THE .MEXICAN VOICE FROM MY VIEWPOINT COSME JAVIER PEÑA INTRODUCING COSME JAVIER PEÑA.... In Introducing Conme Javier pena one can make all kinds of remarks about finding talent in all kinds of places, but in saying something like this people may gather the wrong impression. But we did come across Cosme in an unexpected place, a y's Owl picnic. Of course upon sowing him, we didn’t know right off chat lie was a write!4... in fact nothing like this would have be*n thought by us No, what attracted us about Cosme was his sense of Humor which had everyone at the picnic rolling on the grass Instead of ’’in the aisló Later wo met Cosmo at Olvera street and at the various functions put on by the groups in town...always he was smiling, joking. Whon wo did get to know him bettor .ve iounb out he had be'n feature editor at Polytechnic High, a roporter, and had been quite popular in school activities,..quickly wo cornered him for an article, and were delightfully surprised to receive it promptly. Cosme at present has enrolled at Los Angolés City College where he will major in Journalism. V/e know that if he continues with samo friendly spirit and choery attitude he will go places, and hope that he doos not forget that we will publish his articles if th they continue in the same caliber. I’m to write something of interest to the Mexican Youth. Now let me seo; what shall I write about? Nothings, music, art, sports, or about having a good time? No, none of those, from my viewpoint mean half as much as Ed- ucation. Don’t get me wrong, Im not c. wot rug or gloom chaser, I like parties, I go for any kind of sports, and I don’t suppose there is any Mexican who doesn’t care for some type of music or art, but I think that Education is of interest, of very vital interest to us the Mexican Youth hare in the United States. At least that’s f^om my viewpoint! How lot’s got down to brass tacks, so to speck. Why is Education so important to us? Maybe if I told you a story, you’ll understand why. A man went to visit some friends, './hen ho got there, his friends insisted that ho stay and live with thorn for a few days. Our friend agreed to that. But was ho surprised to find out that thoy d^cL things different in this* house than his. For instance they got up a different timo, they ate different food and on the ■'hole everything was quito strange and different to what ho had boon accustomed. , Ho kne'-r v?ry wall ho ^e-ould not privately practico his method of living and koop up with his hosts. So what did ho do? Ho fell into lino vith them. In doing what they did and trying to bo or an even kool ’vith them. In that ;ay he found out his stay was a long and happy one because over; body wc.s on the same footing. WoD wo are like that man. Wo are not in our native country even if wo are born in the United States and aro American citizens. Me aro Mexicans and if expect to koop up with our American friends :o must do what they do. That is go in for Education. (continue on page 2.)