________ ___ PagejD ______ LOS UNIDOS - — in track and basketball. NINO VILLA: Letterman in varsity baseball, track, and captain of the football team. OPHILIA VASQUEZ: this little lady hopes to an Operatic career and we hope she attains her goal. ■ TOBY HERMA14DEZ: is a pitcher on Varsity baseball team a.nd one of his greatest accomp1ishments was Tlffi MEXICAN _V_0IC.E ______ Club Issue the defeat of Joe Lopez, of Hamilton and. All-City Pitcher, in a pitchers duel. Score: 7 to 5. RAUL SANCHEZ: track holds the favor of Raul and likes the 440 yd jog, which he has covered In 51.6. There, that’s just a sample of what the Mexican youth is doing all around us. Vie can only wish "Los Unidos" the best of luck and sincerely hope they continue tc be UMITED.______________Cosme J. Peña EL DORADO CLUB FULLERTON HIGH & JUNIOR COLLEGE Ina Gerritt The "El Dorado Club" was organized in 1936 as a result of a conversation between Jesus Figuerro and me in the class room. I suggested and he immediately went about getting the names of the people who were interested In a club petition. The club was started with Jesus as President. There were less than fifteen members that first year, but we had a very nice club and felt that we accomplished much. Our officers for this year have been as follows: President______ Nora Aldrete V’.ce-presidont_______Barbara Soza Secretary............Mary Gonzales Treasurer. . . . __.........Irene Arias Program Chrmn________Pura Aldrete Reporter..........Ottillio Cordova Our first activity was a party for our new -embers which was held in the Social Hall of the high school in October. Then came the Regional Conference held on December 10. All members hope that it will become an annual affair. Next event occuréd on February 29th when we were fortunate to have David Villa- señor as our guest speaker for our club meeting. In the evening the students gave a buffet supper At my home in David’s hcQor. On May Bth we had a very interesting and profitable trip to Padua Hills (we accomplished the feat of putting 24 people in one sedan and two coupes for the 30 mile trip. (I think vie can all qualify as sardine packers). On June 7th we had a picnic at Orange County park which ended our year as a club. The boys have had a basketball team and are now playing softball. These last two activities were planned by Mr. Collins and the softball team is being coached by Felix Castro. Two clubs have beer, organized in the grades by ats of the club. V/e have put o'; entertainment part for the P..LA. meetings and have served the refreshments. Tillie Arias and Josie Holguin also entertained for the Business and Professional. Women’s Club. In fact the club has responded in every vray for sch.ool, civic, and club affairs of the cc munity. We have aroused enough interest in our work to have ths Kiwanis Club pay the expenses of one of our boys to the Conference at San Pedro. As to the value of the club. That is something that is so intangible but the teachers and administrators in the school feel that it is very valuable in its general effect. It was selected as one of (cent’d on p. 7)