>***!* •wnU foeif = . ;,,l<;,,tnT,'B 'zr1* *•"* I U ; hl»lrvrthw to attend. 100 -t^n* XAXi: M ni *^w*e<«*MiarNwt»K,eieee.«fib.». moMdreuMy ea the *pghfondny .t ItM ‘XrwTbrft.Xanbi. dtortyiBetibite*», OfU ] <*«ee rf any rcwxiy ekáii *t* It i*pra,_ BY .TELEGRAPH. tV *** **y .the TeftympM tha* II. M. ¡ bet dotwrapk troul»!** toon led te a eepareti**, trefw «««tor fir. will tow W able to thorough tU 4 vote ibeaeaeivee to to be re, neral. 4 by (.«•rtiin pti.i* Uigiriy 4>ieeHHt*«|. tabee prweorr. and a portiee cf the Hoke rtedt r* I -A K' half a dutrn elv k* t«f f -d.tor, polea, ele., ele , j toil a dwvlung houwr, were u»nea»;ed. IT* Ire ¡ w»e witk ddb. ulty préi*i,ted from .preedmg of-tte tree. i* I'aliforoie, and wen yen tin y are a moat tieaetiíel alte*» trae. ' Jr«WeHMM«6Í. La liaMLta, K. M„ Hand. I, ie;i. AWHtber !«<•*« FleM. Lt4 (Xtxaa, X. 11.. llenii 4,1471. Elttoae: eOpobUcae i* tb* T»r»il >ry. The rrtpeeeiUilif 1 . o# eaeÑrg Ike «eaa «• *itk lie party ea f tte Nrw llexn en tralu. <‘«n $ th-- 'ill ■■l-uM *: Í ‘ X ■ V' 11 v fin tn 11. w.itirra .1 II i- / vf * I l,.tS n A?. i-it^Fri«, v. .i L- p- - i-i eih »• Wvvke eg a when J«Jg< tint,'hr wae prrpettrg •ii the eV erf "*«<# ?e»^aH. ywyer t<* vivit the rtetci be forweidvd to the Governor >»^i ArJ «• rhr .frr.*vry. »«e kor a •»■•*•* ctr> fot irtignai on, Ae noon at iLie wae known efoar.e* rfora ».• re* erfoiXoN i*#J.. .01 •• r.r- _ .. .» . , ^du-fo teef *-wraúf»y wed.»*. 1 " ‘ * *0H *f the wt e*d «aarrwfw» w»í» * «en e-f <*.w. ‘«w*ty wrote the governor rv.pieM.ng tbathw BeHSKSESZSFTSSSSSSBSH^ÍBBFS te»i¿netio» »ko*M n.M t* a,, ept« .| The rve-riN»i twrw. igeation wae Raalh withdrawn at ike veqoeM MEPtMLU AX TKItltlTteRIAL ‘eiGe* Vde end the <.!.«**• i*tn< r Court bi-iUyUi S.'wki k.< ■1 ivr:* < of x t. h it-if li.’.itfe till tk«‘ UV- litlv i-t tLr ;.np!Ml-'< MiVc.oi u. t r *tamp«, wm- Oue-l m *l i uit" !>• Iiai.vc, Wiib- *un>< J-üKiiig from to Al."***; two Wirt Í* * hf.j '.ieov, -i 1..1 viir «ley. r. at tk*.t agenr y ml! । edriut of nb dvUt iii »«rp )rrg th* N»tij • ly-' diana «.th rat«<.*». The preaent ewpply.wiU be i eihaurivj aoao» time before proviaiooe ran poe* 1 •ilnt iir drbvric.l at F«xt l> 6 that leaf around the Ptaaa we have ! ’‘° •dtertwe for Item prepoeefo. Tto 1 nvt rem it. ; Supermteadwnl will Mitotera btd. tree any re* eponetble perwn. crxve revived e private toner from luki1 Crura., u»-let dale of Manh 8th, wbnb e.t»: ¡ ••Onye.to.iey, during a very high wind, tto oCihe'e ar »ut»kte ot "park ‘imiranUd Ft* wfo-re ete^tei relative». When eh* alighted f *d*tor eta. k in tto . orral <4 I km 1‘riiro Gereia , to more iban I jntl.lrtÓ.QOO fretire. 1 Nli iui.iuid, Y'a , Merck ». ■ J b 1h* Mate J.mnial, the ^kviNtidkan urgaá । here, :h»a changeilli-ml» Laving been purehaa-rd by a.»t cu lt -rompan« at leading repuhUeaae. ■ ■ ! • i • • Bordeaux. March A. In the Aewtnbly to day Fevre preponed «te j •Inmgathm <4 all law» renlrktteg the right ol the peo,»’.» to. hold- muetlug» »ud form eeeo-ciatlotfN. , ¡ 1 hiere trplylng to a quvi-tton »»id the rx- IB W«: »ei*hn e«.ti KG Bitten it the euort of vornw mwrv*nt win look her to th* l fo-r iff ee hi« wife. II- re eto wee p-»»-ah!y drugged, ae »to ifo-re-: ta Denver, cr why it ever ehoul.l go there? • *^rr **hiKited,eympt.míe of parti-I ineamty, *. -------- a ( oftviel notow te rwrtmartere. forbkMint tto m . jUu^ wtwM WM ukw ,u I te deliver tetter, toering «to in.lenemrat »f tto.j Je|| a ^texú etion A *»w keen c*Mittee«wnt reiterad fo-r. en-l ito from the ran eh* wae mnler, the lefleeni»" of ^re, end from it the foe eptead te all the t * committee of tiw Anwmltly made a report About. An faint of annul I ng the vlrí-tion of fieri haldi to the Aweemhly hmu Algter*. *................................................................................................................ pmcetdrd to make a apei ih warmly dcffhdlng tiariiwhli het he wm igterrwpted by a tumen In ibecblmber. Tie rtveral cooe-tre vf the .ecr.tcry *..< l< rn ta*Hn te rrprvweted ;* mW <*<.rxetk* by tw< _ _ __ , dttoguv. for rec* Braatt* er ReprewM.t vc to ' CP* Tte pOH'cfll.w department he. iwwd an ,,,, Vi.rni llouee ehe wk.te eoch eouwy to aa'Utol la tto femveia'., ~ L-gWtoMiX*. I to Adi vet tetter, bearing the imlerwiaewt of tkc.j An-tte eoextlM ef the Ttfritcy art re tawte l to cllre er ite agí nt to any one except tte ¡ fo,......... ..................... erwi hW dcNgrtw*. i «ad in raw tte wtected ra*e a *nonl time. Iter ee^. j deion gave tire te tke aw^riemn that ike bed k _ • . -• - HFl^rt. ew WVtered.v, Marek fob. a ! ***** ***h wi,fc* *”1 «*«**«We of ite L-2’í v!*’!T* woreent ee the terrirarial tr^rery In f.vnf of w!b'.v **■ Ur P«**¡* •» time of Ira 11. Bawd, fur #.10, ard dated Nov. l6«K ÍM •"**' M <*♦«*•»*’ Tte women IS7<\ Tte fotitet w.U te rewarded by retara- to* ,in>* ** ’*'* •‘‘.le in jail, and , eepveee »e ft,» ^'-iT j vewing' ter eympiome Were to a terming i »■»-'" "—n— ; that a phyviciea wm eent for, but .he rat-k - ty M. Aeb Vpeon, K«q . ie ia Elitetetb-1 rapidly ew.y, and die! et mi-lnlght. 1 tto ft-p-hli.x* petty ie He tel l ie thi. city o* town, eed"wil! teen «berg* of tte Arye», the ! gtMlrmen lately arrived tn m Kynm Citr ***^ Bfok fv« the peqfore <4 ncmweting-n nw- new paper to to «farted by M.jor Sprigman. • teem th* following C*c*. : llie Wow»»!*# tlftl m* eekpetr • ere aatbeeUed to eppotat eetwtitew > to attrni a*4 •« la thdr eteaJ. By arde ef toe Central C«N»»Urw*. Mari* Whirl. ........—........... 1 .... I MryefoUeem Cewgre axle met tee* 1 ml treat 1* twe ,*'plv iUbu bre by ne mean» rare in New Mexico and Aii* tena, and tbw ten n «pared tiw «nertíft. a«i« ef parading a fwnilmr fart at • thijiuM* eatraatdi* eery diwawvy yet repotted.** ---------------------------------------- OF Colonel Daniela, Áieeemvk of li tera»I From a R*ven*r lor ner Trtrileiy, reme in leaf evening r, we , fro* I.ai Vrgea, and k ft ifcie Morning on tbv . _ name ie eonttera coa« h for Álb»Tecu|to(tmó4kiUb»ti. Th* fort neeber will be ieaeed ebeat the 18th i M**. Ik I* Thom»». She ie tl* JaugLivr i f a *r»a. x matant. - wealthy aid Mran-an, wk-e ernt her to S«. !.-•*«■ .. . .- 1 ' |X| L. '• • .... • te be e lecehrd. A L w yeere ago ehe metric I, i BY ^TELEGRAPH ; I'evto*. K*i Jr red Freni** ie ed.ptirg hereeif to tto new or-li r <4 «hi:en- -m-------! e held M»tvh tilth.__. ’ '* lonitea. li.fri :i | The Dally Xew» aeye tke Black *,e tH. i ence mecte to-day, bet wp to a leu h.*. Loedna, Mank t. It la aakMM Tlwoe I* ah leí» o* the Anglo Aairrlrat" cvfimtleaio*. to-day reik*Ha the opiato* of the RovortHi.eet. end that lap-tmettoe* la twrmohy with tiw view* tberele eapreaeetl on the Alabama ciaba» kav» beta •eat t«i the HrhUh lavmbere of tike «aimlwltgi It Waebtagt**». Paria. March It. Gee. VI noy h»e leeae* entera a ae pending Hie pohikaikwe oi Vrngaer, Mat de Onlra. «M da l*vopk; and Boi.clw A >\r. Tint pu Idka I to* ef UvW political or toclai ecoooaiy Joo male I» forbidden. Tke tiertnaaa evacaate Vcmillee to-rwwrvw and lhe Fn nt h ircwpe will immediately oo> cuppy the town, Merqñh tie Beniwvitia haa tieen ep{H.lnird French ^mhoreador al Vienwi, ■nd M. Mltuhl Preferí of IMIce. - The h.aith of the t iiy I» improving. The Official Journal rontalna a decree dkaohlug certain hr«4ipfiu-l«nt. The alai of the arm, appro t* the fotntatlon of reg latent» .< Infantry and urge the talabllahuH nt vt campa nt" In»* traction. j' Albany. N. )*. Man hl. ! A terrible tragedy occetixd tin» mormog *t f the rrnhicnre hr Samúel I». Vaupenu on ¡ Madlwin Ar**t. The heetbf who I» hiteni* : berate tu bto had angry wont» -w lib kK t wife, and «eicing an iron grkldle ntnitk her । with it «i* the t*rk of the head, cratokig the ! , aiiuU and emwing her d.»* at owv. The Ur-; c«m«tawn* twcowiing kuonn io the ya-igldum. ike police wa» H*i lor and th# doctor wan tak.n into ««fetudy. The >n tu baa vaWmd hew.York, March It. , Rperlal dl-patckce ftwnf Klttgaton Jawialcn ¡ «tato that the Vníted State» atethnem Tea-I nimwe ami Nantnckel anlerti reaientoy ftvm j Port an Prjnem The Commhmfomre are making ibelr report» which are afrung for ■Meeaatfoe. T>e Tc*ew«ee will foeve 8>r I New York w neo* aa a^e cuál», by the way oi | Key Wvat. All ant welt. The co nmlaaioner» were foully foevived In Haul where Ucn. Vabrel toJytiMdJkeei they had no buaioeaa with Dart. Klosnlon. March 18. The »trai6»|,lp nornet rrtnalua al Port a» l*rtuór tkiMly walchci by the bpaiilih war «atuer I’karm. t’apt. lladmt* ba* been n« ..«¡veil ami k it fur In.nw on the Bib lu»t. The Itonw-t ia to to »i*l Uy order el the cvnalg-neem- It i» n-poracd ftum Pari» that the went teten* te ¡evye tei oh ImponH» ■mteriN. eapeetejly trltUe fobrire Thu. ■en twitpralcHw le expected te perder» ir from alny to eighty mlllk.t» uf r(l.„ j foreign menefbeforad erticle» abo ue -* texrd proppttloMtely. | A Daily New» dlapeU* frn* BrtUtoiHc all French priaener» le Mgtem h.x, ¿ j home. The French Oftclal donrnnl |u‘.|d* decree •pprmlng the tormatlon Mf oftnfontry el Bordee»», and dl»»idr3* beadvtoitef» etefti of erm* mentí. in* te the north end the campe of mutvt^ at Havre I* Brittony and i* «he Voeg<». A dlapauh free Feri» give# pueit.ir tredktio* tn the rtpert that Pvitgrr <*,. te« French wl*bter-be •*»*« Intcmi» t.,. reform» to the me»agem»nt ef the mo* Oaetave Ebhetg ewi) Jecw Ambara | ._. V». w >AM*MMI«taAMiiBH WMwH. ft n; ) ami TJL** *■*lk1t *• **eH *►«.. AftOavit having brew abd t* n* ifotr mu Z2■ wuw-*T«*r*t « rtaeiur í?.M,í,.r.*rw.ert‘H* mvtd ep« y. thettfoeehmlyr yi*g ,». IÍ7I, r^en ai d th.,v ■. raer earn (foHote Ftetetg and AkN. A»,f. •ctkm ef treepnea u» the raw m»* r,<*, aetkw britig f. wudrd *n*n exwn arruom i.e t wane and w«MiafidWr wdd «rd *-hrt.r J u , t he w. y*m the widdifowd.at, ,<»n.e«r. tw« hatnittj end n|«* dnilar» aog'h uv <«.. ■ Withlultrretadd«wWefeith ami tird»foult. apt*e.amw «vbmrn rmpu-ed, j*.irw«w< wihV fondagiunu^va Mtvrdiagtvi»*. ’ . W’n. Parrara. SEAL! Wiltt —it.e anti Hui de 11 1» wl lobe, ed\ ihi at, d etid Ira* I ouiit t.‘K> '. Cofy pm» to I " the <>fllo pnv M.l New Me - PlVjK, .-^efTÍ-iMa —. fol.lr .. wrti.o i t.: ■. K * Xtiflcc to., Noii-lícsídtw. De/cndwt . WMtoRT op xftw wren-n. - I ini I ImtriH fm.M, - __ _ U*biy aiitoMa >». ' GaapaeQntex) - *• „ ®>Amrbe6Mln Ammpe#. JwHpb tier».*, 1.. *w,h liftotb «ir» aNw eeneto grfrt-^r-Afldevli ««vlng heow tied hi the «*rv pf iu Ihrwh, err » «a* rwdde* *t ¡hk. Tetrfonv m, . _ .Klneaiow, J an >a lea, M»n U It. The Vnitvd SUU* »tc*i*r* Tennewc* end j «Nenterket, with the m«|.hera of tiw Mae Do-‘ mingo ciHW«i>l«»to*, fcr.iteiHiere tv-«tay by we, ! »f Fort ae Prince. AM up huatd er* well.. Tb* ! Tvituranre will Mil hi lovt d*)» for Ney Ymk bevior of tfot aowk .* w.u f,».¿ i i M * meeting nf the MorklMrfikra «if tire "> W*J **fK*y W‘ 'l- Th* pertorwent» «T the other iUMrtreti Ml rdtUie^toZrr * ’ * < l’W *” l**11*r tortlro* Vo., hf-M I» Boeloh in. 1 U-niK »«.-* 'bra tkhghtni vtrryhuilj t foam nt ! day, • he fotfowlag tnwunte< t’llwtof* w'«e ek-c- ¡ tor comlithm are nut elwrui t«# tbrnwee towed, I ttw i Oliver Aw*. Jobe De* Alktee, ttokra ! *wl tor p»,»>engrri regeni tor ae wee el Ibe Arne* timritner Dexter, ft. X. Ifol*iira «4 Maraaeiwrtte, l~ F.Jk|rtefo tow» Bnn*i. -S>dm-y Didtoreml Andrew Cenmeto>.Tte»ma» -A-'ftcett, Kdger llfompeo» of Pcunuhafo», Ovofg^MvPtoMnma *f IHinnle,V. F, Xe*b«*ii. M Cten»will pel o. to Dent*» wl fwwa, at a' wtoerpKid Mwettag ef tto new b»eH Thewwi A. ftcott wte eh-ctedl FtoMdcM. M ■" — .... * ' "r'-— . , , . — ----ipc Ltl • ^N*« BJUrd edb be ••|*weev «4 ritiere», tbie- I k. peWwirt. m.mtein U-at el' tropn.l Jk., 4. ****,„. _* r eO Halweto J A* It—. M.wJ --8 ft.** p»»*e w «wrtored, and the ng*!*!» wtd í ** 8«**ar C»y. .Cap*. J^ba DeUeH end tn r woe* ef «be M» ate all eyed ’ brother Jag*» Unwey ^eite ftmoee »» rkpl.w* tUrdkt. Heine *6»tlieei*y|**tV4rit|iraof eeteded tfwt ttfNiJr Ktir M«yrite ae'weUee geeRe w ladiLef p-ifuM*. I e* b«|>;y tp •aerit Me. Me*éi'*H* eM• wweMr"< •**»■* Ko fr*dcal ¡ <•**•< *** wddre*«My set l-y Ito Jirpebte. butl.y France (le FrerneJ. • ;*M <4 the rty ewü*e foto tte einWi» el the MW* topi In *e yWMta to thin hweN^ Tbte arden I» being uftnt al the |*m*^ <*• enrnharerphg**** wMa*4Mt latoewWÍ eb**M ***** eaea he*» aMMfo* aM ra.'etxwal Mvere^nty, ie réw temperar dy er-. .JW.^4 ÍS? Hi|Mrir&*imXJfce*iíiki**p« Í ** !«Kfow . r-tNBieMw AiwmLly <4 ¡Nafwnal De«rgi*e». . ■«Ati’-RiM» . ¡The C«*Hn itwdywM.Mgnnl mt* Tbraoxhtbe* Áwmb’y *.r I* tepe*»*. WkleWB. KWwl, Bw-m. €*, ftiwwa IFAmMtg, itií íw lK|Bt »ye*71we. L*t'Apn:>kft.pe*.4faier •Irowgral eliipa I* Uw #pvy. Kat*" totee*-atener i» pr*p*ri*g a draft of Me «apeak aM ea yet ike aeparate draft» bate wok Hoe pared. Lpo* woai poUta'Utbe ieedletl.Ni*! CoMrvoo ike ev|p?m <4 ibe eeweelN** inn ►liow a «editto* «dátete fcr-iekh loewr»-eyue. t'<twiMce«MMM!oe left Haiti tap* •no «MleeM .pC -1 P e tli DeaVe the Kl - itfw 'anli