Kstabllsiíkd, Oct. 22, 1851K} . II More of the (Keliim-iili-al ( diui . ci,I** Front rtutliorrik' Sources, XNMlt. . Ilrov AM’^nv i it»').!> tuxiNXn nsvi. r.totv b. Ú xW or I to th» (.'.uiiieil, iitv t,lm n-wh ofliiv slmhvi hud v'-iu-h rrtmvs ufaMe tlu oliH’uu)- of Iviiuu and of'-veri t'lii’i he loi.nt.y. xnntiU- c'ivh <•»<* of thv Li «hops, Thu N. n:i I th* if t* mark* mi liny «re Feit is 1 * prepare 11, twenty* tour a uni-. ox. the the roftsohs ! >r their L'hev thus •cxii'jn ■h on each point. Tl.cn f tin- v hi'j. Du -i- s.-’i- ni i i* taken up. The tho wb'ile p.-rt: : iiflor tie' other t sre taL-m u remuiam. por- i.-h purli''n t:< sxparately v Filial!v. all tho parts as s- >10- BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, TÜKSDAY, AÜGIjST 2. 1H7U. UOtU YBAK—812 pRK/Yl^n. ,. The i'kitflLh tvtto'l it, :*d’ 'biiliwvti ':..ri ...1(1 tout* hot watiitor !o be; im'hj pyaylii’a! all IvV-iSMáet. It linee ), tiiruu^h the ih*íiiii\y imiiw u mah htfAiXphysie,*, lljn’s W for sih'h exe.nitipus, 'Krhuoj in Fug Inmi which, uiy 1- . *:. , " ' prtvótieiilly dm i aim1 *ad máiil t x, .... v. ..V..I.U. t-tenw'd till' pliljuiMphy uf t kuifnal'ii'* mid un inlc I legible ilwdntiw Unit man, piK*rnd t-lb II limib'd p»lV 'l’x ut ku.'wbi v\t i-riei'iv i-r-ivi" us to ilutv-', i ... ta*t«' Hot thdro it n ................... ", Jyr.tho p l-l'l 0» <' ti b f Yl'S per 1 i 111»• C|XCt A' f ¡i1 rlfíu vi( practivixlly ttox i nuid *a*i roiitl.it, ’ h toHi. it* 'iini'iph.'* t'Ywhkt }m| burn' [iv .uh-, Mid mly bf Mg*- ft.- •«pK:dmil i8 díte hdUi-oiiihti ntowih'hii i.fl'thn yonp-pt'ive witutrit--? and one thlit Uto ,^|Édo dh not fed ul nil iutvi'v-qud nt, Dmu-, July '2d,“‘-Ln Lilrirtu Mys i-hint Id Den mink join Frunce, the 11 vi 11 <'<’ *i > f ,O)kieiti.'i w i 11 sc r y <: in th é ■Dan ill i :uiuy, ?.' ■ Wnr.liki \nihtoiitv!m th Fruto'*' iwvhavrdv ' ", ■ A riidi1 >'.i:im.tfael.1ih'l‘uf Mnl-h'illto lull- bírúro.1 i<¡ equip hil.Oto) X’uhin-tbi'M, and mipply them xxilh hi'I.iOIV during tb ■ war. i'ftNi*, lltot ji'ip'lvf'dl «b'lí’lldlllri" Im dill1* n ucí', mu! tlml pt iiii iplo, nil.' tfiUn derided, I” 6p|iii*Thl'1 „hl lliC Tt'X'IVi entile «'ti o.**' (f>u/v«*V>H A'lfii'1, •■.i»..«.m iimeen'i lx*- ■ >• * When Yhu‘n- Down. IXUSI-INCIKILS liOIW KtST 1 Vli| imtiLsUHiior i nlr more solemn un i n e*. c.impustd a Hu is taken by ave< ;i- f<>n. ludes s<> to uf sneak, Ike consultative action the Council on that Seivnia. enactment and promulg:xtton in the next public iesston uf the Council. And such canons as relating to failh or morals aro irresistible. WliY are these old dogma* define*I? The Mato of the world, and t’.e errors and evils to b'*‘ met :iud eun-deinuod in this nineteenth century hv the Vatican Council, ara very ditierant from tli '.'U? which ail pre- -O._ , anything ot ¡ipd al^i'mxti\ luitely h are ti,-t, Lu mad*- b> know, anyth < ¡oil, tita «tir-exi-donl : , eternal, infinitely wise ami in perfect, and that thvsit wot merely conventional roiitid*. m real-» > x* '• .ta’iUi *■!. Ki . I e .¡iftV V X nr 1UX lng no teal th -uithi to the mind. Tim French mind is active,! akeli'hy, imiigmattvc, Luiteiil practical. From the day* *l r Vol- if nul before, Franc*' lute seen iliT tllx) * Tlh‘ Ilian*')* I exriten.' nt which edipstR" anything ? roti eh i which tmed in Wall -lieel amid a «tale uf “pay." Wh.ll Ul'.IU-Ji nul i u ><>U * '*-1 slight' "11. As y.i.i in< .uidf i <-d .. .. ill iht' nigh tho ,>u xihi'h Tbrvo Idgktiriü!: Expían Truitts 1 Daily. Tli. mill* i.i.lv i ,iU" <"‘in>''iuiiill to , N«iw V..|l, wilton-l ! i«al,v J.Uit' iiuiulmr t’a.'ixe.' Hr..ad <«aug.i t'uai-hi's llir ।Ugh wllheuu lutuite. .V^i-llXitl lir-lie I'I'iHlpt tlfllli IUI-1 .•ertnin * iiiiHVi'tiiih-i, illicit Htu n**ry on xlu*‘<'onUiifii.i!., no.■■unb.iliibl.,' I'ari in the world, m-i-it mapnlHi ent illntng halh and ample thin* lor iimnli. and the safe st, bust, aiul tmed emiiforliblfi rmHi*.. ifo t'i New York bv the Ero At.hnitiv.it Great WvNlf-rlx Hiuhvay, 'riv.kvl.- by thi-, l.iliif for alb al Tlvki.'t rilllci'b i br.uiith lltt>,Simui, w, i,t, sti.x rrt:*', (leti. H'lh’m Agt, tin. l>. WM. H. HAKU, Ih'azos ami ih oMisvIlle ' Texas. 1 TL'f r>nil«’t'Mg.ned brici.y h;i»<* tiutlee that. thi-V .«Xie propnifd to ñ eno' Uli good* loiMrnod lothrm lit" I’rutos do Nshttago. Pay Inward FroteMs, anil nm*;*ia‘t wiiuii» First Ci**** SIviuiioik! < Ili'H* lr-x llki:U1ll nil OA.'h uilivi' Ul hvv ami *liu, ipui bu buried, with.mt any act of roligii'ii. Thu Frc.ieh pto'/.-.i'.-ipA••>•,< are pr.u.e to deifv man; iiintvad of unlvi i;sal nature. !: tlizcd u. itLI. In th*' I "nite* V States, wc Intvi' he* a ciiinparntiveliy fixe from them. We owe it, pliobably, to the fact that with u.» ull du n are sr> bu-v trying to nniiX^s n fortune that they to'.ve lit fin time ahd losa t.x.-te fur Midi 2khetru,'.e .-pi eultilions. ■ Meanwhile the church kmpxs that she is dthi 'F tn all ilia! ¡i(‘r::min acii thu GiH['i?l uf (iin.-t i- in what huúHier witnessed suie,- the x\ur._ Reports from Europe eanui thick and fait during tho morning, and of the must exciting i'haraetvr. First on me tho a i mouth'emití l thst Russia had niitdo an alii mice with Prussia, ami that Austria had formed tin alliance with France. Then came a report, that Napoleon bail notified tho South German Slates that they must decide vrithm twenty-four hours whether tLev would take sides with Franco or Prussia. Then came uitvlligonee that then was a panic in Fnurkfort and Ln:.dim. At thia juncture, the Gold Ro..un was informed that a French iron-clad fleet was chasing the PrunGnn licet into the Baltic, also that tho French army had crossed tho Rhine ;md defeated, the Prussians. The pri- e ipvib' l early at 1171 and quickly iidviimxd to IlN1; at llii» pxiint tlb1- nmiket halted for :i time, but mi m «tartid up again and did iMt Kl'.p until it re:ic:.o iiv li..- hunt. that iorevet I- tre. Ir ,ui Ibo t> -rl V- -mln h mis'. And the wml whose high mdihi cndim- 1- lo raise. ’"itlh-n hi.ir. hum the du-l •And \t h-Ji in a.i. er A t u tun <. It l.< ly All luu! ... t|v even to deny the God that, nude them and redeemed them, and know-T.'r IrVYa’h'.iV.'Tv'VfL’ v.lice, mui in clear, sh ady, I;clarion tones that will ring throtlgh the world, div pr-'dixinw again tl^ut he is tho one triic God, eternal paid almighty, tho Creator whom all men must know and mu.-t serve, tind unto whom they will all have to ¿pudor a ttriet account. This assembled .('.mn. il ib itielf evidetb't’, T si riinrt resting -p< 11 -mil the j rice up cnee more; aud th:-* time il rapidly rose to 122!. tin* b.'lt.kvil?iull r.'c market seemed tu have been tin* dizzy and alniojt in an iu.-tant the price dropped 11 12iR. but (prickly rallied to 1211 and thm fell off tv 1'211. The G. r an* were enormous buy; ers uf gold during the day, and tluir operations have been conduct*'.! with a holdnyss which shows great fxtith .and conlidviiee in a prolonged European war. The itay closed iu Wall street with a calmer feeling. Therb was a considerable abatetno.nl in the speculative excitement. The ituii-ttou in thv Gohl Ixooui be-am.- wry in hi idling, and t-hormou.'- --utns won slaked upon the war between b raiiro and Prussia. Goal closed verv mrii t- -................................ 1SW. ■ ; PAIN lílltoílll Tlila > iihtablfi Fftteiií y1 al1, di'ci<» bi. «h.il'lrpir-., <«i> ndnita! itisHui kbihisij'ii'.rtitíii i.iinirii,,'V ' mi I lm«, w’tfii-ni lie'ru niiiirebu*1.-- *', * iy,hn.f(d 1ti ei-lvtig <} «» X ir:|i)H'« 'khl'W f>|,' . < hohii'A’ilian any utl'dir.-ib ti'rivi.'ti i'Umt’dy, •*| lili’ n ,4 illf'nl ph-r«í.ib.j., bí In- •d.ln, Xíiii-Hiiid í hlnn í*||»wi.(h|b.|rjwb ful .llH-lii*n te ni'iru m pisiviileiit,tlie Puhi Kilter •*r.ii'Jdnh|.1Il^ nirniitlvw, w«ul a* Huruf ettii reshli'his In Üi«Nrtup pinto, Forsutaby J, i,. i111T f-t«i y x p, j Un i w uxv iilp, WKIiEH.V CO.)' Tcxn». ap.i.lii-ci«!,VwtiV 'iht, i.rjfury." In the year ÜSI the second General CoilJh'il was held in t’Uüstntuinu-nlo again.'l the hcru-y uf MacoJuiiius. • In tLi.-Council the divinity *uf tho Holy Ghost was defined. In the year IS I the third Council was hclxl at EplusUs lu condemn Nestor'uis'whx# admitted two persons in Christ, the divine and the human. This Conueil defined thu dogma of two natures in the one persun of Christ. And so" on with the eigiiteeu General'Councils. But all the ho resin rchs admitted-the existence of God, the. reality ajul truth, at laist iu u gviitir-al way, of a reytihttiot) from heaven through Christ our Lord, nndrUm obligation of man tu receive it, aud to l>e guided by ft in belief and practice. • Now, the world see but too many who go far beyond that. Thi-u, so to speak, tho outposts were asaailed. Now, the very citadel of revelation is attiu-ked. Schools of a falsely called philosophy have arisen which . ".with" it pretended show of reasenin»,. deny the existence ot'God, uf spiritual beings; ot the soul of man, hcnd recogiiixe only tho existent e of physical matter. Or if they ipcak of God, it is by an abuse of terms, ap-Lina . panthcUtie senne, holding him. to, be • only the totality -of nil existing things, a personification uDuniversal nature; or, else, if they wish to be more abstruse or more unintelligible, God is-, according ..to them, the - primal being, t ___________J. 1„.T,7 .L. ürst Hubsttuiec, by tho chailgi.-, e?o-, hitluun, emauatiOns, tud mvilitR-n-tions uf which all existing .thing» have come to.be m.they arc. Mauy uro the planes of y m ak-r i al is m ¿n d But ye.->tvr*l:xv, :i* it xv-eie, fhc tolc-graph announced the formal ret'Cp-(\>n by ilie 1'r.-siiieiit ul M. yreVusl-I’araiiul, the ne.v Froth'll Minister. .And nuxv Wu arc er.licd Hipen tu chronicle his duee.is'C lhe .death ut M. Prevwt-ParadoI thus éatly in life is '{•> be deplored, but the ling-ie m.inner *if Iti-i ’'tukii'-.H .ul: xx.il, give au additional shock ti) his numerous friends, and admirpsr. He was one of the must disttogd¡shi.".s< ->t" contemporary men ol hitler-* m Franco, ami ns a joui'iialiil wa.- probably the im.-t liriliiaut. versa!i!-''. a.v-conU’li.-hi'd mid iuiluentHxl tii.it th'.-prods of Varis- has ever had; hi hi< hands the journalist's pt-n w¡|is jiideed mightier than th*.' sword, and no one fiel nimo keenly and admitiied inore tlurescrviGly iww formidaibh: was ixis power limn the Emperor! lrimse.lt, ■ against whose GuVurmnuot he waged such tin relentless war, tlirou^h llic column's of the Jourfuil lies; Dphats, up to within.ix recent per'.pd. Unlike Rochefort, lie warred!, agtrinst the absolute imperial rugimk n A-against" ilia nnxn laiuU N.-xpi'leuir, ' nor iris wife and chilil. \yh«in tho Emperor eaih'd M. Ollivitri to the Ministry, anil inaugtjrab"'*f: cuijistitit-tioixal govctntuent,.tlic tiecpxsij*!. Minister recognized tiro sincerity K\ VIS'; Ui-V)'.; |0iv:.' Southern M/euritioe opened dull and heavy; *hiring the nflurimun thev I'll ore.Hl'.il .,i thO pFCV'.U!' mint in the other uitxrkvti Texas Cattle, iu Court- lowin'’ Mr. M. |3. ('-asile, as must lector ars kt?ñ?ÍC,.is the.thrifty president ofu hank ul Sandwich, 111., atid. tho activo manager uf the lyceum in that, town. He lately wrote a loiter inviting Mr. Greeley !-• le. iurethere iu next Hf-Muon'- eou -e. Mr. Groi'ley’s n ply was in a hat. toi itiug which thu editor uf the Sandwich Gazette says it. would be no sin to worship, its there ii nothing' in-earth or '^ea or heaven I"-1", “xuertH tried t.> n'iid i*. yith varyn.o One Ub-Uglit it wr.* an. vdñy.raf od the tariff, aud tho fijareis fi() in rt referred to tho duty x-n pig iron. Another thought it bad reto renco tu tho McFarland trial Finally Mr." Castle translated it. ns follows: Dear Sir—l am available and will. come. It will be $*30—-ixext February 3d? As to other lectureii, it seems that I must deeliue, except iff your immediate vicinity—if 1 do not coiné.: iu February----------- The rest, of the letter looked as if somebody' had smashed a. b'ottlu ink on it aud tried to wipe it oil" with a curry-cumI). But Mr, ('...¿having so large a latitude to guess in, read it k< an acceptance, ami answered; Sandwi'-u, 111., May 12, !70. Horace Greeley. N. A . Tribune; "Dear Sir — A'mi'r aecepLaneo of uur invitation lecture before our association next wintor came jo hand this tuuruiug. Yüur p< ¡lutiui'shíp. not being tho plaiiu.'.-'C, it took soitie time to translate it; but we .inecvi'doik tiiid would nay yum time—bd of Feli.-1-ntid terms—Sób—áre entirely satis-fa c 111 r y. A s y -1 u suggus t, We -tnay."b® able tu gt t y.'U other ‘.engug? menu in this i inmediato v .daily.' If nil, wu will advise' you. Very n^pc-etfully, ROVER A BAKER'S FHtST PKKMICM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY Sewing Machines, .I!¡5 Broiuhviiy, Now York, 182 .(.’anuí Street, New Orleans ^R-Tlic Hiirh'-si Tri nipuas at ntl Hu) •Mm iiiuh'Shibitumsot the (tnilvdHtnti s Htul 1'1 uropo, havt> ln'i>n ilwanluti the GiuVi-r A" Rakvr Svwinir Maehhius, aud Hi., work dOtir- by Hh.-ih, wlif.'rvvurvxlú-ted In r vimri if for rix-eiv mg urn) forwardiiiR Mt ilraz.ON tlu Natl* F«ir irtiightu and n.h aiu'i's ott nain/*, KI Nt I,. KENEDY * CO. Brinvuty ille, -Sept 1*2, LsilS. bl ^.piRGAN LINE UNITED 'STATES M1JL ,Si.>W!Ug M lie’ll 110. Grover ••<, will hV'furnish-v«< on reunest. niwis-alwlv 1?ykRY MAN "his own printer.-V P. iv the NuVi its- Hand VrinthiR l* 'f-s lin'd p.-.nl vmir Vm ls. Tiiys, Kh-ioh/ii*''*- **-'■' -A MmY«i*i Piki^ .wltii.nm : xyitii'k'd. . Aililrus.H i'.hib'ili'lliiiia", Pa. DR. M’LANE’S Celebrated zYmerican Worm Specific, VERMIFUGE. réfcon- •, who personal friend, prevailed upon him tó aecept i the mis-sultTy :\8 tun bion to \Viis!rington. Thó lint, summer air of Wariringtoii x\ much for hi» highly nervous tji'gaiii-ZlltÍQiL—X -Sun ; Lo>’ri>n, July ‘¿O.-rGeiriminy maktis "the «iethtoneineut uf ihq Bdiul-purlés her ( -| Thu Liverpool marketi¡;yesterday were utterly prostrated." Notlring over known like the coitiniiirciliil , llliu'ii.-,. in I'SGd. Il xxas. aiii-ger ownership of Texas or ,Cherokee cattle in liiiuuis. But. the last court, hi which the suits were tried, by change of venue—the Cumberland Cireiut Court, Hon. Hiram Dciteus, Judge, deciiled—ix jury bui n g' xvhi ved—in „ fa v o r u t * kf*'i i J an Is, 'Alexander, Sullivant and hlidell, owners of the Tgxos cuttle, bn the ground that there we re too-immVde-femlante, holding that inasmuch as the defendants did not own tlie Texas cattle jointly, they could -not be sued jointly. The counsel for plaiiitiffs theii uflefed to eiitet a nol!e against all the defendants exwpt »i«¡ if, in the opinion of the court, the plaintiffs would he entitled to a verdict upon the evidence But the court in reply elaiQil that it xvos tm-possible to tell, from the eviden,'e» ; which lot of" the Texas cattle, to • • whether all of them, or if all, in what , i proportion they common kitted .the : i disemv-s; and .that il made no ilitf- i - ■ erenc.c, under the evidence, xvhetht-r I _______ _______ i the suit wm against ail or One of the | j |(tm rtiy ptiti.try «•vurnin vuitli plelely I r any u(her day. , '■ Yours, Horace (jiiEKLEV, . M. B. CftHtle, Sandwich,'III. It thus turn*out that Mr.Grtif'ley’ original letter, xvhieh Mr. Castle Blundered in deciphering, was as follows: .. New York Trirvne, May 9i Dear Str-—I am - overworked and growing old. I shall be 60 next February, 3d. O,n the whole, it seemi that I must decline to lecture hence-forth, except in this immediate vicinity, if I do at all. I cannot prnmiee to visit Tllin'iw cu that errand:—certainly not no tv. Yours, •Horack Greeley. M. B. ‘Csetlo, Sandwich; JÍL ToHcad4BTAttis.,... If tboso.■■reii-lera of the RCrai. New Y'ukkÍíR who aro troubled with red or-hjiick nut’ will tobé the trouble to sprinkle-pulverized borax aver plants ñj *plMto infested -by there vermin, they will experience notiiore trouble from dtbur variety uf auto. The (to- : :' -‘How *. It Ir- s:ud. I,i o. r phyiician» revel, ntid call It high'in- i does he canso of the-w«r oimwirH tliu-l that U»rt -Saprouja Court. ul. lUiii.jih Lhv Niagara. Fa teliectual cütíüT^" I tho people ?” and mtimnislk ti at the | decided «me time ago,, in a railroad | of bridal parties. " STEAMSHIPS. For (xahestori connecting with st earners tbr '• New Orleans via Berwick Bay. A steiinier of th is) inn will te:xv i-HniZiHf tidiy pi’fhiiltit.iu, for-i.'úilv , sbru, inakilii»-diriH t. v.otmeeLnm fruit, ilieiii t-por.-itoiim- WANTED.-.A^L.NT8~" 876 tu. ' ÍJiO piT'imm'th,. very where inahi sttii iiimalo, t«i intr.iili'ii i>. Hue HimhJne imptuv.-d Viiiuiiiiiil'Mf. tsE Fliiflily Koto- '" uig MartHiiu*. Thth MnhhhwiAv.l.ll Mtlttii. .. hfm, tell, Lu«>k. quilt, uunti hfiVitV and etnbroidi r iu -t fiiosl.- t* tpi-ruw limunor. Prlro imly iis, F'lytiy Warranted fró i i v o y eur-t, \V 11 xv I It. ] >'!ty • (I) i H M , I’- u: any uiai'hhu. tluit xv'ill sh'iv i stronger,'.inorn'• , heiiiittlul, or ntoro nljitallo. á«*ani íh;m .ours. U makes tla*' “Eiltelit! Luck bitifeb.'* J'fvei'y sororitf ,i|ii|i;h t-ui> ho. mil, mid stilt tho vlotli fnhnot'bo pultoil ’-°" • ■ npiiri witJiouttearing'itl Wtip-ky-Agénta • from #7*i LijtZiifi per ntontft aim cxpeti-KiiMj or a coniuiisaiyn frjóm Wbiüb; t,wit‘p ' ibn.i amonm enn be made.- Address MECUM It i’t (.'(i„ /-ittetoli’g, Dl., Boston, ilnss., or St. Louis, AU)." ■ ('avtuin; ftewsrü.of'i'kH.Aíxoht.H.Jií'Iling' Madiiiiua. under thii anima ixa imrii, uti-lesH they <>an si.uw * vilrtuniattiufiitten# cy slfftiod by us, AVo shall not . hold " uiirsnlvos runjionsible ibr wurlhlhis Mix.- ■ ph lues sob! by other pilrtTes,'- and sluill pfoMcutA all partios, either fielting or Using' Mmi'li.lhuh under thia name to th# ..fult-nxttsit <$t tho law, uufésakiichi' >!»• .chlnp-i Wore «xbtainoiL. t'rotil us or. our Ageiiis., .Dr» not bp upon Ly partió:,' who copy our ftiir/if«.iiiUíig. If. S. •Cnrretii'v, Si bo ' 1'2 Ü0 h-r Írdglit . KING Ki M. J. COM ILA, Anon! Lownskiold ;& O’Docharty - - A ttorney* tit .l.aw, COin*U.S Cii^TI, TEXAt t DEX AS LA ND AND LVLLE( *T, A.. ifiipApepey,.. , LOVENSKIÓLI), (TDOCHA RTY • - IILCTtiljLEH, /■ ' 7 E'vr Collection nt' t)ab*s, .fr;iifr>¡unmi-uL or Ailjitsinii'itt n.i" Chntit-i of oviry .Llese.rjptiyu, Uouvcyiuieuig; ‘ . . - Jnvestlg.-xt- iliK uml * . , ..■ - ■ • .Par- . fading: I «and ' Titlcia, piiyhtg; isdlinj, ■nr t.ifusing Real 4''.¿ti’.i*', P.W’-ntitoi of Taxes, Lui'iitniir Limit- Scrip, Mali ¡11K Siu vu) h :a>.| Mapa, ■Millfurnishing nil uceeiwiry. mforma-jiipi. ' • ' <:ia.rithtt SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. ;. rp.H E ' countcnsrict? h;: pale • and * . 1 kai^n-coloréd,, with ticcaaionil flushes, or a circumscribed spot on., one or. buh cheeks; the eye» become dull ; thi pupils "dilate,; . an azure• sclnicirde ru.ri aló:nj> the lower éye- . )id ; the nose is irrigated, swells, and sometimes bipeds,; n "swelling of the " iippef'llp-'; uccM,ióhal,headache; with ' hum.ning or throbbing úf the ears;.-.. . " 'iin unusual secretion of saliva ; slimy •'.or furred tongue breath very foul, -particularly hx the morning;, appetite, variable, sometimes voracious, .with ■■ a gnawing sensation p£ the stomach,, at - other's, ‘ entirely gone ; fleeting pains in the stofnach; occasional nausea and vomiting; violent pains throughout the " abdomen"; bowel» irregular, "at times costive; itooli -iliiny;.not unfrequently tinged with. .■ .. blood ; hefty swollen and hard urine » turbid; respiration occasionally.difficult, and accompanied by'hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive ; uneasy ahd disturbed . sleep, ..with' . grinding, of the ,teeth ; temper varia- but.generally irritable. Whi-never the atuvo aymptoma ' -are found to exist, Dr.M'LANE’S VERMIFUGE Will certainly effect 'a cure. The; universal success xvhieh has attended the administration of thii preparation has .been.such aa to warrant us in pledging ourieiycs to the _ public to . RETURN THE MONEY in every instance where it should prove ineffectual:., ••providing Jthe .-symptoms attending the rickness pf tnc’ child, or“ adult* "should warrant ; the 'supposition ai Worms being the cause.” In ail Cases the Medicine to . Ik given in strict accoxóancb with -. TH£ OIRRCTtONs; ’ '"• We pledge ouradves to .the public, that • .. . • Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifugp- , DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCUttX ." jn any form; and that it is an ¡¿apee nt preparation, list (dpabk of doin^ .-' tbt tíigbUííyinjiKrj to tb« moil liádti* pifan!.• FLEMING ÍÍR0S7, VmstuitGH,Ta.# - l'KOX'Hll,roliS. P b 1 tolera >nd Wij-wd»»» onkring fresa" - duiti t ienuug Bim4 , wifi dy wtil lo wrtii tl¡mr' oraitn dítUiu?d)i, ¿«íZz **,*< éut D#¿, M‘I.aro 'vi bí yitwiw Br*., Fitt> íwrt*» iM. t l_O4' - -Mr-— :------- -i—-i. . ky ík**to;|»d Cw'sw**v*‘ I: w T6rt OgQt 1T MEÜttX «T, WiMtst, (.’locks, JKW.EÍ8Y Unpaired. " ' ' . ■ AIJSO: '' Jnst received a splendid Jissorunent •uf watclioH, jowolry :uul. xl,iaui.«<>M!li>h)'terms, f iftkpthisup-piirtunity to notify iny frii'-iidti.'eÚHtotn-erfruiiii-tlm pubt.io in gt'mirai thnt l lutv-aguin taken eíiargo <.dmy. jewelry ese liihliffbinMit Hudlh'M h crin liter ah work left in iity vJmrgti wi!t h(i prom.ptly. ntiii" .aiitisftietorily.executed itnd KuariiñúraiL ■ ■ •' WAt., SEEtJEtt. " - Next door to tiié Uli/ Injun, Bltenbotj) Htretit BrownsyiUe. I'tixak. '3VII AT AKE:THEY' " Fur ItolMto vto))^WntSf whether -hr •• yuiiifg i-f'uht, imu-n*'d. **t .lingle, nt tfiii dawn of w.omnrJu'fyt pr. tbtt tih'ú óf llfn, tluwi't'onlc Hiuera have no equatx ijynd lot-'it (Irf'iibir., • ■-. i llioy arn a. Gout te Purgátiyo as. well ' mcrtl. AViíi'ltWg^ilt'’ rolli’Vitjg.'f'unction 'Ol'. IntlaniihatioH ofthu la>i:r, and al! ihu Vlsrornt' Ur- * T-iiry arv not it vi)o ^.liiéy Drink; Matin tifPniT Itum, Whinkev, 'Pro.-.i -Spiri Is, ;a"ndJtefuse Ií-s, doctored, aplrod, nniL sweetened lb" pkiiwo the .mate, callen “ApptiUzers,” " .“Kqsli.irors" etc., tl.iai| !Haul tho'tippler on. to dMiiikotitií'M.*i,'áuT,iiia, ftue.. frotn nil Areotudtc Mtinitibim.H. ‘ They ■aro tho tin'111.Blood pxiKiliér álxd yib-Giy'iiig Principie,, a i^rtoct'. Uuimvrttor and .Iny.igoratoróf tho.System, Carrying ■' ■ oil’ all p'ii.KOttnus nYHtftfr;, andniktorihg !' tho hlond to a healthy eojrdittoHv Ñó peraíin can tak<' theHetTiitt<»ra,.iitii«>rdlnig to dii i'iuiii.u-s A,n*l 'rimudii’.long"nnwell.. $l“0: will bi* tiivon fruyan hietfriibhi ■ oak*', provided the tamos aró.iíot. Jun. • trovo.1 by "mineral p<>!.**i?us ;ó'r . iillutr um.mN; iuui tbo vital’rpjrsui*. waatod ta>: y.-.iixl .the "pr-int of rupiiii1, ' b'br lufl.iminutor,' áud Glivoiitol'tlien- ' imilisw, :tud Gnuk'ii.yjtpejisxa,. or Didi.-ge-tth’1,1, -RUl'Ui;», .RCinilu-itt, .mid Inter--. , mittnút, Eiivors b't«eaBys of ..the Blood, "Liver,J.< iduhyx», and BÍád !i !m*!•_•[Ily produced-hydoniiitta-,iriiJñt-of tiio'lJig€Mllvit OMitrfiii- i'li-atts.. the Vitiated Blood, whfluever you |hid it-ImpuritieKlnirHtlngthróugii . tho *k iu iu l‘iin pion, Kyitpilons, or Sores; • elcuiiso" .it when j'uu ,tiu*l'it"'’bijstruettid and "sluggish"in tho- ■ veins; otoanso it • when ills foul, lin'd your féíi'íúgs' will till you wh»n. Kia*p' tho hloud «pili'o and tho health of thesysttmtwill follow. Pin, Tape, and <,ther WTii-iuk, lurking- . iu the- system nf so many thousands; aré tiffeet.uelly ik-siroyiiid and.removed. .• ■ Ih Bilious, ■ Rcinltbint, jinil Intermit- - . tout Fevei'N thfiso Bitters Lavé noaquaj. . E6r full itiyeetimis, read eixrnfully lliti • • vti:.‘'n!;u’ urinttui.’torch. iV.ttic, pntitod bi four hitigiiages—«English, (Sertmui, -'French áud S{utoi?di.: • '• J. W Al-K E’tL Prqprietror . K. IL MCDONALD (fc.CO"., '- ■' Diiggiste axil!'GenerabAgonta- yan Friuioisixi "«nd'ShcrAihnnto,.Cifll,,'.A ■' ;:2 iirii.I.'S’l Cri«uperiie:Str6yL N. Y,; ■? . '. ' H'oid'.by nil,druggteta'And iteálors. ■. detSÚiiiyrdwly;/ giP GRANDE t> seminary. . fhe second year of this, very HueéeaHr tfi-l tic.lwpl under the Caro-of MrsV'-T. Porter, will ba eonUutted. under its j>yi> etint.iiorpa of,experienced and uctioiu-pliHhod teashe to: '•, . Prof, C. Bi A Mr#.*Newcomb, Misa An$1 íkSpkncsi:, M’iss Ltzzik h.Oary," ■ - Ayéa ¿EmXiA J.-lHURijisoN, - Miss Kllkíí Quinlan, Assistan.t. 2 TERMS OF -TOXTltiN;. Primafy Engiitihr-pah month ?l 5*> . Intermi'd.ktte,' ' 11 • 1 -b.tW Higher English," “ „ “ 3CO taiiitiovGrcokior draw4ng,. :• ‘ extra,. '■■ “ ' 2 00, Flanii hr Guitar; * -.” ■'• 4 00 Q A LESMEN.-^Wnnted -a-lbw rc-.u-O ITahlii, viiejgi-itlc'sáliísíiíun to' toirby"'" naninlo .stHndnrti grinds. Addreá¿" itCO.V .'■ •113 chestnut, sti., IthllKduiphia; I'a. DR.SHAU.MBKRCMI'8. Fever .and Ague ^SHOTGUiC^f .■ xlxmr« etti-:.•,'titee'iCMtttii.*■ .Ho fifteen yeex». « *tfU ehead; of *9 other known remedie*- Xtetptt^ik doe» not sicken the ktamich, ie porfoctiy . / ■e*ie-in.wxy'dos»■endi. «u.4«r all «Artnuá-8teaw6,.un4MthoóDly.Mo¿^Ü^wW "■ OUaK.lMMCPtAJÉLt and- (ATíuáncutly orery fam "bt'.lwr' end M-ae; V*e*$wi> iiA*. A*#» 'Ml MieJUlrtilu ■ .lotdbFtil': '"/V-