ires. Etee belle Cnel la aurora Que wlora El tibio 8ul; E» tu imagen Mm bermoea Que la dioee Del amor. Son tun ojos Dos lucero#. SleuMjeroa Del Creador: Y to boca Má» graciosa Que la rt*a En au explendor Blancas perlas Relueientca Son Lus dienU* De martil; Y to Ulle De palmera, Hechicera ti aces lucir. Tu mirada Seiuctora Soñadora ^Sn su candor: 1.a ilumina La existencia De inocencia Kn su fulgor. Y la dicha Que yo anhelo, Cual del cielo Unu ilusión. Es -jue tu alma Pura y bella, Es la estrella De mí amor. ¿ Lkox de la Selva. .ONÉUMON1A.* Why *M Cell thu Tenrlhle Eesaege Nr 1U Btahti-ul EtMneT w. El viaje mas rápido que jamas ae ha hecho entre Kuivpa y America lo hicieroe los celebres vapoies el ‘'Umbría” y el ‘•Etrurio" el viaje transoceánico fúé hecho eu 6 dias 1 hora y 45 minutos. t'on ¡«sur reprodudmoe la triste nueva de la muerte dd jóveneito Fan-craeio ('. Sena, hijo del Hon. José D. Sene, uno de los mas celebres hijos de Nuevo Méjico. Por ser el angelito hijo de un tan distinguido uaballero no podemos menos que creer que se perdió un futuro pilar del Territorio. Many a strong, well-built man leavea i>ome to-day; iwfvre nigbt he will have a chill and in a few boure will be dead f This is ihew tjr the dreaded pneumonia takes people off. The list of notable men who are Ito victim* is appalling. It eweepa over the land like a scourge and dwttroye poor and rick alike. Everyone dreads it Ito comi ng is sudden. Ita termination usually speedy. What causes it? Pneumonia, we ew told, in invited by a certain condition ef the eyrtem, indicated if one lias occasional chill* and fevers, a tendency to cold in the throat and lunge, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, extreme tired feeling», short breath and pleuritic e'itcliea in the side, loss of appetite, backache, nervous unreel, scalding rewiation*. or scant and discolored fluids, heart fluttering*, sour stomach, dirtreased look, puffy eye sacs, hot and dry akin, low of atiengtb and virility. These indications may not appear together, they may come, dioappear and reappear for year», the pereon not realising that they "are nature's warning of a coming odamity. In other words, if pneumonia does not claim m s victim the persons having such symptoms some less sudden but quite as fatal malady eeftainly will. A celebrateil New York phvsician told the Tribune that pneumonia was a secondary disorder, the exposure rnd cold being mmply the aapnt which develops the disease, alreany dormant in the wys-tem, because the kidney* have been but partially doing their duty. In short, pnonmonia is but an early indication of a bright'» diseased condition. This impaired action may exjet for yearn without the patient auspecting it because no pain will be felt in the kidneys or their vicinity and often it can be detected only by chemical and microscopical obeerva lions. Nearly 150 of the 743 death* in New York City the first week in April (and in nix weeks 781 deaths) were cauwd by pneumonia! The disease is very obstinate, and if the accompanying ktiney disorder is very far ad vanced,recovery is impo*eiblet for the kidney* give out entirely, and the patient is literally suffocated by water. The only safeguard against pneumonia is to maintain a vigorous condition of the system, and thus ererent its attoefa, by using whatever wifi radically and effectually restore full vitality to the kidneys, for if they are not «rand, pneumortia cannot be prrtenied. For this purpose there is notiiing etjoal to Warner’» safe cure, a remedy Known to millions, used probably by hundred* of thousands and commended asa standard specific where-ever known and , used. It does not pretend to cure an attack of pneumonia, but it doe» Ttmtn* the came of and prewni that diMOM if taken in time. No reasonable man can doubt this if he regard* the personal experience of thousand* of honorable men. When a pbyeician says bis patient has either bright's disease or pneumonia he confewes his inability to cure, and in a measure he considers bis responsibility ended. In many instances, indeed, persons are reporte»! a* dying of pneumonia, heart disease, apoplexy and convulsione, when the real cause of death and so known by the physician is this kidney conramption. Thousands of people have it without knowing it and perish of it hecause their physicians will not tell them the" facts! The same fate awaits every one who will not exercise his judgment in such a matter. Suscríbanse a El Heraldo de Taos 8bto $2,00 al Año. Adelantados En el mes de Enero dei presente hfio murió el primer habitante de la isla de Madagascar que aprendió á leer. Había cumplido 72 nñoa; y cuando falleció, 50,000 de sue compatriotas aa-bián leer y 70,000 habían hecho profesión de la fe cristiana Subscribers, Jour Premium Every peraon auba<-riblnr to or renewing tlwlr *uti*crlptinn to thia paper will be nup-Sli-d with the KA.-K.uiCiTr WKKxi.r Joua*Al. ree duriOfr the (XtrpeJm of IW*. Here I* au opportunity to place In vour farnlly the Inno-et and Iwit Weekly paper pul»-llahrd In Kanaae City. Send In your namn nt oncenndget Uro popart) for the price of our BMaf ta. Die Cmn*. Colfax Co. N M B.W.Tansin&Co.,Lra2 •• atete Bt., C.’bkH.a*. ' «very Paeteo; Arroyo de lx* Tutae y Moreno. No w hl vendido caballee con rete Berro? ni yews excepto a toe carnicería. Todoaloaanl-male» que tenxan vete Berro eon denoeotro». no hnporteque ten™ otn* Berro* He pac* an premio liberal por Informiolon de animale* eateaviadea. y cien peeo* por e •rrreto. ce*clck>n y nutndandolfi a I* peni ton ciarla *!xuna peraona robando o arreando de peeteo animalee coa «te Berro. |^PlMfc*W ». LB**. Estafeta, < «tto, Tm* Co.. N. K. MARCA. raMee: Loe Lal1 res. Teoe Co. N. M. K„gi*trsda en la o6dna del ewribano de condado. Mayo 8,1*8*. BccauM» of their Bl-TkABILt ri-, EAMB of ererauea, and Tew and hkors Msew-page» i Abroad:-^V¿ ,«er annum. Write for sample copy end advertising rates to CLARKE 4 BLAKE. Publishers. P. O. Box, No. 295, Mexico City. W A BRA NT EE DEEDS awt blank* for tire use of Justices of tire Peace for sale nt the Herald printing office. ||«*WW* HOTEL P F. Herlow, Prop* •«ASTA FK, V 1^. M H. W. FLAGG,. US-Deputy Suneyer: Rorwjre made a*d gearemteed cor-reel LoealtoM made onp*Wieto*de. Refer cnee» given. Leave orden tritii 1 W- Breva. BximIxmi* M. Heap. Lakki» O. IU*r> Read A Read. LICENCIADOS. Santa Re, N. M. PracUean eu toda» tes cortee -leí territori, v datan pronta atención a todo ncjrodu qut le* encomendare, llat.ten «panol, y a*l eeen tienden ooneue cuentea *ln dmcultad alruna Hacen «peetalldad de coratlotu** ile ierre noe y. atienden recíatnacúiiiea do pt-nitioiieg , dopredMlonea de Indtoe ante loe departamen-toa de Wiwhln*ton. . í ■nunbten preparan wuiltkvto* de titulo par-todo aquel que Subtere perdido eu* papel * a no lo, hubiere tenido nunca. Cambio de Dirreccion. Al ordenar un cambio en Is direc cion de an periódico, el suscribir deb* mandar au anterior dirección tanto co mola presente. El propio modo es: Cambie la dirección de mi papel de La estafeta de------i la de-- ( Firmado )---—------ —OF THE— SVANKH LANGUAGE enetiLD asan “Ha Kerstldo” A weekly Spanish newspaper, published in Taos N. M; ESTABLISHED 1884 E8T-A more thorough and practical * knowledge of tiie language in every day use can be actjuinsl by reading a newspaper titan studying text-books. MERCHANTS BTNeSMS MKM 1F7io trisA to extend their tn rde ip Northwestern New Me.tieo and South- ern Cobrmdo Sbc.uM advertise In the column* of “Ki, Heft* uno" By presistent effort for four years it has attnind a Large Circulation which is incraesing rapidly. Subscription, Poet paid, In AdTunee . One year ' ®*'O Six month* Jja: Three months 75 Send your addres for sample "eo|»y and advertising rate*. Taos H. M. Mesfaeg Lininienf Mxxic4« Xvrrixo loxnrort. ZVwfraf«e Jhwheto VtrvSwl WcedefuL Tax n. 31 5 I believe Plan’s Cure ■ ■ for Coimumptinu aaved Is ie my Ufe.—A. H. Dowkll, ■ ■ Editor Enquirer Eden- H g ton, N. C., April 28, 1887. p [Piso The BEST CnuRh Medicine le Piao's Cvrk roa CoxetTMrnoM. Children take it whboiit |er-ti--ii. By all drnggiNis. 2&-, 6.000,000 EESELLUSE SEED ANNUAL For IMS winbomaM REE TO ALL IrrvwuabteweiL OaiUeAFlóíu^ío»^ EEDS-rsáS D. IW. FE** V A CO.. Detroit, Mich. Evzax OBOAK WAB-K-ABTTKJU Bai Mtalne-l s euindnrd ot excclleiMe wbfoh odtniu of no auperlor. It oonttin.nvcry íiuproTemcnt thatlnventivo yeniu», aldU end money cea produce. quality of tone, quick re bea ny In flnl.-h, perfect then fie most dot!rah Caoata chi-rcbce, kxtet IXTADLieilED XtMTTATIOW. . CBBQCAEED FACILHTEB,’£1 SKULLK» WOXUEMror, ‘ BEST MATEMIi.K," . eOMMXXD, MAKS WtiS THE POPULAH OBQAB' Instruction Books ae< Hum 8tw*k - C*tek>tiu«aDdrrtooId«te,ou BppUcattoa. narr rai9f-wK^8WllC6’. 1 ■ - - * C8ICA6G. K* The BtrrXBS'otHDB te ÍMued March and BcpL, each year. It la en «ncy-•lopsAl* of useftil Iníoi-mation for all who pur-chaee the loxuriea or the • neewritiee of life. We can elothe yon and ftirnleh you with all the neeeceary and nnneeeeaary eppllaneee to ride, walk, dance, elaep, , eat. fieh, hunt, work. ®o to church, . or eley 01 home, and in various eixea otylee and quaatitiee. lust fl