PAGE 4 EL UVALDE TIMES Diciembre 10, 1978 Migrant Program Parents Organized The District Council for Title I/Title I Migrant Programs held an organizational meeting and election of officers starting at 7:00p.m. on Tuesday, November 28, at the Dalton Elementary Cafeteria. The meeting was opened by Thelma Canales, parental involvement counselor, who also welcomed the members , and guests and introduced Mr. Joe 11 ;ei 3> FBI REPRESENTATIVE SPEAKS TO LULAC: Alberto Rodriguez, FBI Special Agent was guest speaker at a special meeting of the Uvalde LULAC Chapter here last Wednesday. Rodriguezspoke to the group about the many opportunities open to minority individuals . Candidatos que debido a la insistencia de muchos amigos y conocidos, el candidato ha decidido anunciar que se declara candidato para eleccio'n o re-elecciozn, como sea el caso. Francamente, esto no es necesariamente la situación en la que yo me encuentro al hacer esta declaración de mi intención de correr para re-eleccion como Mayor de la Ciudad de Uvalde." “Yo soy candidato porque me ha agradado el servir como su mayor y me he sentido honrado que ustedes, los votantes, hayan tenido suficiente Ammerman, director of Title I/Title I Migrant Programs, and Mrs. Programs, and Mrs. Mary Woodward, reading supervisor. A slide presentation was shown, prepared by Dr. Donald Smith, showing activities for helping children learn at home. Afterwards, officers were elected consisting, of President, Joe Rios; vice-presiden t, Cirilo Alonzo; and secretary, elegirme en esa ocasión. ’ ^Creo #que con la completa coperacion del Concilio de la Ciudad y el personal, Ihemos logrado progreso en ciertas areas y yo deseo tener parte en continuar este progreso por el siguiente termino de dos anos/’ “En esta posición, n es simempre posible darle gusto a toda la gente, pero yo lie tratado de ser justo. Eso es todo lo que les pudeo prometer si me eligen a otro termino. Apreciaría mucho su consideración en el dia de la elección.” Maria Limones. Mr. Ammerman conducted a discussion of Title I/Title I Migrant information. Officer training was given by Miss Canales. The December 19th date for the regular Parent Advisory Meeting for all Schools was changed to January 9th and is to be held at the Anthon Elementary Cafeteria at 7:00p.m. registrarse fue Nicardo Nevarez, quien se registro el miércoles. Nevarez dijo al anunciar su candidatura que habia decido correr para el Concilio por su interes en toda la comunidad. “He visto a primera mano las necesidades y los problemas complicados que tenemos en nuestra ciudad,” dijo Nevarez. “Pienso que el Concilio debe tomar acción afirmativa sobre la estratégica del desarrollo económico que se necesita para mejorar la comunidad y la economía de Uvalde en general.” “Comprendo que al ser un oficial electo es muy difícil complacer Bids.... The bids will now be studied by the consulting engineer and the council will award the ab officially at the next regular council meeting on Tuesday, December 12, Film on Public Transportation Available AUSTIN-The tiiree E s of mobility-Economy, Efficiency and Energy-are explored in a new film produced by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. “Texas Public Transportation- A New Day” show how public transportation provides a practical complement to private vehicles in an age of crowded freeways, air pollution and threatened energy crises Public transportation, in the form of buses and taxis, provides unheralded service to Texas in cities, suburbs and rural areas alike. Animates sequences, historical footage and live photography blend in the 14-minute motion picture to underline the importance of the role of buses and taxis in furnishing mobility to Texans. “Texas Public Transportation- A New Day” can be borrowed from the local State Department of Highways and Public Transportation district office, or by writing “A New Day,” Film Library, Box 5064, Austin, Texas 78763, or by calling 512/475-7263. The Film joins eight other motion pictures in the Travel and Information Division film library, with such diverse subjects as Texas festivals, litter and Judge Roy Bean. A descriptive film folder is available for the asking. Skipping Breakfast Makes Difference Comisionados Tendrán Junta Descansen En Paz La Corte de Comisionados de Uvalde tendrá junta este lunes a las diez de la mafíana en la Corte de Comisionados Los asuntos nombrados en la agenda son los siguientes: tEl asunto del pedido formal de la Corte de Comisionados al Soil Conservation Service que investiga el Lugar No. l(Del Proyecto de Presas del Rio Leona) para un cambio en el lugar de una presa propuesta. t Consideracio'n de una propiedad de una Subdivision Windsong. ■^Consideración de la Food Stamp Hotline complaints or a variety of subject matter requiring personal attention. The hotline operators will provide general information, and such calls would not be forwarded to the local offices.” The Food Stamp Act of 1977 is to be implemented in Texas in two stages. On December 1, the program will eliminate the purchase requirement associated with the acquisition of food stamps. Food stamps recipients will no longer be required to exchange cash for a portion of their food stamp entitlement While the actual subsidy remains the same, the change in procedure will make it easier for those on limited or fixed incomes to participate in the program. Crum cites the example of an aged person living on a supplemental security income check. “This elderly person would normally pay about $40 to receive about $55 in food stamp coupons. Under the situación del Edwards Underground Water District. (Una agencia que pro teje los depósitos de las aguas bajo tierra) t Co ^sideración de dinero adicional para un Abogado del Districto Asistente. 1* Consideración de un derecho a una linea de agua a un lado del Old Leakey Road. tLa aseguranza para los empleados que se retiran del condado. fAprovacióh de reportes mensuales. tAprovacion de cuentas menusals. SANTOS SAN MIGUEL La Sra. Santos San Miguel falleció el pasado martes, 5 de Diciembre a las 2 o.rn. en Amistad Nursing Home a la edad de 76 anos después de una larga enfermedad. La Sra. San Miguel habia nacido en Melchor Musquiz Coahuila, Mexico el 2 de Noviembre, 1902 y vivió toda su vida. Ella residía en 409 S. High St. new program, that person would receive a card entitling him to $15 in food stamp coupons at no cost. The actual $15 subsidy remains the same.” The elimination of puchase requirement is only one of several program revisions being implemented in the two stages. The second implementation date, March 1, 1979, will deal with among others, student participation in the food stamp program, work requirements, standarized deductions and will tie eligibilty for the program to the federal poverty line. “The Food Stamp Act of 1977 has four main objectives,” continues the San Antonio-based admii istrator. “First, it m 11 simplify and tighti n program admi listratior Second it wi 1 facilitate access for the truly needy. The new program will also eliminate house holds with high gross incomes and will reduce potential for error, fraud and abuse of the program. ’ La sobreviven una hija, Elizabeth Elizondo de Uvalde y ocho nietos: La Sra. Elva Perez, Lidia Moreno, Ernesto Luna, Ricky Luna, de Uvalde; Eddie Luna de Del Rio, David Luna de Houston, Refugio y Victor Luna de Clovis, California. Dos hermanos, Emilio y Adolfo Hernandez, de Uvalde; veintidós bisnietos y numerosos sobrinos. Un rosario para el descanso de su alma se ofreció* el martes y miércoles a las 8 p.m. en la Capilla Mike Esparza.. Los servicios funerales sellevaron acabo el jueves, 7 de Diciembre a las 4 p.m. en la Iglesia Sagrado Corazon llevándose acabo enseguido el entierro en el Cementerio Hillcres y bajo la dirección de j la Funeraria Mike Esparza. MARTA J. MESA Lu Señora Martha J. Mesa, de 58 anos de edad falleció el 29 de Julio en el Hospital Santa Rosa en San Antonio, Texas. La sobreviven, una hija, Esperanza Ramos, un hijo, Roberto Ybarra, de Uvalde; dos hermanos, Citano Jimenez de Abilinc, Texas y Rodolfo Jimenez de Big Springs, Texas; Rafael Jimenez de Wisconsin; Callo Jimenez de Uvalde; dos hermanas, Ramona Villarreal, de Greenville, Texas; Josefina Jimenez de San Antonio, Texas y ocho nietos. Un rosario para el descanzo de su alma fue ofrecido en la Capilla Rushing-Estes-Knowles el lunes a las 8:00 p.m. Los servicios funerales tuvieron lugar el martes a las tres de la tarde bajo la dirección del Rev. David G. Zumaya. A RecoroShop Saturday Album Spec. Buy one and get one Free! Steroes and Tapes & Radios Sold Here ZSL^Getty 278-6992 § This Coupon Is Worth $5.00 Off On f Any Coldwave (Permanent) § § A ND A FREE Manicure § § I Register For Free Haircuts § § i 6 § Happy’s Beauty Salon § 118 S. Bates § confianza en mi para El tercer candidato en Continua en pagina 6 278-6663 Life 424 Geraldine that Mike Esparza Funeral Home is proud to announce Ernest Luna isnoiLits Full-time Insurance Sales Representative Contact Mr. Luna For all types of insurance: Burial Mortgage Retirement Program Approved by Internal Revenue Service Medicaid Others Skipping breakfast really docs make a difference in how you perform at school or on the job. Studies show people who miss breakfast become more tired and less efficient later in the morning than those who skip the meal. don’t Breakfast is especially important for youngsters. In the National 4-H Foods and Nutrition program, girls and boys 9-19 learn-by-doing that a good breakfast can prevent physical and mental supply up fourth of their daily nutritional needs. fatigue-and to one- 4-H members say 4-H members say it doesn’t really matter what you eat for breakfast as long as there is a balance of foods. Try selecting something from each of the four basic groups: milk and dairy products; meat; fish and eggs; breads and cereals; and fruits and Continue on page 5 Southwest Signs “Custom Designs” Windows, Walls, Billboards Trucks, Show Cards 124 S. Getty 278-8277 V NYL L NOLEUM Rehab e — 8 Beautiful Colors Beautiful Colors 278-7477 278-7066 HOKIT’S PHILADELPHIA CARPET $Q95 Sq. Yd. Installed 50 Rolls To Select From Sq. Yd. Installed V6 PHILADELPHIA CARPET Claremont Heavy Thick Pile RUBBER BACKED CARPET Indoor-Outdoor Sq. Yd. Installed Sq Yd. Installed REMNANTS USE OUR 150 Pieces, Marked Down CHRISTMAS Some room Sizes LAYAWAY 50 % 0FF Free Delivery — Free Estimates 127 W. Nopal