ju-»t ptv|«ml ii«- Mrxu BEER, ALE, .«U.K AGKXT FOR AND PORTER #D*l n i.i ihtir N-H ih'l delherod Coet»ry pert wf thtTwrik*j,by ÜK PLOW hunws los will dn HOTEL MINES! Engli-b fur- The only first clan Hotel Vie AUxiiee, #nd fh>m al! jkamh N‘w* FRUITS AND FLOWERS. niastcnrtr.itios. >« OW*lTto———. 1W to». *■ -M..V ,.f Albu- Santa Fe, Ñ. M. .-Urod iwy rd *.ul county, the chance « city jutw. 6 the stalil.* •• "dtimi । iwmjh' at the tup. Make • dvort fur ventilation and j WAR At A BAR. IttV PiiüUxi lllu>tr.iiii! i-atalugur» and di«mmt sb-'-t nishvtl on appli«*tion. Gts ■ 1.1.Ml x W.. lull. -i'Ui Mi. Tli"' -'i- -N. tolni. U.tniwarc Mvnli.mt. -I MLU.pi.-i-pi’•• X M • du- vy.-lu-m tiidit t-> >••!! -ur pl-"". |-l"«' fmgt und cultivaron in the Terrirories of New Mexie^attd Aru-iia. , _ Merchants dwiriug ro purcliax? plows, ei<’.. in Urge .>r situli «[Uaiitmeo. iritl ,.!va>e semi their mder. t.. him. We h'liuin. yours xery truly., , IMTTSIH RG Gl.ORK PLOW WORKS. Alexander Speer & Sons. Anheuser BeerL AT TEN CENTS PER GLASS. | 7 inch Cigar man to «tibiá Thi* vajH>r of aimui.uia . ¿ CENTS. 2 tf tuhurtflil lo l'rtos’ eyxw ni»! tho ftwiu-1 *>' tvml„i„ nhuh inch r I . of llu’ Ills J ttt t • L0UUIC ,\ rilm-i itAt «AR .•iALhehnirhi * ¡ia ।>id eI tn* ”e Om a* ‘>.*1 ling k xU W # lim.Lt tXitWrt; ilitCul th. frnd. rliilt win in jHixul ti l th. SttNpX'U Mxf’’ I litó ru *n'ti Neat M «I „ . IATCH SONJOKKA Extraordinary! |nAtihhWtm! f..lk rearad di..’«?*>*V’ .hltv*W'*I l"1 Sanin Fe, M. M. xriiP-AN ktot 1 h 3 10*78 FISHER & LUCAS, MANUFACTURING Jewelers! BAKERY Santa Fei 2Fwcü3. O^otora PASTRIES & CAKES I ho .|')>i"lion«ii>n •UkmoiibMiid iim-t hit l>'.;*l jiunil of hi" mROADIi LIGHTNING EXPRESS! Fresh Bread Daily. TRAIN! MAKING W- W. T*T«r Direect Connection! 24 Hours! ' -MHiill il,.- ilflh-lel Tiewv.nl*. M'lt, iinhi-hiix Candies, Raisins, 25 PER CENT. CHEAPER San ZKTTJTS, nn rot»M,i CITY BAKERY, L tins 1U(*aus orannoun chisto our patronsand the jieople of the Southwest generally» from many of whom we are daily receiving letters of in<|uiry coneerniu^ |? Sehneppk Jr*KICK LISTS Cakes, Pies, Bread, etc., that we have made a redue tion in price upon our entire stocl* and are now sei ling* goods than any House in the Country. We handle only Fl ILS f CLASS HOTELS. j ■■ Goods, and make a SPECI ALT Y tr _ u ■ 11 Q W1 of the jFAVEi.in BUSINESS. Exchange (J UAH , We beg leave to call your atten-, tion to our line of HR WORfi}’ in GOLD and SI LV ER Fil-1 igiee Jewelry, of EVERY KIND and description, which we are selling at from 75 cents, per pwt„ in Silver, to from SI.75 to SÍ2.5O per {>wt,, in Gold. ()ur stock of Neckaces, Vest and Opera Chains, is complete, and embrace's a large variety in elegant and unique patterns. DI AMOND RINGS, Am-athest with Diamonds, Onyx, with Diamond setting, Pearl, * Cameo, Topaz, Turquoise, and every variety of Precious Stones at greatly reduced figure's. We* keep CONSTANTLY on hand all grades of the “Old Reliable” M ALT HAM and ELGIN M atches, both Sn gold and silver caséis, at prices ranging from 813.50 te> 8300. (locks of all kinds. * SOLID SILVER and ^ELEGANTLY PLATED Tea Setts, Ce>fiee Urns, Castors, Cups, Goblets, Knives, Forks, in fact everything kept in a First Glass DENVER & RIO GRANDE iMtki-eid* r.|vi*tl»n RAILWAY. nh "!>*■ fn —fid 1*1’ 1,1' The Hotel Table • ill 1» ue.lv. it» . :.n:r4 o! .IxiKS v< lb. Hii.HtsT Popular Prices. MRS. S. B. DAVIS, lka,evi*<»M. Harlow’s Hotel IIKMUtW, Fn>pn*i>nf. ¿I thkh Ü ‘hngvrou. »*'? WATCHES KWW to tlh»l' li,H« Irvine & McKenzie, O-OX^TD nFEXTS-iSHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, SOLID SILVER, /♦r? irtih all mi pro-: nt i*’ - pri-'-1 I in'1' a 1’tx -LlUr I have iu die ^k.l*bert Call Choicest Steaks, Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iron $ are, WMjXpv, , 3=3tc. 2vi: IF® [In- iutiwiw i* agaiti'i, [xdig any jii'tiw with I x* Libre jurie«. the! m.wt abtxirdt.v tri.'i We h-xwpiwity fx^uxt what the gentlemen iwlliil a estate.* ; .nd that even if they wvt^,c cits gentlemen would find their <*uto the onuitiy court* ...L — i TH>VMA.^;EMEXT OF HoR-S- be M in proportion to n idle two may I* win ; when toothed of gtwin at ii«H>n will lie li*y UKiraiiig and >rk, ten iparta of gOnuid They shot their work. 1 lerexl up*<» y- I hayakwe iug lightly * sufficient, wil With heavy ' corn and uaK iixd ehafted straw or eem finider, will (roding. ami iu many tsMww fur grootning i* nicesM!) fcr hisilth in win-! ter. tiro;.’d gynatim rrm-ad u|hui the floors will prwent thi puagent miore-oni T. J. AtmitWSW. Aaewt. hi*te.,w \ HLDUVuenyut., n. m., S Hardware Merchant, WM M[m V A3STD Manufacturers’ Agent. in.! *fifi rl« MWXT, ftnUWa* wWw to mlMAto'hiKe < «•TdHbH •* rwftwhJu»»N. Orden n* Ihr Aneery b«i«- wiU t># ptvmt^iy &H«d> 1M.» »,>„« 1.M.I, ln.ll>» lh«l. Akohtd, liurot ?r<*d lutober (*.> ftsuud la thv uh I haw» lb* *x1u eM lilnx e |wlk*l oth hittíi*. I KWtrortlre <1x4 Wv*K. ml tva*i'O^t>U 3 tin lx* 4.« 1U Colonel It troll ha* a now lecture •• The Hani ime». Among the clixr-arteriMic wet kx-s are tin* following: is the providence of the ¡ pour mv economicftl and I extravagant tbetv is pros-i the faix-s of patriot* ha* ............' “ Very few •• Extraragin ¡«or; when i the rich man pcrity." UU fallen the fire it of home." men in this ntry have the patriotism to shoulder a ykét in defense of a Iward-ing house." eslo Hall, Boston, was packed with > de to hear the leetuiv. V i,. jkiJtaon' ELI RIC LIGHT. r • Oaarpexxtex Cabinetmaking am iwimfi"! <*♦ I tiro mu winh m Un* Hue on eh.ul ih*. BOOTS AND SHOES. J.G.Schumann, Neuufccluror -if and tValnj In C’Lxetozxx ^Cad.e ibe Tr.i'le tii.xt we Lavi N-*-w; -M-exi-’K Ri*|Ni-tftillv. FELTON. KAI" .V SIBLEY. Varni-h and Paint Manufin turer*, Philadelphia. K»w TvrVy Vml» i, Wtrwnwtu# lUu*. KtuitUh t cM'lan lt»‘d. Frrnrh Miro, »ujt. fvaiy Urvji IMxiX, Qniup- ShvlW, No. Kiigluh iLw Hok. Fxnv lx>*.k'x Vrtiine tkk Grelnin H?» ITwheUwi Btull Order* M.livitMl ami qxiuUlk.us funikhcil .in applirexly STOVES muneis Santa Fe uf the nm<: hnpitmd jMtteni fvt Cwking. Healing. All size.*, with cuaiph te fur , nihirv, nt the very lowest prives. A car load just rtwived. Plows, espivially luhij.iti-ii to the wil of New Mexico and Ariauna. Sold i» c-ascu el" six each, with EXTRA STEEL POINTS. CARPENTERS TOOLS. UVILDKRS HARDWARE. CAMP FIXTÍUtES, ARMS and AMMUNITION, INDIAN GOODS, JACK CHAINS. BRASS and' SILVER BELLS. READS, ETC.. ETC- IRON AND STEEL, 9 1y Orders received and goods shipped from the factory. Drugs, Chemicals, 011 FANCY 'TOIMI^AKTIÜLES^ somfs, ce*Fu*e DENtlFRlÍBS, &C.acT^ i-uiiMcxMai reiw.-iUFy*’ rwxNtxk PATBOKAGB RHSPEÍTH LMT I 8OUCITX’’ 0nAewkye*Hirc«etfy«l*l*c4i*UAdMeaew. ant««*. tXRt MW1W MACHINES. W. 1 GIVENS (hit linux of NATIVE I'.OGDS ar.- iiiamifiicturwl from the finest GOLD and SILVER, unJir our pers.in'd «itpervMnn. heneo we fiad juMificd in jtaanmStet,ig mtire aatW»<4i»n Iti thv ipuility ami durabilit y of every srtiele sold. We will send goods subject jo approval, if satisfactory references are famished us. Send for our price-list and test the truth of our assertions as to quality and prices. We make special discounts to the trade, whose orders we respectfully solicit. Remember, our PRICES have been REDUCED, and T«- Ü** eMimtetUt^tpr Freighters/Weere, Public Generally, OxbpMciy k »i H« riow'a tiotwl. Ityir Miller's Hotel, GALISTEO ROAD, SANTA FE. UofW 1» lb* Tirrttery i M «< eraew-uik*.'' to, mtrton. t*,*, «wl »eli fto>. HletoM **»»* WiMk r— tw Iweu *e< noto*. T». M> »HM mil iU Uctoto* fh* wu*eto >**0 I* <«M*Ww VI» Un tklwke frat tiw ■!**. toMMAtontoiH, tflwutt* ■ ym».kni6dgi* *•»*< WMW« "'111 t*« lkto>«w4 n*ut fitly •• ito> Ato OtmA. to ktoWM ton. *o4 eeUAw W W« »w*l au toirns». ito-euto, «, i* pwwm •to.*,»* ii»tee»**L r T»o*Kf » TWI twt«wn Barlow ± Sanhimson'* Staom, ' inetiiud af nuppiying * ffectivo aprindphtl f his expofiaienta aiww-er to his exp< dona ho will bo able to provide for touting of whole eitire with ell their e chta, tboatrw, "atoh* Boots and Shoes «Mill XtRCNAMtHM. ETC. to *«> riox sovrutix COLORADO and dwelling ¡to a,‘i(eem8 io be alarming nil tiro gat c pmiee in the country. The partial meet of the Rumian inv¿i-tkn, exhibited f very striking, b Bdi*» hat nlreey aibia od there aro Ihoeatndt who l evo that hi* geaiun is sapalik of aooou itbing anything that Wro can do by tU united *id ef ehemix-tty and tiet.*riciiyl- GL&e Democnif. _ oftbo ilueahn invdi-1’ri* hat year, was ifl® all the roarreh SANTA FE, K. M. 1 STAAB 8 BN. Kw, a UH 1-aml • fill! itnek of lkx>H and XkwJW N,»*e nrer. awt ato» a Ml awortmrni of ’bulto» >0.* an.1 snort* tur * V Ladies and Children. New Mexico. lednwl la»* w Tt>wi«h TkJwN. to all d» tried. H> e«wn» «W» T»l« tier Hhntt/tWlwrtteH QaWuMUMa.rte Alamosa, Lk«t, who in xttiag at Homo, it com-powng a dramatic rLtoridt “ St. Stanis-la*.-' I Fat and heavy J^kv Clifford (Democrat), of the Suprem,1 Iwneh, worked all the eommer Tacati<4 taking only one btitiday, aud that watjtbe 4th of July and hie goMen wwldiig day. CALF, SOLE LEATHER, AKO NHHKHAKtM’ nXMXOA. Xy Ciwloaa *vtk la wat* fixe,» gwwl Fhuu-Uitolf, aid by An* otoaa wirtt wn. Alt HtUwe by lualt a 111 t««l» l*neH»eei eeiwftil attoaUc-n. $if T» ee« tro* tiwMeíew ule6"0ll*lMi- ' With \TÜCKKK. id'F^Kii, Ü0N»? HKM.MKBS jQVJI Ktc. included. MH t*ll wad -w ihf