atoii .«6$ MEXICAN CITIZEN ^r* lier*of* ■?a? ít« »■'" yK«w*t Gob- Ives? cross-reading of Warren** Bl bStjfal iraAf^' -eludes the mjfer Club.—Loni^; itagé and4 conduct forgotten1 gain— St. Bride, Fleet-¿ married to SaraB youth behaved with the greatest ñnníess during the awful ceremony, and received thy consolation» of religion with resignation*— Hkjva'i te'fine young iog-aiick, and a portable tire range. “ Hol-oo$ Doctor, what in the name of goodness have you got on an oil-s^in gown for Pt “Th© best thing in the world, 1 al waya sleep in them travelling. Never sleep ia fine sheets» Mathews bftifMflLiW/iitii teijkifif’ wfetg eatables. of the London teMilroitiK* afeaaberlefos.* well Mr Mathews—“ Theie’s the House, and the paperevHIl be latesfos night;”; Bob—“ Then thettrll be a sharp de» bate in my house to-night.” Mr Mathews— “ Newspapers, Bob,are pabulum of life—they contain every thing: Marriages for maids, christenings for married ladies, deaths for undertakers, accidents for doctors, trial» for lawyers, cutting-up for butchers, and aflíuwe-mer.ts for every body?5 We have now a “ ‘ rs, and After-)lub, invihich “The Sim is. TheJtforittng getthat in the even- “ Who’s got the Star.”1—Never Waiter, givejne -u Mr Snowkes has set fire to the When that jtVsreZZer has run re- always grateful ¡lowing is from the nbliésofthe United t-fw, dinner at five o’clock; toever may be speaking, are to a moment. The scene .. . , febles that in one of Foote’s ghj® where itis announced to a host of starv-wHfebors that ‘the milk porridge is ready? ” beg leave to inform the Globe, that the system has been entirely chanced since it was made acquainted with the above fact. At present, when the hour of five arrives, the ser-jeant-at-armsenters the House on horseback, and blows Yankee Doodle thro’ a tin horn, a gag is immediately fastened on the mouth of him who occupies the floor, by the criér of Congress. The Speaker serves a mint jidap all round, fend the members are ssachcd out in regular order, to the tune of “O’Rourke’s noble fare will be never, forgot, By those who were there, and those who were not.” “ Shepherd,” said a sentimental young lady, (who fancied herself a heroine in the golden groves of Arcadia,) “shepherd,” said she, to a rustic who was tending sheep, “why have you not got your pipe with you?” Bekase, ma’am, I ha’nt gotten no baccky?? Fossil Bones.—One of the largest stories we have seen is the following, respecting the skeleton of an animal ‘discoveredaboutfot» weeks since at the Big-Bone Lick, Kjfetucky ? Let those who can, give it credit. ‘There are ten or twelve sets of tofes, from4 to 12. feet long; the daws orolSfc cheeks. Hecommencete every speech by “ 1* ti'ing, and 1 don’t uiean Mother, ba I ha. ba!” Here then is a purly for^a rubber, or to rub on a journey. They proceed to* Newmarket. Dr. C« provides his twb hundred tmvdiing indisiiemtbles. A senes of saucepans and a serte» of carMers, cases, cruet», pill-boxes, medicine cases, telescopes, apparatus, phosphorus -boxee, his. tiemay in. a^ bottle-jack, a blundtfefea.emm-met. Wit* all things; and lastly. ?q dreed ói byurophobia, two bludgeons with fekes at ExtraordMiy speed of a Steam Carriage. — i n tiie London Globe and trinelter of the. 14th of Oct. i$ fee . íbllowing article takes' from the Taunton Courier. taparro/Ze^rd Steam Engine Stephensen, the proprietor of the lla^¿3 Engibe, on the run richest er and 14vfepi{¡j Rhii way, had this week decided in hi* la-vor a wager otoñe thoxisand gwtó upon-the speed of his Engine bj travesn&r $|ie two towns (tAirfy-/»#nd eccentric pr. jjlíífc; lender (alias Dr. Kitchenerenters with ¿i» right leg foremost, with an air of timidity,, fais arms hanging loosely, and his head rolling about like an independant member—“ Ayé, how are you—how are you—very yellow-curry in your face—quite yellow—bill -wrong «-if you wish to be a long liver you must take some of my peristaltic persuaderB^some of my peptic pill». Do you eat Well ?” “ Yes.” “ Sleep well ?” ’ “ Yes ” “ Eh! I’ll do away with all that for you—recommend a jaunt-do you good—improve your optics—and your peptics—and raise your vocal faculties—must move—health is not local like Epping sausages.' At this moment a knock is heard at the door, loud as the great gun of Killarney,with its parent import and little echoes Dr. Culleh-‘ der: “What vim call that—making a call? 1 call it making vinegar. Such thund< rill turn all your smallheer—it jsflames me to be roused out of a reverie hy a rapperee—but when should a man be hot, but when he’s wrapt up.” Enter Rattle, añ autobiographer—a rcool-¿ lector of whut will be always sowing seeds for Tv"ir^»iiitecene6e6—-writing his life,, not that he 4' might lite; but living that he might write» .Rattle is desperate for a few anecdqtei— fh I’ve lived thirty y^firo---not aline for my book?’ These xeti(lejtnen are jollied by Mr Humi)uity§|pbte<. fifoknamed Cruelty Stubbs from hte eiflesmM sympathy for au living thiewiL The fat Mr Humanity Stubb* new laiigh8,be qnly lanoite be laugh» when ne thnee utfleÁ. Ha! ha! haThe first from bis throat* the Second from the pit of hi* Mo-raack, from his whole body ^Jj^RlNTI.K^er pro bono publieo. “ I never read any thing but accidents and offences; one good accident-te worth twenty leading articles?’ “ Mr Boxall, the undertaker wxH read ” Don’t let him; he roads nothing but deaths?’—Mr Parchment (an Attorney ) —“Gentlemen, 1’11 read. 'Walkinsv. Wii-kins.—This was an action”—“Stop, stop, that’s professional again?’ At.Iasi the Doc* tor reads bis accidents. “ During the dreadful storm, last Thursday, a lamblighter, lighting one of the gas lamps on tiolborn-bill, was blown off hi» ladder, and carried to the amazing distance of Hatton-Gatoen. He fell at the door of No. 60, where Macassar Oil continues ro be. sold—Trowing the paper down in a passion.—“ Pshaw! A Pull— a vile puff—of all thiugs 1 hatea puff—1 was never taken in so before, and never, never, Portugal—Ah! this is JV-p> A DVEKtlSEMEXTS fowuñk'd to the office of the “Mexican Citizen,” for publication murt he paid in advance, otherwise they will not be inserted. Austin, April )4th, 1831. /l^LOTHING.—Received per reh*r. Spica, 'Sr a large and extensive assortment of frock and dress coats, pantaloons, vests, etc. of superior quality and woikmanship, from the house or Burk ¿¿ Wateorq New-York— well worthy the a tention ofcash customet». ■_/ EDWARD ROBERTSON. Brotorisu April 9, 1831. 9-3t yithfl61Mild head has got it, Sir. cue á 3®¿etoKm?’—“ f~* V^BOTICE.-í-My friends in Texas, will please when advising their correspondents to direct their letters to my care, to be.very particular in requesting them to pay the postage, as I will not receive them from the office unless the postage has been paid. J. W. COLLINS. New-Orleans, ^arch 27, 1831. *9-6 H^O^EACKSS^H^Foi^S^r tt. the Shop and Tools,, together with a complete set of Gtcnsmilh's Toohs now occupied by Jabez Barney-—it is one of the bert situations for a smithery in the Colony,— For further particulars, enquire of THOMAS DAVIS. Villa Austin, April 14, 1831. 9-3 NlgbEING npder the necessity of going to iSfl^Nów^rJeans on business, 1 Lave ap-wWetigOrotber J. Scanlan, my agent duringz^lroienee, who is fully authorised, tb tramWbt business for and in my name. MICHAEL SCANLAN. P. S. For sale as above, an invaluable Specific for the Ague and Fever. Villa de Austin, April 14,1831. 9-3 V»OTICE.—All persons indebted to me by note or account, are requested to make payment to Messrs Perry & Hunter, who are fully authorised to give receipts in. my name. JOSHUA FLETCHER. / Villa de Austin, April 14,1831. 9-3t Entertainment at Brazoria.—ti^ dKh subscriber has opened a boarding-house and pledges himself that his table and beds shall be as good as the country will afford. He is also making arrangements for receiving horses and supplying them with corn and provender. WM, T. AUSTIN. Brazoria; Feb. 25, ¡83L 4-6t ^g^ilEAP GOODS.—Superfine high'and W low crown Hate, coarse and and Shoes, summer hud winter Cloatl>™¿8&-' sorted Dry Goods, Groeeries,Cut)ery,^Kcol Books,old R^clVhiskcy by the b^rreu, etc. for 6&le LOW FOR CASH ONLY* • , * San Felipe, April 7. 8-4. M’QUEEKx;^ >R’S. PE EBLES fe MILLER baro >k received.» genero! fwortment of Freeh Medicines. . Villa de Aü8tiB,Marck 5L 7tf. ----- ^OR SALÉ^ sitúa. 4$ ted on |he ’Esit.ide of the Brazos river, precisely at the bw^f tide. For terms an-PV to >WILUAM3ON. Pshaw! A Puff vile puff—-of all things 1 batea puff—1 will be again. toy thing interesting no doubt (reads).—We ¡■gredibly informed, that Don Miguel, ow-¡Hly the spirited interference of our Cabin-h*® ^0UMC^< und |>arti" cwWtitvfirtt# Queen Dowager has publicly ^toWfleMMctermiuation never to