MAY 7. 1978 THROUGH MAY 21,1978 EL UVALDE TIMES PAGE 7 Take The Children Out of the Shower Rooms Says School Board Member Charles Griffin HONDO POLICE ACCUSED OF ROUGHING UP PRISONER Avisos de Ocasión School Board Members showed they had really done their homework when the Summer Repair Program was discussed at the regular monthly meeting of the Uvalde School Board last Tuesday, May 2. They had all visited the different schools and made notes as to specific recommendations from the school principals, as well as Maintenance Supervisor Bingham. Board member Charles Griffin, However, hit a nerve when he firmly recommended that instead of the storeroom Principal Walden from Dalton had requested, he wanted to see the children of the special education classes being thaught in a crowed space behind the stage and in the shower rooms. He felt that was no enviroment to teach the children. El Uvalde Times discussed this pro blem with Mr. Joe Ammerman, director of Federal Programs to see if these children arc to be housed in the two new classrooms veing presently built at Dalton. We remember specifically that at some school board meeting a few months ago Mr. Ammerman explained presented the application for federal migrant funds to build those classrooms and he said he was sure the money would be granted because he would be stating the fact that these children are being taught in the stage for lack of space. , Mr. Ammerman explained to me that the Special Education Classes cannot be -housed in the new classrooms because they arc specifically for migrant children. Remedial Reading, now being thaught in a hallway and Mrs. Senters’ Migrant Class are to occupy the new classrooms he explained. When asked it the special classes were going to be moved soon, he said he did not know that it was up to the principal, but that regular classrooms had to be used for the classes with a larger number of children. He said overcrowed conditions had planned to be solved with the bond issue that had been turned down. Mr. Ammerman firmily agreed with us that the conditions under which these children are being taught arc bad tor the children and the teachers as well. On the subject of re-evaluation the committee appointed to work with the City Council, composed ot John Loehr, Charles Griffin and Dr. Dean Dimmitt seems to have gained confidence that the city will work • 1 with the school district in carrying out a joint re-evaluation project, for the benefit of both parties, mainly cost and less chance of complaints, or duplication of such. Mr. Griffin pointed out that the idea of an outside firm was doing the evaluation was not so bad after all, since there had been no actual price quotation given to the city and thfit these agencies did a loL ot public relations work to assure the citizens of their fairness. Mrs. Bailey, president of the Board instructed the committee to continue working on this project. The summer school program was discussed and the board agreed to raise the charge per student to cover the expense of the teachers and the librarian. It also approved an application for federal funds to build two new classrooms at the Junior High. Seven vacancies ocurred in the school districts teaching staff with the resignation of the following teachers, Peggy McCabe, high school, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boatright, Jr. High, Laura B. Saenz, West Garden. Patricia Moore, Jr. High and Marion Hood, from the Batesville School. Mrs. Jo Danley was employed to teach mathematics at Jr. High. The Board approved the summer repair program expenditures proposed totaling 850,000. It also approved the athletic budget totaling 859,720 which is the same amount of the budget for last year. It was noted that in spite of this there was an increase of some 12,000 in athletic revenues and this was due to the baseball team being the final playoffs. I he band budget of $23,215 was also approved. Some Hondo residents are concerned that police scuffling with arrested prisoners might [one day turn into a tragic Morales’ incident. Early this week we were contacted by a former Hondo resident, Jesus Rodriguez, who has been involved in Hondo community affairs, about the incidence of police petty harassment of Mexican American residents. He also invited us to investigate a case involving a nineteen-year-old boy who had been arrested violently by several policemen, Sunday, April 30th. On Wednesday, May 34rd, we started the investigation into the incident by talking to some people in Hondo who were helping to raise the bond for Rene Gonzalez, one of the two boys arrested. One businessman complained that he had been tailgated to his home by a city policeman, without being stopped. He felt that it was a sublte form of harassment. Others confirmed that they had seen Rene Gonzalez being jostled by policemen while he was being arrrested. We next took our investigation to official channels by talking to Hondo City Attorney Hugh Meyers . Mr. Meyers stated that he had had the prisoner looked over for a possible sign of abuse after Jesus Rodriguez had notified him of his concern. He said that their investigation had failed to find any signs of visible abuse. Meyers further qualified his remarks by adding that jail officials had informed him that Rene’s mother may have gotten a wrong impression when she heard her son “hollering and raising hell” while he was being escorted inside the jail. Mr. Meyers then went on to relate some of his own experiences with Rene Gonzalez. He said that he had known him for the past 6 or 7 years and that he had lost track of how many times “the kid had been picked up for having his tail in the crack.” He said that Rene always hung around with a bad crowd, although he sympathized with the mother who had had to raise the family alone. Then Mr. Meyers offered his professional opinion that it would be very difficult to make a good case for police abuse because of Rene’s record and the possible 14 police witnesses. With regard to the rumored $28,000 bond which had been set on Rene, Meyer, said that it was not uncommon since Rene probably had several charges filed against him. He added that the magistrate would very likely be willing to reduce it to enable him to make the bond. Meyers said that the most serious charge which he understood Rene was being charged with was attempting to run over a policeman with his car. While talking to the jailer, Meyers said that he was informed that Rene might have been stoned when he was arrested because the arresting officers said that he was ‘hig er than a kite.’ After Jesus Rodriguez toki Meyers of other incidents involving himself, the businessmen, and his son, Meyers recommended that he present his complaints to the City Council. Meyers said that he personally wouldn’t tolerate it. After explaining that we would be visiting the jail, Hugh Meyers made our job easier by locating Sheriff Donald Campsey and telling him to allow us to see Rene Gonzalez. By the time we got to the jail. Sheriff Donald Campsey, who defeated former Sheriff Hitzfeldcr who had handled the Hayes arrest, invited us in, offered us coffee, and showed us to a room where prisoners are photographed. Rene Gonzalez was then brought to the room. According to Rene Gonzalez, he was taking his friend, Andres Rodríguez, back to San Antonio where he works, when he noticed that he was being followed by a police car which had made a u turn on Hwy. 90. He was driving east on Hwy. 90 and going approximately 45 mph on a 40 mph zone around 11 p.m. ____________________ Special to El Uvalde Times his friend, him, according Hahn who told you” and then Since he had been drinking with Rene decided to try to lose the police car. He turned on the street leading to the high school and then decided to head home with the policemen in pursuit. After running what police claim to be seven stop signs, Rene was brought to a stop on Ave. U and 15th. He was driving his brother’s "67 Camaro. Gonzalez denies having tried to crash into a police car and claims that he was broadsided twice by the police. By this time, highway patrolmen, sheriff deputies, and city policemen had converged on the scene. The first person to approach to Rene, was Policeman Kinny him “What the — wrong with grabbed him by the shoulder’s and yanked him out of the car. Rene calims that he was hit many times from different directions while he was being transfered to Hahn’s car. He said that the most severe injury was caused by a policeman who hit him on the head with his flashlight. His other friend, Andres Rodriguez, 18, according to Rene, was even more bruised because he was kept at the scene longer. Gonzalez states that they were arrested at gunpoint. Concerning his past police record, Rene, stated that he had not been in trouble with the law since last May for a fight. He said that he had made a rund for it because he had some pending traffic tickets and was afraid of being arrested for DWI. While Rene was being escorted into the jail, Rene states that he called out to his mother to come sec. His mother rushed to the back of the building, but was pushed back. While in the process of being transferred, Rene, claims that one of the city policemen, Mac Wilson kicked him in the thigh. The bruises were still visible when we photographed him three days later. According to Rene, the Chief of Police Jerry Smith was also getting ready to hit him by rolling up his sleeves but was discouraged by his mother’s presence. Rene states that Smith called him "You little punk.’ Rene claims that he did not try to resist arrest or talk back to the officers. Rene Gonzalez was realeased on bond that afternoon by a local Hondo businessman and stands charged with: D.W.I., D.U.1D., and Aggravated Assault on a Police Officer. Andres Rodriguez is still in jail serving a 30 day sentence for some prior traffic violations and public intoxication. Regarding his past experiences in Hondo, Rene Gonzalez said that he was thinking about leaving the city and going to San Antonio. FOR RENT DE RENTA HELP WANTED TRABAJOS SE RENTAN DOS LOCALES PARA NEGOCIO. UNO PARA TIENDA DE ABARROTES Y OTRO PARA (DRIVE-IN) EXCELENTE LLAMEN AL RESTAURANTE EN UVALDE LOCAL 278-3763 TWO GOOD BUSINESS LOCATIONS FOR I ONE SUITABLE CERY STORE OTHER FOR RESTAURANT I LOCATIONS IN CALL-278-3763. RENT. FOR GRO-AND THE DRIVE IN EXCELENT UVALDE CASAS DE VENTA HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE OLDER HO^E FOR INVESTMENT. 278-3428 CASA DE VENTA PARA INVERSION. 278-3428. CASA DE VENTA POR EL DUEÑO , CUATRO RECAMARAS, UN BAÑO, COCINA PRECIO RAZONABLE. LLAMEN DESPUES DE LAS 5 P.M. 278-9423 OLDER* HOME, 3 ONE BATH OWNER AFTER SMALL < BEDROOMS, FOR SALE BY $12,000. CALL 4PM 278-2454. CASA PEQUEÑA MARAS UN BANO, DE VENTA $12,000. DE LAS 3_ _RECA- POR EL DUEÑO LLAME DESPUES 4 PM 278-2454. HOUSE OWNER, KITCHEN, REASONABLY CALL AFTER 278-9423 AiBSW^ FOR SALE 1970 VOLKS-WAGON , NEW MOTOR, NEW TIRES: GREAT BUY! CALL AFTER 5:30 P.M. 278-3105 FOR 4 ONE SALE BY BEDROOM, BATH PRICED 5 P.M. HELP WANTED LVN NEEDD FOR VALLEY AREA TO WORK WITH THE TEXAS MIGRANT COUNCIL HEALTH COMPONENENT. WILLING TO TRAVEL STAr-TING SALARY 8, 500. CALL 512-278-9237 OR 722-5174 (LAREDO) ASK FOR LUCIO MARES, HEALTH ADMINITRATOR. THE TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION HAS OPENINGS FOR SEVERAL JOBS* FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OR GO BY THEIR LOCATION 300 E. MAIN Wanted 12 ladies for telephone solicitation junior, senior acceptable, not necessary, full time and work, students Experience Bilingual, part time. $2.65 per hour, paid daily. Apply after 12 noon, Monday, May 15, Jaycees Bldg., 4 02 S. High St. Uvalde. No phone calls, please. WANTED....several persons with cars for light delivery work. daily including Saturdays. Apply after 12 noon, Monday, May 15, Jaycees, Bldg. 402 5. High St., Uvalde. No phone calls, please. SERVICES DE VENTA WAGON NL NUEVAS, RUES DE 278-3105 1970 VOLKS-CON MOTOR Y LLANTAS LLAMEN DES-LAS 5:30 P.M. AL 1961 TROCA INTERNATIONAL PICKUP* ESTA TROCA ESTA EN BUENA CONDICCION PARA ESTE MODELO DE ANO*. EL CLOCHE TIENE QUE SER REPUESTO PARA HECH-ARLA ANDAR. NECESITA ALGUNAS REPARACIONES MINIMAS. QUIEN LA COMPRE TIENE QUE MOVERLA DE LA PROPIEDAD DEL ESTADO DENTRO DE 48 HORAS DESPUES DE PAGARLA. GRATIS! SE LE LIMPIARA Y LAVARA GRATIS U[^A ALFOMBRA DE TAMAÑO REGULAR CON LA DEM — ONSTF^ACIoN DE UNA ASPIRADORA KIRBY. EL SEÑOR Y LA SEÑORA DE LA CASA DEBEN DE ESTAR PRESENTES. POR CITA.. 278-6744, ENRIQUE CANTU. FREE CLEANING AND SHAMPOOING OF REGULAR SIZE CARPET WITH DEMONSTRATION OF KIRBY VACUUM. BOTH HUSBAND AND WIFE MUST BE PRESENT. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. 278-6744. CALL HENRY OR MARY CANTU. SOLAMENTE LLAMEN AL MARY O MISCELLANEOUS LAS FORMAS PARA OFR- , ECER LO QUE QUIERA PA- ’ GAR SE ENCUENTRAN Y SERAN SELLADAS POR EL TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL SEARCH SION FIELD 1051, 78801, MAYO RE-EXTEN-GARNER BOX TEXAS AND CENTER, ROAD, P.O UVALDE, HASTA LAS 5 PM 19, 1978. SE VENDE UN BUFFETT POR UN ACORDION UN PEINADOR ANTIGUO $700.00 50.00 50.00 FAVOR DE LLAMAR AL 512-298-3103 DEL RIO,TEXAS. GRACIAS La familia de Crecensio Rodriguez quire dar las gracias a todos que nos acon-panaron al fuñe rale de nuestro ser quierdo. Por todas las ofrendas florales y oraciones y comida. Gracias a todos y que Dios los bendiga. LAS OFERTAS SE HABREN A LA 1:30 DE LA TARDE MAYO 22, 1978. fiSTA PRO-FRIEDAS PUEDE SER IN-SPECTADA DENTRO LAS HORAS DE 8:00 DE LA MANANA Y 5 DE LA TARDE LUNES A VIERNES EXCEPTO EN DIAS DE FIESTA. PARA MAS INFORMACION LLAMEN 9151. EL DERECHO ESTA RESERVADO Z\ RECHAZAR TODOAS ANULAR TODAS IDADES. Recetas NOW SHOWING A COLORES ■■■£ South Getty AZTECA FlUB. be PLUS! The *T^ A[[VE Baby is back... Only now there are three of them. NOW SHOWING . Open GREGORIO CASAL DIANA BRACHO 14 ROGELIO GUERRA * L HOMBRE EL LASSO 227 No. Getty_278-2626 _ STARDUST J Hwy 83 No. 278-2644 For Mother's Day OATMEAL CAKE Ponche (Breakfast Punch) ♦ FLOWERS ♦SHRUBS ♦VEGETABLES Apis -% cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon milk 1 cup pecans 1 cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar Vi cup butter Bring to boil ingredients and 1 stick margarine. Add T can of coconut and 1 cup pecans (chopped). Boil 1 minute. Spread over cake'* after it has cooled. LASOFERTAS Y CUALQUIER O TECHNICAL- Nursery 8 MOTHER’S, DAY SPECIAL AFRICAN VIOLETS AM) A LARGE SELECTION OF POTTED PLANTS 278-5476 Su madre la Señora Eloísa Zuniga Hermanos v hermanas 7:45 Que este? r Que u'd mujer ► entrego 5-n conoce1 •< .'••iliiiiiv 'ilrliilWm "UN CAMINO AL CIELO “IT LIVES AGAIN” FRIDAY! CHARLES BRONSON "THE WHITE BUF.rau)"s. Starts WEDNESDAY SHADOW PG SAT-SUN MATINEE ZOth Century-Fox presents ESCAPE pLanet 2 cups milk 1 cinnamon stick 1 raw egg 2 tsp.sugar 1 tsp. whiskey (optional) XA tsp. vanilla Boil milk and cinnamon stick to a full boil. Let cool for 15 min. Remove cinnamon stick from milk. Place in blender milk, sugar, egg and vanilla. Mend until well mixed. Add whiskey to punch, mix again. mix again. This punch is a delicious breakfast and it is full of vitamins. It is a quick and nutricious meal and also a quick body-builder. EL UVALDE TIMES Mix well ingredients and add two eggs. Sift and measure U/z cups flour, 1 tsp. baking soda, Vi tsp. salt and 1 tsp. cinnamon. In another bowl add 1 Yi cups boiling water to 1 cup oatmeal. Let stand for while then mix other ingredients. Pour batter into greased and floured pan and bake at 325 degrees for 35 min. ANOTANDO EL PROGRESO DE NUESTRA GENTE 750 S. Getty