AUGUST 27, 1978 EL UVALDE TIMES PAGE 5 SPORTS Cursillistas Hold Sunday Tourney LUMBERMART TAKES ALL Uvalde Boxing Club Lumbermart With leading 5 - 4 in the bottom of the 7 th and Sun Devils at bat, threatening, which was the most defensive game of the night failed to put runs on the score board Lumbermart came out to be the champion of the tournament. Lumbermart with only one loss throughout the tournament which came from the Sun Devils 4-1 became a very controversial game. And the tournament went on as the Sun Devil’s ran over Lumbermart with a score of 4 - 1. The Sun Devil’s led 2 - 1 until the 5th inning when two more runs came through to beat Lumbermart 4 - 1. Losing pitcher was Fred Muniz and winning pitcher for the Sun Devil’s was Joe Contreras. first from _______________________o -r 1 the cal1 for the reorSani’ zation of the Uvalde Boxing'ciub. Bobby Flores is seen in the photo Ninteen youthful boxing hopefuls answered addressing the members at the American Legion last Monday. With the aid of Al Delgado and other parents of the boys, Flores hopes to revitalize the club and provide the leaderships and training the club needs. . Bobby Flores at 278-3709. the aid of Al Delgado and other parents of the boys, Flores hopes to Anyone interested in supporting the club is asked to contact h|O NEWS 1 IS bad news Run YOUR 6 tf. Manténgase Informado Subscríbase Hoy Mismo a El Uvalde Times $12 por un ano NOMBRE _________________- DIRECCION CIUDAD _______________________ Envicio a : EL UVALDE TIMES, 556 W. Main St. Uvalde, Tex 78801 Uvalde Abarrotes Periódicos Piñatas Hielo Cerveza Abierto 7 Dias South Evans Grocery 7 AM - *SARDINAS *MINN0WS 9 PM *CAMARONES *SHRIMP 211 S. Evans278-7315 O & D Sales & Service Venta y Servicio De Toda Marca De Aspiradoras. Partes Para Todas Marcas Vendas, Bolsas, Cordones, Etc. Transparentes De Ventanas Hechas Al Gusto. Visítenos, Queremos Que Conosca Nuestro Servicio. VACUUM CLEANER SALES & SERVICE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL AND OTHERS. We Make Custom Window Shades. 400 W. Nopal 278-4270 AD El Uvalde Times 278-3616 Lumbermart’s clash came Trevino’s Electric with an edge of 8 - 7. Lumbermart had been trailing 7 - 5 in the game until the last inning whei Mart came out with 3 make it 8 -hitters were Perez 2 for runs to 7. The Ramon 4, Lupe Richard Ruiz 3 for 4, Sanchez 3 for 4, Carlos Guevara 3 for 4, Nick Puente 2 for 4 and Frank Muniz was the winning pitcher. The next game came against Leakey with a score of 8 - 2. Hitters of the game were Ramon Perez 2 - 4, Lupe Ruiz 2 - 4, Nick Puente 2 - 4, Richard Sanchez 2 - 4, Jimmy Chapoy 2 - 4 with two doubles, Oscar Mirelez a double and a triple on 2-4, Hector Garcia 1 for 1 for a double and Steve Zapata on 1 for 1 with another double. Admisiones al Hospital de Uvalde Horas de visita: 10:30 a 11:30 a.m.; 2:30 a 4:30 p.m.; 7 a 8 :30 p.m. Telefono 278-6251. Admisiones Agosto 19,1978 Ellinger, Linda (Russell Baby Girl) Uvalde Carleton, Pamela ( Daniel Baby Boy) Uvalde Mendoza, Candelaria ( Noe Baby Girl) Uvalde Agosto 20,1978 Pichot, Ida Mae Shaw, Clarissa ( Ted Baby Boy) Uvalde Agosto 21,1978 Kelly, Debbie ( Kenneth Baby Girl) Uvalde Silva, Theresa Uvalde Polefka, Karl Canada Falkenberg, Janice (Leland Baby Boy) Knippa Moreno, Cristina Marquez, Belia Uvalde Uvalde Agosto 22,1978 Guzman, Victor Storey, A. A. Uvalde Uvalde With only three teams left at the showdown of the tournament, Lumbermart, Sun Devil’s and Trevino’s Electric y Lumbermart eliminated Trevino’s Electric with a 12 - 2 score. Hitter for Lumbermart once again was Lupe Ruiz 4 for 4, 2 inside the park, home run and two singles: IL.1--Garcia 2 singles; Sanchez; triple, a single; a Hector for 4 - two Richard 3 for 4, a double, and Nick Puente, for 4, triple; a single and Jimmy I a Chapoy, 2 for 4, a single and a home Jesus Martinez run, and “Surdo” 3 for 3, a triple and two singles, winning pitcher was Martinez. Roy With almost all the teams eliminated it came down to the final two teams. Lumbermart who lost only one throughout game came face with game the face to the Sun SOFTBALL • ONLY • = $ ‘ last Sunday evening to hold Lumber Mart edged the Sun Devils 5-4 the Championship title of the Slo-Pitch Softball Tournement that was sponsored by the Uvalde Sacred Heart Church Cur illistas. ^Lumber Mart team members are: Jimmy Chapoy, coach; Standing; Paul Limones, Hernandez, Manger;Ramon iL-eft to Right Kneeling^ Richard Sanchez, Roy Martinez, Fred Muniz, Lupe Ruiz, Salome Ortega, Hector Garcia, Esiquio Perez, Jesue Martinez, Nick Puente, Jamie Losoya, Santos Rodriguez, AssitenJVlanger. Bat Boys left to i "J Ortega Jr. right are: Jamie Rodriguez, Hugo Hernandez, Salome Devil’s who undefeated once beat Lumbermart slumping were and the with a score of Lumbermart seemed to be at a difficult position because if the Sun Devil’s defeated Lumbermart,the Sun’s would be the champions of the tournament. That was not the case as it became a long tournament as Lumbermart swayed by with a 13-7 win. again Ruiz 2 and Oscar Mirelez two singles: Sanchez 2 -a home run double; Nick 3 - 4, two singles and a double; Zapata 2 singles; Jesus “Surdo Martinez 4 - 4, and a double; Ortiz, 3 for 4, singles. 4, double single; 2 - 4, Richard 4 with and a Puente Steve 4. 2 triple Salo three Hitters once were Lupe With one loss on each team it came down to a do or die situation. The Sun Devil’s came out fearless last game tournament. for the of the A tough and impatient game it was as the two teams built up steam. Both teams threatening with Lumbermart on top edged Devil’s 5 - 4. the Sun Hitters mart Mirelez singles; for were 2 - 2 Lumber- Oscar 3 , two Richard Sanchez triple and Nick Puente 1 - 3, a home run; Jimmy Chapoy 1 - 3, double; Steve ¿apata 1 - 3, a single, Ramon Perez 1 - 2, a single. Fred Muniz was the winning pitcher. In the Finals Lumber Mart recieved first: place , The Sun Devils recieved second, and Trevino’s Electric recieved third in the tournement that took place at Pony Field last Sunday evening. Seven teams participated in the tournement which were ; Leakey, Reagan Wells, Sun Devils, Lumber Trevino’s Campwood,and Sanchez - 2, a a single; Team. place trophy a third Trevino’s electric controversial game through with took place at came that SOFTBALL • ONLY • on a very Pony field last Sunday evening with Lumber Mart. Sponsering the tournement were the Uvalde Sacred Heart Cursillistas. Team members are; Front L to R, Richard Velasquez, Ruben Lugo, Jimmy Trevino, Robert Torres, Pete Trevino, Gilbert Garcia, Back row, L to R, Gilbert Garcia, Richard Torres, Lilo Rendon, Jerry Trevino, Robert Sandoval, Albert Trevino, And Felix Padilla. Not pictured are Robert Ramos, and Frank Alvarez. Coach of the team was Jimmy Trevino and Manager of the team was Albert Trevino. Continua Solidez Del Peso preocupación por la estabilidad del peso. El Banco de Mexico que las exportaciones de petróleo en los primeros cinco meses de 1978 llegaron a 602 milliones de dolares, un aumento del 1,374 porciento sobre un similar del anterior. cafe, los langostinos, el cobre, el bismuto, el acido fosfórico, las hormonas sintéticas, textiles y naturales y las fibras la melaza. Sun Mart Electric, The Uvalde Coyotes will face the Pearsall Mavericks, September 8 here in the Honey Bowl. STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS For a Complete Look of Loveliness periodo ano pesar del aumento de las ventas petroleras, las portaciones de cinco meses Pero a ex-esos solo un Paralelamente, registraron ciones en se disminu-otras exportaciones como el aumentaron en 144 porciento mientras las importaciones crecieron en 25.3 por ciento. Entre enero y mayo, los hidrocarburos representaron el 29.6 de las exportaciones de Mexico. En similar lapso de 1977, el petróleo y sus derivados solo habían representado el 16.6 las por ciento de "ntas al exterior. la estatal Mexicanos El Director de empresa Petróleos (PEMEX), Jorge Diaz Serrano, * predijo recientemente que en 1980 se exportara un million de milliones diariamente, representara veces mas que las cifras de 1977. los 2.2 extraidos lo que cinco Los expertos creen que las exprortaciones continuaran durante la próxima decada. Diaz Serrano aseguro que “el petróleo no solamente convertirá a Mexico en una nación permamentemente prospera sino en una nación rica.” Call Your Personal Studio Girl Beauty Advisor Amelia Quiroz 278-7491 1101 Ft. Clark Rd. Uvalde, Texas SALAZAR EXXON STATION Salazar Cash & Carry % BARBACOA TODOS LOS DOMINGOS Picnic Supplies *** Ice *** Beer To Go Open 7 Days a Week 365-9309 LA PRYOR, TEXAS