M; THE NrlW MEXICAN ■ .■ - < L U M *U KU K \*t:« V n K» I > a Y >5 v <^iLl ,.^.. M3NÜERF1KLD 4 TLCK^V" -:>‘ Santa Fe. New Mexico. .OFFICE IN JUilNtiUM S BLOCK. WEEKLY NEW MEXICAN; T. b\ CONWAY *4A, TUMPKLX5 otes, l).e vt —Hcn.tur* Curl Hr hurí ilVhit». »"» . T*!--'."-1' ft. lb Attorn(y at Law os, «£- •'¡.i ccct-qiV. <¡tn> íe.'Svrií* N", Mi*: . ¥á, M >:i Wtl¡ t«* vi- n.» p: tc*»i-*. * .- ■ 5»» IRA M. BOND, . tT»rrlUrlat MbrnrUe ¡ attorney at law basta is, HEW MEXICO. o"«jeeí¿;............... i:::::::::::::::*;?? maideb-field rTnoKiár ipyOisb f# adrooce will be reqniml of eli.^CC IJ'So Babscrijxioti* taken tur e tere* les» cha» • tiirtv tuumh».. 11 We hold theae Trnthe to bo telf etideit t that, all Men m created Equal, [^uMiihera tra- í¿?rtífo> ^5 b-jfrvSsa» ilSt VOL. 9 SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO. TUESDAY. AUGUST 1871. «■■L 'L—— -----------== LA..WTER8’ CAROS NO. 30 ■DBBHaeeaweeieieiiieiwi BATES OF ADVEBTISING. tafflrfw «^4f'?’P.irt.ftá»'tuw5rU* '. - *30 '-ji'i', *» F'«t eu.'h square.<áct roLróqntat towniou- svS,, " I IF*A sqiiaix- fl equal to tha.wca oouvuivu hi lá 1 .«nd Hi.cn Of Ihl. type. • ■ ■ All - «V Amohg western p*-opli-, especially those of _____________________ ___________ ....... „ 1,1 , the Rocky Mountain country and the extreme ! there already, and it beautifying the place gen* ■ west, there ia but little et>triro, of’all ■ of the mill of J. Bonifacio Charo», add *u *i ets«and denoimnatif n« of ruligi-m and pelihto^ I killed a|moil tttatontly'. People cannot be tOO, Attorney MÍ Counsellor at Law, #h-..ul.l be «« f«r l-hnlel by the effect* of P«wju-i careful whew going around madbiaery. '.. ...s trv.vtiri * * " di-c ai.'to di.it» n.tlvsuili ur.ftViihjití- ia a® i -------------1 -1'* ■• ------- ■_. - SAX I k MhM . ->. - . (?. n u fuU!;,}cxl m fiH er Wlto6 (>ti . tr Mmbal Pritf left Un. morómg for the -eu-.i ' «.t.T. in-U tree.,««...r,bcT. rtii:.rv. other Uml. th- p-op!.- of iLi.ro.t are a. decid* ^inR *rth tol" profcsii.n en ÍníxéJ t„ b;m a.il mviw prompt end ,me< ,xuen-;„>!) -colleei toll of fUI m. e «i»w la 11 ,«•. « 1 ft- h KIRBY BENEDICT, • (.Late Chief Justice.) atañed the atrong ergewani of powder ar.d ball will l>o the logic that will finally 'compel the robber, ruffian and en orderer, Cadwo, to.yield aub-mmion to the proper aothoritwe. We await th* reeult with bopv, but with very Jmk ei-pectation. , ' ‘rar -u Constaircia,** ie the name__JN>h Manuel A. Otero bae give» to* the place where he «now budding a.two-alory bowae fora permanent teaidotice. “He he* a etoreand tloering mill It.ie en ¿Le eaet tid^jof the Kio Graude, oppoaite Belen, in Valencia county. . ------•-------------------- * r®'* We learn from the limtw that the regia, eeri^g partir» of the Atlantic. <1? IXcific Railway Cott^wwy are ell oet rapidly puthing the aar-veye jo completion. .The troope who «acortad them acroM tba plaiw have returned to Fart ; siii .' /* OF Un the Utb inrt , el. Loa ^nee. ea oN m, E»q.. arrived ¡n tbe ty Hon. George I linptJale. of Pueblo. is in ri:<>Mwr4»x*»AYsi>Aii.Y.av<¡ftnrl<.-,-" Wli=t$iv .ri-ell the Court* of.Lnr it i E pilrv exprewd to ne it WMtrre, nor fofo ihi» morning forih^art.____________________ 11KX P V IIII (' pit 1' :"x' ' " ' il-4rr,i am:? Vv2,e‘<,f force ,nd l,b6<1" 8V* Motel" and M’Caniw^ of St. :vj k x .* ■ * . *l*ed m í uXiUedist¡to tmn to-a pcli«y of eo-cellt'tl * jyft jn tbe eastern coach |hi» morning. » \ _ - i, . t " ■’ ' l*',*ce; but tiereu-e- ii >» tbmfi.ert and most *í- ! —j**'*- ■ -----—-- Attorney and Counsellor at Law, _< t-.>'iheir-alu:o-t uuguv-- —» ■- ■. „ ." rHisl-le inJnA’it-n to relr and murder their <.¿1*? en<^ *F*‘* in igliborr. It dm"- mt iut« if elx wih-lhu-* re.- 1 l‘»blo GaHrgoe, U< । rrsalivii pu'.i-V' < f tljr .adirtmi»tiaU>>n, fur it ad- . Aniy and ulherv. il i ru'ted t*> hint. SANTA: I K, NEW MEXICO, • Stn--t in! p'D'iipt attvn.'fi.i * :11 be s,iven t. ill luit;vu bin ’ a:i ! ■-'¡tiwS of pcr-enii'Wii. b-Aie-fCi flit! »ii 4’1.1 tiriNMK’ 1-ltld Jchiiu<' Uli ■’**' .. b.. ivevyr aud Ilegistur yt tU- i - ;. • Utfi'cc. - ' • ■' "' ■ ‘ •3u ¿ S/ B. ELKIK^ ATTORÑÉY AT LÁW -Wllrwaetiecln all Mm Cewrti nf Law.a nd.Equity , in the Territory. Kepci^aJ 8il<‘ntioii siren tv thec’l-Ici tivtióf rlaimi and .remittances prvniptyf madet • Oiftce and rceldcntc tn. the Old.E ldon> Jo. . KttUc&cftML Cahipnctl A Co.. M. fowl*.. M ^“MtiMbeLuiu^SLi-o . mi^ui^udcust-wat^ae ,w‘ !*8*e# _etebb^ ^U,u! • lild u*-’ a «. ■ qucwfitig SJUator WeeíL 3-> 'luirgduee la*tt«o üK-Xtcungtosa * rodlittton «i ioqulry directed to the i*nyslu.-'ll»ejr also ,'pa»»cd -» ctaohufot* . wliú.h refi-md «S' Vie demaodJug of t6i'Ar*1 rutix el-ui United Mate» ofíicUiS irtMO. .■ / . A fcrilu uu the lii>a.-u>n and Great Nortby» HaliruadKpushing lWo flat car» coataleIpg thu olficer» of iSe coinppuy, was tbrowe'off- Iiratk by otu-tfucttoiia placed oa n by maltetocs •per»c1u».". list «veiling, flfteea mlN». above? Jlotistoa, Texas, w;tieii Dr. C.'J. Toung, pres-Meat; and tViilta;» M U*i|jum, etolhtaol chief1 engiurer, were killed, Ind t?; E. }tob¡¿, drier cogiuyer. Superintcudetit Mouth, and several oilwA were slightly hart; Acting tVS. consol, Wm. Kray, now here. - 8- .- . -.torntou, Aaguat-K. -< . '-A dbpatdi frota Rome reports Unit King' VKuir Eipanud. bad a narrow escape ®khm "" forath utifo hyatieg «itd-h.. v-VpraaiBwi, Aagwrt tC “ The * ft nee. of Jualava CcurLeXl WM-. gob*'-; . nutted to ^ic court luartlst lo-duyTtt fo Ui Üw effect ihJA Tn? joined the eomufuntiit» for ihtt ■. purpoi-e of - endeavoting to effect parlticatioe bet «era them and the .VcwmiUda govtihittwrt» and that bv his personal-«xertlotu. he a*ve4 tus»y übjecl» of art from'xTestructloU dnriiig ;\. . the aiegc-. . — - mero, 3oté Aa'omo Ramero.end Lowia Griego. ¡ that-tíre RepnWwen ticket will Ire, elected by, > . re, ■- • ■everel liandred majority. "' ? gy» We publUh fo. nor Spanish coImBm ,ia: rrTfo 'itei.^liron ConmPconvention Ml »ktire Jre* Don jeto» Msrere. drted Cohere, Vainada -cw-dy, A apart Ink, giving . , . > . ~ thc faete fluiré te tfoe discovery of the body room at lour u clock. ....... _____*rea*-4 of a white man wear Agwa Fna, .a wMkawet O’*-A meeting wae held at Abiquiu u«i Minuet Garcia, Governor tfo Z 6i Indiana to be tifo fotewar interpreter at Camp Thomae in Arnone; ke wee Ant tbreagb - - • ere*'-- -.— ! «be berros, aod hw tkront celt tire aaimalbe fiF ll-rn. J. M. GaHrgoa returned to tWcity | wo ¡,fotfc, list rveuing from a cauvaiiihg tour through the I of Mr., Uw*. TN kUto do* : ctoutiM uf San Mtgucl. Mora, Tace and Rio b(M wbHber th» reorder wu <**w*-^ , Arriba. ru:uiaro of ixrmptio» tumi puLi»bt|ient fur ^.Abiquiú‘ba hi» way ioetb to- vi?it veonte -of foe QT Col. Chives retnrewl fort evening^from ibt’ir ctimv», but we wont) force ttem to re- ‘ Turbio viltsgv». He reporta I be political, m- ■ Rio Arriba. I" 1 Hirn lu Ib*-:r reset vatf.iua by. the strong arm of ‘ UlatioMFnortb fivorxbtc to th* RépuUtcréus. ,-*“ '* e- 31 the mill|,ary powvr, treat a* outlaws thv|Hi whu 1 ’ i-r-~ .would not return, and iufli.'t tq zci>ul.i Le í Jenliliéd as paryo {.aid» iu4hc untr“. Ó* » auiuble reservation, and meke'arrange- poeifron, hn^ fo«i|foaite»(Ak peoplo anLÍn tire mrote to feed andrviótSíibrm there. '’M*. CpU work, U** tad>#• y«* ■»? S* e yíríxptektoi confidence in beyg able to ip-. poecdloGL Chavea, b* they eto V«V*WV " •' 'S- i* that he >rka only 0u4b.. u.dr^ ' - \^he. ”^r* *6*r‘1* ero «be. to thn aitortiow, «* «o «Mting e meted cui iu ! W'11 n’T ‘° tUttartinéíi< * soldé this. Aps-bn d -ff¡ ullrés.'place to á. ""*■ - South aide SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, T.í: “ii i-.ertoiMUad»tiuilaieta*w«d4ti.ilieTcmto|r>~ da Ri»,'-tie will, not only LIC1UOR8. /*1* • atoek if flee wlfiee a»d Unuonftir mcdicin- Mbarpoeee which.eanootnc éxcdtediuparly. . . -He n&ared -hl» ceetoeaera Abai he k prepared- to ; -gnd e.xt* rtutuat* hi» band,; themWWtbe varlcticanf Medktnro.u»- .. .... ixlly fouwt.hrfin* dam Apothecary shop» and xe»s, .» .k-._ -aninago,.^ fécK.; ; tyaFe.Julyl, iwe. in. «Nt county, end foci "en^,.. _ .. .. , w. tiré «dertioo in faror cf Cfoeeel CNw. Ntílh-ar Galiegoa ñor SÁa appeared »< tito awreting» ali*egh it was prépwwl for their ayécial 'bote efik ' " .'. i-ómpluh thi« rcrelt, itid »*v» that he j»A» only not fvScwenHugrt np any ewnty ww- _$*«.■ a *• Jed8® Aatwnib-Jwé-I,ee*. FelipeCU* !«■» nHjiT'jrrVyM , IN- .';WlíM, M«L Ufc liienrwWc;4?o ■' j«*a WéksAe. wtodeiMrMwoí Hw-r^teieorAftert V-; u.'-deSwd,- réi-áll mymtf .«f «hX.«PI"f1,“'l,£;U>-»i¿. ÍWms!sw®W:: ........... a lírS^Iíí hlibounifod,n . liew Vutk, August t.I, K ■ • CaSúctor Uurpky .lw* puj^Lslacd ike Iriahi Repuidic, to.be run-a* a. IlepabUcau caepalga - • P*Per* • - ' -• ' ' The Tribune etiticb fllibseir«id the qoaraBiiue ring, .to tiw .. d^teáge of the Cotuiaeróv ót thi* port, ; The democratic .«MrffifotawÜfofo e»e already ' - diacuvaUig tire.course to,be paraeed let rvftr* ..• ■«¡ce" to-tiré-foil , f iré / opUtou i* tfoft .a- ettoturwa»U-Titr..wty|i&»-.w«hJtoe. itpnhlteMBA,-wlti tw had to ¿leek anti-Tauifo*úl kcv-latom ’ - : from th* city drértrivtk’, Tfoaréauy .4», alMídr."' .»hoWÍ*g-''^6at.'ecti¥l9r--liy orgMdafrig foréli '.. tiui« and prék'fojL-. v^réteel' 'eua^geie^ ■ V;-eafotÍ tiré'time of*f-Leitegtoe,^ • ’ fo ewré:' toé- :" frtlufo; ¿y?;-i L X"'.r =¿.y '•-;"v ;;?v fixed tiyibe gokeromcet. A ctsUistou tank place belwt tx lire Orange-nee# and military; Johturon, member-of parliament aud dtiters, were arrealed. Another flght between i lhe catholic» and craugcmcir totikplactf, bet Uic comfy taut» were dtepctocd by lhe ¡«ollroygreit excitement prevail*.; NewTori^Augnetlfl. Tbe widow ef Col. Jóte MT^-od Murphy te. appointed to an inapectoreblp. la ihecowioni house made vacant-by tire death of ficrlrttsb-amL ' . • ■, George Byrnc^ a tnanidpal official. ka»M>ceti arrested ou ti:e charge of ouirayUy a woman to the reow of the board 6f awahrtfort. aider-man, ever a year ago but the warrant wa* pot u*ued uulll lire "lit,luatanl. . ; The atea mere Oceanic ¿nd Wyontiug arrived to-day.; Thurlow Weed aud daughter- were piwtxgere fiy tire latterZ li" ,,- •,., _ _**W ' 1 1 ' --- , . » • ■ Fam. August It. -The press generally le-M the oplulaa lhal "the vote In lhe aaacmbly yeaterday eré» a ■pcecaa for the advócate» of th* prolongation •t Thler*» powcre. ■- ■"-" , ■" The conrt.martial at Booth has pkseed wn* tenceof death opoo trto soldiers wto deserted u» ibe^communtsw* •■ w.g^rélsvílle;Aoga*t.lA'■-'• Tbe official rctuTfis from 64 Coantics give Leslie, demoefot 110.444 nfo| ttattan,-'. republican, 74,lá<-1l**l|*'¿ ofojority 35*3(9 in those eotUitiea. ' II- I u •• *. - Hfolate. X* Y*. Atigost 13. - - The calbpiic rebellfoo to . this city «»» elided and Aha akege *t w^ttag W ' ."■ \ '., ruüadelphia, August14. ' tire Congrwta. I ' " "'■ gfogidrirt Grant and Secretary . K«bcson¿ ■ Schenck telegtoplfo/he mfoetetwnt nf- Sir Gewunri Cre*»weli and et-S^retnry "AieBandtr Cockbera aehitreler . nt (fone-va: came fro* teeg Bran'dk/'ou SMí^y: nfoder tire treaty; of WaAlngtw, and fete, gftenfoon, ¿fl dined ■ with -exyScnitor 'CAiú-li Mwmká Fetner iswrtlae. ft la efiw cer- ,^eil. y*ap- ¿emuy, -<•'?-?' X"-A- V: ■'"-"" - ' ' ? vwto-ito..-#. *—*«»» ■ i .,*•;■• d. -».;v ' [Sew Yo* hai-iréen- efoployod 'ee aaafotantf .. oft* Cult* Siatfo to prepare eaaae tor T*fo ** • »« if aririttaSba..-"" ta>i**t»gaie»tihe*ippre»ripeortbe ^o*-f tire ii*- «t Mt afoirt N »«iW» <* Samfayjart;:-, < Cavalry Na bren foe* gnííty by jt'wM'N' sood-:Nd*;**^|Uury1 ciptt*e;,forNvltiRrt**N dum the» cartfoja ako tafg* N**-j***.. ;t**jréter.K ;ré*|tyrt rtiilfopr» durfrto flpjwilion, #hd‘hat top whs* iw Mst^Jofo 'comiifoia roturé tAN rÁervitMor btoakhp AetonioOtero.wrolivre^, a.»|* torod7fei.^-.. ■"' All that the people ask' is freedore 6o* jj*- AwtoietiF^f* 1 ***** judian ™t^*;*Íi.cb.:íré^^ p»*r With daréiiiréy^>e*Wftréirévpt* rt y*NNNM:* íJ*’7 **’ raid^bÍreW btréfidéóro ^■,r>fr;-..Col*Fa. .atokrégi^W Sñfra¿^e^e«¡iro*t^pd*íÑelwew -¡iftwj b 1 Belro.?;'pao*fo»*réfl:^;* Ni>réSto6''wd ? iré .ibréeM*^:?!:*!! Nvi*. j*N'ti*,NsNhJ''^ ;.;.. e;tawe4^e ¿¡th Mr Colym ia_oür v¡c¿e Auto the proper ; Ipti^y^Aiw^Tf o ^.:***^*i4^ ■ ¡É^^pfwpleí^ '- 1 r*|tllcrefo '.aUÍw.-éet wro «•****■ irefrirotoréifoy Mn, órA mrtplTto^a M :Ñli „ .... .. . rw T. ... ... a.v^ r 4..u«^ .... Wf? 11 4, W í. .f, KüSá^líí 5»; t a*, u*.**^. «M ***■*«• : -t-Tíw .' üte*> ;í’yíou*;^' t 'SedaftliMapiBeéw. aaiu^layuy- .„■,, .'>1 ^Tfúr 'myá»'- '■' *'■' VaUi^adiiífoiw -*H<»*-Á»f■''Jlie..'íaté-í?ten>-;" :^*t ¿,:Valí wAÍg^yfo,, dfod ln¿Uifo ; iMatoondeg, .J ' i ;- fled te ***** **r * *>» Nww*kN*i*!£í^^ -; • n-'.;«s-í' ■''■ ••'/ **/- vfc'2<:»• a/'-7'i1: .>',• í"=: ■'1‘" '■''.:a; : *v‘'■,c * afoewr hw», IH» J«wUo errtvad, N* V®1 ni L!Í...i?R» jy> -M'a■.,-.ou.■■- !rí^:>¡ i-''’''''AWí*",' ''T''',,“'* * * -2*L l^.':-*Átel • low fuv Bertou Klunapl •,?éeíifte:0,tilea'_ lathemeanüiMcx-tduera CíiMtbM ol Sp^. iatrteilag with l^heU for Ufe Jasad «wW» j . 6MT..ÍÍ' tiArt tiAftI;i%'?•? i-y■%£&; ■ 'íiis*. -i'ffíh«■:?■ .agr;we**afdifot» ea.- that a*rxw*;:pT:Xto5*V;A .alr.'.wijMkl’ ciryuUlv. $,..... - ........... ...... ®SSB>W .(^'y;¿Í5!'.ru/:;2v' <_ v^Íi¿r/7í.'ííLí tósíte (’.iv -¿...Lii-i./i; p. :V< r^Se-ÍW 7*7 •NiWiiS ^#ggw A^i £ b1?,1 ■ yV^¡4í" Stowell