St. fEMBER 24,1978 EL UVALDE TIMES PAGE 5 Menú UVALDE CONSOLIDATED INDEPENDI N I SCHOOL DISTRICT Monday. September 25 Chicken and Noodles Buttered Peas Apple Sauce Jelly Hot Rolls Tuesday, September 26 Hamburger Steak and Gravy Snowflake Potato Seasoned Green Beans Cake Square Buttered Bread Wednesday. September 27 Burritos and Chili Pintos Beans Spanish Hominy Cole Slaw Gelatine with Whip Corn Bread Thursday, September 28 Hamburger Lettuce and Tomatoes Hash brown Potatoes Onions and Pickles Fruit Cobbler Friday September 29 Chicken Salad Potato Ciiips Pork and Beans Oatmeal Cookie Bread or Crackers Pineapple Slice Vi Pint milk with every lunch Subject to supplies available. DeiciwceK £h Pa^ CARLOS LÓMBRANA El Señor Carlos Lombrana falleció en el Hospital Memorial de Uvalde el miércoles, 20 de Septiembre a las 10:20 p.m. a la edad de 68 anos. El Sr. Lombrana había nacido en Brackettville el 10 de Abril 1910. Un rosario para el descanso de su alma se rezo el viernes a las 8 p.m. en la Funeraria Mike Esparza Los servicios funerales tuvieron lugar el sabado, 23 de Septiembre a las 4 p.m. desde la Iglesia Sagrado Corazon. El entierro se efectuó en el Hillcrest Cemetery. Le sobreviven cuatro hijas, Gloria Bermudez, Juanita Paz, Carmen Galvan de Uvalde, y Eudelia Lombrana de Dimmitt, Texas; un hijo Felix Lombrana, 23 nietos y 7 bisnietos. Cartas... Cartas... Gracias Del Comité September 21, 1977 Dear Editor: El Comite Pro-Fiestas Patrias wishes to extend our most expressive appreciation to the following persons and organizations who helped make our Diez y Seis Celebration such a success. Una Gotera Descuidada Le Puede Costar Dinero Chief Vance Chisum and the Uvalde Police Department and everyone that assisted in routing the traffic. The Uvalde High School Law Enforcement Club and ther director, Mike Mireles: Mr. Richard Gibby, band director and the Uvalde High School Band and the Junior High Band, the Uvalde High School High Steppers; Bill Uillahunty and the Sahawee Indians. We wish to acknowledge City Manger Jack Caffal and and all the city employees who assisted in preparing the park for the fiesta. Also all the local merchants who sponsored the candidates: Bill's Shoe Tree, Casa Martinez, Flores Department Store, Rowlands and Shepperds. Also the local car dealers who provided the late model cars for the candidates: Chapman Chevrolet, Horner's Ford and Wes Cooksey Motors. We appreciate the plaques to be presented to the candidates by Southwest Plaque Company. The committee thanks. Chamber of Commerce Cartas... Defensive Driving week, depending on when it is scheduled for that particular week. Anyone who may have to miss the second portion of their scheduled class may make up the hours at the next scheduled session. However. the first block must be taken before you can enroll. In other words, you can not take the second half first. Cost of the course will be SI 2 and ipon su ccessfu I comple tion of the DDC the graduate is entitled to a l(y% reduction in i n su ra nee p rem i u ms (this includes liability, collision and personal injury protection). Those drivers already receiving a reduction because of driver's education or high risk assigned dribers are not eligible for the DDC reduction. Credit will apply to the vehicle in which the DDC graduate is the principal driver. A husband and wife may each receive a IOC reduction if they each are the principal drivers of separate cars< and both take the manager Don Weber for his assistance in setting up the Chamber float for the 1977 Diez y Seis Queen Diana Vasquez and on which also rode the Uvalde Honey Queen Laverne Rodriguez and the Reina De Los Barrios, Lisa Olivarez. There arc countless individuals who made our celebration a success and we owe the success to the willingness of so many people to work together. Cartas... DDC. Any licensed driver is eligible to enroll in the Defensive Driving Cou rse. Defensive Driving is a course designed to save your life. The National Safety Council indicates that DDC graduates have far fewer accidents than the ordinary driver. The couse was designed by the National Saftety Council to call driver's attention to the magnitude of the traffic accident problem and to induce motorist to help solve the problem by improving their driving. The DDC uses films and other visual teaching materials to train the average driver in the same crash avoidance techniques professional drivers use. The course is designed to make drivers more alert or aware of the developing problems in traffic. Since the program began jn Texas nearly 600.000 Texans have completed the course and there arc over 7 million graduates nationwide. We look forward to improving the fiesta each year and with the support we had this year we are sure of our continued successs. See you at the Cinco De Mayo! Sincerely, El Comite Pro-Fiestas Patrias Carmen Garza Santos Flores III Pablo Luna Oscar Lopez Elia Moreno Olga Rodriquez Teresa Maldonado Hector Garcia Photo Tips by Raymond Flores illumination are quite Scenes with uneven common in existing-light photography. Uneven lighting often makes your pictures more dramatic, but you will need to exercise more discretion and care in making exposure-meter readings under these conditions. Many exisiting light scenes, such as downtown streets and outdoor Christmas lighting at night, include large dark areas and smaller lighted areas. In pictures of such scenes, it's usually desirable to have detail in the lighted areas, while the dark or black areas show little or no detail. Expose for die bright areas and let the dark areas go black. You'll find uneven lighting indoors as well. For example, home lighting and the spotlights used to illuminate performers in shows or night clubs provide uneven lighting conditions. The lighting indoors is uneven, too, when windows are included in the scene. Since the windows are brighter than the subject in this type of situation expose for the darker subject to show detail. If you are doubtful about the correct exposure for an especially important photograph, bracket your exposure. fake one picture at the exposure indicated by your meter or suggested in an exposure table, and then take two more pictures one at 1 stop less and one at 1 stop more than the estimated exposure. If you want more insurance, make two more pictures one at 2 stops under and another at 2 stops over the estimated exposure. Your ability to determine exposure will improve as you gain experience in taking existing-light pictures. TloreStudio PMQTOGRAPHEÜS • PORTRAITS ------\ • COPIES MADE I s1”10* * • RESTORATION -- "C • ■X tx '■ [• Jb Open 1 pm to 5 pm 329 S. Evans 27&-4605 Se Organiza El F&H Si usted tiene un calentador de agua (water heater) tenga precaución de una llave de agua que no cierre bien, o una rotura en las pipas del agua caliente, especialemente. Por mas pequeña el escape de agua, esto resulta en que entrara agua fria ai calentador constantemente, cau or exíu Building Materials Cost today, so repairs and construction after a fire more today, so repairs and construction after a fire cr tornado cost more. Be sure your coverages are up to date. Fire, Homeowners, Farm and Ranch Owners insurance are just a few of the Farm Bureau Members' insurance needs served at low net cost. For this valuable protection or service call your agent SEGUROS para su CASA, CULTIVO, RANCHO, auto yvida TEXAS FARM BUREAU Compañía De Seguros Llame A ED KAUFMAN 278-9181 ***************** * City Appliance * Reparación de toda marca * de aparatos electrónicos Abierto 8 a.m. —6 p.m. -K Lunes a Sabado "X 409 s. Evans 278*7027 ***************** sando que siempre este prendida la lumbre que mantiene el agua caliente. Este es un consejo de la oficina del Administrador de la ciudad Jack Caffal, ya que en las recientes semanas se reportaron casos en donde el gasto de gas aumento para unos residentes en los que esta situación les costo dinero. O ARM RURKAtr INSl RA \CF CO'S. September 16, 1978 Mrs. Olga Rodriguez Editor El Uvalde Times 556 W. Main St. Uvalde, Texas 78801 Dear Editor: I have much respect for you and Mr. Torres for the great efforts that you make to better the education of the people who speak Spanish. It is true there exists opposition and indifference. Nevertheless. I want to say a few words in defense of Mrs. Billie Bailey. You are right in telling us that significant dif- En Defensa De La Sra. Bailey y luchas. Sin embargo si (lucremos mejorar la educación en Uvalde Sra. Olga Rodriquez Editora El Uvalde Times 556 W. Main St. Uvalde, Texas 78801 Estimada Editora, Tengo mucho respeto para Ud. y Sr. Torres por la gran esfuerzo que Uds. hacen para mejorar la educación de la gente que habla español. Es verdad que existe oposición e inderencia. Sin embargo, quiero decir unas palabras en defensa de la Sra. Billie Bailey. Ud. tiene razon en hacernos recordar que existen diferencias significantes entre las reglas para presentar quejas enfrente de la directiva escolar v In Defense of Mrs. Bailey Boxing Club ferenCes exist between the rules for presenting complaints before the School Board and the City Council. I agree that they should be improved. Nevertheless, Mrs. Bailey was trying to maintain order in a tense situation by following the rules as they presently exist. Because I did not attend the meeting of September 5 th, I should not discuss it any more. If we speak of past efforts to better the education of those children who speak Spanish, no one has done more than Mrs. Bailey. She has worked hour after hour to better com ae la juntas del concilio de la ciudad. Estoy de acuerdo que hay que mejorarlas. Por seguir las reglas como ya existen, entiendo que la Sra. Bailey estaba tratando de mantener orden en una situación tensa. Pero por razones de no haber asistido a la reunion del 5 de Septiembre, siento que es mejor no discutirlo mas. Si hablamos de las esfuerzas anteriores para mejorar la educa-cioji de los nínos que hablan español nadie ha hecho mas que la Sra. Bailey. Ella ha trabajado hora tras hora para mejorar la comunicación entre la gente mexico-ameri-cano y la junta directiva. Esto incluyo el mu nica t i o n be t wee n Mexican-Americans and the School Board. This includes obtaining a fair hearing for you and Mr. Torres . Also she has worked to better the understanding of the Anglo community of the problems that Mr. Torres has spoken about. I have no dout that Mrs. Bailey has respect and empathy with the Mexican-American community. During her campaign for office, she listened and talked with as many voters in Uvalde as she could. She frequently has expressed thanks for the significant role Mexican-Americans had in her election. obtener para Ud. y Sr. Torres una oportunidad justa y tranquila para expresar sus opiniones. También ella ha trabajado para mejorar el entendimiento de la comunidad anglo sobre las preocupaciones de que ha hablado mucho el Sr. Torres. Que la Sra. Bailey tiene respeto y empatia para la comunidad mexico-americano, no tengo dudas. Durante su campana para ser eligido, ella ha expresado su agradecimiento por el papel significante de los mexico-ameri-canos en su elección, posito. a su hija del primer ano en clases bilingües. Con cualquier junta gobernante, es natural que existan problemas She purposefully registered her daughter in first grade bilingual classes. With any governmental body, it is natural that there will be problems and struggles. If, however, education in Uvalde is to be bettered, we have to forget these clashes and try to reason together. Friends of the past should not be quickly dismissed. We all have to remember the words of Benito Juarez: Respect for the rights of others is the path to peace. Respectfully, Jack Lampe 11 7 Barry St. tenemos que olvidar las contradicciones y tratar de razonar juntos. Las amistades del pasado no deben olvidarse tan pronto. Todos tenemos que recordar las palabras de Benito Juarez: 'El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz." Con respeto, Jack Lampe (Nota de la editora: Gracias. Sr. Lampe, por su carta y especial mente por traducirla al español para la convenencia de nuestros lectores. El refrán famoso de Benito Juarez es sumamente propio.) Se ha organizado el nuevo F&H Boxing Club que sera dirigido por dos boxeadores, Bobby Flores y Tony Hernandez. Los entrenamientos empezaron el 15 de Septiembre, 1978. Se solicitan muchachos de 16 a 25 años de Rudy Musquiz Elected PTO Prexy L,a Organización de Padres y Maestros (PTO) de la escuela Benson se reunió el pasado martes en la biblioteca de la escuela para la elección de oficiales. Rudy Musquiz fue nombrado Presidente para el ano escolar 1978-79, — ! SOUTHWEST TOM’S SALES P.O. Box 1590 315 W. Garden VENDING MACHINES Rentals, Sales & Commission Basis * Candies -* Peanuts * Potato Chips * Cookies Buildings - Factories Schools - Serv. Stas Etc CALL RAMIRO GARZA OR -ROGER GARZA 278-5338 * POTATO CHIPS * CANDIES edad para los Guantes de Oro en Enero, 1979. Los interesados se pueden comunicar al telefono 278-8311 o a la residencia 533 Flores donde pueden tomar parte en los entrenamientos de las 6 p.m. hasta las 8 p.m. de lunes a viernes. Dorothy Parsons fue seleccionada Vicepresidenta y Mae Bcth Trees como Tesorera-Secretaria. Aproximadament 40 padres y maestros estuvieron presentes para esta junta inicial. * SNACKS * PEANUTS