Page 2 JUVENTUD . * X. r ••. v ♦ ■* . ’A bj 1 3 ••• I % । ► i ■ w • •• e* Friday, December 15, 1939 THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY PERSONALITIES 7 ***- r,-, •'Zi *e xl • •• * **- w v* • •• v • > > > • * * • • • * NX* ♦ w i r - • •e 1* ‘¿A 1 I Paul Coronel Paul Coronel, president of the _____ íexican Youth Movement in California, is certainly an inspiring personality to observe. Those who attended The Mexican Youth Conference at Tempe on December 2 and 3 witnessed the outstanding qualities that make of him a lead er in the work which he has taken so true to heart. Paul Coronel has lived most of his life around Santa Barbara. He attended public school and high school there, graduating with distinction both times. He was always keenly alert to problems which our people had to meet. Knapp, Y. ] California district, suggested that a movement be started to train Mexican boys for leadership in There is a magic word in our vocabulary that can make | their own VT S and understand its full meaning. This word is EDUCATION. Education in a democracy is the ideal institution that can be found for the development of the individual and the group in which he lives, for education not only develops the individual himself, but also enables him to change his environment to what he considers to be the best for him and his group. Let us see what education does for an individual, then later we shall take into consideration how we as individual mem bers of the Mexican-American population in the United States can make the best use of this means to better the conditions of our own group. Education develops an attractive personality; it gives greater self-confidence; it assures _ nares one for an intelligent marriage which will impart a bet ter conception of hfe and a more life’s problems. The only way by which we can hope to better our conoiuoiis anu. muoc Ui V7LLX AK, —--—o — -- - _ I A others find out what a great benefit an education can be for workine his way through s *1 * ■ * ■■■w^ew******** *•*■***■*- JUVENTUD is the official organ of the Progressive Juvenile Division of Mesa, Arizona and is published every other Friday with "Cultural, Social, and Economic Betterment of Latin-American Youth" as its main objective. Editor-in-Chief Business Editor Art Editor ..... ....... Advertising Editor .... Copy Editor Advisor ___ .... , • • • e • • • • — * • • • • • • www* • w • • • w*ww* • • we ww* *-w W ♦ •♦•••••• www • w • • • • — - • • •••wwwew*w*♦ • ••ww ••••••• •• •ww ■ J ' • w^w* • • • ww W • »•••♦•• • WWW • •• • • • w—w W* W w W* • ft as Arthur Aguilar Arthur Gaona Adolfo Guerrero .Arthur Martinez Vidal Cortez P. W. Guerrero < 'x < ▲XJ li ■ । -------»-4 w A Liberal Education Is First Requirement For Progress X » k • When Mr. C. A. leader of the for communities, Paul was ri anything that we desire to be, if we take it seriously , o-d;/tX^yh3eaX.W his school activities Paul has play ed an active part in the Y. 1 in Santa Barbara, has worked his way through school, and has become interested in doing social work among the Mexican people. However, Paul has not had such an easy time going through school as may be judged by reading the above information. He has had to be out of school for more than a year due to a serious illness. At present Paul is a sophomore | at Santa Barbara State Teachers i College. Besides being a very active president of the Mexican Youth Movement in California, Paul has wholesome attitude toward I been taking charge- of the social work house in Santa Barbara which is called The House of a — ee position in life, and pre- house is ■w at conditions and those of our people is by seeing to it that Neighborly Service. Paul has been ■ the individual. The mexican youth movement is do this by the use of cooperation among those who have dis school, as Striving to I well, by conducting an orchestra. LETTERS Now Paul has become interested VAV ______—------------K . - . p ,, I in taking up social work as a pro- covered the benefits derived from taking advantage or the fession and is planning to continue i educational facilities presented in this country. ________In- w TO THE EDITOR NAVIDAD Rev. Luis Cordero is As young Americans of Mexican descent our purpose is umve^ to better our people living m the United States ana to serve years. Let us hope that he will be ; constructively in this great nation we are privileged to live able to accomplish all that he has j ESTIMADO DIRECTOR: Juventud, a vosotros se consagra geles for the next two or three , pluma en vuestro aniversario _— T- —. A. A A U A 4- A w w v % I 1 V"X I A ir> Throue-h a orocess of education we believe that our rising planned to do just as he has so suc-in. xnruugii o.y________ • „,i,;o„omontc and Foals in cessfully done up to now. Mexican youth can reach higher achievements and goals m order to fulfill our desires for a higher standard of living. To achieve this we are encouraging our Mexican youth to take greater interest in, and better advantage of our unexcel led American educational institutions. We are I _ standing between our Bert Valadez para elogiarles sus trabajos y para animarles en su perseverancia. Vosotros sois la esperanza mas alta y mas sublime de los pueblos, y ojala que vuestro desenvolvim iento sea grande, maravilloso, sub- * El nacimiento de Cristo vino a marcar la plenitud de los tiempos. Con Cristo nació para la humanidad la fulgurante estrella que le guia en medio de las tenebrosidades de la vida. Cristo fue la aurora de un dia mejor, cuya plenitud es la virtud cristiana y cuyo ocaso la dulce muerte del justo en el seno de la misericordia divina, empez e <-w * Bert Valadez, an active member । lime. * ■ Que la personalidad Que desar- ando entoncea para el alma crist distinguido de modales naturales y n‘" ,e “" de oYos. ' .. of the California Youth Conference, is the fellow who could tell us most | roye, su carácter sea agradable, y in doing so- our could give us detailed accounts of | presta la his ventures in social work, ven tures effected from San Francisco more genuine American I to Placentia, California. hi?hlv interested in promoting a mutual under- about his experiences ____________Mexican-American communities amd | ciai^work among on other American racial groups. It is to our best interests that special racial group among other racial LO.VV ...___homes and in our nation. Our group ser-_ ___ considers the highest American ideals, and the problems''of citizenship. Our aims are__________ - iana la vida sin fin que es la po- we Mexicans, as a groups, help attain and maintain a Democracy in our 1 iously people. He | elegantes ese ñire de distinción quey Iglesia catoUca renueva ano por ano en el alma de su fieles hijos el espíritu de Cristo, haciendo que renazca en su alma con la abundancia de gracias espirituales que manan de los Sacramentos. En efecto, la esencia de la vida cristiana es un constante renacer, una aspiración continuada, un an-» a* • e* e — eguridad de obrar con tino y dirección. Que el lema de su conglomerado sea la antorcha encendida, símbolo de progreso, todo un programa de < but went to California when i luz y verdad, fraternidad, y amor. Bert was born in Jerome, Arizona he was a gangling youngster to at- Preparaos para proseguir send — basically founded on the tend public and high school there. ’ eros llenos de grandes ideales que fñ^mnnr e-ood American citizens of our Mexican Later he attended San Francisco i dignifiquen y hablen claro de loque incesante hacia la única feli-necessity Oí torming gooa juueuvau Teachers College, working his somos y de lo que podemos hacer, Since we recognize the serious lack of leadership among our group we ___JI , , . . portunities for the development of leadership among Mexican little can way and cidad duradera, la que Dios solo puede dar, en esta vida con la paz de la conciencia que es fruto maduro de la virtud, y en la otra vida con la posesión del Señor en un goce espiritual infinito. Felices las almas que constantemente se renuevan aspirando a la perfección cristiana. Amar a Cristo es reinar. Creer en Cristo es despertar a la vida mejor. Seguir a Cristo es renacer para la eternidad. Paz a los hombres de buena vo- through school while attending acordáis siempre que nuestros an yet finding time to do active tepasados fueron nobles y sufridos organizations for Mexican | os heroicos están escritos con let- । en las paginas de la find that this movement presents valuable op- work in the Y. M. C. a. camps and hasta el sacrificio ye que los hech ttllu UU.Q.V A _____ . . ____.__S.I____ «___rxc hornicco nqtsin AHT'rit.nS con Ipt our youth. We believe that as a youth organization very be done without taking into consideration our in- social _ youth. After being graduated he! ras de oro was appointed manager of the I historia, downtown Y. M. C. A. at Los An- tellectual spiritual, and physical growth. We truly believe geles, California, where he is noted that a móvement of this nature is needed among our people, for his fine work in youth organiz-Through education we hope to see our people raise them- n^ert took hls fifth year of unl. selves and help each other to prove the truth of our slogan, versify work at Berkley and is now “Mexican progress through education.’’ teaching Spanish in La Jolla Junior p 5 o x | High School at Placentia where lie has charge of the M coaching of * En la albbrada de la vida lo que i sembramos segaremos en las eta pas posteriores. El iris es mas bello después de proyectarse sobre el fondo de obscuros nubarrones. Después de estas máximas que el éxito de nuestro segundo ano sea ¡ — Parents Cooperation Is Very Vital In Youth’s Problems sports. Bert has set for Mexican | Adelante! superior al presente y asi siempre— luntad youth a fine precedent. Maria Dolores Gutierrez Paz para los sencillos y humildes. Paz para los misericordiosos y 1 fieles discípulos de Cristo. Parents’ cooperation in youth’s issue so vital, so» all-important, and so every thoughtful citizen, that in ality who is an__ p i The California Youth ------- much the concern or and who has much to do with the these times of emotional I success of the movement. Througn an Felix Gutierrez ESTIMADO DIRECTOR: | Paz para los que confiesan a Felix Gutierrez is another person-1 No se puede poner barreras al Cristo, en medio de las mesquinda-itv who is an active member of progreso. Viendo los trabajos y de-1 des del mundo, como su Dios, Maes- Conference! sarrollo de los jovenes que perte- tro Redentor. "La Divicion Juvenil Pro- nesen a gresista," no puedo menos que apla- ----v LnougliLLUi bri to his work editor of -The Mexican stress and economic strife, it becomes a necessity g k TYnlieiOQ . i i •___ aLteiiviv,,. --------- lest you forget. The wisdom that is ever-present in grown ups as a result of years of experience in everyday-life problems is a most valuable asset that youth needs yet clearly 1S ____necessary guide on the wmaing leads to the much sought goal — your attention that issue, । Voice" he has broadcast the policies in everyday-life problems is a most valuable asset that when so often it becomes a and steep road that SUCCESS! Throueh trial and error, youths must arrive at that । 1O11CXA and obviously they should Profit through wanderings of their parents. But how shall youths ac-auire that precious print that nas causey of worry, months of heartbreak, and oftentimes the collaps cherished goal the and obviously they should profit through ing of their life’s day destined to pass nrifit that has caused their parents days s'hrine'of"dreams? Is the generation of to through the same mishaps and catastro *• of the organization far and wide. Felix is from Monrovia, California where he has received most of his education. While in high school he was art editor of the year book and car toonist of the school periodical. He worked his way through high school by doing work in the school print shop and is progressing way and is •• through college as a free lance ar- tist and layout man. Among his several enterprises is the art editorship of the Pasadena Junior College year-book, and the managership of a student art center. Felix is another model Mexican Ss that their parents have experienced,. isjhte generaüon | youth who^ of , Y-^^y of the parents of t'oday—youths of yester through parents cooperation, will youth avoid any to bear replicas of the scars left on so many day—or false steps made? The ultimate tion. V AAV -—--- A * udir el hermoso empeño de los que ! han estado dirijiendo esa organi-1 zacion y simultaniamente confesarme culpable por no haber contribuido al desarrollo de la idea. Para mi es sistr. reso i ON YOUTH’S JOURNEY The students at Tempe College get off for the Christinas and New Year’s vacation today and will not come back until January 2, 1940. Many will go home to spend "La Divicion Juvenil Progre- un de Americana. Tal vez muchos padres no miran el futuro de la juventud Hispano- the vacation period with their par-Americana en este pais porque su1 Cnts or friends. radio de acción es muy pequeño y Wouldn't this be a most wonder-la vista muy corta para ver el fu- ful time for some to make up back turo de su raza. work, or study for the final exams Si todos contribuieramos nuestro which will not be long away? But grano de arena podríamos lebantar ¡t is very much doubted that it will el grande edificio que seria el sitio be done. »> paso de avance al prog la juventud Hispano juventud ■* •e Wouldn't this be a most wonder- turo de su raza. work, or study for the final exams is doing his utmost for, representación • ____--a — ~ A n r i nQ n AC O v permanente para reconocimiento y de los Hispano- los Americanos en este pais. Emilio Rivera _________ o—• What is the matter with the Mexican boys at the college; have they forgotton there is an organization there to which they should respond? Especially the secretary, for ______ Rafaela Villanueva Rafaela Villanueva, her one desire, to serve and help others, at- OUR FUTURE We feel that our greatest future Henry Andrade did most of the let-people, clarified club ¡ter writing and some signing be- ; I tracted her to the nursing profes- work, youth work, "Y" work, Com- ¡ causte there were no ° ^cers o conclusion, and there can be no sion as a career. She had a hard| munity Chest work, time going through high school be- ¡ cause of __ her father, which necessitated not • It is only her working her way through i money, with glory, but a future that but also contributing to the will bring deep satisfaction in rais- and yet profit by those other generations have of transition must fight all obstacles that vouth in this era ot transition must <111 that stand between them and triumph., Youths must be^made to realize _ . ents, as parents, must only guidance, but full cooperation m that their fight must be full of sincerity and par-lend their guidance; and not __________ every problem of suppOrt of the family, mind, youths can’t help but _ I (Continued on Page 3) must school is our own social ' work. It. More power to you Henry. teaching, and work that will raise the prolonged illness of ¡ the standard of Mexican society, not a Who was the little girl who and down the col future colored with ; kept running up , • lege campus seeing that the boys ceived? Could it be the bright look- from California" were properly re- youth. No doubt, with this in reach the top and succeed. Her fá-ther died before she grad- est. ink: our generation into clean, hon-intelligent, and active citizens. Ing señorita that Is so wel liked ..The . (Continued on Page 3) X < Vl Mexican Voice. _______________________________________________________ ■ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________