bi Im witoM* Ila . o i'^ho - N.*e y®- Kty llw, ñMiw Iro" de^tei^hbma M id toW|>k*« trll Nl-|u*W hot hi Ini» hy» Mr Iró _r .....,,,.45111 Mp THURSDAY, W, i860, •Ny’fleo tiro ftdvcd bills for flcilc of Until «i fiybitere «Mi tl r» WlW*i-FerwiÉk dytirleig f !W if.<' 4 4* I ••. r- Viy. J i#>y Jkl. . ... * 'i « ' ",s*wP'”R ' '*'-. ,m- ,>"'■ :W distil; • Witters. Flewwfteti*» ytwwfi iov, * Ho* wlfflrt* MK 'ititoyoe.íí'íp _totW ’RibboVaÚ—^j^iojuhyo ¿a® r^toóVed itoformei' jbIob tówIííM '.■?1 PW'- ■ v^r y--' JiLjMMW5*'"1 , - - ■ ..- W- 7: - t . t -S». ?■' 1':' #! f r'Mfi d,(fIW. ■' i ■ '■#!-• W 'Xh&j|¡n¿ü!:k,. iW-*-'j; "J • " :' /* - Jjf f ■'« v’:,Á y/A"' ; f ■ !-.i- 'i'- to i*ioiwe«fl|ewe'WRrwiiip ¿ftiio V«ikr. W**li •' '* yba^'siilly^ of wM^^c6mpÍM¿n' ^¡n .(¿i&preMtiro of the jurors wbd from Nik^oh or any other county# tor fti Iky new >hi!c heye *t but h; lite fact Uu|ii (fiimf of tiio. cUlsmui of oiar own country aro pot docinwl worthy- to nit ns jiiton iki this itow notorious court. Fur this thk juror» arts not, of eouruo. res* pMtoilde, and tho editor of- the Valley knows that wo lliave trover hold‘thorn no. 18®k Wg direct crpcciai attention to tile proclamation,<)$ tho,-General eom-mandWff tl»*»l]j0narymcttt. in relation «to nn cx|iodition sat® to be organizing' in ; i tliisiyiciuUv for the im^xw of «Wring aiiont rln|.|Wtty murrtw irLÜoxHxr. Our ehtef । purpwoi in drawing nltention totthe ex-In answer, we hnvo to say that w<- dn not' ped it ion is,’ that wo may wohl all good know whether it will or npt.—It certain- citty.<*i»9 against cmbhrktng hi titoenter-i Lin , ill nHzp.ab wo foci trtmvlweed that tho Com- lymllrot.unfesni.-.mranl.x.ranlK.lmd (kncral wiH ail' who may Iro engaged in It.—Sd« Vln-(onio Herold.. Ahyo^do. ek? Then you were only lito Aectioa St in the Peabody’b ramc street, knowrt ,.. __... inga, opposite the Mr. Dye, from ycart of experience has a knowledge of burincm ¡mssosrod "by' few on -tiit* frontier, and persona ha v frig goods to dispose of cotlid not trust them to bolter bandit. He w now fully |>ru-pared to receive cops-i^ifhi-:, ¡ *w, * . “Will the Fluí he hulo?—Within the post week wc have hnd tho almro and to us Important question pr■ >pounded more tunes than wo rare to tdite. In order that all who are interested may have the 'benefit of tho reply of him who. almost unaided, has kept hot “ little nrl" for«thc past ten year.-', mu hure print it.! - -•« .jtidg-| there is nothinflf like toe nesults of aolror )ng from iU i>nef ft,,d present support. ísictreond tiion<*ht. OtiM. .m improbable one. Folk days liter rnmr X«w Orleans. -Tit-rough the politeness of Mi Wm. Iltlnt, passenger from Num* Orleans we have a copy of the Cred ent of the 8th loetant,—four days later tlum received by tho mail steamer. From it wo extract the fiL’onma : WASiliMtroM, March 5.—Tho Pro-ident isayti that, if after constthing with the FostmnsKor General, (who is not yetsnffi-ciflutly recovered from his recent attack of illness to attend to the diilio» of his Department.) he fhfcls that the Post office Department is entirely crippled bv the failure of Congress to provide for Ilin dm fldentitos of the dep securing1 popular fowm . they exiroct, may anticipate ¡some nevero rebukes from tiiu country. The time* Indeed aro piuvh-ingA They demand retrendhment; but . all the bnncomlm that.baa ¡roen dmfoim-, «et-ed on i been eficctíiaí in delaying'and obslrw ling t the Ber^fon. There peinur-wise ctonmi profew to bo friemh of the mhniui gUV» tWir di?mwtonaienm ciglrá Mwwlwlan and all r'*ft1ri«r" of ¿r<ÍUit‘$ftll*iM.¡>. vidci: mi> tiro eetcfonu .There uemyr-wiee ccoiromítis ’ profew to be friends of ihtt administra ; tiotr; but the fact $6 that they have (bmf: uiore toembarass It at tills presAut sisiuu by their mberly elumora abrf .Mist A'itnrt, _ . cavilling-» than tiro ))tfrty that elands in ;eau>ur v.-r.^c, ilro idea open ojijiomllon to the rnrecss of demo-, cratic principle» ^nd gov er timen t. '■ ,, As the se¿fon np|i tion, the fmmioimble dhis üvorpíon lo.“nWé(ji vnidd ivlito (igüiuvt . .-Upi-u.-icd U.?loiigod lo npicí^cd tli.'it r-.'Mt u, un-ij UíU iuil'AWiílg faiiit iihu, not <>f ( (‘Msntr. ll.lhtl, r'| Grr.'ííiii |ürf. iuu Li;.#n pubtbht'd lu/1 , - .....‘ *d wi itihg ihc Hit ^oix ufifiu Mid-ilo A i;. . ; HWPjjmu jRiwtirrnniuiu. kx-ívcd by crol h._: ti,en|dt*vo:- don approaches its tmidun* I i»g :dl bi« cn^igy (n il,): >-».#.r i ¡,í il<-i—L.j season t(K>, evident- tongmv »f-W<#*icrn Enruj <• u00 bo on the w»ug. Tiro long pro- hibwriuiis prvparution (->i r cw»ian of visitors winds slowly away : diarcumstic of thí? man. I and the Fwlnrel City will mjoi» Iro leii. to I to n gchuol that dt nit melancholy lKMirdtng*liouj«e, keepers, end .principles. Hu «f-.iFcpf HUtdl “ rtiiftll trash ft» clerks.” . icondile son rues III hi-iuiv. Of all the dtephiys of flippery and Uhobliery, which have mark.:! sn-v-oi dm hsped of Winhinyton bociuty (hy# s; r^**Mdl*KÍMiA^Hu4htó»jA.^ I’crtuiRfy the nuu-t Mirp;nM4l#*r*’ id’sui itself of the Indi Hiiirtt l«e c^twmc'i HHipTtgjironirit.- other gentlenmh on the d toy paper,, I have tt realtor pleat® address " w -York J*. p.” Idng^ "; FDnr CJo>ld| Iti Mexico.—We have ad.viccs from Mon* terry to Uo 10i;h riwlant, and. from Vie*1 toria and Tampico of coiwspniiidlng dm tes, From these we learn that;.there is no truth wlmhwer in tho reports |m6 in Circulation ae,6o the aocywew of thb re* itotionistp. In fact.'ike contrary socme to lie thotrncidntoofthe ease. A friend in MotiMrerr;, writing tia on Private btinln^oV^e tdo?o of Ids loiter girt's the following item of news: i ° In taking til lit latter to the poM-office I was suqiriitCfTby tho Hrgitig of belfc ciiiiiped by the am val of. chofHng hews. Gi^fliyimto Imslicen takon by the lilieraí». Ils atHtois that af»er tho taking of lemo ty* omir troop», tliey purposed marching ttp®^ Gtninitjuato, hut while preparing for this ntovement, were 'mirpritN to find that those of í*iMQ^'iatoWeM»tiómíngonf|rt«i. ‘ Tílbey mot, and' * or IWrwpobo. .3 V08MFWM nafttoij ™f,w Ml W'lMl emifl Mulrii,0 wS pi«l, and c. tinae $ that w forward "to KHWttod whfltlic ever. WielM w/ ha* been al stat#, (iü a let IfWktiwi thlMM fllid but or tw¿ tiiM Soiitoq^ cod hii ape ,W. —Odr heretofore ttome-bau received during roppd might quit» «¡re-Jfthd nature is vivified, eby. Vegetation, ac-• rwimnwive fob . fctoWrml warl»-jjhjóng'o with1 addition-. H a wife, my a Sarah i$Htofog. the dv-i-'lciL, and 1’ •» wa-: uro u. Hite oí ..............................................। hi* r-oifiiiVti hfMi-oll Io sfcnr-propriateon tip least rollci ti the noble lord Jn the trcoiinr-ni v hi -h clfam.-intr «• ro,rs« i.f «|..-mir own thin I h lera have lecttivl^l nt tiro. attempted tn oeurl of St, JotHCrt. Of cmirH ihc^iml work, the History of ci vililioi Im velrocn ex I ended to ihciti; but1 nmrked by profundity, nvt-unuy ifc lian never iwen considered troce^Nary nr ¡ | *hiIom>ph ic dedurf e*t:•* of »h<• <•<>i. Í11 Appropriate'to uignulixo their drparhim-eh .j-e»-ro-y $•;ineinh-.- which m K-'*****Xu-M .... » ** ■ • « - |Q j-Hfi it. 'wn-vtn-f <•«--!! Ihr x*,t< |of got <.. i-Hient of ih<* lea-ii ig powers । f l.thflhtlU was gotten tip |m«Hrorn Europe. Ik* leadn tlf; dinn^h th<-itilig, lord; wo r* dark ini rica le nmzv- <>f the ma«dirin| are tl was. earried 1 by tiro >1?re light «if Li-i liiu-rring jndi-c-...................$...... !“ mem, never allow bn: the iniagitmito t" invivt cither character ur pividunl with «mitro per furl i«»tu nr nvitratiiful fitter.'-lion.». Ho wrut»; for tiro sclmlnr, nut fr; the popiih.r lur-ie: tind his work# uro n rich tiiiiit- uf H.ottvh1 find phikb-ophic r>i lleciiun. ’Fhc icpdetitty of hi-te-i ic writer:-'uf ll.e ^resront day ir» the t vrursc <»f that of H.i • Ifihi. llfograph) has trow iit-t-oine the Lu ^«wa* M^0.lftrd Funw gratify Mg 4rWt ioLlho esteem of tiro A.wtW,iW* , Qn tho-contrary, JL la Hmt thin griv^rtosronl had tlie most (rórfona .cause to lic offonded with lord Napier : thut in fiwt'hchad affroiilcil it, and had show n puch dwhupinuotiCM I» his di ¡doma tie ,iu* ji-irf <»t’ htohny. Hisi Wootirco,-nW to corner Mr. wudmimi» to'dMdwd ppiílúr taste. 11 ■t of exttiwmtio» ; it «nd tiro strange..— y of that (roriod when the ttiost ivbiindant,. ma-»was.not re- 1 hito a «fogfo devotion ffem' the wimtive of event» ii$ ordeaMfo' pop-tifoite* to labo^ WUndHBg iMegrttv. , .. A end ,— .......—........»|»e>ak «he tratii. un- der nil drmumitfinces, muik bin fout--perhap» bis grantest work. Nine years «fterwards he commit tod to tine press his Con-iitutitinto History of EtighmdjHtiu tin* nwcssloa of Henry VH to tiro denib of Georgt? lí^To Ito utirl-M" — )“ , ». V - " .....r-».M-xl ifon* ¡pi'dinphw id khu; lif-.djuii. It [it tret-, ? . , . tiulbm i- ■| '»»»*( tv with all e< neihg ngi-a <>n the history of w.-.tV tO tlUisju: UOd piviiit™ <" “ *- - - tWt midvrlie tiro Britbh hilte» NTOtitg Tbp iiu^ry p» <»Fli.n«-. rM«r Mr. íl¿ ■ ' I TW fo^Nnd Viiti-id. Ttwf -.A .# C...................... Í. -i • iid । j ’ * -1 ibs- in .&£ ierifiCÍ'iM Im fictions-, $,ito a «fogto dev$»tfo Would'tidbit fit* jrormnsl -íK'ejudfoc, 'wdt.dteplaya of fowrikey» t^*®Bto,«ninatfoii io a|te>ak «lié traih # j. ft i_ii .jfck-,. ... *» 2-^ • a|... ¿fink*, 1 t _ h. Mt tlw -A'Mrb. nil ve T'Mc» 'mid» ,'tliíM state of ‘iSmUer.' . . . ¿ntitepimliictipi. hr bmt$ht the same too ev-uH*f*j» of tiro hHiiCbdrs Ltxkti 1 2*lu.« S ■ „ 1 • -• ■ - - - ...... .i Ci»!iiiHWa*8u»Mfrt4»ikto. .wfouii &e&UM - tiro tn^«arab^$o^ it the ho»r to thoir great promiw, to b$g tve