THE DAILY RANCHERO. VOLUME I.| II. MATAMOROS,.MEXICO, TUESDAY ®RXINIR NOVEMBER 7, Í865. 11. A. W41.TBV........... kl.VMIV. ' J/J¿?vnr Ñ- k/;Vai:y, ¡ Editors, Pul-lHlieu. mid ri'''|i,ii' iMH'i) rTniin.x'i (NUMBER 143. OFFICE ON Thft.tN in adiautic, (¡U; half ye.o lO'iuthty, $3 ; dihgle cti|-i-‘ JUrt.s op AnvHRTisisii lines, tlt-sl iii.ii'rtivii, il,,riO ; c.uli niibnuin1 tit inserti'm,#l. Liberal redneti-m t- ii-gulai pu-trolis. Itay- It Won Id alleviate tin; toils of ed-| it'irml lile nut le und relieve lhe '.;lils mug nales of the t rip-ahi. ol .>m lilt' uei.-t diwigrei'iibkt respiiiisHiiniu'. the V' fy iiiiiuernuo ones wliiuh they ivi: to luce, if the ivi.ild nt lurgi1. iiiiin nJ ill gi'i-iTul, ulul s-nnebudy else in par 'll lar. Willi Id observe the fuel that linin' e no in ire llinii halfn d-iZi-u p-ivts in nil Kiiluinnzo!). in the natural increase lo l»i l-ii'keil for in his «peed. Nbniild he ¡mil ."'Inniwnll Juekoin edmu ingel her right inc ili.iiigs Indure Ibv Wiiitni' i-i de-■il. Di xti'i'h by Hiiiiiblidoiiiuii, mu hlur iiiiiie." ■ political purtiw, or a qntuhuii ns hi iori<-iy that they were prompted io the expedition of lhe l.'nilcil Stilles whi> were being d bunded in liruwii.vjlk'. and with who they I'lleri'd lo slime lhe plunder of (I eity. They have been di-appuinied the tinmliers they c3|i<-cli'd to rt-ceiv oflii'vrs, a? i-vM'.'iii'-'il by [iris-ih.-rs Ink-from them. 'I'hv defelit'i'S of lhe city iv amp'i- logmui! np-aimd tnimy times the tmind, but iu hie! biu'li I. uder hn- In» band; nml acknuwh dees no biip'i nir V'.ifid J,is (i'aii ivishe.f. KlUEF There i.ix two p.-iuis i'ii'it'11,. the negro, which are still under iIkii-in the Foiled Hlulns. (hie in Hie idee franchise, tind (In* other is llu* nduii-nf negro Th,- lir.t !m. ii <•■ more complieate l by th"' vote hi Crim, it'iil, rt'hisitig tn allow i.i'k’Ihcs in v the in grajdiilisls ”! pay some regntd to the incoiisim'tit'y , piitdimtiig potter Weir 1.x- I'lfisi-dibiicifivr ,, , , Í* ii’Wi-mt bus been e--iminti,il, it uuglii to ( imrse hi-tweeii Ucvier ar-d ।iem B.,t'er.' l,e drteimined bv im-h-Mnst iiibu,.,.|. mi the (Hi ul Sv (Hem bi-r Inst. Hir.m.' ami Hie hu-t d-elaied, ev.-n if (liuk-inv ......Iiuil -'tin-du b-'l ul Shl'i-U to ¿111, mune nil.-, wauls. i hi-re «un nú (HlOtk.i ih'Xni'lOtild, wnlmi ilm-v Wee,,s. m.iliic I,r pH-judicc m curriiiur out Hut hat hud beuti said by tlicse 'I'HE emr firm Iu this city will 1»! । 1 cliMvd by lhe 15tb of Nuvunilmr next, it;;' ' ¡H-tsnns h iving ciiiiiiiH against u« will pb-ate ¡ . piv.-ent tln-fii for wttli-menl; and all ptr-... | H. MiilamoriH. Oct. 23, lui.'i. Ui -t I ! Mat a nono*, fid. 17.1 , '! IJEeo-paitnerstiip lien-tieMe existing m thia ’ 1 vil., iimlir the »t)lij of Wu. Mohm. a i.u., | n tr-iiii tins day itl-Hiivvd tiy mutual ■■o.i.rbi , Mr. He. I>bv».kuk* will l?i|uubte Hie buMiir.Mit thv In in. ; p- Ti-tu WM. MOliKL PMiUItlAMOML I" r pm L. I!. POTHIEi:. i J-*, i'-t ht. f)EVi:ipa:s. . I'lii-.ft-iluK «Mil ('emrut Woik!; d.V/l nn.X.l MLN i'.U. ' I IV Jill EWASlIINfi, ( umni I. i.ti.rn.. Til# ‘ . T* limits Hull. <11 Mi . Di ir bi.e.t in ol tin house. of It" ii, Ii' U,lgd,ld,uml!lll ¡ r-' Kimi" nil !lull imtl tn is' dnin- whs in mu Nn fuiiH hive teen spired to maltr the HorjRK.S.S //of.sf: HflST.ltUJNT the :no»t th r.''dj itiiilli^ Iln? odds, Ms , be Home link mil inilt lhe huí'--', bul ¡i Jul n.ii ,..\i '•■y of till' ............inis J mini. tV.,idl.,iv in.1,.¡'med h-in thni mlu nf nlvm IIKOtillArin-, llixIK KhLI'iXG. Ill-I<>11Y ■ li.u 11 !«' t" Ifi'flill'd bu fo'iml In repay ¡H'l'iHiil, givifl: "liltfl, Fastest Trot tmg on Record. New York Herald of the Hili » fit ii uil I heir leu Mi If*,i# fl. lid «I*t\y hour, 1 M>i:UTAKiN<.. «¡x-neil for the llt-t-eytUin at Pupil» s'iie tuid, tiller making ii fasl, nul,. ChF* We in «Le ronin :u s,,uie Ion I . > > r. i ■ om- ,-t th,' can wi i le, pi i Imps not al!..Hund who > van write roail-i.ble poetry, or furni»li sale ; hIiIl* wares id Hint brand. If nu editor । piiblislu-s I.m !fy Vi't'-e. ei.iiuir'iifi r| hi • some pullii'iic Irii nil, the public nose is I fnrthw‘.ih eh'Viiteil, tnul lhe disgust re.iris I iqioii !'•>(■ hlumng knight of ihe<|inll, by nnHi li ivhieli lie Ii.h wi,ii--jt nuieli niiifu dillieult «bill'll, Ii" I’l '.-r Ims Ill-Ill i| n vi'llll Wm'ilii» ' u'iihin the current tear, und ul! o! which ¡ Ii-* won. Un the '¿Gill of June lie UNITED STATES I'bf Nou lb <'tn olhi a Do puta, tion Ihivo an InCervk’W With (he lUn-sirlii-m. THEY 1NTER< EBE FOR DAVIN AND OTHER PROMINENT RERELS. rtf-. KNFOliCUD, Mnl valiuu is no npinuiH-y may bu Shown । Afterwards. hihf< t.iif-w a - iht-v hi r ; .Mr. Huger leimu 1,,-d I he I ’l I'sldeul, 1'0 01 ¡IIIttif EDI •CATION.11 The <-iLer qinothm —Hint of udinilting j- '■III, d by ti [i’•oe! u n mt ¡o 11 t.t to I».1 t liken in nil ea-es whore Hie I eat i inn ny n! a white man would iu> admls-ilde '1 b's is n mi-ng the ihingn wliieh lhe peo- exirenie avcrMim. I.m ................. :n 'h- qtiuhlj mg ii'inin lis <>l Go'. H.,iii: • i, ,.i T'exny, and Hill hiier ui Johi. oii l.i'i.-r'i, totin’ elTeel.lhat the jury weie not nhhgrd tn believe the testimony of wihiesses before them. 1 bvse are MilTi'.'ieiilly tiroad hints to ।lie people ruin'ei'tied, that the odious nquisitiotm of adroittmg tii-prn ti-Ftimony wiii. be siitlieieibly enniphed with by " going through the inclinus." complying with the form bm u< gleet mg the sultaianee. The negro uiiness may be he a rd, bnt need not be In IicmiL This is perhaps the «mullesI <>! the Piones which will be given him in pl,ire of bread. With due deference to bo gicut Uwju'b us I Ju rm I ton nod Johnson, we think the common law does mil |<'imil n jury !<> disregard the testimony of wimesscs.— Very mimerriun eltxumi c,f witni'nsiis are excluded lioin giving testimony in court, in ¡ill eomiirj, s, from various reasons rd iuw anti public policy. But the law pre-Kume* that if a triltit ss be admissible ho hi also worthy o! credit. And although judges nod juries are not bound to believe nil that a witness teetificB, they arc yet required to pay great (hfcreticc to ten-timouy given under the soh-mniiy of an oalli, and to believe a wituci's ttnleso his teslimrmy be contradicted by «aliefactury evidence, either front circumstances or other witaewi. A diíléant rule would, in tba Opinion of grave wilttir» on llio law, admit prtjmhcee to reject tentlmony, and open the door to Hit prltiéifni! evils which court! ere deeigned to avoid. )t has been obeHrvrd to the credit of human nature, that old judge», who have had long experience in fnreetigitlog the fan I is end crimes of men, are more diipowd to credit witnessM, then the le#eexpcilenctid und more yauNfotMte pof^hoe. Il<* ya'd ihi'f Juul underslnodi the n I i"tli«i II, Mr* ]• liuiirikubi Jo-,11 lb-I by, Mr, Uijn M.'L.'lbm, Hr Milii r, .l.mi ll'IltT. Jami'S A I'ntl.i t. t oil»' M, care M W lu.b'y, I bi ni,'ti Im it. 4 ItltOWX-VIM.M ACADK.M1', zj’lll'i lii.titiiti'iii, <‘-t,,i.||.|iti| under the d 1 ti-.u n| the Hev il the ('ntli-dic Cltr>. sl cu.xi) D.n m- Aovr.Mijiai. tv. VmiVHV. uv INHTttlVrmN 4 Irl lioyt nph FOR SALE, lied-1 «Milu Fm i¡ ittir< lililí it ', « |iIt In utile t i.nn.i: MlUIKHH. íT«‘«w GOODS. tiRK.lT Thoil-.ind MVK.XXUKMi: II. MATIMOUOS HIOTKL- l'H"> lt!> n.,;s nr tint <• OA .1 f(>rot. IT. I.V HOI FL, Mr srquli*--! the II 'ltd ih- Li H. Málsniorna, unte.] loih h d, I. mt., un# iiii.|«r the name DEL ( <1XU:|<( |(>. M i FA Mi iltllf», if -I. M»l«, Iti.KISMIV i', I'fHiiiiii-i'v. Mgr Wh*t tetter wilt e»pfM the «if. fimtti* tteDMh two ttM.tttti ot WlKto. mw tobecwaiHl the ether *wt »»lf TM letUt 6 —ÓÜ6 titewt, end tthp other R-MMW. lhe I’re-iident «tiid «fimetinie* the pt-eu 1 uH-'ii i-i lln-i." Mi'.j ,• luir locality h i-l mírele in do wilb piinJonH 1 u tn tie ci nliinied .■! ...... «'tlmr lliings hi li'.imuti uiTíiirs, I -i p,..M,i, we enmu-t have h lited nth,. Much (|?. i "¡.J , peni., -o dis-.icii-'ti iit«l tn re u instan iv* ¡I | " ' Judge WuriBaw, 1'».| D.r-rk Huger all expu •‘•ed to I1 -• l'i< ' mui it'ti"ii Hui Hie '1a-|, i,.id good luilh Hie n ~i|1l ol lhe presi'i ce "I n large a wmbhigi' of Hie nd- Tinrer-1 Ilf hist Vutting. The h"r.,. wmi III., imilcli, niiildtig Hie tinle u.i "u'fii.iiol limn.. on Hm purl tel tbu govern mi'bt. j Judge Ward In w rem ark cd I hut Hu-y hnd not ciui»< hilher in exjerw their own hopes >ind ih'sireMi, but u* rli'Iifgnli'H finiii Hit* So ith (.'•ii'nlinu (.'rutveil! hm (o pi'csi'til lhe mi im-riala 6f that body hi • fuirual innniiFf 'lhe Pi-cddi'til— W« will, genlli'iurii, exh-mi nil the fiicililie* und courtesies which lhe question n-qnlre. Wu w-uld 1-rvh-r tn puiihm twenty inim than to ri> fuse om>. t i ,,, ,, i. , . | be mi m-i'ii re ni to Ihi-U'l't'H iiliiin ot u-.ii'l , J '£** y.yd,uw r7’n(l they did f,.,.|illK 'and n nro-pemu. em.dlrnm ¡ \n.( » í'Q.íü?: !ne re?,'"",-T “™''11 k'"!w |iii|wir' »"d i-t th1™?!" ' i-otd wm I / Í ? 1 -l'*7 rt,llK'!' i hn did. he would ii'i'ommemi n-iiinng Um good wmtM result by ¡he exercise of the ■ • •• - ■ • • Kxecmive clemency triwardis him. L'ol. I>uwfcins »nid If w« cun got Gov. Mna'1'Mth paroled, it would Ihi e great relief to him nt the prenent limo. Judge Wardlaw thanked ihu Ptc*lden1 for heviiig releeaed llmre, Mtcphcm nnd Trenhiilm. ib-'»i¡jS'xi.'j ‘‘rt «few lo entire hnrmntiiT h*Hnwn ih» «O"3'110” ,ul1' lhe ihn'i'-qiiiirirr poles-in live minutes nial eighteen fu-ennds mid <>i|v-lll'th, tv Inning !>y Hirer fpiurters ul u st-cmid and limiting the fiiMeH time nu I'eeonl Dvxlir was ridden by Joo. Murpliy. The tirsi quarter whs mu-i.- in iMity-hnir •• tiomls and lhe th’Rl half mile in ¡;(H5t.j. The UMeaipi Tlmea, in » notice u! Dex tor's «lindería I pe< form unce. nuy«: Tiie iiHirting world will ti-cuive with proloimd excitement the intelligence that the liine tnado by Flora Tvnijdo nt Kula nt.izoo, Michigan, a mile in 2:19hiiher 10 cmixidered umipproncliablu. han been beaie'ft moro than a iu!) second by JXxier. XVilkefl' Spirit, eometltni' tinre. pr, g uostlviited liin wonderlul sfiee I of Dexter, uh er a visit to hi* atabfe. Hm dcaeripiion of the nt.w world-femoua etiimal wii! be read with inilureat : “The 'llslinguh-hed how Dexter 1» a brown guiding with four white atdcking», a bln.fie lo the, fot» end a while,sjumfo, lle.eiiinda 15 hands ami RO inch and a Muir, iiid Is ii> ch-ry aomie a big little one, HI* head Is good end Mt eye* fimt- His neck lighthth, but well 'ret in hi* carcai-s, aed msealni1. lie At deep tkroegli tin bwt, ins ine ekeetikmir*'d toog. power fol eiwa, with bit kn*e. Bm tote w*t HE 11 titerlteN into * éerífcdrte,' .add' (he ee*M-r»n (hr dewe. Perbepe qfall tix fcorMl onite dey thia it cue meet likely io it# nth of Flora Temple ill whnt would advanei* ih-'ir iuti-riMH. So i'iir from pander lug m hmkingNo tut life elevaiinn, he mtlil ho b'i'lii-vcd when im mid hi» had not no eyu Hinyli1 lo such pie ferment. U. he cnnlimie), I roulil bo In-. BtruiiU’uliil in rciinriiig ikegóveriuni,'litio its former relations, and eto t|io pf<>nle bnoe more nnhoil und huppv. I ahonld ftv! «few fo MitifT harmony betiretn the State béd the jroWBWenl,. - retrffed lhit Mb aitifcr- 1,606 fommltted UíU Üdghl to bo sot ' my ambit ion. if 1 <'«uh:| foci tjiet 1 had "............1 ** Ip eerty Airree, mv m» gratified, ami T li-' IlflllCluj I ei urn gri„ I in I reflect jut i, Km, Inw1* (Im! ¡bn »rlfl> Diiinstei- -I . ui n kiml ths,I all i. at cnuld be, Cotnfiu'l nod (mppim-** „f tfH. during lii*r ilfucHi Tl,iÁnL!¡,.!F"l£n.,'< th" Arm known e« A 4. QHNTWM» • Kt, tat O .1, «it ICVTKItO . SHIPPING TA Ml* ICO. h**" 6‘* " 'liARIIJAt.Dl,” Peawxi, Mister, now lying ui tlie»Usmboat landing. I’or freight or piuigy, Apply to 1.3MI }' I -M. I T.i MUHo.X MKXlC'i .. **‘,„<-ie50* "x Tat an etr cmpf-»ii» Mw Maui I'lane. ’ 77-lU MUKfCS* Mill HAI.K T?ilíl HAL16 CMMAi". so itiipie-ifd tewh et l tobera, «al *t" U he-'i, usi, Jim UiiCsN - LUy. For u«itJcukr* t..., :t ■: | fcigik’l Mtcnt."», L.'U s!»Urzorw 123-lf vt UUMd ILLLLL, bruwuevüh