?jh> W iiiiltflpl SsiteM ¡ 1ISW-""! te£1^; ¡í V" I *■ *■ í ! '«^f i T$ y»' ‘ -sl'^ I SASm. • titf.víi Rw Em3Sb i It» I 1 $66.* *;• • - ■V .1'» . ■ KU'« d W .% " 3 •A'e >-J ■if -*4l "« *" '•- i •<% ¡TA í* wiftla ebert. offovw e irwt cteee <3««»yy if«n Ifew OrtoatHb tee tweleh fitieiUesibwl peiHtl inetoielheM er<*eU*fHflWfl|we iíh£*X¡* si* >. TRÍEVtftífW, ■ * * Elkobctk 81M. *'• .0 - ssras WflltMtil r«‘toih 11*^ t Hl feiÉ ¥ - í* . % X.r v " ■I** uiV i-’t”' feV vt. r n& L' eM, MV-' h-' 1«N W PSielli I *r yr« *N& *»iÉl Rr^Wki^l • Ji H ■K ÜM¡ íi® , a * rtT «¿Ai to*e$y, ^l',’'‘ irigim iride ««•• I» ooe— « Ku ««•« le, or mili* ■•i. ■WrUnnh joined, toon mriely iwitod I ■r By crawl Death’» cold Ittid» I SF And left n«”, broken IwatN»» ' &fk6" . To weloome a like oe**itlurc j t|t,,jr wcMÍ4h¿ be#6-ÍKUid«d and barc»H«g66d, t 1 with upwards n>f 8800,000 ¡a mlvor loekca tip u^...,-,—1 mju.it-^ir- ' in their but But never vni tho utter worth» Nroí^wB^íWlir^wWblBi of peno», enutho |Cltsooia of (h$ metal, aastieh so oloarlydfl** MlllWiKlWWiteNll'te» houndkito capnc’tv w0Slllf,t8ted ¿1 hi tho oaneef tho Araucoe-*-fte* JWi'wii' NWtwal life., Ono of the most % i8 n modern í|, hf*t¡ >,.^1 iltiíirYW HÁb W* ywwii f<**N M*4 ■m*1*6' WeSS/lííw*.****^* 16 ’T ««.&>* iG»». FíM T'M <-* ÍMM *í k . <*r ¡M WWwW*'* -4i», f 1* ratee’'1 '- ■’1-1 ; M' WÉllüMiMaíM Ip Wolfer toitatVf b4Wii|gi£ifof ■inUali*», yg far'pur-- •hi; hnatiilrtto bl* QktojMí.fva rty bu.-, peefe^adarrautemeiuaby wwv® re itim of all «teadefol timbro. . •‘YemalTconfectioa tint Spanish a»! horas, bu es W NM.Hk WW'Wt5í ÍHrtfc, • . l,r4R°oS¡# . «e.| AayjM $X'6‘ fe^k • , ■*I i'di d«B< ." . lílWj «Jg ' ® "• ■ jeilk *• 8ÍS&* ti* Wat» i ■* fl'i i&í® ThoMRj W<* Df*WW»| fcl" 26 In dS sewr^w «i efve wteelMrtlj inrndj waee í WHJ ¡*¿VÍW Íí* -ti W;l ft ■? i^'^T ■ •¡F? ■M' -«#’r -J..'. 1* •" < " ¡ir 'I, -.:i,'V ^16*lj¡ ^,, . i..,!.’ :fe'ife"^ SfN” ^twga *6* 6vM tob«4MtfMM^P Í Bro onk ef 6-Wed ,tF|Wg6mK ¡W m«m-. aBWWMM R®1" * 8»y to the rao 60late end ba • HIÜT jffB awamp, forest, or pk*fJlE^WM «wages without kn0MM elcme iradoemed the ehsMIlfrNlS tioent, and presented tali* «5™ dera • apoerao^o so marvolow? even the exjpesttttiona which the j bad Talked. ro tho Spaniards found an orgMil 1^, nft anctoittt polity., an opulent dr*r ^nw^;»^íMWBig nrt*. So gr< at, in fact,, ww of the workmen, ao> ehbóritó». iyíllein of'government, and «0 whole evidence of wealth and PMOMlBn for «yulo tíme tho civlíitidio^/MOwl^É regarded an nuperior to tb^ though, indeed the relWH^ÍLJíRj.M®<4|®¡ nuiries have enabled tive to these idea», OTFiain respect (É .ItSfe^wSwfiflKBWjy^ enoro nckaBcpd Jiv ■i*. <.y5 ■■••' Jfe'- tótS’Wi M’S-1!Í;l¡ilí.'>l-í:fe !. .; L't ।, «fe r¡; tiCrSji ifli Stóe; end tó|™«I’M, leelnewi with ftsrory tide, WMI ■Sewi *|rollíl or utóraftil’Wtel *Wten i® ,V tit»*W8l'to8M)r lief 13 alillliftf Riwk wnaHd whle^topti o$ Dlteso, mvi flliiSIIIÍIrij|e¿íá»1il)iíl¡oi' W-wtoflii thetogttlfitont cn| Itaa» nr»» Wl|r P^Bedm eMti N a aMjillro most h ibtlti j»teM6ii>f «ilver, tl to*-'. COI,turf Mtcral truth is w itototiy of lha jliugltnh k enaminting the old roccfob» ted, I Ihavey »® dimbt tfeA tho Monitihing repoü'$iW poBuáty has orar been to c .... iMtiruato tho quanti kttiga Mhr .Vw^«n t>i ncpeitiAd I7 Fllll •ti 1 i'll ____________ >r<3 ifo eonrtit c4? I MVtirili r ______________ _____ , । aeeottnti$®l yMWiirtihii irnitio wBfl'ctShdercd htefi "' '"' * '■' * ‘ * sed by the tób*i«Badoir. Aififl®. Ihlcb I haw q'QOt fea facto warpa^fá lirKKxico the r Idcc®! rntlm* ', I of «i)voirt on tofo King r niiiii|Mt it in th® paid oo wliie nil Btiiun of Sottce eilver foete'^Wi Btiiun of 9ui MwttfcliMí M <1, ig i'1»' •fe. #N| *o ¿tiUwcrir ®t*iií oí11 KflefWÍ^™^ ? wW»8 dhfl* MM V»iw n eariwyvaed'l *r;^;' W8',. IniiheftM^'^ifeiiioaa eivOliM Mon tbejro h B£>w yt> '^gwWiiMt, no recog^fl plieji »*»' gtoblie erte- Ufe rnd pro.1 t#H$ ittoxitito* through the aeocid