<¥• Il t t DE J-üENTE. x _, • ■- - i"*W'J""JI***>J>***'**>*A»ueiei w* •.*.r*terP. l' X-v» . -Wk?*?*» v»*-—t*: iv»«- o•• <■ :. - .' • '* * "" *♦'“ - ' '• ” i - Polities in oui State begins to show a. livelv aspect. Politicians have begun ! work already for the elections for State i Represor tatives and Senators, which ! will take place in June next. Lawyers f Antonio de la Ihiente and Loipie J. Ro-s । driguez are spoken of as candidates^ for ¡ St ¡de Representatives. Lawyer Jose M. ’ Muz.qurz is one of the candidates for the ' leu- Senatorship. P-flX ■ —One of our great nationaid days is ■ip r f; i Mear< it will be celebrated all over the v Í country as usual. The fifth of May cons-i titutes a brilliant page in the heroic his-,u. (>/‘ton* of Mexico, and our people will al-/“"yri wavs celebrate it with all the fervor and t sj-ir enthusiasm w-orthy of the deepest and Id'Fs" purest patriotism. The patriotic cpm-' I rnitee of this city, appointed to make the I proper arrangements for the coming ce-I remonies, is working assiduously. ______Our esteemend friend Mr. Antonio de la Fuente is about to publish a book of poems. XVe have had occasion before to examine some of his productions, and have noticed in them true poetic inspiia-tion and a literarymerit of r.o inqa-n standing. XVe have no doubt ^hat Lis poems will be a happy additioipt ta. pur national literature and. that they will be universally admired. XVe sincerely congratulate our friend and wish ; him all kinds of success. Vií pael ‘V ¥ufXÍi“§i ™,k.the Ml «tent of Heniy Warsworth Longfellow is no more, but posterity will always venerate his immortal name. Longfellow is well known not onl^ wherever the English language is spoken, but he is a PXO" minent figure n the literary world of the nineteenth century, and justly aamired for the delicate and noble sentiments d^e ^Mbe Igtyat =od in all 1 he only tmno nehaha.» has gone but his memory will remain for ever! i if ¥ > 1 V- X¥ iitui bprm a.iteudauci' mum's nave from tm 4.» c -5. V It t -TL«- year hi t Ateneo, wla* pass. eXitiuinatiowere c.aez Herrera, Franei* i :Kui ILimon 1 t 2 i IS ll !■ ■-Th^ railroad line has reached Lain-- . pnzos, and that city congratulates itself, pistiy, C-VC;'.’ me e^eut. n.lieie tvas o gieav exciteuih iit over the arrival of the loco-ra> t re—that emblem of progress and civilization-XV e send ^Lampazos our Lf.-.t compbmerits, d» hen will our city cehbrate such a glorious went? -A lot t-f Americans now under arrest, ac-used of making counterfeit Mexican lue imv, are at present being tried before the District Court of Justice of this mty. If thev are not guilty they will be set free and justly, but if they are we hope the jadg«?‘1 .. the law, —The military garrison that has been established here for sometime past, under the command of Colonel Xuncio, has left us snddenlv i'r>r Monterey. The true cause of this hasty departure we do not know, and certainly we do not^care^ to the troop has gone, hue are syrry for is that excellent band Or * 6 m tisie; ____ td bj. ■ H