____ ___ ______ ______ ________ Here is a diagram showing my _____ _____________ ___________ 1. Confederation President ' ■ Vice-president 3* * Treasurer 4* " Secretary Constitution - Same as local clubs Club No . I Club No. II Club No,IV C lub N o . 111 LosAngeles Constitution Santa Ana Constitution, Azusa Constitu— tion ____ £1 Modeno Constitu— tion ___ and so on 1. Confederation of Clubs . 2. Local Clubs get together and elect h Confederation preside: 3. Local clubs to have local president^and other officers, etc 4*. Confederation officers to present new clubs with a copy of the constitution: changes to be made according to condit. of locality. 5. Set aside by each local club a certain percentage of the dues to send to the central functionaries for corres-' pondence, activities, etc. 6. Have yearly conference for report of accomplishment by eac "club and for election of new Confederation president. AIMS AMD PURPOSES OF CLUBS I- Social. To engage in social functions for benefit of com-__........ munity and membors, such as outdoor parties, pi- nalas, orderly danqes. II- Recreational . To participate in clean sports, competitive or otherwise, for physical improvement as well as to provide interesr in sports. To keeb fellows interest away from activities detrimental to ourselves and the community. Ill— Civic. To help in the community activities and in that way acquaint city officials with our problems. By ______________ being citizens, to participate in elections- and other doings of American citizens. ONE.PROVISION of our club constitution allows only American born or naturalized citizens, eighteen years or over. Inside of five.years we shall be able to elect a local official to the school board be represent the Mexican colony. Vie may ___ then be in a position to employ Mexican teachers in our schoc^ Yours, Stephen A. Reyes, — , Box I, El Modeno, Calif. For further details, mail a letter to that address. ___ 4