PAGE 2 EL UVALDE TIMES APRIL 23,1978 THROUGH MAY 7,1978 DAWSON’S PLEA Cont’d from pg 1 Mr.Harris (hen went on to request why Mr. Dawson was dismissed exnlainine that Mr. Dawson could have been avoided all the problems he is now in if he had not been called to give the prisoner the breathalizer test. Police Chief Vance Chisum explained that Dawson had been given strict orders not to work with the public, that he (Mr. Chisum) was not aware that permission been sought so that Dawson could come and apply the test. He said it was a breakdown in communications that permitted Dawsoh to come to the jail that night. When Harris argued that the breakdown in communications was the problem and not Dawson’s fault, Mr. Chisum and other councilman assured Mr. Harris that the fact he applied the test was not the reason he was fired, but that the had used excessive force on the man. Mexican-American Banquet County Commissioner Gilbert Torres and his friends, primarily Mike Esparza and Ramon Velasquez, his campaign manager planned a fund raising affair forthe Commissioner’s reelection, but the event gained so much momentum it turned out more as a community affair that a fundraiser for a single candidate. One must appreciate the efforts of these men in organizing such an event. The differences in opinion may still be there but the resoect for one another’s views took priority and everyone was welcome at this affair. Although many that attended might have wished El Comisionado Gilbert Torres y sus amigos, principalmente Mike Esparza y Ramon quez, el manejador de la campana política habían planeado un evento para recaudar fondos para la re-eleccion del Comisionado, pero el evento obtuvo tanto entusiasmo que resulto ser mas un evento de la comunidad, que un evento para levantar fondos para un solo candidato. Uno debe apreciar los es-fuersos de estos hombres en organizar este evento. Las diferencias en opiniones todavía existirán, pero el respeto de uno con el otro tomo primer lugar en este evento. Vasquez, amigo recuerda gran del pueblo, las grandes tamaladas de “sus tiempos” y dice que su chile con carne no se compara con ningún otro. Hoy lo felicitamos! Mayor Cain explained that he had seen the prisoner himself and that it was obvioous exess-ive force was used. He noted that the man’s nose looked as if it had been broken. Finally a vote was taken on the matter and all councilman except Mitchell who abstained, voted to support Chief Chisum’s dismissal of Mr. Dawson. Mr Harris last stated was that he and his client would be in touch with the council, at the same time going on record that he objected with the council’s decision. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MOST ENTHUSISTIC NEWSPAPER AROUND! CALL “EL UVALDE TIMES” TODAY! 278-3616 Rogelio Vasquez the speeches had been in Spanish rather than in courtesy to the anglo attendants that were with us that night, and for the benefit of the three candidates for Uvalde County Judge, it was beneficial that what these statesmen had to say was spoken in the language they could understand. The topic of all the speakers which came to hit dead center in our city,policebrutality and abuse of our civil rights, in a statewide basis, not just Uvalde, was not intended to embarrass anyone there, it was merely an issue very much in the news and rightly so. Fourteen Mexican-Ameri-cans have been killed at the hands of law officers in Texas. About half of those happended after the Richard Morales case in Castroville. (The latest victim, young Lozano, occurred after the policemen in Houston were granted one year probated sentences for the murder of Joe Campos Torres.) II tTRACTOR t TRAILER!TRUCKf CAR 24 Hour Road Service 278-6354 UVALDE, TEXAS It was especially appropriate for the candidates for Uvalde County Judge to be present, so that they can understand and know what our state leaders are saying and doing about this sad problem. Not as any form of intimidation, but as an opportunity to know and understand this issue and the more encompassing issue, civil rights. r Tal vez algunos de los que asistieron hubieran preferido que las platicas hubieran sido en español, en lugar de en ingles, pero en mi opinion, fue apropiado. La mayoría de la gente comprendía ingles, y por cortesía a los huespedes anglos que nos acompañaron para el beneficio de los tres candidatos a Juez del Condado, fue beneficioso que lo que estos hombres estatales tuvieran que decir fuera en dicho en el idioma que ellos también entendieran. El tema de las platicas de los tres oradores vino a pegar al centro en nuestra ciudad, brutalidad de la policia, y abuso de derechos civiles, en todo el estado de Texas, no nada mas en Uvalde. Eso no fue un intento de avergonzar a nadie que estaba allí, es simplemente un tema que esta mucho en las noticias estos dias., y con mucha razon. Catorce Mexico-Americanos han sido asesinados en manos de la policica en Texas. Mas de la mitad de estos han ocurrido después del caso de Richard Morales en Castroville. La ultima victima, el joven Lozano, ocurrió después de que los policías de Houston recivieran un ano de sentencia suspendida por la muerte de Joe Campos Torres.) Juan experto cocinero, todavía VOTE por * Tape Dismukes Para Comisionada Precinto No. 4 Apreciaría su voto y su apoyo en la Primaria Democrática P d. P o I. adv. by Fay Dismures) * ★ STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS For a Complete Look of Loveliness Father Baistra Aviles Body Shop *Remplasamos Vidrios * Trabajo Completo de Carrocería * Trabajo de Aseguranza *Mas de 25 Años «le Experiencia S. San Diego St. Uvalde. Tx. 278-9533 Man of the Year Conchita Limones- Woman of the Year Fue especialmente apropiado que los tres candidatos del Condado de Uvalde estuviesen allí, para que puedan comprender nuestra angustia y sepan lo que nuestros lideres estatales están diciendo, y haciendo con este triste problema. No fue una forma de intimidir, sino una oportunidad para conocer y comprender el tema (de abuso por la policía) y el tema que lo abarca todo, el tema de los derechos civiles. Call Your Personal Studio Girl Beauty Advisor Amelia Quiroz 278-7491 1101 Ft. Clark Rd. Uvalde, Texas ELECTRONIC REPAIR Mike Mireles- Educator of the Year P. Baistra-Hombre del Ano Experta Reparación LET ME REPAIR AND CLEAN^X^ YOUR 8 TRACK PLAYERS W*. BETTY’S BERNINA SEWING & FABRIC CENTER | fabrics | for all occasions 104 W. Roberts Uvalde, Tx. n --------- _ 1 Rudy Fiores- Citizen of the Year Los honores otorgados fueron apropiados. El Reverendo Jorge Baistra fue nombrado el “Hombre del Año”, y esc honor fue recibido una semana después de que le recibiera un honor similar en San Antonio por por la Conferencia Ethnica de Texas por su contribución a la promoción de apreciación cultural. REASONABLE CHARGE EXPERT SERVICE! 509 E. Antonio 278-8505 South Evans Grocery The awards were very appropriate. Reverend Ba’s.tra was named “Man of the Year” and that award came only a week after he received a similar award from the Texas Ethnic Conference m San Antonio, Texas for his contribution to promotion of cultural appreciation. Father Jorge is known not only for his organizine the beautiful cultural fiestas we have had in Uvalde A • rx J- i . I a T í- arrÍVe? here’ but also for his complete Anuncios De Candidaturas | b^ah0" t0 .h.e,p the poor and the helpless O I r 8 a11. cnt,cs aside’ he has continued to Políticas I focps on the problems that others might want El Uvalde Times ha sido autorizado paral ously endeavoredt*me be llas contin-anunciar las siguientes candidaturas para las | toeethar Hie k ?• brT8 OUr community Primarias Demócratas en Mayo de 19781 ' v,. orations have always included en el condado de Uvalde. I an(j *°t a tbe community, as participants Conchita Limones received the ‘‘Woman of the Year” award and it was also appropriate. A person that had dedicated so much time to serving in parents groups in the schools with all children in mind, not just her own, should be rewarded. Besides her work in the schools, Mrs. Limones has also been very active in church and community projects. El Padre Jorge es recnocido no solamente en organizar las hermosas fiestas culturales que hemos tenido en Uvalde desde que llego aqui, sino también por su completa dedicación en ayudar a los pobres y los desamparados. Poniendo toda la critica a un lado , el ha continuado en dirigirse a los problemas que otros quedran ignorar y al mismo tiempo el ha tratado continuamente traer unidad en la comunidad. Sus celebraciones siempre incluyen invitaciones a toda la comunidad, como participantes, o espectadores. Abierto 7 Dias Abarrotes Periódicos Piñatas 7 AM — — hípLi 9 PM BARDINAS *MINNOWS!:1C1<) ' ^CAMARONES *SHRIMP Cerve/a 278-7315 211 S. Evans St. Uvalde PARA JUEZ DEL CONDADO Dave Howard J.R. (Jerry) White John M. Winn PARA TESORERA DEL CONDADO DE UVALDE Margaret Rudinger Mrs. Robert (Mae Beth) Trees PARA ESCRIBIENTE (CLERK) DEL CONDADO DE UVALDE Eileen Carlisle PARA ESCRIBIENTE DEL DISTRITO María De La Luz Del Toro June Richardson Rudy Flores, native Uvaldean, attorney, banker and for the past six years advisor to Governor Dolph Briscoe, was awarded a plaque in recognition for his contribution to the people not only of Uvalde but also to the State of Texas. It was most appropriate, since Rudy Flores has been helping his community in so many ways while he was an attorney, as a banker, and as a state official and simply as a friend to so Conchita Limones-Mujer del Ano Conchita Limones recibió el honor de “Mujer del Año”, y fue muy apropiado su nombramiento. Una persoan que ha dedicado tanto tiempo en servir en grupos de padres en las escuelas para ayudar a todos los ñiños, no nada mas a los suyos, deve de ser reconocida. Ademas de su coperacion en las escuelas, la Sra. Limones también ha sido muy activa en otros proyectos de la iglesia y de la comunidad. CASAVERDE Especiales de Primavera Petunias, Coleus, Impatiens, Marigolds Peppers & Tomatoes Chiles y Tomates^ 6 FOR *1 126 W. MAIN Hanging Baskets - $3.95 & Up Mike Mireles received the “Educator ot the PARA COMISIONADO DEL PRECINTO NO. 2 I I’üVald^Hiih^choníh^ nl^ÍSit-ntPrÍnCÍpa! i at uvaiae riign School has placed him m a most I responsible situation because he becomes not George Ligocky I only a school administrator but also a counselor Gilberto Torres I and a parent to a lot of students. In addition his Juan Zavala I sponsorship of the Law Enforcement Club at PARA COMISIONADO DEL PRECINTO NO. 4 I iísoiraSn íídeLbin n?a°V^ StUfde"t8 with inspiration, leadership and guidance to help our community. Mr. Mireles is shaping the citizens of tomorrow in a most helpful way. Faye Dismukes Cruz Hernandez Continued On Page 10 Cost Building Materials more today, so repairs and construction after a fire or tornado cost more. Be sure your coverages are up to date. Fire, Homeowners, Farm and Ranch Owners insurance are just a few of the Farm Bureau Members' insurance needs served at low net cost. For this valuable protection or service call your agent. SEGUROS para su CASA, CULTIVO, RANCHO, AUTO YVIDÁ TEXAS FARM BUREAU Compañía De Seguros Llame A ED KAUFMAN 278-9181 Hensarling Insurance Agency SERVICIO COMPLETO DE ASEGURANZA W. North Uvalde, Texas Telefono (512) 278-3613 PARA JUEZ DE PAZ PRECINTO 6 C.J. “Jack" Creech Robert “Bobby” Tafolla PARA ALGUACIL (CONSTABLE) PRECINTO 6 John Ayala, Jr. H.T. Vondy Both Commissioner Gilbert Torres and Mike Esparaza whowere more directly in charge of the banquet preparations are very pleased with the outcome. The response was so great that plans are to make ti an anual event, and an even better one each time. The establishment of the LU LAC Chapter in Uvalde will underline the expected success. Congressman Henry B. Gonzales has tentatively accepted an invitation to be the main speaker for next year amd many more citizens will be called on to assist in the preparations. Continued On Page 9 r® vo u R/ Independent Insurance ■ /agent SERVES YOU FIRST Especializando en aseguranzas de Residencia, Negocio, Automoilisticas De Vida. * Mobil Homes, Casas Movibles exoA FARM Bl RF Al IX>I RAXCF COX Sirviendo a la Ciudad de Uvalde desde 1937 Robert Hensarling, Gerente