AUGUST 27, 1978 EL UVALDE TIMES PAGE 7 Photo Tips by Raymond Flores Esto Lo Tengo Que Decir muchos atletas mexicanos que se les ha negado su gloria y sus becas por su abilidad atlética por entrenadores injustos. Padres, Cumplan Con Sus Deberes! Existing light, sometimes called light, includes artificail light which available naturally exists in the scene, daylight indoors, and twilight outdoors. It’s the light that happens to be on the sceine, such as the light from table and floor lamps, spotlights, neon signs, windows, skylights, candles, fireplaces, and any other light source that porvides the existing lighting. Advantages of existing-light picture taking are tremendous because you have not altered the illumination in the scene. Even a skillfully lighted flash may look artifical when compared with a good existing-light picture. Existing-light picture taking gives you a bonus, too. x* 1 you could techniques, appropriate a church or would flash usually can not carry far enough to light your subject. Fortunately these scenes are often well lighted and you can photograph them More tips on camera equipment for existing pictures on next week’s issue. It lets you take pictures that not take with other lighting For example, flash may not be during a wedding ceremony in during a stage show. Not only disturb the proceedings, but it El quejarse de los problemas es lo mas fácil del problema. Como padres nosotros debemos estar en el medio de la educación de nuestros hijos. Muchos padres no asisten a las juntas de padres y maestros (PTA). Otros asisten pero no hablan, no preguntan, no actúan, dejando a los principales y maestros que decidan y hagan todo. El systema de nombrar la directiva de los PTA es tan democrática como la dictadura. Los padres nunca son animados a ser oficiales de la directiva Estos son escojidos por un comité que nunca se ve. El ano pasado, y todos los anos que yo recuerdo la eleccidh de oficiales fue “cubierta” en una nota a los padres invitándolos a la gente, en una frase que decia: “Habra una pequéfra junta de negocios.” Este systema se uso en todas las escuelas elementarías. Ni un solo padre se quejo de esto o de que solamente un padre de familia fue nombrado para cada puesto. De nuevo les digo que es nuestro deber, nuestra responsabilidad de hacer preguntas y pedir cambios cuando no estamos de acuerdo. Y la mejor area donde debemos de actuar es en el plan de estudios que se usa para ensérTar a los nin6s, el “curriculum”. Cuando tantos niños gradúan de high school no sabiendo leer o deletrear bien, después de doce anos de escuela, algo estazmuy mal. Pero quejamos no es todo lo que tenemos que hacer... tenemos que trabajar para lograr los mejoramientos! Send any questions you may have on photography to: PHOTO TIPS, % El Uvalde Times, 556 W. Main St., Uvalde, Texas 78801. EDITOR’S NOTE Raymond Flores is an expert photographer and owner of Flores Studio here in Uvalde. He has been in business for several yéars and has a wide knowledge in the field of photography. one of the highlights was the awarding tenure sonnel pleted years, service of pins to per-that had com-10 years, 15 20 years of to the district. and Sue Williamson. This I Have To Say athlete has been deprived of his glory and athletic scholarship by prejudiced coaches. Parents, Do Your Part Complaining is the easiest part of facing a problem. As parents we must be right in the middle of our children’s education. Many parents do not attend PTA meetings. Others play a passive role, letting principals and teachers dictate their roles. The system of nominating officers for the PTA is as democratic as a dictatorship. Parents are never encouraged to run for office. Officers are “hand-picked” by an obscure nominating committee. At the first meetins of the PTA’S in all the elementary schools the election of officers was camouflaged in a note to the parents inviting them to the meeting with a last sentence that said: “A short business meeting will be held.” Not one of the parents complained about this or the fact that only one parent for each office had been placed as a candidate. Again, parents, its our duty to question, and ask for changes where we don’t agree. And .the best area to concern ourselves with is that of the curriculum. When students graduate from high school unable to read and spell we need to be concerned. But complaining is not all we need to do.... we must work for improvements! Those awarded 25 year pins were Alma Naomi Hall and Zoe Stephens. New teachers in the system were treated to a tour of the city after the conclusion of the general assembly. There are 51 new teachers in the system. Eight of these are new units however. Uvalde School District Employees Dedicated Service Rewarded. Broches De Servicio Presentados a Empleados De Distrito Escolar i® Uvalde High Prenovost and to 20 year pins were presented School Counselor Mrs. Ruby Superintendents’ Secretary Mrs. Mary Lou Gibson position Mrs. Gibson is now beginning a new as secretary at Uvalde Junior High. de 20 anos de servicio en el distrito Broches escolar de Uvalde fueron presentadas a las consejera estudiantil Sra. Ruby Prenovost y a la Sra. Mary Lou Gibson secretaria al ie La Sra. Gibson ahora sera suprentendiente. La Sra. Gibson secretaria en la Junior High. Congratulations School 15 year pins were presented (standing) to Hazel Mitchell, Nuke Mirelez Maria Ortega Cassin, (seated) Susie Nichols, Dorothy Coleman. Ann and and Las personas mencionadas recibieron broches por 15 anos de servicio al Distrito Escolar de Uvalde. Three people alo received 20 year pins. They were Mary Lou Gibson, Shirley Heard and Ruby Prenovost. Mrs. Heard retired from type system last spring after completing her 20 years district. Fifteen-year went to Dorothy Julia Yolanda Ruth Mirelez, Susie Nichols, Ortega, and Willey. in the awards Cassin, Coleman, Hernandez, Hernandez, Heard, Ann Mike Hazel Maria Ethel Twenty-three persons received a 10 year pin. Included in that group were Mamie Reyes, Arlena Sarabelle Lemmie Tiller, Lylian Walton, Patricia Welch, Sadler, Sutton, School will begin at 7: 30 a.m. Monday for a portion of the high school, since the extended day will be in effect. However, at the other schools, and for bus students, times will be as usual, with junior high commencing at 8:25 a.m. and all elementary schools (K-6) starting at 8:15. Batesville will start at their usual time of 8: 30 a.m. All students who ride the bus must have an ‘Identification Card”, which can at your school, if the bus last week. be secured individual you missed registration Also, the reduced and free lunch forms arc available at the individual schools. Employees! Mas de 500 empleados del Distrito Escolar Consolidado Independiente de Uvalde asistieron al almuerzo de bienvenida en el cual numerosos profesores administradores y empleados de las cafeterias fueron honrados por sus largos anos de servicio el pasado martes, 22 de Agosto en el Centro Civico. A la derecho vemos las personas que recibieron sus broches de 10 anos de servicio. Arlena Sadler, Wanda PINS were presented to f 10 YEAR TENURE McDonald, Elcola Hancock, Edna Hernandez, Cecilia Hernandez, Lemmie Tiller, Lylian Walton, and Mary Jo Newcombe. Back row includes Patricia Welch, Ray Langford, Sue Williamson, Dorothy Johnson, Bernice Garcia, Bowie Ibarra, Sarabelle Sutton and Vilma Meier. At SWTJC Adult Learning Center Offers Great Opportunity ? Todo aquello que £ siente, conoce, quiere r ¿ y tiene la facultad de y desarrollarse es § celestial y divino, y § por esta razon tiene § que ser inmortal. Store And More City Appliance COACH THE TEACHER Reparación de toda marca de aparatos domésticos. Abierto 8 a.m. — 6 p.m. -X Lunes a Sabado 409 S. Evans 278-7027 * S&L Wonder Mart The Best Barbecue In Town Clubs, Family Company Gatherings 209 N. Grove 27S-MS9 NO PASSES 1 Tickets Good For^ One Performance only Fea: 7:30-10:00 OFTHe THIRD KWD ESD# AND THE ARGONAUTS -51- A COLUMBIA PICTURES RE-RELEASE EASTMAN COLOR ©1176 COLUMBIA PICTURES INDUSTRIES. INC íNOW SHOWING!!! DHIVI IN _ STARDUST "'-iTi ?7R 26-1-T ANTONIO* AGuTt3Si?W5! ELSA AGUlft A COLORES PEPE ROMA Y ¥ HIZA1ETN DÜPEYRON de sangre chicana If you are of the many area residents who has never fininshed high school. Southwest Texas Junior College can help you complete requirements for a high school dipolma. In addition to adult classes offering instruction from the first through the twelfth grades, the SWTJC adult Baisc Education Program (ABE) provides bilingual education and English as a second language. The junior college has established Adult Learning Centers in Uvalde, Eagle Pass and Del Rio allowing students to attend classes at their convenience from 9 a. m. until 4 p.m. each weekday. In addition to the learning centers, the college provides evening instruction in 13 cities within a nine-county area. Two-hour classes two nights a week are being offered in Comstock Rocksprings, Barksdale Castroville, Hondo, Uvalde, La Pryor, Crystal City, Carrizo, Springs, Asherton, Eagle Pass, Brackettville and Del Rio. who have out of want to start school but “Our classes are for people dropped school or going to don't have a diploma,” explained Jose (Pepe) Calderon, director of the ABE Program at the college. ‘Most of our students go to class from 7 until 9 p.m. each Tuesdayand Thursday, he said, stressing that the dates might change depending on the city. Students may register at any time to join the daytime classes at the three adult learning centers or any night classes in the 13 area towns. Education The program is funded under federal and state funds from the Texas Bus services this fall to the Uvalde Adult Learning Center will be provided to students in Utopia, Agency through the Sabinal, Knippa, Crystal City, Carrizo Springs, La Pryor, college as prime sponsor. Leakey, Brackettville, Area residents who Barksdale, Camp Wood need further infor- and Asherton. mation the concerning adult classes ‘There is no citizen- should contact their ship requirement for being a student,” Calderon said, “but each person should be a legal resident of the United States.” local school districts or call theSWTJC Adult Basic Education Office at 278-4401 Ext. 259. “ The program won’t ¡ cost them a penny. We ! have all the books and supplies they will need. Each person will work at his own pace, and whenever he feels like he is ready, we’ll him the high diploma test,” give school equivalency Calderon said. classe? wit! o; district within the nine counties and uses public school teachers afr instructors. The are the each evening provided cooperation school the and LLAME ED KAUFMAN TEXAS FARM BUREAU INSURANCE $ SEGUROS DE VIDA DE AUTO-CULTIVO SERVICIO AMABLE 111 E. CALERA 278-9181 OT8 SOUTH GETH TEXACO REPARA CION DE MOTOR lTeYimn AFINACION DE MOTOR SISTEMAS ELECTRICOS REPARACION DE TRASMISION VALENTIN C. VELA Prop. 278-9059 520 $.Gim UVALDE, HXAS