Conference Committees Appointed: Toma 1 / Joseph Frias Vincent Macias 3. Athletics - . Mu s i c - Chairman Registrars - Chairman ; 1 • ■ -- ■ LEADERS MEET AT GLENDAIF ■ Armed with notebooks, pencils, fountainpens ideas and determination, the members of the Mexican Youth Cabinet met Sunday, January 15th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Corey to discuss plans for our coming conference After enjoying an excellent dinner, the men and boys gathered in the Corey’s spacious living room and settled down to discuss in a brisk manner. Here are the plans that grew cut of the confab: 1. Entertainment Porfirio lerez - Chairman Mike Pacheco Fred Avila - Games Paul Coronel Alfred Cruz Arturo Moreno Alfredo Moreno) 2. Promotion Felix Gutierrez Rodolfo Reyes Mark Guerra Stephen Reyes Mendoza Chairman Vice-Chairman Michel Hernandez Humberto Marquez -'Henry Martinez c T^e evfni^ of Friday, March 31st, to the afternoon un pril 2d, were fixed as the Conference dá*és. .The choice of the Conference theme vra s left to the iory Committee and the Cabinet.