EL UVALDE TIMES JANUARY 25, 1979 Ml I # ARLA BAND BOUND: Six Uvalde High School Band students earned their way to Area Band Iryouts this past Saturday in Alice, Texas. These students were: Janet Scott on Oboe, Alicia Rendon on Bassoon, Tripp Davenport on Clarinet, Carol Ann Freeman on French Horn, Brian Zimmerman on Tenor Trombone, and Joe Silva on Bass Trombone. Concilio... voluntario disponib a servir. Afortunada mente no se reporto ninguan caso de emergencia ese dia, pero si lo hubiera ocurrido la victima no hubiera sido atendida, explico el Juez White al Concilio. También declaro que el Condado de Uvalde ya tendía invertido un cuarto de millón de dolares en equipo que le habia comprado al EMS y que el pedia la copera-cion de la ciudad para resolver, el problema de la falta de trabajadores, pidiendo que la ciudad proporcione $ 1000 mensualmente para ocupar a una persona que se encarge de manejar la ambulancia durante el dia, mandar cobros y colectar, asi como mantener el equipo del EMS asi como la ambulancia en buenas condiciones. Mexico Trip Scheduled For SWTJC Students Junta y El Concilio no pudo actuar en la petición porque no se habia puesto en el agenda anteriormente, pero a petición del Juez le dio un voto de apoyo asegurándole que el concilio probablemente le concediria el dinero en una junta especial mas luego. Programa De Alumnos De Banda En otros asuntos que trato el concilio se aprovo la petición de servicio de agua para uso residencial y de ganado por el Sr. Herby Huffman en su terreno al lado oeste del cementerio viejo. Habra una junta de los padres de alumnos de la banda, Uvalde Band Boosters el martes, 30 de Enero a las 7 p.m. en la cafeteria de la Escuela Secundaria de Uvalde. en o en pieza soloista o conjunto del U.I.L., sea para competir la Liga Inter-escolar Universitaria. Antes de que la banda asista al concurso que tendrá lugar en Crystal City el viernes por la noche. El proposito mayor de esta junta es para darle la oportunidad a los padres de escuchar a los Todos están cordial-mente invitados bienvenidos. y Tres ciudadanos fueron nombrados de nuevo a servir en la Mesa de Zoneamiento de Ajustes, siendo ellos Henry Casal, W. A. Kessler, Jr. y Ridgeway. Como alternante a la misma mesa se nombro a Clayton Dillard para Continua en pag. 6. Don A week deep in the interior of Mexico for only $150 is at least one benefit of a college education for those enrolled in Southwest Texas Junior College Spanish courses. A tour of ancient pyramids and Mexico City will be among the features of a bus trip to Puebla, Mexico, where students a hotel of will built years stay in hundreds ago as Catholic monastery. a Tour director trip is SWTJC instructor Lampe, who Anyone registering in a college Spanish course becomes eligible for the Mexico trip March 9-16 with $150 covering the total cost of transportation, meals and lodging for the eight-day trip. for the Spanish Carolyn plans to use the trip as a traveling classroom to suppiemen t on-campus instruction. Community residents interested in enrolling in a Spanish course as a pre-requisite for accompanying the group to Mexico have until January 17 to enroll. Spanish Classes ‘ Conversational Spanish is designed for the adult who wants to learn enough Spanish to deal with the public in a business or to travel in a Spanish-speaking country,” Mrs. Lampe explained. “It’s not a grammar course with emphasis or grades.” course in Hispanic Civilization 235 as general introduction to major historical, sociological, and literary Spain. Classes offered at night include conversational Spanish for beginners, which meets from 6 to 9 p.m. each Thursday, and advanced conversational Spanish, which meets from 6 to 9 p.m. each Monday. PAGE 5 t ■ WHO WILL DRIVE THE AMBULANCE? The EMS unit in Uvalde is in desperate need of volunteers to drive the ambulance and provide emergency medical services. CAN YOU GIVE A LITTLE OF YOURSELF TO THE COMMUNTIY BY SERVING IN THE EMS? geographical, cultural, artistic aspects of will meet 9 p.m. Welfare Myth For those who would li^e a classroom tour of Spain without ever leaving Uvalde, the College is offering a The course from 6 to each Tuesday and will be taught by Mrs. Pam Jucknies, who has studied in Spain and Mexico and lived Peru for six years. Congressman To Speak At LULAC Banquet Mike Esparza, President of the LULAC Chapter in Uvalde has received a letter of confirmation from Congressman Henry B. Gonzales that he will be the speaker for LU LAC’s first anual bnaquet on Saturday, March 10. El Uvalde Times CLASSIFIED ADS 278-3061 have Henry our in Contrary to popular belief, living on welfare in Texas is not easy. Nor and even is it profitable, many say it’s not sustaining. welfare mother in families are by single SPECIAL i SERVICES AVISO LEGAL ESTADO DE TEXAS CONDADO DE UVALDE CIUDAD DE UVALDE EL Lee Plumbing TODA CLASE DE PLOMERIA. | SE AVISA POR ESTE MEDIO LIMPIEZA E INSTALACION DE I QUE HABRA UNA TANQUES SEPTICOS. I AUDENCIA PUBLICA ANTE SERVICIOS DE 24 HORAS I EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD I EL 13 DE FEBRERO, 1979 Septic Tank cleaning & Installation. I A LAs 7.30 Aim. EN LA All Plumbing Work. I SALA DE JUNTAS DEL CON- 24 Hour Sendee I CILIO EN EL EDIFICIO 278-8246 | MUNICIPAL SOBRE ■“■"“"■«■"«■■■i SIGUIENTE ASUNTO. THE COOPER’S I ns r> CAI rrc I ENM1ENDA PROPUESTA U&U SALES I PARA UNA ORDENANZA DE & RFRVICF I ZONEAMIENTO CAUSANDO I QUE EL LOTE CUADRA Complete service on all I D’ CRISP addition y 282 vacuum cleaners—any kind I PIES AL OESTE DE ‘shook anv model ' I NINE, ACRES’ EN NCB 25 Y lDE CLASIFICACION R-4 ONE DAY SERVICE I DUPLEX Y DISTRITO DE Custom Window Shade. I multiples familias a r-2 Cut While You Walt I SECUNDARIO DISTRITO DE 400 W. Nopal I HOGARES DE UNA FAMILIA. Hokit’s TRANSPARENTES ALFOMBRAS LINOLIOS *MAS DE 30 ANOS DE EXPERIENCIA •PRESUPUESTOS GRATIS 121 W. NOPAL 278-7477 CIUDADANOS INTERESADOS PUEDEN APARECER A DICHA AUDENCIA EN APOYO O EN OPOSICION DE DICHA ENMIENDA. T. H. CAFFALL SECRETARIO DE LA CIUDAD Fechado Enero 10, 1979 food, awards and a dance with the music of “Salsa” from Del Rio The tickets are now on sale from any LU LAC member at $15.00 per ' couple. The Texas (95% of all Texas welfare headed mothers) is paid less to support her family than her counterparts in 48 other states. Texas, with an average family welfare payment pegged at $110 per month, pays less than half the nation’s average of $230 per month and is far below California’s $423 average or New York’s $392 per month welfare payment. Only seven have fewer wel-recipients per than Texas, there are welfare thousand In Texas, Not only is the Texas welfare mother poorly paid, but she has little company to share her plight, states fare capita Nationwide, fifty-two families per population, there are twenty-seven welfare families per thousand. In New York there are sixty-eight families per thousand, California has sixty-six welfare families per thousand population. Texas’ Aid to Families with Dependent Children Program (AF DC) is the state’s only cash grant welfare program. AFDC is available only to low-income, dependent children of singleparent households. Other states allow two-parent households, childless households and single persons; Texas does not. The vast majority of Texas AFDC households are single-parent due to dis-ertion, divorce or death of one parent, although regulations do allow a physically or mentally handicapped second parent in the home. Ninety-five percent of all Texas AFDC families are comprised of a single mother attempting to raise her children “We are indeed very happy to Congressman B. Gonzales as special guest for the banquet,” said Esparza. “His acceptance of our invitation is a great honor.” 278-36161 LULAC’s first banquet will follow very much the pattern of the banquet organized for Commissioner Gilbert Torres last year and which was an overwhelming success. AVISO LEGAL ESTADO DE TEXAS CONDADO DE UVALDE CIUDAD DE UVALDE POR ESTE MEDIO SE AVISA QUE UNA AUDIENCIA PUBLICA SE LLEVARA A CABO POR ESTE MEDIO SE AVISA, QUE UNA AUDIENCIA PUBLICA SE LLEVARA ACABO ANTE LA COMISION DE PLANIFICACION Y ZONEAMIENTO DE LA CIUDAD DE UVALDE, TEXAS EL DIA 6 DE FEBRERO, DE 1979 A LAS 7:00P.M. EN LA SALA DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD, EN EL CITY HALL, UVALDE, TEXAS TOCANTE AL SIGUIENTE ASUNTO: EL SR. RODOLFO FLORES SOLICITA SERVICIO UTILIDADES PARA PROPUESTO PARQUE CASAS MOBILES QUE SERA LOCALIZADO EN APROXIMADAMENTE UN TERRENO DE UN ACRE Y MEDIO EN EL LADO NORTE DE EL GARNER FIELD ROAD, Y AL OESTE DE LA RESIDENCIA DE^W.C. NANCE PERSONAS INTERESADAS PUEDEN ACUDIR A DICHA JUNTA Y PRESENTAR TESTIMONIO EN CUANTO A LO SOLICITADO. Fechado: 18 de Enero de 1979 T.H.Caffall Secretario de la Ciudad_ DE UN DE HOUSES FOR SALE CASAS DE VENTA VETERANS Buy Now Before Interest Rates Go Higher. Houses In All Prices. FHA Financing Available SCOTTIE MOLLOY Real Estate 278-5486 FOR RENT Business Location FOR RENT Corner Of Hwy. 90 and San Diego St. CALL 278-7868 For Rent 3 Bedroom House, living room, dining I BUYING A HOME? room, bath. 330 W. I let me help you find a Oak. Call 278-5467 I G00D H0ME AT THE BEST PRICE. I HAVE SEVERAL CAN SHOW THIS WEEK. Se Vende Estufa de gas en buenas cond i-ciones-$75, Llame al 278-6359 NANCYTAFOLLA 278-6992 Associated With DEWEY CARLISLE Real Estate SE VENDE Maquinas de Lavar de ‘roles’ en muy buenas condiciones. 278-2172. The honorees of the banquet this year will be the Mexican-American graduating seniors. Awards will be given to the Outstanding exican-American Graduating Girl and the Outstanding exican-American raduating Boy and Iso the Outstanding exican-American thlete. ncluded in the proram are live Mariachi usic, cocktail hour, Junta de Padres Del Programa DEEP Habra una junta de la Organización de Padres del Programa de Desarrollo y Enriquecimiento del distrito escolar de Uvalde el proximo martes, 30 de enero a las 7:30 p.m. en la Biblioteca de la Escuela Dalton. Algunos de los alumnos presentaran un programa y se les urge a todos los padres que asistan. WE WANT YOU i PARA USTED TO HAVE QUEREMOS THE BEST! LO MEJOR! 1 X *- T <8? A Ce^z-VAi,” » f > ALL THE PEOPLE AT FIRST STATE BANK WANT TO GIVE YOU THE BEST BANKING SERVICES. WE INVITE YOU TO OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT WITH US AND LET US SHOW YOU HOW MUCH WE ENJOY SERVING YOU. TODA LA GENTE DEL FIRST STATE BANK DESEAN DARLE LOS MEJORES SERVICIOS BANCARIOS. LE INVITAMOS A ABRIR SU CUENTA CON NOSOTROS Y DEJENOS DEMOS TRARLE EL GUSTO QUE NOS DA SERVIRLE. FIRST STATE BANK OF UVALDE MEMBER F.D.i.C. .4 200 E Nopal/Uvalde. Texas 78801 (512)278-6231