Mil Mil 'JF híifct? •. ERIJEfl, FW t '}■» Í? rw w 1® "T vn ikur h •tí 1 s ;1» Híí yf / (/'#! • • J,¡, 'd '■! YÍ,........ ihell be aue tbeey MteMMjr WHtn.íw witiMtoí H^kíSf .,4.-á k « r * elelaaórintawwtlw •aid wnitlwn l» be »nd s* Me JDilMot Court of Cn T«s»v.*< the nevt term lit .Brow net i! to. In — in April, A. D to ---------if any there doeiMW*rto in eeki petition eel will tnak» pet • iiewepepei pu 8» the bounty and Stare aforenedkii suite® wroka p. j 2Ctf l»ir« Stntt. •I ■i '■ jV'S-'" :.K‘ i ¡ i . I,' Í ':! •; <'•!»> ■ •& ',<|A-‘. •' ■■' 8S 1 WEMsy.* .‘4* make tai rleee •• d e*w wiltiin “Ne. «• « late». brfdllt’ (81 ¡a **«1 * ^'.?R w M-’- * Ikmdidí ’# iwr^ 1^1 JSl i?*ii LiH^t «luLJ ■I***'. ^-T "W. '^T'ü,. m » »|i*a gs® ÍMI» r «1 i an -wi il. 1^, ■'»s| '•Ar ■ 8NÜ» w««v« i» ;'*U,w-49hif | pert wiimI] . Mvk- I ¡it ||iríc«». "*e iiMta-.«. Te de lar» werili eí /' "• -■'i-Áw, 1*4.1 jip C- - W*S«W'.., ..- r~ — ,L If • w y-lW^Mr If -'. ,"•*#• b ■- !^| v;■'.'»**=«* i- '^1 r'« , 'I ."I :.-» * ■X.WWMklWC^'W***. -n¿ui*w •>>■ .•*w>t i •'- 'jli'ie .^r/X-Wr" • ,. . ».'i---lili. •• U •*"' Wywe^Y'rli-r I' > V , ..".vvmnY* ,.f .juurf»» .. Y»Y*,I':’1* the «iqk r -wr^-ire«■ :*N y>' s ■ ■ ■■• 1^:, the.eewil of “ ‘M -ti»1’ n efidenr B»*fttrOK¡^ • wa»-*n (♦rimer IM «o dt«b bring* VfwmshHi •"t i*1**. .k-' \ r^rA^'Y- '^•X'. *V*H '... >♦..-■ '.’■ Wi. ¡¿ti -Wi; *Y¿ r.*w¿ M P*5N-| '» •"iVy ■ .1.1»# ■:./» .-M .tsk#6" e*!1 .’ ...í-'í? ■ '■ •"¡tütd'.'ín' \ >4* r;lX!k; Y "te j •'fWfrih m !-XVi I!) WILUHV niffifty ra ^r< tall co* liX "Y SliMii ■'.? ■/«> ': / Tf-:; tav.x - .íA^-y •5£"v;> 1 \ V ■. t' " ' itewte, aa4 ie-,etod»t— sed, • ' , - • ■ . .. .. m »bet‘ tolióty, (TUfy fcr WBHy orantod ky the K .rof fyniihto Antonio Vofiuco, eituated eaid I W( aeí l*w-l * ek.—. * Í" if ot stotdoo grantcmk* th- tópe» Igo <*wiy-ef ehirty*6v» •nte Yn'ijoMu the MtHiíeiiM ’M -;|;.^- ', ’ Two lo«g?»e« ni Ifind dH liim tram league», gitanted ortytoaliy to Vi rme Ynojoer ami gencralily known liy tin neme« t:._ __ Pitilue, m «líawtby n survey and is p of raid «• leugue* of lilnd nwon-file in the o " '* *** triol Stirwyor of tire flíatricl. of H said monga,se twill " to Mamusi Testti the dofe«¿n,it mS|L. h i» futtter ¿Í d that liantw Iccts and ntfinet» and tour dolMltf Hiarctxi.or ft that os id Mil ■v of tltoDii ni-.-. Whk* l Ar, ex •‘in tod hud delivered 'the «aid M»m, rrntill til» reédiCteftef th# fnleemeni p«»y* rd íor¡ «nd ¡»e unid MJKtrtgsge be.^rrylo^edi lluat hat Wo ■tear aft th® lliski tit the Diet lioldeii in tlrt! Htdnteo, t ilion of ib» phirttiC that aft again»» the mfaf Maetiel da la Fifia of elov®u hurdred aRd fimr iloltei .„n#$e my hand «nd eetd of offlo» iMUtrnevilie, county mid State nf*r$ hi» January S^th. A. !>., ¡SS». . NJCLSyN. Clerk D. C„ C. O ReewbWl the above on the 34th