'V- and in substance says thv subject [ Tht presento pendent and absolute in their ivs^ pvetive spheres of action, imt tlie gov- i st tie I T heir their nwn con* former is as much a purl eminent of the people of and as much entitled to ginnet* and obedience, as k><*al stab* Gowrnmeni? stitulmu ami laws and recognized in the subsequent.action by that body. The stale is estopped to assail it upon such an assumption. Upon same grounds, she might deny validity of he** ratification of constitutional amendment. The lion of Congress upon the subject cannot be enquired into. The case is clearly one in which the Judi. clary is bound to follow the action of the political (lepartment of-the government, and is concluded bv ÍL • It is added that if congress-hmT expressly dictated aud opposed ami [ expressly approved the provision, qurueWonably, such dictation und approval ívoüld have been without r effect. Congress has nd power to supercede the constitution' of the United States. Mr. Justice Swayne delivered the ^pinion, also in* the; cáse from ■krkansag, No. 2. Osborne' vs.-; JJSfcholson ct al. In that case there’ ■ was a warratity that the slave was ■ sound and that hewas a ¡Have for B ife.; The court -says /that such ^a ■ wafraTity Aloes i:<>t extend to the . F axercise-of the sovereign .- pq.Wer^of-r : he state by which the sUfe”-Vtii- I imancipaled, and? that the.. 13th -.niendment of the' cppstjtution does ot affect the/ question of tito coni'" .. ract being invalid, . XVheii. /made, " Uwas enforcable in si) courts and: L iat subsequent , legislation either 1,y stat«tex- or < co n s t i t ti tí o nal p roxi-i on, could not "render it invalid. l;';".»-he...clpef justice dissented / and >aid I jai lie ¡would give his .grounds in r/; i: opinion to tie filed: hereafter'. Its FOREIGN. < ■ - doi-irine •<•oi.il) is 1 he late rebellion vis with-i uni and ma-i change in rebc*!-• Union, ie duties, The it state to-md she c scope Houso dis ss,—Presid iisposéd of su^ihl thk order of ent Thiers Wantt'd ftm; then the for* tuxes-disposed :of:! first; then the fori tminbn of»-cnhntiL. óf Suite " might; be thkeiiup, but eus.siun.' of the deferred for ^gra1 ITu) nMembly, h en but er firs L the Iw bhpie id we ver, decided to,.;, jscheme for ii conn- enpsnler ur«i uiepxmeme ior n ebun-c(l of tirffiy- bill/ . leaving the tax' iiuU- limite i*'V" ...' " "jeitying- ov-br ilp> ■e\*'t;i^nhn:'.bf thex rtippid grmyth • uf ■ •i^publ:i^.n- tÜtUTty. any rej outing <>v ■2:>, ' ra di ya Is i\r ilfo tments She Germa i ambassador; A nil ?u, il •>9 _ PAi^ls, A pT.il I. German Am ha-sí his departure frm|) Paris. . Maiíískllk< -Jpril 22u-bon Al-;.:' piiun^o, a .bnuiietjof |)lia .(‘arh^ H, here. Th-- h.:rs .pvvu. him nijfli-v the th-* v;uwuu npprt.'a.eh tpier. lie • was $••>- qn.es|cJl t I lumi, the' i ! Dan Curl pr.un^ed ; appear ¡n persaji. j are hurrying thitljicr I 5re asiutnl.dititr. •' ! I qxcitmnvnt hi Pan Savarre, where hi< friend-i tu Reiu.t\)r cnienls ThejiPope- :- , 1 ¿jl.-—The Pope gave i-j tw> thousand c-iiizeiis ;• (heir de7utiim and. il tali an ami iiih-tr !<<)>(c, April 2 audience ! thanked tbmn. for reproached the governments for usurping tb.e rigiitd i‘f the. church. <*<«« NE-V ■ ADVERTISEMENTS. U, S- MARSH jL’S SALE. •F By y;rtne of a- .wijiriant of. s:.ik> issued of the District < ourt ol the 1’nikd States ffir the Eastern Distnct of Tex-ijti, m the case of the I nt ted States vs. 1 q; Packages of (>oo< is : to me r]irouted andj deliverer!;. I :,sii:il:¡ sell at public auetmn tr> the", hiüfhest and best bidder fpr cash in United States tmrreney on ^Verfhesdav thc.lüth day ot April, I.S72, .ih front of the Court House door oí said *Uourt* ih Die ERv oi Rroxvusyille, Te.fas, at It)-o'clock A/ 31 , the following described . nroiiurt v to-wit : • ? ■ ■ - Six bales ún':bleaehed, cotton i;' ‘ 525i) vd's Three l^lesyCamletijeaps iWii 'ydF Five bales Imperials, • yds Ono ease cont-ng 9 I black doth ubat^* woolen shawls. . 2 ladies boots. .)'>() :. Vfls/cutttni hif-e. ,. 1 I. d->z. *’ robe<, 1 xt o bales ootlon prints, . 2033 vn-. Brownsville, April 11, ik" FARM AND PUNTATION MlLLSH viii»s! :T QUIEN of.the 80H1¡5»H Thv l.ow.est Prive Last evmk Published of .- Fbr CV»M JfMrf, ' - - ■ ■ .. twtt MM* ,- ;vir»wh ® - hiy ' .-ill* XH-btii-, lliMUtiy. aM; MUI ■tewr«y-.' 8exidi.for;i*i8i't>^iSt.-'. ... wTOX'i-Xt A.<0*. • »ox 1*SK>. k K- lltmÉBT" WXIÍ1I) Hiífi Riteb Avcnñtx Phi In,. Pa. r-’tYuvc-.uxN ' - Lst-iK,. x-rvi's.-Aiev.'- -MÍ.C«-’l'é.S. ■" ________ vt:?cA-.Xt».ynrx, st <í'tvc.ie- tetirsi-x* CiV.VSKN* Sl.-X-S' .L^NVUXv Xo'-y;. -er {<• y.-rutiuh?«ifi>ghi - iron rail ing?, f«n pul die hu ild i ngs ;p;d v’ pt a e(‘mt‘t<4rv ha-, garden, .tt-m us, ^alcnnics, rooi era-a:ng-';. gr-*a:. varivt 'A>i’.-|>a'l- tern-'. Iron >■ Lairs, sphAl-rind vari-1ii" pattern-* ami «cyl apeiitint!, givu-n this c:nre ‘ <>ors and Win-, dxiws;. -Factory ami Warehouse V’in-Uows,, Railings for " Bani-'s, ('imniGT Railings,-lkdyoniu^ Lawn and aiid Farm Fom-us, A*.-,. / . • , utaU1?.:. for entramo to <’oim-i éi-iu,sf .-Public Squares anil < í uitlh-mrtt-'y Cnut'i-try seats, f S'Ohí h ..UOLh"'A N rf'iJ'CM'N' S,.tl.;VKR <’AS'KN'’' ' ,-. V ■■"'•■ '. A-tkbYx. :. . - . ' Benedicts’ i'inie Watch, V" ‘ .‘ mu a 11 part s p f ,.t h o Am >y n r r-y I\v v x pr<-xs, with privilege to i-xiunim' before paying. • •"., "•'... Semi t*'r a Price . aiid compare Prices butm-o.p'arehitxiHg vlM<>whort>,. BENEDlcr BUOlilERS, Je'M'lers aud Ki i rt h Strt>n-|, .'X r;xV X*<>itK. ihuiS-tf ON MARRIAGE: ■ 11 \vi-v Ri-p.ipi"> yot$ Topxti -M"i:n■ from the enurts. of' lirmrxjxml Abuses, in early lite. Manhood. resrbrud."-; Ner- \ von-, q, hiaqv --urt il,. Íi.U'|.h.mlimen,In to marriiU2"«' i‘riib>vu'L New inethóil of tfi*iului'iii. Now and rumhrk.abhi fern-' di(‘H. ItfX'ksaiul oivV nlai-s sent free;, iu Mealed envj£j gbheml .tíso [-H put the I’. . i'uvh is "use ...,. ... g<>vi.*riimerit iri iHe Pa-. Ng, teht Oilice. Whkhiirg-i r> ton, b. (*. Its ¿impipi <;ity of ciins.tr iiet if in aud. the p< muir» it .transniits remiers it, the: hw.,t -water whéi I ever invented. TWnphiet ffek.. NF. BI ■ RX 11A M, X nrk;. Fa. m ar 1 yi w ilti/ • ugh- acentsw anted* for bT"5»ARtfia y, ba™,, b, s-RTTTTSSIL -L-J -.^TTTT”-vP!Sa"e*S"—wr RU tflrlulb ceutlhbed anl ráTToSiíífiüSTSuteS^’TFe moil’ p-'puUr apj rapidly-telling relli^ooa werk ever lieuej.", f Avebk.iv. ■ •■ )>np<\t pivblishéií HwYy xitfinhii eon- ■•' '-hUns-trom h) p> nrigihal oim^aviugN1''' • 5Vh!. U.’A hvw disv'pnu'ybrtd^Muisiry; A R iHnphev tmnhfifis ^2; -p;me< • ''/ . inf .sobral :■ humlred :. of Vol it nit‘sp awy^'prbWiVthi' ’■ or b mlh)^ aud ..r^rvime? ' iG c ' y-al ftyvipm my . xvurüphm tl uL '•'• .s:ni.)stM‘ip;tién. pilcó. ''Terms n ■• • \i nv S ';V) 11 VliV ,,SP*'‘‘‘ i»bhs «'mit iirov. May be bufi ot .nH -Nowh lieiUer><. "1 lorn^r,':xíl'íf tobtAhll'A.i «m . . ihe\ bwt •' -1 miuon vs il lEpthr.!- y nieiunt rnl!l • CAUTION.,''b;qii’t bb'dt'eidvéd-1 i numii.^ ,Niri,v lutiiiu li; s; <>, Would 1 were A child again, slKhs th, w. ary an,l cXhauKU'd ,,h ' JUHUBEBzt. ' 1y»ng iinditiuebesMfuHx* used in ils ‘n¿ '-‘'" -• l t.h-nt Pttryicr t^e ji(6o:V<‘áZ/ obstruct -i' leihicnnnm Z1 yer’ ' • uiu..iji( «Hidj.inuary.orgiUiS..:, 1 Hhd rum risk ing. ..Á'S andtBtl"'" Íívbtg ■: ■ 11 . : ü) o . bo-wtiZ^yi'। u iets f ¿o " ' p'X',rs’ i,<'t? vhri,(-uy oii. tim móisrivtivó ■ r .storinp«..be-vm, produces healthy, and ■ pííe¿¿Vie'?^i,ír,^^b3UnU(yd^tirícs.'v ■ eiruu fr : Hi ':k’ibtr W :^d-M . HUl'n.......... • • •mitriMyiw/ ■ ■v/O S is-a-' i’ll I- puwer Xo : -ti ■ [TIRE EXTINGUISHER escent Seltzer ñlít marllMeod'&iv1 AL ■Spenceit,: :.apriá-hv • the the the ae- .Ear 1 p‘ wi-f.té*< - fqr•. 2.Oh premium Vi-; ;.:s irnns,' . .)am;kx ií.'ÉXKhE', ; V-:": " Boston, Mass.. Babcockjselfacting fire eng-i ne Li or < ity, Totvn nnde ^ illiige- tiM‘. ^Kational Assembly; ¿ y^rsaill^ vApriI 22.--T{ie.8es-•: :-í¡ íof tbeú'Natióhaít aiaetóbly; p TJ- : / S ^8 a Absolutely the best urotectíón against Fire." Over one tiiuu^imd. actual im-s pur. out • . with it ! MORE THAN $8,000,000.00 worth of property saved from ■ the ñames ! s Sect* und Cr<><.< les sing; Wet blessiugs, but amoi province to which i t er than' •. • .. ; 7” --^.-4.-» ditfer,... but there no dissenters., ¡roiii the /general ©at . .medicine is a ave many of these* g. them all, in the. belongs, no great- Tarrants Effort , Aped A col um.it xs oúId, riót . t'ilte the ailments for bed by physiciáú¿ of ing. Ib qóes not _ derisi vely . termed ' J b tit i s". a» article, has el and Wi¡F «til sharpest and Fúóst ri. ' .cis-m :-as.. a cafhártie, á ti-febrile preButatión ble remedy/for all bi genuine airticle only." gistsru-' - -. It is moré etleetive than the steam hre engine, because, it is instanlaneous-lv ready and throws a powerful stream ol carlxih.ie.acid gas and water tor" anV length of time. _ •• 17 -, . It is .the best and cheapest fire engine in the world, and conies wi-tltin the 11-HanQial abilities.of every place. ■- It does not require? an* expensive system of water works, and is never óüt of repair, fix*nd for “Their iiex^orcL-’ ■ '■■■■• . ‘ F. W. FAR-WELL/tiec’y. i suffice to enunie-■vlUch it is prescr i -the¡^igh«st start t-' Png to the class atenu niedieiriefo i -on scientific an-id . the .test of the fid. medicat cri tf- . stpmácñic, an ah-, and an ad mi r a -.. ■ ■ -- ....--4ous complaints; ■: vb*et there lie no misjtake.- 'Secure the/ by all drug- \■••‘N^.Wáb.ash.'-Avé-., Uhi.eago,-Ill. •'• /.' .- 1'11 Hi* l.u-.I-xv . ,$í QiyK "A. ATOXT^tóv; pup -. Un b? ■*?■ .t-Jyyrsal.■.'■■<■-ufiI'ti'n-t,- ' C<^n binátÍQiv •1’uiimd, .Button'dioic f’ütter; aud oiher afieles. -. SA(.X)"NfiVEÍ/r:YU().1 Saco.,.'' •Aly.r- ’.Av'-; '.'.íipT'i'j-Tvv;.' Money M ÁjAlv'" RAPIP'LAoyvitli; *S.ieir.*il.. ami ' Kuv-'v Cheek' Outfits. Catalogues', siüúpihs. añil i'ldf: ; partíeu 1 afs I• 11R K, "• S-.: At. Spknci:R, lie boro,. Vt .Ranted--: -^-A,:gért'(S-" f< ।r oú r; n v)v. ■y*,"»-.' iT>.-page -paperihé '•-'(*f>mtr>ulúr*' hirteé)i •<11q>a-rtun- nts;,:■ reHgi»vt T» oil A;x.( - x', •. o ic. • ,.s <> i: "i;- •-1.-.■ < l* lK ”|iflow .either, sex nbty iasuinate ami- gain ..The. Jove air*-.ailticiiops . We '"' '.. : / 1 X\y i U lo ir- óixMí tii• I; Life of Janies Fisk, IU«i h í 7Vh ".Zu cíe . .,/■' tft<- aS'Z.'G'"//TA, - «n-f^'EÑ.SA TIf') 1VA- of-.VK IF }'■(■. *)!{, K; TAMMANY FRAUDS 'Biógr¿pl)i.é^'.- ,'oT V Vaiide'rifiltv .(iou,hláiml .other it/. R." magnates; - ■ A 11 abuuLdOhie. Man-^fi-tiid; The-s-irvfi and l^i>U Alt o N. ^ro ^IvN, ■.tlm-'as.sassiij ..octavo pl-over r»fu pages, - profuse v-il * hrstratc.i, AGENTSÁVÁNTÉD; Sf>na $ I ,DU. out lit, -ami s e < -u txi • te r r i t< v -at once. <’.i feu Jars free.;. EXj(>v pirp •" WSHlN-t; co.. tiriea^Y^Uo; <*3- • ■ í «t s ■= U ■S/-5?' • o -. T-'- ÍQ - - gv;Q-. <¡Q« ’is-' ■£ .=• -p u S' 3