reaching the *top", we should give ourself a rest. But to Doctor his life is' just starting. He wants us who have more privileges than he to take advantage of them. Education to him is not purely aT matter of money__it is the will — our compass. If we point our keel toward success, we’ll get there — someday. But it is better late than never!.# So now Doctor is starting a new career, that of liftiííg up our name through education! May we wish him success in his fork for our people? I am sure he gives us the same regards! ♦IF WE HAD A MEXICAN YOUNG MEN’S CLUB ) We Might, through Organization Learn to work together Share our common knowledge and interests x Cooperatively undertake to solve some problems too large for us to solve as individuals Have an opportunity to understand the other fellow’s viewpoint. Establish some group standards or ideals Share in a fine fellowship with each other We Might, through Discussions, Discover What are the greatest problems Mexican young men are facing in the United States today; what we can do about them What opportunities arc open to Mexican people What each of us wants most from life; what is worth while Hovr each of us may best fit himself into the life of the community in which he lives — become a good citizen, , he Might Undertake some Activities, such as — Discussion groups to discuss social, political economic and personal problems (Continued on page 16) M°t_e ~ This article is from a bulletin which came to us from the Tulare County YMCA 9