» TENTATIVE PROGRAM The Interdenominational Council on Spanish Speaking Work in The U. S. San Antonio, Texas Mqrch 3-7, 1941 Theme: "Go On With the Story" Rev. Edwin R. Brown, D.D., President. Official Hotel: The Blue Bonnet MONDAY OPENING SESSION WOMAN'S WORK DAY Mrs. Esther M. Lucero, . . ...... Committee Chairman Sessions at Travis Park Methodist Church Opening 9:30 Monday Morning, March 3rd. (See Separate Program) 4:30 P. M.—Council Committee of the Whole Rev. Edwin R. Brown, D. D., President. Evening:—Program on Woman's Work with a Pageant Tuesday Morning 8:20 -- Musical Meditations 8: 30- -"Going on with the Story"— Rev. Homer McMillan, D. D. Special Music—Arranged by Miss Izeyl Phelps and Rev. Geo. P. Simmonds. 9: 00—-Organization and Council Business—Rev. Edwin R. Brown, D. D., President. Council Announcements — Rev. J. Scott Willmarth, Exec.-Sec'y. Preliminary Reports of Committees: Program Planning and Strategy and Comity Matters (N. B. Requested that all matters of Comity be submitted to the Committee in duplicate beforehand.) 10: 45—Intermission 11: 00- -Council Values — Miss Dale Ellis, Vice-President 11: 30-—Defining Our Goals---Rev. G. Pitt Beers Introductions—Rev. Juan Rodriguez. 12: 00--"Value of Church Worship" - Rev. Samuel L. Perry, D. D., Pastor of the Madison Square Presbyterian Church" Lunch Hour Tuesday Afternoon 2: 00--Committee Work—Chairmen and Rooms as Indicated. 3: 00—Reports, of Committees: Woman's Work—Mrs. Esther M. Lucero, Chairman Exec. Sec'y and Treasurer — Rev. J. Scott Willmarth Finance Committee •— Rev. Channing A. Richardson, D. D. Nueva Senda Goes on with the Story—Rev. Samuel M. Ortegon, Ph., D., Editor. Página 6 Report of Nominating Committee and Elections 4:00—"YOUTH GOING ON WITH THE STORY" Suggested Theme: "Total Cooperation" (1) In Friendship and Home (2) In Culture and Social Program (3) In Total Local Church Program (4) In niter-racial and International Relationships Discussion Forum led by Miss Florence Marie Sayer and Rev. Ben O. Hill Youth Program and Supper (Arranged Locally) Wednesday Morning 8:20—Musical Meditations 8: 30—Missionary's Use of the Bible—-Rev. O. A. Smith, D. D. Special Music 9: 00 "Social Situations" — Rev. Paul L. Warnshuis, D. D. (1) Population and Migrant Trends (2) Housing Situations (3) Health Outlook (4) Labor Trends (5) Educational Lights and Shadows 10:15- Forum with Resource Leaders 10:40 -Intermission 10: 50—"How to .Tell the Church"— Rev. Gerald B. Harvey, D. D. 11: 10 - Our Father's House for the Mexicans — Rev. F. W. Mueller, D. D. 11: 40—Discussion 12: 00—Devotions:—"My Use of the Bible"—Rev. José Espino Lunch Hour Wednesday Afternoon 2:00—Musical Meditations 2: 15—"Occupied and Unoccupied Fields in Texas" — Rev. G. A. Walls, Chairman 3: 15—Committee on Evangelis — Rev. Harold M. Hilliard, Chairman 3: 45—Paneel or Forum—Rev. C. A. Richardson, D. D. 4: 15--"How to Help Us Clumb"— "Slow Moves the pageanF~Dij an upward climbing race." — Paul Laurence Dunbar. (1) Mexican Youth — Benjamin A. Perez (2) Mexican Woman — Mrs. Ana F. Rodriguez (3) Mexican Superintendent — Rev. S. M. Ortegón, Ph. D. 4:45—The Upper Room Today — Mrs. J. W. Mills Dinner Hour Wednesday Evening Miss Dale Elis, Vice-Pres., Presiding 7: 30- Mexican Choir—Local Talent 8: 00 - "The Bible Goes On.": (1) Importance — Rev. Frank Langham 8:15—(2) Methods — Rev. H. H. Ragatz, D. D. 8:30—Temperance Story Goes On --Rev. Edwin R. Brown, D. D. Temperance Musical Number Thursday Morning 8: 50- -Musical Meditations 9: 00—The Values of Wisdom — A College President Solo: "I Am the Builder"—-Bilingual and Antifonal 9: 30 Committee on Christian Edu-tion—Rev. G. A. Walls, Chairman (1) Music and Worship — Rev. G. P. Simmonds (2) Literature — Rev. Ben O. Hill (3) Leadership Training — Miss Florence M. Sayer 10: 30—Discussion or Panel —. Dr. H. C. Donaldson 11: 15—The New Home\ Missions Council—Rev. M. /A. Dawber, D. D. , Exec. Sec'y . 12: 00---"The Mexican Mother's Religion" Lunch Hour Thursday Afternoon 1: 50—Musical Meditations 2: 00—"Prayer for Peace Makeré" -—quoted from Dr. John R. Mott 2:15—"The Lates from Mexico"— Rev. C. E. Crawford, D. D. „____ 2: 40—Question 3: 00—Tour' of San Antonio — in charge of _____________________ Note: Each pastor or Director of Institution make 5-minute Statement of Program; with questions. Thursday Evening TUESDAY, MAY 4 * 2004