Page 8 EL UVALDE TIMES Diciembre 17,1978 i,* - Pl Este hermoso y colorido cuadro fue el mas i.' _ _ en honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe el pasado La nina Guadalupe Valeria Del Toro represento sobresaliente en la peregrinación martes, 12 de Diciembre, la Virgen de Guadalupe. a A bold fashion knit for Fall by Arrow Strong, colorful, horizontal, stripes make this a standout. Warm enough for those cooler Fall days but not too heavy to be comfortably worn indoors. Stylish single button placket. 52% Ramie, 48% Acrylic. Easy care. w.. Read The Warranty Before Buying Read through the warranty carefully before buying to avoid warranty standings Claudia consumer specialist the Texas Extension The Texas University System. misunder-advises Kerbel, information with Agricultural Service, A&M Careful With Salt Pills or others engaged in activity Athletes actively physical should not take salt pills except upon the advice of a physician, warns Mary K. Sweeten, a foods and nutrition specialist. Prior to an athletic event, athletes should eat only modest amounts of foods supplemented witii at least a gallon of water in a 24-hour period, she says. $15oo Gift Wrapped Free Mrs. Sweeten is with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, The Texas A&M University System. A good meeting place for buyers and sellers! Name Address El Uvalde Times Mail to: 621 W. Main Give them a subscription to El Uvalde Times M2 per year The perfect gift for your loved ones away from home! City Uvalde, Texas 78801 This I Have To Say Its best to talk about our problems. As strong and opinionated as I was in my last issue about the school board situation, I was very happy to receive so many calls and visits from people who agreed with me. I realize that I speak very frankly sometines and that for some people, especially those that I criticize, it must seem uncomfortable, but I will always say what needs to be said, as long as it is the truth. If my newspaper and this column ever becomes intimidated then there is no purpose in its being. The only way to solve our problems is to have open discussion of the issues. We have problems in Uvalde, and it would be best to air them out, and if those in authority are encouraged enough by the community, to take care of the problems, we can one day see some progress. Hiding them under thr rug will only create the frustration and hostility that erupted in a school walkout about eiglit years ago. AI acabar de hacer las presentaciones les dije a los músicos, “Ahora si, Señores, nos tocan unas cuantas piezas por fabor." It is too bad that we cannot work things out more peacefully and fairly. It is unfortunate that we Mexican-Americans must resort to another lawsuit to gain respect and responses from our local school board. It is all so unnecessary, costly and disturbing. What blinding pride possesses the school board members that it would rather waste all that money in legal fees, create irate feelings among us, rather than act with more fairness toward Mexican-Americans? Where is their Christian upbringing, or did they fail to receive any? Just because years ago it was customary to discriminate and ignore Mexican-Americans doesn’t justiy THEIR actions today! la la de Our Lady of Guadalupe Renews Our Faith SPEIR BROS We Rent HTN.WestSt Votar FOR RENT HOMES FOR SALE Prestamos FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS ’ <:-7> SE VENDE FOR RENT CASA NUEVA DE VENTA BUYING A HOME? 278-3061 FINANCIAL SERVICES DE DE TRANSPARENTES ALFOMBRAS LINOLIOS Hokit’s Lee Plumbing TODA CLASE DE PLOMERIA. LIMPIEZA E INSTALACION DE TANQUES SEPTICOS. SERVICIO DE 24 HORAS ♦MAS DE 30 ANOS DE EXPERIENCIA NANCYTAFOLLA 278-6992 Associtateu with DEWEY CARLISLE Resl Estate ♦PRESUPUESTOS G RATIS 121 W. NOPAL 278-7477 Septic Tank cleaning & instal-ation. All Plumbing work. 24 Hour Service 278-8246 NEW 3 ON S. CALL 5:30P.M. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE FOR NISHED. 657 E. 278-2910 UNFUR- YARD CALL 5 P.M. BEDROOM HOUSE CRISP FOR SALE. 278-3105 AFTER Veterans NO DOWN PAYMENT 30 YEARS TO PAY 408 PEREZ ST. 3 BEDROOM 1 Vz BATH $27,500 OTHER VETERAN HOMES Scottie Malloy REAL ESTATE 278-5486 CASA NUEVA MARAS POR SUR CRISP. LLAMAR LAS 278-3105. USED WASHING MACHINES FOR SALE. TWO WRINGER TYPE WASHING MACHINES IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. CALL 278-2172. LE PRESTAMOS DINERO SOBRE ARTICULOS DE VALOR. PASE POR 117 CARDWELL ST. O LLAME AL 278-5091 DESPUES DE LAS 4P.M. DOS MAQUINAS DE LAVAR DE ‘“ROLES" EN MUY BUENAS CONDICIONES. LLAMEN AL 278-2172. LET ME HELP YOU FIND A GOOD HOME AT THE BEST PRICE. I HAVE SEVERAL I CAN SHOW YOU THIS WEEK ONE ROOM OFFICE IF YOU DON’T HAVE A FULL TIME SECRETARY, WE OFFER ANSWERING SERVICE. CALL 278-3116 FOR MORE INFORMATION. ■ iaru - DE 3 RECALA CALLE FAVOR DESPUES 5:30 P.M. THE FORMER MORENO’S BODY & PAINT SHOP, 620 N. GROVE ST. CALL 278-9544 RENT... LARGE LEONA. AFT. The celebration of the day of the aparition of our Lady of Guadalupe at the Mountain of Tepeyac on December 12 was a beautiful one. It always surprises me to realize how much strength Mexican people derive from worshiping this Lady, Our Patron Saint. From the very poorest to the most wealthy catholics, the reverence for her is very strong. It is as if the miracle of Tepeyac renews itself each time a catholic prays and honors her. Uvalde college students planning to apend the summer at home may want to consider enrolling in summer chemistry courses offered at Southwest Texas Juniro College. Rev. David G. Zumaya and Rev. Lambert Bily prepared a beautiful and moving service and what I appreciate most of all that in our church anglos and mexican catholics join in this and all religious activities. Worshiping together makes it all more meaningful, doesn’t it? “Knowing they can take the chemistry classes they need at the junior college may influence planning their spring schedules while they are home for Christmas vacation,” explained chemistry instrcuctor Ed Heath. For the first time in the history of the junior college, these couses will be offered during the summer, according to Heath. Organic Chemistry 241 and 242 will be offered during the summer, according to HEED HELP? MM AI THE CLASSIFIED ADS EeT-J-Ti «NI MWGÍR *1» 1 El Uvalde Times CLASSIFIED ADS 278-3616 Fiesta de 1930 acompañaban a Don Pedro, dando yo muy buenas referencias de ellos. Y esos eran mis enemigos que mas me molestaban. Descansen En Paz BLANCA ESTELA RIOS La nina Blanca Estela Rios falleció el 10 de Diciembre en el Uvalde Memorial Hospital a las 10.35 a.m. a la celad de cinco semanas. Residió en Batesville, Texas. Es hija de el Sr. y la Sra. Natividad RiosJr. de Batesville. Al estar listos me dijeron, “Hagame fabor de pedir la piesa que desee.” Le volvi a hablar a Don Pedro y les dije a los músicos, “Háganme el favor de tocar la pieza que deseee este Señor, ” y le dije a Don Pedro, <4Pida la pieza que Usted desee.” (No se pierda continuación en siguiente edición El Uvalde Times.) fueron oficiados Servicios funerales se efectuaron en el panteón de Batesville, y por el Reverendo Bily. el Sr y la Sra. media hermana. Le sobreviven sus padres Natividad Rios Jr, una Norma Hinojosa, su abuelita Patricia Hinojosa todos de Batesville. Los arreglos funerales estuvieron bajo la dirección de la Funeraria Mike Esparza. MANUEL RODRIGUEZ El Señor Manuel Rodriguez falleció ayer Martes 77, de Diciembre a la edad de 78 anos, despues de una larga enfermedad. At SWTJC Los servicios funerales están pendientes por el momento con la Funeraria Mike Esparza. Chemistry Courses Offered Next Summer Heath. Organic Chemistry 241 and 242 are offered to fulfill the requirements of science majors, premedical majors and medical related majors. For further information contact Ed Heath at 278-4401 ext. 224 or 278-9441. WALGREENS Prescription Specialists Wheelchairs, Crutches,Walkers DELIVERY SERVICE OPEN SUNDAYS WEEKDAYSTO8P.M. Se Habla Español 278-2551