PAGE 11 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CONT. CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE The complaintants were the first on the agenda and Mr. Moreno wasted no time in showing his bitterness and total distrust of the police department. He began by saying: “For those councilmen that did not give us the courtesy of being at our last meeting I would like to expose you to what I and the community consider a very severe problem. There exists within our police department a criminal element that needs to be eliminated. This is the second time that I have approached you with this problem of police abuse and brutality. Your lack of concern and total disinterest in this issue is very alarming. Therefore at this time I would like my requests to be in the form of demands......“ The demands presented included the firing of policemen Gary Dawson, Tony Zarsosa, and Alex Uriegas and the formation of a citizens committtee of a permanent nature that would have access to police records and investigate police abuse. It also included that Alonzo Villarreal, Jr. and Jesse Moreno be on the committee. Others addressing the council besides Mr. Moreno were Vicente Gonzales who asked the council to try to work things out by working with the group to solve the problem and Bobby Ruis, who asked the council if it was true that Patrolman Dawson had been suspended with pay. When the council and Police Chief Chisum confirmed this, Mr. Ruiz asked if this was some kind of reward for assaulting Tony Moreno. Mayor Cain stated that until such time as the investigation was completed that was the decision of the council. When all sides of the argument were heard and everyone that wanted to had been heard, the council in a majority voted to reject all the demands. Mayor Cain stated that he could not see how the proposed committee could be impartial, -and added that he was studying the possibility of a committee composed of himseii and other members of the council, and that city attorney Phil Hughes was looking into the legal aspects of such a committee to carry out the necessary investigations. When he tried to appease the citizens, Councilmen Dave Howard was interrumpted as the citizens stood up arid oegan walking out 'ói me fóom. Mayor Cain made one last statement to the group saying that the council was behind the police department one hundred percent, and that the policemen were to carry out their duties, and for them not to “run scared”, but he also stated that if the policemen were doing something wrong, the council would “get you, and get you good”. EL CONCILIO CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE Los ciudadanos que prestaron las quejas fueron los primeros en la agenda y el Sr. Moreno no gasto tiempo en mostrarle su amargura y desconfianza hacia el departamento de policía. Empezó diciendo. “Para esos miembros del concilio que no nos hayan dado la cortesía de estar con nosotros en la ultima /_n. >---------. J V -; ------------- ' - ■■ — A DREAM COME TRUE The discussion over police abuse included the allegation that the citizens group had compiled as many as twenty two cases where the citizens felt the police had abused them. Councilmen Rodney Studer told Mr. Moreno he felt the council had taken the best possible action by calling in the FBI, as they would conduct a fair investigation. Mr. Moreno insited that the city council had not seen themselves capable of handling the matter themselves. Mr. Moreno also asked the council what had been the result of the lie detector test that had been given to the two policemen involved. (The test was taken in Austin.) Chief Chisum replied that the test results had been called inconclusive because it had not been given to Tony Moreno as well. Mr. Moreno then asked why his son had not been given the test, or not even a formal statement taken from him. Mr. Chisum answered that if Tony Moreno would let them, he would be given the test. 8 On another aspect of the meeting, attorney Harris, speaking for the policemen stated that since it was “demand night”, he too, had some demands. He demanded that he be given a copy of each one of the incidents ia which the policemen he represented were involved. Attorney Villarreal assured Mr. Harris that his demand would be met. junta, yo quiero exponer ante ustedes lo que yo y la comunidad consideramos un problema muy serio. Existe dentro de nuestro departamento de policL un elemento criminal que debe ser eliminado Esta es la segunda vez que yo me acerco a ustedes con este problema de abuso y brutalidad de la policía. La falta de ustedes en precuparse y su desinterés total en este asunto es muy alarmante. Por eso es que en esta ocasión yo quiero que mis pedidos ahora sean en forma de demandas.” Las demandas presentadas incluyeron que se desocuparan a los policias Gary Dawson, Tony Zarsosa, y Alex Uriegas y que la formación de un comité de ciudadanos de forma permanente y que tuviese permiso de ver los records del departamento de policía asi como investigar abusos por la policía. También incluían que el Lie. Alonzo Villarreal, Jr. y el Sr. Jesse Moreno estuvieran como miembros de dicho comité. Otras personas que hablaron al concilio ademas de Sr. Moreno fueron el Sr. Vicente Gonzales, Jr., quien le pidió al concilio que tratara de arreglar las cosas trabajando con el grupo para resolver ei problema. Bobby Ruiz quien le pregunto al concilio que si era cierto que el Policía Dawson lo habían CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 A few years ago there was a dream of building a new parish ah 11. In a few months that dream is to become a reality. Members of the building board proudly announce that bids will ae received from general contractors on March 31, 1978 for the construction of a new Parsili rlall 7 Multi-Purpose Center for Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Uvalde, Texas. TheNew Hall contains approximately 10,000 sq. ft. of total floor area. Construction is a monolithic concrete slab foundation, structural steel .columns, I-beams, steel joists and lightweight roof deck. Roofing is 20 year built-up, exterior walls are brick veneer over steel studs with insulation and vinyl covered gypsum board interior. Ceilings are suspended acoustical tile and floors are vinyl asbestos. Project requires ceramic tile, metal toilet partitions, aluminum projected windows, hollow metal and wood doors and glazing, commercial kitchen equipment, and stage equipment, alternates. Mechanical-electrical work is part of the General Contract. The Architect is John S. Graves & Associates, Df Uvalde, Texas. Structural Engineers are Reynolds-Schlattner-Chettner of San Antonio, and Mechanical-Electrical Engineers are Travis-Braun Associates, Inc., of San Antonio, Texas. The building site will be on Leona Stree t adjacent to the school. The new hall will have a stage, meeting rooms, assembly hall, kitchen, cafeteria, maintenance and supply rooms. Some plans for the use of the new building wi 11 be to hold meetings for the parish and its organizations, as a cafeteria for the school and for general parish activities. Members of the building board are Phil Grothues, Rudy Cannon, Frank Martinez, Sylvestice Orona, Hector Garcia, Charlie Crow, Willie Garcia, and Rogelio Munoz. The Texas Employment Commission has been requested by the Mexican American Center for Economic Development to assist in the recruitment of migrant or seasonal farm workers for a Business Management training program. The oficina de Empleos ha sido Hamada por El Centro Para el Desarrollo Económico de Mexico-Americanos para asistir en el recrut.a-mento de trabajadores migrantes y trabajadores de campo temporales para un programa de entrenamiento de administración de negocios. SOUTHWEST TEXAS JOINT COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT TRUSTEE ELECTION April 1, 1978 ELECCION PARA ADMINISTRADOR DEL SOUTHWEST TEXAS JOINT COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE 1 de Abril, 1978 Sample Ballot Balota Muestra Vote for the candidate of your choice in each race by placing an 'X1 in the square beside the candidate's name. Vote for one candidate in each place. Bobby W. Hatle G. W. Twilligear, Jr". Sigamos con un equipo ganador Rogelio Munoz Benito Perez For Trustees of the Southwest Texas Joint County Junior College District; FOR PLACE THREE PARA TERCER LUGAR FOR PLACE FOUR PARA CUARTO LUGAR FOR PLACE FIVE PARA QUINTO LUGAR Vote para el candidato de su preferencia en cada lugar, poniendo una 'X' en el cuadro adjunto al nombre del candidato. Vote por un candidato en cada lugar. Ray Espinosa Rodolfo R. (Rudy) Flore $ I POL. ADV. PAID FOR RY R. K MILLER, CAMPAIGN TREASURER Para Administradores de South Joint County Junior Colle Texas i strict El cambio no es siempre lo mejor, trabajo en grupo es la mejor solución, evidente es el alto grado de desarrollo west Texas Junior College ha obtenido bajo el mando del trabajo de un grupo y no de un individuo. La universidad cuenta entre su mesa administrativa con un grupo excepcionalmente competente. Como directores de la Universidad han sido los hombres que han manejado y dirigido el estado financiero tanto como el crecimiento estudiantil. Mientras otras universidades han experimentado la perdida, tanto financial como estudiantil, S.W.T.J.C. ha mantenido y lo que es mas ha incrementado su numero de estudiantes. Esto es debido al esfuerzo y el excelente trabajo que el equipo compuesto por Hatley, Twilligear y Flores han realizado. Ayudemos a re-elegir a Bobby. W. Hatley, G.W Twilligear, Jr., y Rodolfo R. (Rudy) Flores. A veces el Un ejemplo que South- Abril 1