w. X' 1*»HH M is; i the Carriages, etc 5 tn aiy lio» t it io W* ivrrvborate i'tWoicy year* i)d be expected. ran bS wpcu* ; for «11; The froto Chas. Probst. W.u. Bkkkokn, Jobs Rittmu Committee. xk'i' van boast, i Ever] before itself a fu ifiing ivlUl- yut* Fof Salé! AU kto.u of Umber. Bb-tulro »f P. r. Rettow, et fUr. kxe-.H.iW- 4¿ Erepiing tebie has Ixv» compiled ,6 official rotiiru* so tara» rtwived , #ad fi>r the pnx'iuet not in. No. 9, concede < Republican majority of' :!4 -nn tbi, whole ticket, nltliough it uiay prove lesbiy the actual «mint, and thus make a material diffi-Miw ia the whole While we have not elected our full made the □ ¿rcr tooudtsSnsl•<*! »' il they had 1. their samtbita. die uScient rewanl fivr whereof I speak,” Nothing can "who are food vwn* »i* tbMr party Irtnier*. ^Thk W especially trwc «f Santa F<* < ounty whert 11W> UHT. 15011. The Saloon I Ü ■ 8 3 .u-,,.? D» ni.'c’-.itiC <;.tuu. K. p.irxed trom all Republican Stron^hoMti I ■ R good “outs” U1 *. i uh in .un- i.;'iinou..i>* mi, »>pH»c .-.X-1 f I'Vttv climbiiig—fur fie fl lua n: ptM i.m* metal*. And *]1 this with thou-hmuImií" milr, pf the üiriiierlv mi.tailed 1.....: .. I, ' . I . ■ , , '... toX, n -,,s ,s uir in.l x »ftii,*)...r,li.al «bar- i '¡«cut nf ihi- County. 7b.tr .tC-nmtt.; “ thxr.'io!'. x- ,i M.-piC.’ii-xnMhinK- i , ■ liohl. a:; I u hen ;"r.<..i < toinvhim.liYii i ■ ui^.Hiiy lia- l>s« nvu'arlv t’ivxti fori tiw red h»,,} wo(.{. to • ticwtiGiflin w*w- PwiruoikM ■“«tbe&atpyJj Ih-uis. Réjw. t - *ro «fvi-nd nii tire r* Ant e)i* i6 *11 rwpwu, 1 llwe.1 tw raeail et mj ¡M-» uT biwetaa, luukr Odd fullee ■» He», whm 1 ui *« «H tie™ ¡«ip*™J lo xwlw xuxkn fiir wuct. Unfatas. *nd »reiüda< tlQW etf-ilbtittl tA nnvaiitftw » •» The* Dc-mocvfltv " Make Room*’ , for Dona Ana County. P^Ír,í*a' ‘° 880 lWon«- 1°V*idliofwh«..hui I^eWo, uke di ditero I have ever I withoet an .if in Smokers Articles l’.artá, M mint a ins, which then were «•oifTt'd iiith n di'ii'ri fiitvst rk-hAru«"« long ______ nmugh for wen a days' holiday, but .111 cw.i*.||«l rolfoMhe ....i....»... .1.... .i..•........• i... ! . : . ? lli-uito Itac.-ró inanity. 417. >• figure- ntay K- dmmred to w»mo hut o.- .1x> not think there will lie SANTA FE, - N. M k'our^i bertmiwJWy '* *«.l u.raliip . ü.,.y had W» si-.ii* metal* 1,1 ¡•i ’sitiriy «It-'1 Tdtal. From tin* foregoing table it; will be**. W' a tow *M»r» l*|y w tivxihróeM rerm»»tTr'« «.flkt. Allró*'*#*» «sulíiinc» tx> tiiel t>rodec«4 letiie Copying,enlarging *1H1 eujhlHe .Mplelxies in Ml* Ink. roton. Att srknowtolp' the mjusiii* of their deim,' and ruaimi tlu- position tv which they have b«wii returned elected. .-ii.Ai el' Bepnl'htwn: i.-ts of thai - i np.lid. 1 "• - •" ^Welltiiitlci Rusticating | UlliMluV bUtpWCS I Round the Rlc Qrsnde. ; ? roS"^*r $*• IWro ^iLl.tAMS I’f CRAM, ' A^A llUIIV I*’- <•■ cA.k-ttahi il». t.J. x ihnt Xl. xi.i. st.- t.'-Ux .H-. . otila* they wvix up, in wht n .,}> i), Af'ilf* WHHp a't.l >1. rtxW* told La th.- I ftvlehtot* w)t.> .-Ahi - fl, v THE RESULT! Over the Home stretch ! „ SantaFeCountyDem ! ocratic! S^nt* F.-, * men w.xul.i I. ,x.. ci -.-. • to four pw'.wwil vi..li-n •' tV n, ti,.- V. . t.. ®,'n than b«' wmM tls.m th- Sx»,., 1". ¡wjiV U »app»i >t ti.» ns. r ... wfvA-wnh pn.reto th.- v»m i ,.f m.".» 1; x«h> b«v by the pbtim: A-ty . Ki. i-nt slreriff. Martm Qimitsiix. .Lmn^ ih.- ¡..s, ewwytWT*. fbwn tdii.-h it «.»] b s,i » ;i.„; * mixnl pt^.nh t i. wren lhiWMn.iixs.pl... wll3, A ialx;%. mliH W ef trxnrieMs ».n*t»ntly m Sant* F-. iiikir thirtysflnir «mw» L.tx.- U, , t Dii re mil tn* till .1, ubi thxi ... tailhuixi isxinmiun. at i-xn L't«.s\.i Vv Mid ill.- R*st.in -it»- i* x~t ■ * this rib. on euvwint »f 1» .' \,■: iri Í States P.'i;x.sr -u I ;L bile v't.fL'ish,.; efhwii tnrxr.s sn;-,"x': li periallyfor perren- -uTXrii:. :i -., i ■ chixl *hd ctlu-t : .. Í- „ 1^' au.lyet the j*w i- -1. -. ... | w already fxib-ninl’»; .r.iLi t "; :-il .1, I of ihi* writing »<■ b x.. b., I Stix'W.bal tOiLy tbx- «lii.-i x-f llii-..it:. J l* perfivtly conf, n.d >1 ’ hi a t. I >1:. 1> i:! I out fire Mid with the .¡.si:-- mi l P wide open It i» s 11 't.'x! thi't :\.i; ¡i. ¡ l - uro never ton days in th y?..i ia S.,ni k, Fe during which x->-.-ti ¿ir aim > FlV **“'“.'* Ai.-», «re x j»r: <-f :1, hq -aitrwctixxM olforedl-y Situs Fo to th » 1 : |qmwt ofhcellh. While in .wr •i}4nion rhe )b>ru,>«'niti<* f party ba* even n*a.i4i to esmeratutak- it-; wlf on the Tv.'uit and Rio Al riba i» which «>> riaim th.' tnujoritire ..ii .iifo-'i ran forth»' raher. Ihm.xrath". cm-1 rin) <*«•1 r- %* L • iftwr town • «-«:• Li.. .i xi-ry old P«.x », - h 'l.uii.i if any puní now! ■ x\ .•ixilium.t aln-iit hliHiii. wauti; lii’Lli, ,.f ¡.ul-len harvest, hr 1 j b|"vt>,o *n* g-ft„ 1 . .q.trtin p'ti- .'’si. this Ihlc.i ilciir..,l ,vn piollii-nnt n-iilh , in „v|, ..iL.t», in |i>. reUnto* lti. ^|liU1Lsh nd... It was h.-m th^ I * „ ||all «»* to n and L ureal vaito for nht>, with othtita t'i rid Itinwlf <*T" ander which Ms 1 ing for nrarly a < tdry ' f| i, $W|je l#d been uhqqto an woulsHmt Imw s ; |M'ivliMice lie d.«< there ii n.i j-articith^ Í ly remark nlde rexseu tfiat I I mm wfvihy | lie slieuld mil enj.iy himself. The jairty I vvhx. went “ rostiixithig," and one «f ; nhxiin ywir eoMw|«md«rt hxtl the lienor I *if In'iiig, hwigineii they were x'lijwting 1 themwlvo*. whether they wciv or in.t. "‘hi' totxnnra, l*up|«wcan Mitnvcitiws.».* 1 wadi #x it' limy nwlly were. I do not ; think it |MM»ihle for » wan to ride any-Rqmbltvaii.! «here in this country nf magnifo-eut 4»- I fantw, with it» beautiful views, ituehmd-kisred Uiunillaitrt I j thought* Mire tn hi> awaken»! of its his-" rival aiitiipiiiy, without liewming is- fr XK3\ XI t Mill. , NllUNÍRV, is । lit"*'»» iw Wu.i mnulinrle** fto-ks mid! In j hwU. V it, i- ih,> uiM Indian iisi-d t<> 1,11 bld; Will* Ii t-> Oir iiiioi»|« eting ' Mi- Itnfder. ii •» 'i.nid itivihiiL.- «xUtngvs, »ui . , . mi rages, «ur r,,4»de»l gnd. tm „f itiurat.i fl.iwer*. atd tiv - ami Mie * ..V -I. h. i,im iruif qnrstiull lit I'l'nf ,-imtuixn sheep u.-ed 60^ !“■ 'IritVn an^tiinre i!m»ntii briar Win* L. H. Cary, Milliner San Francisco Street; ' H’ ' *W* ;r'Vl with * ilreir# " yu-io ->f tyrant ¥d to*n gw*' field* In Wnrlhte- A FE. t.xniMv*, ri.tiWKt». i..\i i», mniM»*. tn.it*. IhiSXKT tMU HAT KKAHM. IIWIT H.HÍ. vnr*.sirrn.#;tsrv tn thtt/*bCrismcwi ”•»! > the 1‘uebin, i* fi ...........’ v....... ; New Mexiixi tV>m (..gethe-v with the ¡ the pl»^ eh.wl6 k, • WttluHnwl «tC «»*> ).»». " * J . - tituc í> Trim-’ r/theton-r» ulrfsti Weiid-T-i Li» plane-two mil* lieek a tho hi tert of it* raii-ui \\ uioiiili* inu ru-mri In-ibrei atintli.-r i,¡ail .inixed and eiiraxina t>f¡ freight w. ,c urt tin- road from early I Spring till Ute thllfte in,u- an., trip for ' supplies of mw*sarii'»« \ j (.an \<4 In* blamed. tlk-ii.f<KH.s, Nia-K Rl x’IHXO, shtitt UVimiXG, Sl.KKXX *!HKU>«, sKIHT St VlSIkTKR.*, all'. V? - \ ---- Dr. Warner^ Health Carset a, - i'SpMtelty. 1 AU tito»» »>> uwti *« 1. wtullf flU-l. W DRUG Fischer & Co., Sant^, Fe A complete, frtsh Toilet Articles, Soaps, fumery. Prescriptonsa-ji rately compounded. I ^ETTD SBEL., g, NATIONAL MAfi '" -"-eVe " wS ■Transportation Compe I EXPRK^ FORWARhRRd AND CÁRRtBKS Óf TH* wool Mi) mot). . Henry Duwei Great Southern Overlaid sitinei.*? Th-y are rert.iinly In-untiCn!, i *ivl, 1 ilinibt if their »|lial can lx- tomid 1 ia any nmntry in the world. We left Nauta Fe »t about three o'clock, and the elntul* had been following u* all the af. te-rniihu, throwhiró thdr fi therefore claim the 11 i.vti.i.» of limito Rae» by at lcw*t three li.m.ihri and fifty majority in the Tertr* sued by certain men of the Republican .* ¿ party, many of there adherent» were IhattrU*^ irafx.n^ C te *e future that the Ro^M^u' ííír¿L!a i<,wer iD lhr Cwat-T £h=v Tl r a ‘° -hat the L p-fohro ac« haatom ^pcriyronduct- I = no miatake in your dectfon. "" " that to 8driw- if-former, tto : ^i,Oe °1 lt8-vi,,S xn-looting . for ti, ’rriral. yi S^ratoteka wa,never mad... .odmore ■ rare owo wam MpM" Ftirtutixtely wotó m glurimv, iqiai’k-ling day, x-iieh onlfw ¡1«- gulden scuNia nf Íhtiíioii diu lirfll i-i ¡luis the grandest nf American eliuir- arel even cur fleet-footed ponie.t «irly n the hanks of Qb^rmta for a fen nio-incuts, long cnouilflvailuw soluc «»f the lucre Vx-nti: cromew ho ¡'arty to fohl the stream to its we»tra Lank, and fur no other reas.,11 ihalllsoa vf other than to say that \ lud ‘l*va west uf the Kit> 0ramiewhen re » folpad h ¡his laud of wun- T- explain tk-py uliiritics of tbs cave W..I1L1 require miirtieto by itself, So ■ to the river—grudging tint “ River of the North " even the «trip of green when» nestles the Ihieblo of San Yldefonso.— vast, wide, Imnen, with no VMtige of lift* beyond a bekted native driving hi* burro, or a flock of quail» or a jack rabbit hurrying as we came; eo, the cloud* were a comfort, and we watched them at their play, grateM for anything that took our thoughts from the scene of endless and irretrievable deeoluiiun. Then as the Min went down, there eame the struggle I between coining night utid the stern bum-11 tag majesty of the eternal monarch of j I will n„t Att<-aiptLáisri}>tkm*«'ral]c Can-. jidate- reSpeetireh forthcuffiresofSelU-■t'-r.:n:l Ph-bste Judge in this County ' intern? !•* «vntvsl the election uf Gdonel . William I'reedett and Ifon J. Abran Or-. tfr eti the ground that illegal votes were ! Tveeivvd from )»erroi«* known to be rvsi- xb-tits <>f Chihuahua, and counted for . js*"s* » ou«-v (hat wc did uot rcwh Sih Yldefonno until the following rooming. However, w0 did not euflir very much in conrequence a? we sucoeed-ed in finding quite comfortable quarter» (under tho blue, star-light vault' of hear -*9, with a cora^telk for a and to Wtitry througli the wo down the Rio Mwao three «»* few mike through broad field* ofgcoi WNteg land, admirably irrigated and 5^ C^t.ir,^On,.‘° _8eo riaiüxl in New Mexico ii a tumble-down tffairalbraL Il la but fair to ■«, tboogh, that jtut at the parent time & h* ■ eore diiopidated look than wual owing, no doubt, to the firelthM the In. *” hxrvrating thrir ram, of which they mine iromeneo quxatitk*. Of the aeeieBt hintory of thu Pnrófo >ot much ia known. Iad*d U h not my purpow here to dive into it» rótinnitl», fur th, hróró ümt I haw rót fdldtot rriutie date ti hand from which tomato ■ very heavy anliquo argutacn}. ' $*<* ¡# fm# I aw not afoso, tk¡ hfotoriaua who have ever atbMpted to write ró^t New Mexico have ringtdarly foiled to no- W »«y ipv*t length i}.» Mto A* a matter of interest to our readers we publish herewith, a tabular statement showing the States in which election* wen- held on the 5th instant, and the po-lilieal c-itisp'.cxix.ii of their representatives in die last Congresa, Alsbania. Arkansas. Connecticut. / Delaware. Florida. Georgia. Illinois. Kansas. Kentucky, Ixxtiisisia. Maryland. Msssachusetts. Michigan. Miunerois. Miteissippi. _ Missouri. Nehnu-ka. Nevada. New Hampshire. New York. North Carolina. PentiaylvauM. Rhode Island. South x.jx*-*U—. Tenndnsec. Texas. j the inherent etrength of the Denux^tio party has nut altogether neeompliabed , what La# bre-n Me, for in the firat piare tlie.Republican jwty did not nominate lti strongest men. but took up perron Who were obnnxir.us in many respecto to the liest clement in their own pnrtv. For instance, no mine timn doubt» that if Marti* Quintana had been renominated by the Repubiicans instead of Chiquito, •Sena would have hud u «nailer majority^ On the other hand Bretefen and Staab both owe their election to Democratic vote». Reduced to a nutehelt wo think the result of the election in thi* county thow» that for county office» the pc^do have disregarded party line#, eu¿[ VotwJ for me» whom they pereonally preferred. I white y,c. Jelled nnt only (he rajjf tZ2Z”* ”* die j U'r ,,r veto. k***Wnde out ttcat. wkiu L Urn mee do and are weteomnl ! what to* ton "'r*5*®1 on ,n8 w*>«>i** **** down tiw haiiieto** t- ^«•Mwía^biNgrnróiNeli^, that the Democrats had a ,wiefr«4»e, „<• Íi2tiv«tU1 tf,e 1,U,t Houseof Beptv ■^^■‘ornihg.b^ttode^ In tho October «lection;we nurife#eie-tual gain of eight, and thd nrofwhW» »re that our majority will be rtififoS ancreteod so tlut it fe Mfo tp WI|BC Uul m the event of tho u»xt pr¿róíe¿ml afeo-UM tong thrown into , tho Lower Honre of Congrí» w«> will elect niir exadidam bcyoBtl all question, and it ifiay u action will bo taken without delay to in-dura the parent incumbent of fou Prró-dvney to step down and cut of the pfe,-he hold*. - r s*y 1l1.1t for reel gt-osre? out-door eiyoy-nrent no eowntfj oeAv -footyttool “ y «0 happily sit^toi tf Xrw Meliro. One a red njt gvfer i.> find, if he prefers the etyoj"" New Mexico »c-i ~-s(i oixwuwheel*. 'W oimcc .if úx- «cd in thrir ml for mile»; bofhs of the .pflf erróte rowteuotion. could be1 I timyok* Were lashed t« wwtÑe»,* seen iffpa ,..«,..vhw ti tb« time of the l«iiidi»|f tho. Babiy-noted the ruetmuog tito of Moetem- króró"-tower; cveiytiiin; **• ctWomi and habita il •Áé'.fipetifeh ('alAre, a tbrirfim arrival in thé Ian to*. . • trow ;¡rauK iu«¡ cox Mowers, tvupensi thfaxliiii' maehkne*, i ploughs of ail eiifs- «id- gradl and other j iron awl «eel iiMp'isuents pattern, for *as ing Ifoor. srv tirrpd for *sie in neariy' "V W are, with run- u«|>hu.h' mtlreraa} uxe, Whw> th» Ii towd to gwni yi er hi» fiitolwi* "u tfrie ilw rón«l . 2.1. O. O. P. Saxta Fk, X. M., Oct. 21m. "78. ll'Aereu», It has pleased au AU Wise Providi'nce to remove from our tuixkt, after * protracted illness, our much beloved brother lawivitoe U. Murphy, on Sunday the 2»th iust. at 5 a. m„ therefore be it y jRatolwfl, Tlwt ii^tiie death of our beloved brother this Lodge and the Order, iu com mon with h» relatives, has sustained au irreparable los». Reeolr^xi, That we cherish in affectionate remembrance our late brother who has Iwwt ealkd from th» lodge below to join die Celestial Lodge above,and render to hi< rektivc* our heerffelt »ym-pfithviuid eondiMiee iu lheir Mil be-, jaaivemeut. JTíZ.nayxliitlaTts.b-Upon *ic luiBUtw. that tire ¡¡Darter of this Lodge by draped in mourning lor the space of thirty days, and that a copy t‘f thcfn> rewlutions bt- rent to the relatives nf the tlcceared, and that there reeolutinns be ¡mbUahed in the *• Rocky Movxtaix Skntimrl ” ««J •* aTrl i n n-n ID™a> and good workmen, eiiatitl us to excel. We have the lari most complete assorfcmei* r> T-w • , a ’ -/y of Printing- .4 for all kinds of Book & J Wdrk, and can turn out phlets, etc., on short notia We are prepared tp out work in Colors, of size or description, fronf visiting card to a Full Shi Poster. In Prices anri Q ity of work we defy tition east or west. Subscription for the fito tinel only $3.00 per ¡paper in Near. Mexico $■• ¡tee