Ti v I)li» 1' I. X i1»* . . .. । Ji 111, i,-n " ________ ..>s.. .......... .. _______ .4. v4.:. r-■■'.■- IMAI M1-U"*T£OX.' Uti^, V^say:bravpf\>rthonewpubli-A.XK.iabtl t ...........¡eation!tml for its editors who aw son . rv vvci F SXM of Coahuila. Saltillo progresses. M hat 1.1 I l.i. SAX. 1 ,u.k when Ingersoll sees that paper! Wc propose to establisn an E-agUsh__e,inniwill Governor Madero make section in “La Sombra de k nenie <. | A « tiift'tirent districts of the the benefit of our readers in geneia . ¡ > - • for the be- Nowthatour relationswith our Cortil State to see Our Chief American neighbors are becoming mow , ne : ief.xti'»able ivorker. Coahuila has intimate every .lav. We • think it is t. an indel. tigabl« u oik ? that we shoubl take into pnw iso goíernor in the time .to = new idea, tor the good results that it ill, i Madero is a man of enterprise uudoubtedlv eon Juco to. ' ''kf .t^rXive ideas. He certainly This section will be un mr __ i a° iwisfc brilliant epoch in the kna«ement of the undersigned who toi se-, lias ma io a vtod veavs resided in the northern cities history of oui btate. ►of our sister Republic. . __Mi. Jaan N. Salag> a poefc [?] of this ► We will spare no pains m makui-, this - nublished whathe calls a sonnet fcdepartment as interesting as pce>si j . > . J that Pirron wrote in “El I Critics and the. public m general, will answeiinp one Bi^lease take notice. t’xotv Svx. We have a very Mr. Juan N. Salas, a poet [?J of this the subject of Voltaire. vci < poor opinion of Mr. Sa* 1"s’ „ , to Ü'viy s,^, ¡interested in the study of Shakespeare s larigUage of Cerv^?®' language. __The rumors that have gone aroundj literature: pubHoi: SS xSi^hetei vhíüattoX teon t e" ceUenUy resorted to PFtí’eUy^® “f ar;qr? I Weíl.educated person, is a "Ontleman of Sease that dreadml disease shomd ai- - ,^^efiuej manners. Possessed of true pa- —The Mexican National Constructing, tnctic’ thePmostC exalted ci- Co4auy is advancing^ rapi^ | b^admueclvath { The locomotive is abou. tern miles i..,", * in politics, unstained by dis- fegde of the Bio S ilado. Thelrae e-lLaoaee p manner he has get to Lampare by the ‘wf‘‘e‘h.k|S>yed Iin tiTe discharge of his duties t this month, and we are assured th.it the disj J _ _ —mnsitions that M^omotive will be in Monterey by Octo- I ber next. This is business! ____ —The students at the ‘-Ateneo Fuen- his is i itf’. of :his city. Is there no way ofsiipressing such vile '> Do, Mr. Salas, for vour ountry’s sake, give np^ 2^°P- HaV9 health cf the'city and mercy upon me p.«*-_______ « i¿ KeVunlei^s political .positions that have been filled by him, is an honor to himself, to his State and to lus country- —4íEl Ateísmo”, a paper piiblished in ^as riiated many o 0 ¿igtratioa a eitv, dedicated to show the falsity steps that the all religious sects, will. We ha>e no has 1 ab;ig¡n0nt| of the c¡Yil matnage be accepted by the best and most the - important laws and decrees. Ml"* - English soholnr. >• El Atewoio