PAGE 4 EL UVALDE TIMES APRIL 23,1978 THROUGH MAY 7,1978 Señorita Del Toro Anuncia Canditatura Carretera 90 La Srta. Del Toro ha trabajado como secretaria y tenedora de libros. También esta familiar con el trabajo general de oficina. La Señorita tiene cuatro años de trabajar en el Hospital Memorial de Uvalde como asistente en el laboratorio. Al hacer su anuncio de candidatura para Escribiente del Distrito (District Clerk) la Señorita Maria Del La Luz Del Toro dice que ella tiene la capacidad y esta dispuesta a servir la gente de este Distrito y si es elegida lo liara con lo mejor de su abilidad. Ella les agradecerá sinceramente su voto y apoyo el dia 6 de Mayo del 1978. Dice la Srta. Del Toro: “Toda persona debe tener la oportunidad de aprende y mi empeño de servir al pueblo me ayudara a aprender el puesto.' J LUNA CHARGES GOV. La Señorita Maria De La Luz del Toro anuncia su candidatura para Escribiente del Distrito (District Clerk) del Condado de Uvalde. WITH " MISSING OPPORTUNITIES TO HIGHWAY BIDS TO BE OPENED La Srta Del Toro, quien tiene 26 años de edad es hija del Sr. y Sra. Luis F. Del Toro, Jr. de La Pryor. Ella nació en Uvalde, se crio en La Pryor, y regreso a Uvalde en Enero del 1974. La Señorita tiene tres hermanas y dos hermanos. Ella es graduada de la Escuela Secundaria de La Pryor y de Southwest Texas Junior College y también atendió un ano en Southwest Texas State University en San Marcos. BARBACOA TATEMA DE POZO y MENUDO Sobado y Domingo BALDEMAR ROSALES 316 W. LEONA UVALDE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■» AUGUSTINE DE LA CERDA Í SPECIALIZING IN BUILDING AND REMODELING 545 GERALDINE 512-278-3605 Ronnie Luna, campaigning for governor for attorney General John Hill, said today Gov. Dolph Briscoe has presided over the state’s biggest growth in property taxes, utility bills and state spending. “We’ve never had a governor who missed so many opportunities to help the people,’ Luna, an Austin attorney and Central Texas fanner, said during stops on a 807-mile Hill for Governor campaign caravan from Devine to Austin. The caravan is one of 10 being led by Hill family members and supporters April 17 21 througliout the state. They will converge Friday in Austin, where the candidate will speak at a San Jacinto Day Caravan Party (Noon, April 21, Waterloo Park, 11th and Red River). The caravans will cover 6,500 miles and will stop at 225 cities. “Our school property taxes are increasing at twice the rate of the national average of property tax increases, yet our governor wouldn’t even answer tlve phone calls of the sponsor of the property tax reform bill. “Our utility bills have doubled in most parts of the state, and increased by four times in some areas, in the last five years. Otir state budget has doubled in the last five years, and 1 don’t see many people who think they re REMEMBER PRECINCT CONVENTIONS MAY 6 existente sera reconstruido para incluir nuevo material de base y de superficie. Desde los limites de la ciudad al oeste hasta la Calle Cobb y desde un punto cerca de Farm to Market Road 1023 hasta los limites de la ciudad en el lado este, la supercifie de la Carretera 90 sera anivelada y luego cubierta con asphalt o y concreto. La parte que resta, desde el Leona River a un punto cerca del FM1023 recibirá un cubrimiento adicional de pavimento de asphalto y concreto. Ademas del trabajo en la Carretera 90 (MH 419) entre las Calles Evans y Getty sera reconstruida para incluirle material de base adicional y super-ficil nueva y asi mismo terminar con una anchura de 40 piez. Borde y zanga (gutter) continua sera puesta por el contratista del estado, con el costo aportado por la ciudad de Uvalde. El projecto de la calle Geraldine fue seleccionado por la cuida como un proyecto de prioridad dentro del Programa del Sistema Urbano 1977-78 y la ciudad tomara completa responsabilidad en mantener las facilidades y en la regulación del trafico hasta que se termine el proyecto. Ambos proyectos mantendrán abierto el transito durante la construcción, a pesar de que el trafico en cada dirección dentro del proyecto sobre la carretera 90 sera reducido a una senda. Se les urge a los automobilistas que usen toda precaución y observen a los empleados del proyecto y los rótulos de advertensia cuando viajen por la area de construcción. Los dos proyectos son un solo proyecto. Ralph M. Baxter de Uvalde el ingeniero de Uvalde esta encargado del proyecto estima que el proyecto se llevara acabo en aproximadamente 80 dias de trabajo. HELP THE PEOPLE" AUSTIN Bids for the reconstruction of portions of two highways in Uvalde will be opened at the April 19-20 letting of the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. Some 3.5 miles of US 90 in Uvalde will be recon-tructed in various sections. Between High and Camp Streets the existing roadway will be reconstructed to include new base material and resurfacing. From the Uvalde west city limit to Cobb Street and from near Farm to Market Road 1023 to the Uvalde east city limit the existing US 90 surface will be planed by milling and resurfaced with asphaltic concrete. The remaining section, from the Leona River to a point near FM 1023, will receive an additional courseof asphaltic concrete pavement.. In addition to the work on US 90, Geraldine St. (MH 429) between Evans and Getty Streets will be reconstructied to include added base material and resurfacing to povide a 40- foot wide facility. Continuous curb and gutter will be placed by the State's contractor, with the cost to be borne by the City of Uvalde. The Geraldine Street project was selected by the City as priority project in the 1977-78 Urban System Program, and the City will assume responsibility for maintaining the facility and regulating traffic upon its completion. Both projects will be open to traffic during consturction, although traffic in each direction on the US 90 project will be reduced to one Motorists are urged to exercise caution and to observe flagmen and warning signs while traveling through the construction area. The two projects will let as a single project. Ralph M. Baxter of Uvalde, the department's engineer in charge of the work, estimates that the projects will be completed in about 80 working days. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ All citizens that vote in the Democratic primary next Saturday, May 6 are reminded to attend their respective Precinct Convention will take place immediately after the elections close at 7:00 p.m. All citizens that voted that day i I I J SHAKLEFORD AUTO SUPPLY Una Linea Completa De Partes Para Automobil 8 I % I I PARA SERVIRLES BOB & RONNIE SHACKLEFORD 278-9111 ABAR RENTALS Servicio de renta de herramienta y equipo. LA HERRAMIENTA PROFESIONAL HACE EL TRABAJO MAS FACIL, MAS RAPIDO, Y MEJOR Visítenos cuando necesite herramienta o equipo de trabajo. 278-8700 108 S. Getty will be eligible to attend. Generally attendance is low, even though this, is one of the most important aspects of the political system in our country. Here is where the individual citizens can enter the political process, can** give iniYut not only on political candidates, but the issues as well. Precinct conventions usually last about 15 minutes. The purpose of the precinct conventions is to elect delegates to attend the Democratic Party County Convention that is to be held one week later on Saturday, May 13th at 7:14 p.m on second floor of the Uvalde County Court House. The County Convention will elect eleven delegates and eleven alternates to the Democratic State Convention to be held in SEptember. The State Convention will select a State Party Chairman, write a platform and select about one hundred delegates to the miniConvention to be held in Memphis this December. ber. The Precinct Convention will be called to order by the Precinct Chairman. A permanent man and Secretary of the Convention are to be elected and they immediately assume office. Each Precinct Convention will elect one delegate, and if they choose, one alternate, to the Democratic County Convention for every twenty five *25) votes cast for the Democratic Gubernatorial nominee in the 1974 General Election. During each Precinct Convetion the Chairman will ask it any group of individuals would like to get together and caucus. Any caucasing group will be allowed to send delegates on the County Convention in proportion to their numbers at the Convention, provided they have a minimum of 15%. For example, if a Precinct Convention of twenty, wish to caucus, they can select two delegates to the county Convention. The remaining sixteen people will elect the other eight delegates to the County Convention. If citizens were willing to participate, they would be sruprised to see how influential they can be and how much they can learn about the democratic process and how welcome they will be in the Democratic Party of Uvalde County,** says as spokesman for the party. getting twice as much from the state as they were five years ago. “On each of these issues, Dolph Briscoe failed not because he tried to help and was unsuccessful, instead, he failed because he would not even try to help. “This election offers voters a chance to say whether they want a governor who will ignore these problems for another four years, or one who has proved he can win tough fights. John Hill fought Southwestern Bell all the way to the Supreme Court to stop an unfair rate increase, so he knows what it takes to get the job done,” Luna said. UVALDE COUNTY DEPENDS HOWARD BY DAVE HOWARD, 603 PARREL ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ « VAMOS A ELEGIR A UN { CANDIDATO QUE SI NOS í REPRESENTE •V I & VOTE 3oa. _________ CRUZ HERNANDEZ fH COUNTY COMMISSIONER itl 1 R C T. tig 1 HONEST-OEPENDABIF MAYE. XU VOTE POR CRUZ HERNANDEZ Para Comisionado Peto. No. 4 Su Actividad Cívica Y Religiosa Demuestra Su Interes En La Gente RD POL ADV BY CRUZ HERNANDEZ,* 501 W BRAZOS **********************************