STRICTLY PURE WEST SIDE WATER ST.. I*A.GER beer. WOOD GOMMEBCHL ttiap. Rxk I GRAY & CARTWRIGHT. COMPANY AUGUST BRUHN. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. J. TAYLOR, DEALERS IN BUTTER, ECGS, CAME, FLOUR. ORAIS AND PRODUCE. 6 NEAR THE PLAZA. SANTA EE. NEU’ MEXICO. R F.CABLÍ, WM. BOLANDER, GIRO'S INDIANPOTTERY Harness, Saddles, Collars, Wlifi. Bridltt. Halim. t’.—L. Curiosity Shop. A. C. ABEYTIA. ) ORTIZ BACA. Santa Fe Saloon. SAN FRANCISCO ST. Wtlh-Ferge Exfmi CVs. Fmh Beer on Draaght. L ST. JOHN. ■Wien I , Calf, Sole I.eutlii- And I LOW AS THE l.owi nr. 3. aSwjTf idui$m57x« I ... Anheuser-Busch SHOES ruuld be t ied, -nd n. wuh grxt They cuul Ont l.c'> tA tl-ey had ihomand • r«' •» pena) u rent fad G. F. EATON Bole Authorized Agente For NEW MEXICO the d tenant coukf ui, d^rwlry I vapped a readier in. to my puta aal wafted dawn to the GRAY BROTHERS. MKA rs. GAME HAIVTA E*E1. I ordered my glaae and ul dues, none of them know ma me. After a me houvet' They atared. but .aid nothmg; w then f up anil laid them the truth -Faith, if, Captain Jack” Butter, Eggs. Poultry. Ac. Revere Billiard Hall! Finest Liquors Md CiEars LAGER BEER Dealers in CRYSTAL ICE. 1.a.-iter -kec |e |h# Court/ County Captain lack, and ef KlnU Fr- fWH> W. CLARKE 1 VS. > IRENE M.tT.ARKE. ) d *» though they whrcled r -und upon. hunger that ye laugh. i« nF But the otb, n all told him thu he ought to I e adiamed ol hanve l, only—they could not pay the reel 'Wei. but buy,.' gomg to have II II", my tilhcr’t ,mec that I am going to ul Mid when EVAHS k CTJLBERTSOH, took 'die revolver up and rocked it Tim turned a. white a. a .heel. 'Well' utd he. ■! didn't know thing, wn a. bad a. re vay. Captun Jack, or may be l‘d have paid before Ye .hall have your check anyway., hut for goodne.»' aake. put that thing by.' •AU nglit." Mid I, -illl be put by then afterward I went home with the three hundred in mr pocket end the revolver too. which had never been loaded "' LUCAS *w»oen. Pruymtui._ BLAIN BROS. MERCHANTS. PAWN BROKERS Dralm ra Se..« «U. eil-rall om Celorade Sfn.^i, Mamita*. lh<-He. Canee Citjr, Senil Arlenle!. Rue*.i liile, Leadville. Atamela, .1*1.* mln. Eifanola BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, GAME & FISH, Freeh Bread, Crackers, Cakes, Pies and — - . , __ mnimcunMui». Confectionery. San Francisco Street, Santa Fc. F. I) FRANZ. Prexident. C. P A FISCHER. Sec'y It fien Man'r. FISCHER BREWING CO. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS • Mil UWE Fsrirxil le Tourists aid Invalid Wood aold of any aiie to suit our patron, at the rate of #6 per cord, ÍJ half cord. No orden under half a cord received. All order! left at the jewelQ- store of F, Abeytia & Bro., will have their prompt attention. Louse sam-s hahnkx* oil. repairing wii, «.i .iwtai *n MANUFACTL'RKR. TRIMMER & REPAIRER OF BUGGIES; CIfimiGES OffeiiN tie /•'<-SANTA FE, • N- «■ AH kind. Repairing promptly done, and uiialactKin guaranteed SECOND HATIOHAL BANK New liexloo. EDMUND NASSE, DFA1.EM Df DRUGS & MEDICINES. Fhnkiiei PnncflptiMs Crifillj Ctipeeided. CHEMICALS, TOILET SOAPS » FANCY ARTICLES. UNDER HER LOU'S HO Th I 1 .Ve*llre*. Graft Cr«l Caoee, Rrraf Gergt. Peatl. Sfriag,. Ceruti -red, TVi* Lain, Me**t ,/ Heh Cr.ii, Vda Pan. Il age* Wlirl Gaf, • Plawfw Cent Trhrr Oergr, Far.>* SfriBM, Oja Cliff hwrltiMi. AU« A StriHlj Fint-Clay Road *XD tQUIPMEXT: I 7-.-- . -’"«nn, I1.H1OU ... ‘•«•^•-r o,„ i-