0- Í1 _ • * I * ^te.»at • P*1** #nc*e «rite* toHl eftbe *r . ***? írrtm *^nt aer «¡r e-ir w.».. .w- •pert. K rp <1< en.end »tit ilm $»r- un<> i-riw-rn th* dit<’« ift-n Water rTru and Imiry tin* g' iátli 1 » tm.l lut g with wi ll n.tr.-d ti an'ire'and lew* A <|'H k’y *•■« w. UtJ a’u u s «Wrá-Jvii» *.:» í- - .i ■ ' .$* r*fo Mtai; IWIto.Ul * .tanttaa 'M ■S3 W. «...v'k. *..*•*; * .*• 7*TT* wyyixtiJÁ^ BWttouj etuevfi éíVn vv-hr , MA.Xl>¿«FÍKL1> 4 TLCKÍ.t?’ ¡ Sdnih l\ . New Mexico. OFFU K 1S Jvil^oN s Iti.orK.' . Ine Xv-te»...................•«'?’ lie M-«itth*...»,<......... S**' ‘heve ¿otith».............. iOV* ¡jpCash in advance will be re-tuired ol aU*«d 8 " i 5* Sa eatoctiptioae tahée for • teñe iw» ii«*e lew.mtha^ . wee*R*R**«w* LAWYKHS* CAROS I KA M. BOND, . . lT*rlt«il»l Llbierian ) attorney at law, BIST! FA IEW MEtWO; llvvlton ’< rteim». -«¡.•>ie»«re l^wrl •*-••«»». . F. COX W AY, ATTORN KY AT LAW SAmiRlEWliEXroO. «v hiiiiwt#» in the lint of lite pmfrevfon en-to turn will nkivivc |«ix«miireml. »tri«-t nttrn-otte ."tliin of claim» vejWLi tiy. . «• I1 y KIRBY BKXKDICT» (Lite CMef Jn«tt«*.) Attorney and Counsellor at Law,' bAN rl b*E. NKW MKXlOL Wtlíprnctlto r na« 'y* ní I^y." M ‘I** «"I bind, will h_^i I Míe U‘l li gh*;' Hl* tdu»try WioiM alut.dantly ‘’•pph llfm titba ' gtoil veriviy «f vegetable». Su. lujan a J fit mi» ( lo t’i • «'♦■ oj ie;*wo'dl not *■ n*«ly »ff «ed them m frtv t h -me p eaeuie ' ot • Wifí’d add ta thvit health end phvr.Fel W«U to» I •l'K- 'Li at'twe^ |n repeel -d impwke aml re-qoeilt W« »ppeed JB h»l <»f the t«r»l ¡vati.'toe t»f ^tt>e nrdi:ia»y gtrden vrgrtJilea wilbjlMief .liver-linn, at to «jihute. Ifítvx** —P.a' t ai t»th * a» tint fetaan will ■ jiermit in gnu j ri< h • ..t Sur th* toil ufti n an i ICtblUt, Ti«- sod ‘ slr.oild I* Very ri'h. I ght end mellow. thrir tender *(ii!iti«s d*|*n>l-iog on X**“ •|'i" kóeee to the growth. Sow io hot beds orj2< lb* open ground •• #*••« *• j!tr tyó'ii.d * in hr with* I it* dndi ri^lit in Im 1 Dwaif Marrowfat, j OF We Irirn from ,thn Jirt.nr that Lirot. Hirlpt, .*• Ii 1 a> diy< irrontpintol by a derg^ant ahl.flp«r uni- ai-.vr.) »t A:lit>ipie»fpie,on Fiihy from lull in pofiuit" of detert»re. The •Lieutenant « {1 ,i. 1 one at Svt* rro. end anoth* *"• hirió*! over to lorn at'‘A!liuq'ier«|*te by h.pity L S^Ma^lui ILIL Ui S.inrby t'ht p«tty left f-r L.e I’iacer mouiitiMi» to look for m-.re *1. tetter. ÍPublithm ‘ JÍO.’i F>*r r^eh ».|n»a’;s ieh*»httos,:<*»,*»•<•»♦*• ¿I» 1 * *•;*”*.>* r',u»l to l|*»part «w\»»ad t i 1» . **>U0 onetyifthh tr;e. . - . . • ' A ' ' A” •,i**rttown nt» i hatgrd l«y the afeare «airea w ottorwi-earttrtunHt. - . ' • ed.wtfti»«to tn to yaid fr^rih advitM» ' :,N w»t>i.nkti .* iU rwy *Hk the •. t* j-maie laitiful», »*ii >< cimr»«* a*««.x•nn*trieM», «, 4 » b»*r n *,K la' — Fruw *» twanr frk-vmtn a wife who d'»»nt love-we, aad Ito* d.Udrrii nJ..» m aria.x h. the graa*. jm* a*alh hi #*wr .________, . „ . -------- ■ but*». Prom ton J, praceaejotr», and fro» ’Jr** *******” atvoMute «< revrfft *Hra*e MW ail n« w mm. ! - *■* • * -* * - - - Tto XfWbea Mere, toe* M tÍHrtf'tftfrT Ww» , m*t tu li ■« wlien t!u* jjravc, y an l B e- k ÍV4 x. I ur ' **** 1 - G.aut Wae an i S atkt "f **»'«-« •« 'hit«hmal 4 1 wrle» taeBiiwlla me Vai-i.i..leánl Be k iv. tutinvi» i > l*-rp.e inr- mp arj N*w I-r.-ncii f«iva«Je*t are ihe tott. •Fu» auníitirr th* Short l«*p l..'u¡» S ■• let. Luwg Wl.ite N»piee and |'á»plr "l'. p Naples a»e g»od, atol tint M inie bi¿d'Ruea China are the *eiy.' -I»*»t t >r wu tr*. _ T«>M vT«>.—S-iw ekr!y ii« hal'íírd or l-oy f-ítM» ,¡n Aphl o» M»y. f” o Íume gari. r.et; ti*t,.. plai t with < are a«ol L-i»ry on the growth a» f«»t Fhrenlx «mi McfloiWi, of date lewwy «*y .. m , •. _ HhlUwl hy tto toHt.li tteM». ImtthMdwítoíy ; t,,,m pv k pediera -from toaeg folie la will kot permit •« togtv, mote, Itoá tto^W ai'. tro..) ¡.«i anule w.tUoul 8MH*e). and írew ruiiu •«-•-. i.. . .. , . zTz bolera inn,*.„, ' . ”*• WeBat It to a»). ttott, ihM a* tite NMt I I r'im wcmth without charlttee, from prRIe 1 ftot-.l large party of nevagcw ftltitébe# a **f w'.ihi*..: neiwe, fr.au iw-dutiton «tuna uul ■«* ' ut itoee wagpae tob-na¡rg to-W. fk IkNUgpf per eeveAtg ef gait mw, gig* *, «fob proceedteg frwm the ism tw Ouep MeüwwwMf wte» grata. M*w weU tto wmatoa ***>*< t» acewwptféblhg ttolr pWfprwme «•* I* h*MK *♦*."*• ,r*Hb p»iligi**e wont wt. aad ri* h rriaUnvur ** Fr«»t«rfiu.^jw|#r »..i . ...... । C*M. from r«matea that 6*1*1, and from mea I who galh r. I From v«t w wiiboto fragrance, fra* better _ । l»»t SBiclia. amt from cate that ere eaattlnw i.tunal art., it... ni... h w. tharg* i > (lld t tlh, , Hilt, firmvrly inK-rnai ilrvvima ||h>»e tevgluma aa.1 wimtheaktatmitteae. St .«v*.lp-f at M ra» in this Territory, wwb I ? ***” I*yiyti« ieea"who pray, end from atolla • have*.; neglerltd b.e tbetr vri.l.it «d a«-ijmU*l w-ihoBt Inv- day that it w«« the drat eweey he bad enracd tbe Any epoe whkte **•***•'■** ***^ '«• ing Ita-ir seal», ami imme.li»lvly ap.n the sub* | b> l,ehi wwi ta tee yeara. - — - •- •- —• -VT1* :. . mit»ton tf tbé ilarm,t tbrrc being no ■ * **' ‘ ' d-iH-e tn suetaio the-ihdi¡teeut. t V i r-'in Hi»1 l’v.'t oí lint murnieg . (I eb. wr r*kr tb« ful lowing ertn le. Low-tweut *• iwiiv.tifin, . **" “In r*r l\.»t «it J)ee. Il, lh.i.3, we piLLMuti Q*tte » ne, weendrd f. r ** BelUnge aed **ere atarted eAw *•*,*# MlewedttojMrell wbteh led tow** Itagr a» pot» i Ido. Wimii th- Vive are welt art w ili ..lie'f gropn fruil rul «U ih** y vung Lran Lm «r if ¡y atrip the leave» f om 1 the upe. In tlii» "wav the fiu4" may lit fully K«y"« Larly a><¡» i«" grr..Ly | riivd « til •ti I iaet year p.. k. g»a « f 2.» »et.|« anid fur the «Ld'vt». *L4«*w*h a* gNag ********* t —I etailelciaa aaye; ••tilrf» ef to*» are tv .1 # . ! ♦xpenahc «*lttor to ratee or to •wmrrw.' Tto» j \\ , tin refere, m joeiue td < »pt. INI. ratra*t r.M foaf tlmte ae morkpar jamad bow wthey o «r-il.i-g. » egeii et him /nd give ta tto ««f-njc .lfl'i tliirt, yeaiwagm* Very likely. Bet gtete «. tto tut wax g.vcn t» * Ti*’, _t .. If • n-’ik rniM. ftmr fit* I— 'aritoto heteftt ^urunj iMact-UMtmt,. - I white anting hi a «hrwa-te^md Moot. tooMtor J pinte ot at|ik,* Wit praetke la «tithe <’.iwtt* of Law «nJ Fruity tolhe lrnit«*v k*ix-xi*l attri.tnri b». t>.c , 5*i«. tt.*w ot «Lun*«mA ivuuttuiuv* )>tx4U| liymad-t fh«*y will da I it coHwenu t>t.f -r future r« ferci ■ e. In a f« W day t we »!utl g»te a ' ti»t i-filie in«»t. ( •• «lily « Jlivate.1 aio! ei<*»l »*inwy (1«>w»r» an^Lil I < ui rr*iL re wi;* d» »ire to ad I the vtniaiviilil.. : > ti.v tt«t«11*1 1 •• al !i «l in ik'ifig »o. I IfKXRY 111LGKRT, Indina .Xnii, Attorney Mid Counsellor M L&w T" ■' * •tetet an I ymmiit attain:*» wfl* to ri to*!nc.*» ut t|i.« .e «.I 61» p.xit.V.i.M. o. . *Mn>tvJ to him. f> '.’Q ty K. IL TÓ.XH*XIXS, ;K g- w t v gre.t peffri tinli livre ra«#--!.. I;. - »<•♦! td.-oiLI to L- met u»eJ end epi le<: ¿ r , *<■».- d; t t>« th* ae lU-i » !»*««•:• ut Kti;v ,. , . ■> X\»rfc aa-i K,r’* d t«»v W«k* ¿c! t kre t«f b«»t - uiet «eti) aiM.J, and 1 .r »u"oi*r a.pi viti rue* t.n* l^rg» S bwcihnKl and Wi'iió*i"»í«dt. Tie- .ioab novuirwx, ATTORNtY AT LAW, ti;* r temp «na»- w.di ú i*i I Lry »L*'vi4 b<«ly*e ami w !y-n * wr:1 •vt-ruiu» til, 10 tw-g-'n» rf i?u- |ii ><» ■• • "Luibd tu tl.r.i .« SoT-L rd iL m. - "i1*'1* *hrw-teg*H aloul, took ft*p 1; Wee the »!re «>1 the livid in wMt* the •••mt1» gra»d, at>d whai wag thegtrfe egaf —Mr*. Ktotor MetoK itan Wjreeftto Aetata -jtotfcw to lb* peace, that theta wee ee *erh Mow eboet la ilia pápete wot teeg-ehtte» bee J been obliged to atiné ftettotim beech *r • ee* ;*°h- It WM a boy. w*-h;l.lng twelve gewwta. JI have mo d«»peeition lo . gb, ttbcltevcd to Ue ike Inti JwUce ef the rvnrhw U» toKto* u* mu)*» ww*m UbewdwfaMwta Ito* We»#ii\*t||,-1toV -wrre peneed lly eli wtoNto Meitoeet wW ^CW*. Tvht SKI.hKX.'N. M.; F« brnary Hili, |á¡l. • Thr rrp.-ft tbit I be ^peibe-e h*vr left t,i Ceu*.!* L*e ru.t |*«-n «-in,firmed. If tbry ai, etill r». the vc»erv*tión I am for"peer». ‘•V’l ..Sam wdl fid/tLem wt.til ilnir heiiiwe *«> >w*g that tb« r w. trate!, rv, w “el. rí th» meadow» drwe aw peace that ewer had a titiag lilt» tWeweraleew ew-rt." I liopr that iliaca J of r’brlluin*,-ihe_tbe *ort4 gwa * n*aeLl»..w.*w ‘< l *x ! ~Thaia al«t Mambr owttfwwr y«eeg *ef-UawenwmL**’«'“• *•* tb» Mlwt dyr ? A U4y/whl*g to.pun-iiaec rema boae, atrppwd toto» Nen^ made kawwa tor wh*. »»4 a bo» él aUÍciitaga । were atoo» b«r. ileaklag te tw>»r tto jirtce Ie,lrP, uto.", ur lb toting So* mty. ¡ 7<* *“*** *■ Í.! *W1 a; ,¿.1 o* a wV’*W«i aoma «wottor. awl 111 te*h to*l * t - "i " k'.h **'lk* vtt *** 1*. Jeyt M the gam* l'*. di»t wiilet.n | i»v* i.i-tlnt i .-*k , eiO'i» of «ti uei.liage inm-t. ! , it .. . . . .. 1 - .« , < ¡. L .. . • *v um.ier w«;l *-i»c Ib* red d.M.« < ut, t«r mtk.- I < 11 n tir —StQie ae for «-aV-xi* wnk th*-' : ., ti-, > - < . ' . . . . « ! . • «»*»» •< e takr i ta«e ’*•» d. i :h « I wo-i l» cm «»♦ n.o.e l*i. b r m «'t.e-j-i:r mora • aye . ip t rat* ( . ., * * • . Fr>‘m»t vne-iti e.mll 1» g ven t > «If l.ndr.ew tn »»••♦ ho- iSiw’» J n »cnti«.i» to t!,^ , igw.n‘1 «<(,iw>tin< wf urv-viwSfi'M. hMth'|i»rt o rttory the Lit»* Adieté, r;. । •.•Ifvetirti —Xw!'»ra !•*•! 1 : •' Étrly Su¿fr, A«»l»iw Sw**--» »n I St1 wvi’e Fret- i ’' ■ V C**"* Sweet are exi*!lr*t f if »»?•!.« tn i. Alo» < : ím. 1 ■iKsttál V t»*il t . 1 Fililí AllV boto to la*** * Ihetrto •< Mveew «lele Un» etomat C*l*N**eA*. .*• ti* !%***•< ulter . •. w«*p *t* .*• ****** * I< ni I em in th-« jty atlemtirg t!»e • t . n lu*t*i.l Court f»r. *«■.ue days peal, left ye»U f lat tu» iLrit huiuc its Teoe. • • . rrTi.* - ■ " . *J " , T LL,ui,he<1 ; w«y ato áo»« anottor. end nt tee* rwteM ad «d ■<•» abiMHHice that’ E4. . Iteatiifoe *, 4i-<¡ , olAiiUufpi«-i«|to, b«a rret vered vmapteteh t: In, f*t«;eNl djirtg -roa» iftatae. j ’ 4 •--.—«e¡ *, —»- i Mtem BlnWt -Tterrlteie F*ie ef * ; *rt*e Static MmM»* ** .Anee* • —Georgia «ti» ha vwtieg wegto tifltoei' ••aetVaga altugct».* «wbtet taw tank*!» e***íi*MM'** ' ■ etory wtN* aewd we w* ud* dta Agewl teg Meatoag at Cata» ; Meto towf weed <¡*4 beato _lwf te , v, . <**•** ba aet ibemwctree * W '' - ■ ttotoma tl*e aova. U*Jyei*|lil«B ' ' «H*K Jtotete* itij. ***** Wdiílto *M, e»*to*****«r <« VW.JL |tere• L . . , — Ii kcaHtaited.UMS UmntaM ?3,W *we to XewTojtkdtf. .v '. —OMc:fwiHh el lto globe U *li to N gtW- #»••. |i b a hard place to tti» <*, -^eumtor er ito moat p^*1*|*| •»«**. of Allanto. Gd.».werelwi*ÍB"té N^g le He geto': .jto *wi or ttot-ettg iMe^F*"; : y ambhkiMi»--w <■. -t-n? ftom ^hrltaerlanil n( -toüi.-mfd -nV» 4 a ye/r ago *l Sacramento. । • f*i*v u**.i»ter tit the vk«*e-»!4 i«‘'ü Utiwdrwifeel'*‘r.tea It* . :'.attam.Ti- the l.^urBaa paving one. Tto «•'ee-aiMn-a 1 -J L- ••■rail " ... i».-'- * " i " i that when Un * «•* lurgvd h# the tadte»,*' whu* . re.o* a el 4 U-. afy t . tugar pvo-liicvii ftem 3 «W topé wf lieet, woU’.d, w^h« gwldei. n iwhhwS bl*;, be atened * .......- emier lto'i»e.«.«-.t.»i»teni.- •« If "Fir Lot > •tote 3to n--.--i.»toa •PMtot'ltitoc, ' Shoc,^ after to toll ft i iiCHL.tMMXMtiiug it*t, *11 thiy<’ went (>U> f.r.a wdMi, itoLioMMcr aartol-nbróy un* l.-r yt\4ter •yCWfltyoB (to **|Mt*i*. W'aUUtyt u; ..a t!* lew- **1.M»l*r<|hikÍ' .ti* ríklc ohi¡red,-t.yy ar». tja.M* wtiSu‘*|ttt* biA" íl,W íw Ato «•dinning «■?•T^enmelto.«fNiL* toi*h« w* ■-• • "• eñder'•í*'pe*1**‘«t.rt*tem.‘e« if "Fir Lot! ....................... . , .. The auc-bto yptri • *tve. of tí; • ^TvitNle. CJ ; le » i xuger ‘ wwkv. - , . 1 :^a» taTWLSiate/aád.ito^ yte^ t’ovrir. the w»aAto* Jta» Ruta: «fé^p^wf^^iyipwkpi-Kwii^ whÍ h1U«¿rA l1Íri iigh^iitt}T¡ut* XVtcr;ítai'..wéJ^-ai »U Mt-1|^gyÁ^d£ te»».kv-wto M ■.'*!? ^fT¿^n^ii<^^t^XMrrSto'Jk.#ti¡wd-Í|eaU»»" •M. wáWeer”4^ a>*T t* ?««•«*■ 'tidh..t »*¿H«»¿tbey1 ^f»e-ií¿ <*••»*«* wto^iV.#eie biNaliiíN* p* 'to*r'^ski«.-am*|/:< ... farfr totoiee: e£í Jí’"' * ‘ '^>$e. w' i**^*#W *í- k-totoeta- ">*. to' í al -**.to^ie.v,r)|^j' 1 X'VyrTtrn. . Hawtserar’y aetüifl te?a»Wr ¡«^ át wouidc t»i $76,*to) «¿-prbddl 6yt* tight Urcb *L ■■tietWBten- -- , »Vkk-K,|4,^eN$W Into Ute-torritnést^hl .Wdi-iW‘Mwi tito ito ■*’ %! ..WH: ^WM; i¿^kStik: ma'1' iT;,. ____.-«tóS l-tX.-r ii :l «, *"? tes-i s ¿""¡I -j i u v-i-.uK