low spoke the truth, and we agree with him. Let’s take it this way: an Australian may not be a bushman; a native of South Africa is not always one of hegroid blood. All ri^ht then, saying we are Americans doesn’t mean we are" not of Mexican descent! Even the Americans of other descents know this. So, next time anyone asks you what you are, say, "I'fe an American.** If he questions further, say, "I »m an American of Mexican descent." Recently, Dr. Sandoval called our attention to Dr.Arturo Tronosco, a former professor at Columbia University and the author of one of the foremost treatises on diseases of the eye and their treatment. Dr. Tronosco is now head of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of Mexico. Not so bad for one of Mexican descent.' Let’s discard at once and for all that outworn saying, "A Mexican hasn’t a chance." It’s up to us to show other people that our brains are just as good, our bodies just as strong as the best! All we need do is to develop and train-them. And only WE can do it! Let’s start NOW, not twenty years hence! CONFERENCE PEOPLE — Cont ’d from page 7 Rodney Reyes, conference recording secretary, who formerly attended Los Angeles Junior College (now Los Angeles City College) has enrolled at the University of California at Los Angeles. Ray Casillas, Santa Monica, who will be remembered for his work on the basketball team frdm his district, is attending Santa Monica High and expects to enter the junior college there upon graduation this year. Temporarily forsaking the ranks of students, Fred j.vila, Santa Ana, is putting in some hard work preparatory to resuming his studies next year. Fred has been active as a leader of boys’ clubs in Santa Ana, where he has some very fine groups organized. the way, has Anyone heard from Frank bimon? When ast heard from Frank was attending San Diego State. One-ime president of the Conference, Frank made a notable con-Í0 thi s youth movement, and his absence has been Keenly felt by his many friends^. thp v^«S°-.nieans exhausting the roster of Conference leaders, new