ti ?• GIRLS C0rTF3R ^TCE ■" " ' 1ÍÍ¿¿_L2^¿2± ho .ox^can G¿xl‘a Con-Unde-r the active leader 'í^ i ? ,'5 •- ■ 5' 1' 1 /W * ?58: $ »1?v 1% SI' 3 ■ wha i gress o f-erence ship of Dora Ibonez, Virginia canchea, j=dia dobos, and Socorro Moreno, the £rls havo alro dy hel< an Instit'te at the Baptist Chris tian Center for trainin,- of 3^1 leade-s and a Conference at Grifft Par’.: 'ho first ^art of Actobor. •fhetr aj s ideals, and otives are the highest, 'fien !’?ro¿ress throucn vdi'.cat" on" their Slogan