3 January 3, 1980 EL UVALDE TIMES PAG Homenaje En El Aflo me IWf- i SOCIALES De Los Ninos Por Thelma Ozuna Zuniga * ■■ W El Sr. y Sra. Manuel Hernandez festejaron a su simpática hija, Annette con una cena el pasado domingo por la tarde en el Salon McNelly por motivo de su próxima fiesta de quince anos, annette celebrara su misa y baile el proximo sabado. Asistieron a la cena los padrinos de su fiesta y numerosos parientes y familiares. Disfrute de noticias Importantes y reportes sociales, subscríbase hoy miso a El Uvalde Times Xr**************1* * ^TOASy- * For a prosperous 1980 to come! Mrs. Mercy Chapa * Hiwoy 83 Ice House > 278-6042 * **************** LA GITANA tfü TORTILLERIA Menudo y Barbacoa Sobado y Domingo Tortillas de Maíz y Harina ★ Chicharrones * Masa Para Tamales 278-9061 Fred Lozano Propietario 107 Gold beck ALLEN WOULD LIKE NFL COACHING JOB After being on the outside looking in for almost two National Football League seasons, George Allen has grown philosophical regarding his fate. Allen says he still is available to return to the NFL as a head coach but that he can handle the possibility that he won’t get a chance. Allen, 57, lives in Los Angeles and is a television commentator on NFL games. “I miss coaching considerably, but I’ve found out that I can get along without it, ’ ’ says the former head coach of the Washington Redskins and the Los Angeles Rams. “I’ve found out that there are others things in life that mean a lot, and I’m enjoying myself,” he says. “I don’t have to coach. I’m fortunate. I can do what I want to, and I can enjoy my leisure time and my family.” In 12 seasons as an NFL head coach, Allen compiled a .706 winning percentage (116-47-5). He ranks 10th in NFL history for lifetime victories. “There’s been nothing official. All these different stories with my name mentioned are strictly rumors. Every time there’s an opening and every time a team loses a couple of games my name comes up. But they’ve been strictly rumors.” His son, Bruce, 23, had a 1-7-1 record in his rookie season as head coach at Occidental College in Los Angeles this year. “I told him he should have gotten into something with a little more security.” Allen said with a grin. ■C gxxx^xxexxxxxxxacxxxxxxxxxxKx^^ CHOICE MEATS DRUG & SUNDRY ITEMS RICARDO P/PEREZ & RENE GALLARDO - Owners “AS LONG AS THERE'S A STEER IN TEXAS YOU'LL FIND THE BEST PART HERE" FRESH PRODUCE FRESHLY BAKED PASTRIES PIES, CAKES SNACK BAR FISH - POULTRY [178-3624 OPIH DAILY »:00 - 10 OTOIJUMDAY 0 AM - 8 PM KUIK-CHEK SUPERMARKET 538 W MAIN (HWY 90) XX*3a636X36363636X863636S6®X36S6XS63BÍ3a6*36^^ Que bonito trabajar con los ñiños trabajar con ñiños de todos colores Ninos de todos colores Niños que son y forman una parte de La Raza Chicana. Verlos envueltos en sus travesuras durante el recreo y otras actividades. Escuchar sus voces, risas gritos llorido. Verlos y escuharlos reconosemos sus alegrías, sus tristezas, y sus necesidades. Que bonito trabajar con los ñiños Trabajar con ñiños de todos colores Ninos de todos colores Que son y forman una parte de La Raza Chicana. Ayudar a cada nino desarrollar a su pontencial mas alta. ayudar a cada nino que desarrolle un valimiento, conocimiento, y entendimiento De sus cultura. Una cultura histórica, antigua, y que tal vez perdida si no se conserva, proteje y documenta para los ñiños de todos colores. Una cultura íiena de cuentos, corridos, canciones, poesía, juegos, costumbres y tradiciones. Una cultura que otros han tratado de borrar y destruir. A^uda a cada nino que lleve sus cultura en su corazón y que no la olvide! Porque los ñiños son La Generación Futura Y los Lideres de la Raza! Thelma Ozuna Suniga, anteriormente residente de Uvalde, es hija del Sr. y Sra. D. A. Ozuna. Ella estudia en la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio en donde pertenece a la lista de honor por sus grados superiores. La Sra. Suniga estudia para 5 obtener su bachiller en educación de kinder asi como certificación en educación bilingüe. Ella escribió “Homenaje En El Ano De Los Ninos’’ en honor de el Ano Internacional del Nino que fue el 1979. En el poema como ustedes n Sr. y Sra. Armando y Estuvieron de visita en Uvalde la simpática pareja formada por el Sulema Murillo, y lucieron muy guapos durante el Baile de Ano Nuevo en el Centro Cívico el 1 lunes pasado. El Sr. Murillo es Supretendiente del Distrito Escolar de Crystal City. Ambos j son educadores profesionales y nativos de Uvalde. Felicidades! OFFIHEIMflU- 1980, McNaught Synd. Inventory Clearance Sale i Mi IS S°MEoNe MlT WUh WWiB BVT 6 FALU/V6 WCEs * S On Fall & Winter Fabrics S Betty's Bernina 6 S104 Robert’s Lane 278-5280 k comprenderán, ella quería expresar sus sentimientos ' । sobre los ñiños con los que ella trabaja. La Sra. Suniga vive en San Antonio con sus dos/ hijitos, Valerie Ann de cinco anos y Ralph Gerard de cuatro anos. 1 Felicitamos a la escritora ’ y le urgimos que siga enviándonos sus composi- ¡ ciones literarias. Nuestro periódico siempre se enorgullese de publicar el, valor literario de nuestra gente y compartir con nuestros lectores el mensaje valuable de estos trabajos. NEW COLEUS well in but I am in almost Q: I love coleus and grow them very my apartment, think I now possession of every variety of this plant in existence. Do you know of any new coleus plants I might try? A: Stokes Seeds is now introducing 11 new coleus — among my favorites of these are the fringed-leaf Figi Multicolor, Figi Blush and Figi Lemon. Junior High PAC to meet The Junior High Titlel/ Title I Migrant Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) will have its second meeting of the 1979-80 shcool year on Wednesday, January 9, at 7:00 p.m., in room R 2 (new portable building) of the Junior High School. The meeting will be conducted by PAC President, Mr. Joe Rios. Titlel/Title I Migrant information including the oral language and reading programs will be discussed. After the business meeting, a film will be shown on “Arts and Crafts of Mexico.’’ Handouts in English and Spanish will be given for parents on “How I Can Help My Children Do Better in School.’’ All interested parents are invited to attend. 600B 1980 May the year ahead abound in great good fortune. Best wishes from Vasques Restaurant "Recommended by Enrique" o Í • ° .a’ 1 a I 6 3 ' V 0 ^Uapp^ For hanging baskets, the Scarlet Poncho is a real beauty in bright deep red with chartreuse borders on leaves. If you don’t see these new ones at your garden center soon, try contacting the Stokes people in Buffalo, N.Y. to find out how to get them. WHAT’S FULL SUN’? Q: What does it mean when instructions on a c> a i»/ V1 GtMner houseplant stipulate that the plant get full sun? A: “Full sun” means at least four hours of direct sun from the south, east or west, every day. If you don’t have that much natural light, supplement what you have with artificial lighting. DRAINAGE HOLES Q: I never break clay pots so I never have any chards around to cover drainage holes. What else can be used? A: Curved, flat stones are good, or small squares of aluminum screening — any rustproof material that keeps the soil in but lets the excess water drain out. I’ve even used dried peach and plum pits to cover drainage holes in a pinch. W a Co z> a New Year...Fresh Start. A wish for happiness from the heart. Un Feliz Ano Nuevo a toda nuestra clientela. Flores Food Market 513 W. Main 278-3619 A Joyous Neto Year to all. | De La Familia Reves Reyes Cafe & Truck Stop Thank You 'In the rush of life we forget to hJ Ahank those who most deserve I \our appreciation. The friendship of those we serve is the /foundation of our progress. wish you and yours a Happy and I \Prosperous New Year! /j t wto-9Ays // 4 For all your framing needs tT ^¿510 E. Main ‘ 278-6328 VO J u >