWllIT. I» it ni comiiíichi. inivrAi ■<> th- III Whl!«t pel h'lltlll.[ *.('¡e» e in «hidlitie -i city ->r iiiwn tv.iuln niarrli iiitu mid tirar it ; but whilut i this wit-, i;.dug illy, or in nn-i) .if t'l-i-i at [Hrtiibl''. n it luid Hit ll. tfl--*: I win.t UN tn:« *<.«r H. 17.1 C.f Bfi/t >« !>.< t toieaal'ihal «mvi- III» a!,"- ‘j.l.l! reí .illlúllg theillk.'ivv:. for the ......... ri.ih'-y . :i .'mispirucy /igaiust I hr- g.-ih lyi.u.t al ll.e Ix'ioi of tilHiiri v.-.uld n way । vi I and Len.1 ■ wmdd i "Il Id:' l"-il-bal', about the blrevH, to «ay iiolhin,; l-,r;.ii Ii-.ujs and tiiiuv.ód.ib!.' |o'ntluir. •ij.j.i.'. d the o.ilhiur ml.iii'i'i. hfid thni; l:.V II.i- r'hntict'i. hi Hie .i.iiiir r.l b'-ii'¡Kry iiin'ipinicy tur llu' enjoy merit t,l ii Ullin brief- xeij hiief -uiithoi ily. Nott hern PiriitIs. . Ill uh .idj' I.'ib-e I Aiifitli'i'bull 'ifrii'-1. n li"'i-r. in-ur llie! M.nn I'tuz.i and hiuiI’i r.-d frnj'iii. iite of1 bri.'i;« a pnriy of htp gveH,1 "ns nl " al'.' ,w¡ki vanished in « mu-lhiiig li st tlmn J"1'I’1’1 " ■ । dinibli. i| lick linie. t A ríe II <'X|ilude.| in Plii/.n t‘upi|l,i, I lint llii* the hud f "I n.i.titiiivd !"llg I lio* A illhvril (M.i«< ) Expies*! DRY GOODS. (ill!. Mlns I , 'I -Irl-Mh. • 1t"-.t. ,n I I Hu I.eri • 'i । . 5»,¥- \ p.-u- in -i t IMIVIM. WI IHil’.llV. ini i., rM r.tnttixwiiv no iittn-'k mili 1li« so .Hilfiide, | iho city. . ■iuiiif"|i.iit'lv nilor I lie lurln at th# iiorHi- NT:ir Iv.imiiirtuns A ail if expedí (inn i. (Ill Ing out in tin «Litir ("'.si.. (u plant u fti|; ut the Nmlii llini ihiie The pi npiwil ox |K di I ion in ib iciili.'-l by u London jmirmil : " A «leankt of lu'ii hundred fnim Hi'W , tin* altiif'It irua tudiuw lile Iiu¡h'riiil lur 1 h'c.i to tl.-i nt I ltd point, wlnlil th.'1 in Hu- ............... I H,.' Imi I'srhu in- Atlill' f«t H fui «4S' I I»' h.iili thrtt i.ltlr the I b'ltt- Hl nf III.' Hl. I'llri,,' h'l'l.e Io (her llilhl hl' villi p'l IH Hi'V'fi higher II» ll<* . Cl*'!' I* •» lib111 wt'l Buy luv |«'w mid«0 io tl nil .Slnntnl* h«i|ii<»ol all i./i/. n ni. ii Two Thoumind DoHluih! Mr i «it »i •! ii.-i-i" i i'i tii'tt 1 iiiiiili'ry, when a u.-lt directed tire fii.m , ' the forte [oil the biifbiy tu.d mippol't I"'' flight, |r*u i Ing li H-Id nd, we were fold, ' '-xpiw-il gnu, At this jiiijclnr.' a iHiu-linw.t of [s riii! nii'ulry charged hi and lin«| upon ,milll, |lv Wl|| K„ t„ [„.,,, Il(„) my ; Ihi- llcliig uutlinri for ni'irit than n uulu. ! ii" gu*sl a pinvi* tu shirt hem u# uny pi-w . Ihivttiun wns l.umglit Inn-Il wimndvil J11 l*1" 'll....................... " from tln> pursiiil ,uid r'liiiiiug rkiilui«h: . ..... ”71’. ' . ,, , h , I Aiirnvru W •ito'-i '''uant und we who 1o!d-m ihc Mr.-U ihi-t ................ |'u [uio'M'X, k»»H lhe phbiri child Imd bi'i n injiin'd by the eipl.ipion ,>f'uh' iialulilvd lur uur bi.i'hiu, «. a Kli'dl, but nol ivi'i.. diiwii'1'.f i" diltfi. uiid itun but a It Ulin l.i..«< «¡Il my a wind tigiu jmi. ||<>pm , Unit tm tsiili'i* nl iruhld" tuny i ver rlilu 'i.'tiiN* villi’ |ifiiici'hil hrci*i<. I hotirludi* 11bt*e remullía mili il.t* kdntwing c.uty-mi'iil : W.'iuiiii' • she i* n g..,hl i'i|g. Imi soy-inje ul I'xphr.djmi intuir Ibe ivy cii'.'le She whs io have been [ihiectl under th11 cininiiarid id a i'ni.>.M.iii n.itiititl fttiliiindd ' ■ Ims lit-eii refused leave, ai ni a 1 Li 1.1 bin i< tojiia.u mimed lldger-tnaim will lend ihe etitt'i pi ise. 11 i* Mip purled bt liuids rnlwd uniting tlm Keiiate un.I .'itiVriH ol flnmliiirg mid Brciiii'ii; ilm iniirmij rrrriir.'d him been nearly ü.nde up, while tli.' balance, it Is bnliuvcil. will ut olive bt- iihlnitied ¡The v.-wl ef.ij-tu ihiii svrek lor Hammer- Tlx' i.i.ilhi'rn picli'iinl paprtu nbmiii-l willi plcturo'i wlu.s' -Un me im Wunier. bol liu ih'ci-imy i'i n Cmirm tu huiium i.iitui'.- ilaulf. ■ '¡'he Riibjci'! of them; in guni'inliy the enn-ipjri'i d pi'r>[>!e of the (’mil’, df-rm'y hi a l.tlu number of iIm-|Kir’n Wcikly flu1 hub ' jet is the rilutn nf the northern imldirr । tii.d the return of tho confedérale. The first is n home of ph-.ty, svilh Iho emblems , fvsi, <.» the euau of Norway, sviivre it i«, ofheulHi nod ibe upplinticc.i of tamiloi l ' c:>ky m pick up n crr-iv necimtutiied t" ¡ Tim confedéralo in Hie id cl turu* ton" Arti'"! hardy fullowa, imukvd ; r . . , v ton Emy, in blubber of svatrua and seat i f.-reum mid rooflw hut wuh u mm suf., . vuVü |ur l|u) u(|1<|j u|)d n(icual„mt(l U1, wtuilcd to a bldoita iikeleton, sire I died On , (>¡r|£ way w¡tli u lillle cruft aiviij ii couch drnjivd wilh the tatters of srretch-the chilly chimneln nf puck ice, «nd -ni.ik i-duew and lilts skuleton of un Jyinc ?. n¡J;hi id it, . n rl . 1 l I l ' ' Sl-ptl lillWT <"'‘1 mi i.i'.1 floor. Borpente aro (lieplwyf' l Ihm 1 j,r¡| •t:ng around ibe hed nod draped from the I • • rafitr.-i. Tim svlmlu ptetnie is fliA'cinnmi-j tear of n spirit too mean to frel any M'iv.o ol’chnmn. The hldemis ctiricnluiv h; us. di "..litote of truth us it is of sense, wit or humor, i-nd as full of falsehood iu il n of i OT,- .1 .................. - ....- AVt-ro the publlshere of theec ¡nfttooua t-r, of Indiums uvoniH-, (liieugo, di*-d of picturee «lona couoerocd, it would Nl frc-; hydrophobia recently "I he child wax hit-proper to notice them, siuce the notoriety .......... ",'1 ** ‘....... ‘ of shame seems to them thoBweeteet forte., , ________________ But tbOM plctureu ar. approved and ap > Why„ra W(mien |I1C m0¿t piauded by lhe nation where they are pufo ¡ unreaeonobh people 7—Aeon* « lished, showing not only a disregard! of ptrt soft MUr whin it rowi hard. public decency, but a delight in the vim loiloti of it, which it Is not too much to say, huvti no pa tallol in the btolóry of other nations. The Infamy Is not alone wilh the pub-Iiabere and tho public who pay them, nor it the inwult atone to the conquered people now ,' wlieii i'Vi'i.m,? begin* in Septi iiilwr und niormug dmin't arrive , ". With tbliKtrttW of Nniwnen, with lhe Engllidt ahtpuml the Ttauscuile eapUfii. the parly will al mire prúeccd from llmnmerfcat 1“ fh*" eoat coast of Spiir.hnrgen, mid Him ire m Giili» I «nd, from si hi ch bottit the net nal object nl exploration will be ttilmiJ upon." Sfiy* A child of Mr. KiiI.ik. u hutch ; ion nn thn 3d of Aujfiiit. A numlier of , oilier» have been bi Hen. ..— MSP Whal disorder excites ibe great-eat oompaaelon TM «maUpoz, for tM patent m grrtitra/ly pitied (.pithed) W Wlwn vonr halrg •■ta into dirorder, what liaatben tteiiy ahouGl you aatno f Comae (comb us). The Riitn of inm'iey utipnluti'd to Ik* paid for tlm anlo of fort Mnfnnenv wua thirty live thmf"ind .lollani, mid for tin* । RAinaiilnution of Hen, Mrjla twenty tfimi. ! sand inure ; a poimmi of which luma lied । Iwuu paid over, mid Hie rtaidiut a as ya 1 in Brow ivivillr. [ Of etinrso pnrtics in Biownavillr «ero hinpll' tttrd deeply hi Hit) eOiiHpIl'iU'y, (X | lending vteu to a federal officer, whwie I mum- «e do tm! i.»w ftienihm. I A grin'nd nyrtrni of robbery and turen ¡ siuMtioi) wus to I» initignrated inuiwliute *ly after tba cupünro of the city, It U unneccwarjy lo moro than add that Hie ulreete of Natamoroa were to mu with In. nocent blood, «^property, with h^rejuij there an excepilon, waa to be cmhníon ¡ anil a targei Cfa« of piopfc rewlding H*#* known aa cODfednrates were to be shown no mercy. On Samlay morning, twelve honra before fort Ml at an mw wui to be itirtcudurod W. W, UIjoIhei wtt aejeated, and the sense day was tried, ígeud guilty and executed. Hi* confrere ia erime, Lieut. Butch, by which ñame he ie known here, MiT Ihirinir iIm night gum were firing ol imi rvnl.; ami, m t¡lwl| IM| uftuck wan uppa'luud d tedow the nly, hul ihi-firing dii'tI uway ah,>.it 1*J u'ch'i'li ' . ................ This moriiing u lorn* nimum. prnlmhly i «Ut...............non ........... Mr Ihiilii," well mil, Is te’ing hctii'd now and tlii'ii, lni( ' ruid u eotuw-l to it niiiuw, a Ip, happem-d If lv thing tm tlm i lly it 'I.hhiiuI often ‘ ~ "V....................... hit ibe mark, lurgt- u« lhe m.irli in Al fl'III' n’lll'iek |> ID-, li'kleriltty, lhi> ene-i my ndv>u।lied n ,iki!iiii«h l.to1 m-ur tit- river iilmvi* t!ie oily, but an Im per i» I f,>r..'u was tliraw Hiernemy to retire at n di-eid.-dly gait. Whal damiign the ever fui ted enemy an ata Iwd during H>o day is unl.iiown, l.m it could not han. been lu-uvy, ks*iu < i< mn.g thehorison This ni*Mi.¡r^ Hié i.-.tíu, 11* decidfdiy (icol with driving dbuds. tl.AliW » I .SI. IN HUM.-i, FWiM H । ii'INai ¡N ilHXI *. ntfAi.H 1 Un NAU i.S f r UiKH, AN ltd. Ilk. i DIUHAl.h.CAbMlii. AH'Uilul.. M.iiillil IH. Film'll l‘HM I Ilul.l'l.s *ioMiL\HKD HII.IL IT,U It!;**. Ci)(H, ALK. ' Ul.GATKSOAf*. IIH'f , fTfl'-ilC.U ' --- AI. iCBKWINf: ANU'TUftA' I », I tWtlt" III' I.I'I', . Uotemrr.ini «I..-M i.«»r l‘e,.ii «iti-i'l !>» tn. in l«‘a Inll.-r, "You Imvi* known Ui.- d. i< ndnnt n loin? lit.... what mo law l.iibti*1 lorwt' or otlivnviM'?' "Iho on* hr'ei I'ot r>n nosv 1 Ihlilk ii lutlm imhl mid r 1,'' replied P.uks. 'tmid the emitiH'l | AWAf.IMKHK * KOH Lt UIT'T'HB LOR SA ON I, t U F. K X I. II >1 •' <>. l.i.ti in hull ll'ui'i liaaai», -i i..fifi mui Wjr llitrr# is hut«, sti-p Ii. ■un'ii'iv. i.ire up ,'uk-. by Ihr rffl>t«, (liNiiimiited ehiirrli.■«, Ir I vil!»-g>» waste, imd over Inn mil a hity-dui'k." Hill PPItV<3 K'Hifftl IHf If AV. wiim. -ui iiiEiiN । ci!':;. IIAI'I*. t 1.1 lUR .if .Iiprt, ,l t.nitldi, 1 f'Mnth "I #1‘. LI!1!< MllN'if.L 3-- If. Matilln ib'pt il. Il-IL'. . FOll T4.Ml»tC 132 6t MAZA * uaiMCIIK. w*6i.t» Tumriro. Reldrn a Ii nmi . i.m.. ' I, Ufbi s' !'! ' ■ . ,,.'wi,. Admite i-orita y [umwitui. m .. tom*-|íMi« . i m.i-'i i.i" rftr.K h MAM'FtfVt'nr trt# • liift I N»" l« " 1¡' 'll,Hi'frrtl IHI, All "■ ... '.«tv fl" |-(U "J !v ' have. ni"i .!•. hevf. E-r. ;4'Hti tllplnn,** M* i'f'r- UI1’ |-' ( 1 • i" 11- iiv«w by «kill ,f.| «¡«'tlif-ii-..-- *1." " Im'i'-I tl-*'Myutnili, ' l.i'irJhli rre..i h 'b-nimi.f -l 1'Mfn, Hfint of I'NOKRTAKlNf), l« »t.r i tn umiwii •»«>(.-»«a Fnrntehfrig un«i VrlmmUig ('«Mr.». Mi Vwd and iiifUll.' MitiAJ, PIlUFfcfteiUX »«itn m»!•<*<• i,» qni-m,» ! Ki.A.f eo .v • ai i <