PAGE 14 EL UVALDE TIMES APRIL 23,1978 THROUGH MAY 7,1978 Los Fabulosos Treintas Del Cine Mexicano CUERPO MUTILADO EXTENSION CULTURAL UNAM *SRE inaugura su Cine-Club con una serie de 6 grandes películas del cine Mexicano: “La banda del automóvil gris” con autenticas escenas de fusilam ientos-,“ Santa’ ’ la primer película sonora-, “Alia en el Rancho Grande”-la primer comedia ranchera-, “Redes” - la lucha de un pueblo contra sus explotadores-, “El compadre Mendoza”-traidor a la Revolución y traidor a su compadre-y, por ultimo, “La mujer del puerto”, primer película de cine personalista o de autor. Esta serie, que se inicio el miércoles 5 de abril con “La banda del automóvil gris”, presentara un programa distinto cada semana. Las funciones tendrán lugar todos los miércoles a las 6 p.m. y sábados a las 4 p.m. Auditorio tuto Cultural Mexicano, 600 Hemisfair Plaza. La entrada es de 75 centavos. Estudiantes o grupos organizados. 50 centavos. Las próximas dos películas se presentaran el 19, 22, y 23 de abril y el 26, 29, y 30 de abril. Aqui damos una y domingos en el del Insti- la Revolución “pretexto para cante a la mas oportunidad” En efecto, a 20 anos de la Reforma Agraria, el RANCHO GRANDE reinventa el paraíso hacen-dario del porfiriateo, en que las relaciones sirviente-patrón solo rivalizan en amores, en que el gringo simpático tiene su contrapartida en el borracho-vago sinónimo de comunista, y en que la revista musical se empeña en borrar de la memoria del publico las no muy lejanas noches de pesa-düla rebelde. breve resumen de SANTA y ALLA EN EL RANCHO GRANDE. SANTA (1931) “Los anos treinta, el cine mexicano empieza a hablar”, apunta David Ramon al referirse a SANTA, la primera película mexicana directamente grabada y filmada a la vez. Desde entonces a la fecha se han filmado 7 versiones (por no hablar de teatro y adaptaciones a television), cifra elocuente en lo que se refiere al mito de los personajes y de la his- toria: la muchacha ingenua de clase obrera que, después de ser seducida y abandonada por un militar, no tiene otro camino que el de la prostitución (su castigo), ni otro consuelo que el amor ciego del pianista idem que trabaja en el mismo bur-del (su redención). ALLA EN EL RANCHO GRANDE (1936) Con esta película nace el genero de comedia ranchera en que el “heroe revolucionario se vuelve charro cantor” y MORRISON'S VARICTY STORE On The Square Uvalde, Texas ¡3 — — — — — — -J— — — — — — ■ ■J™ ■■■■■■ —o EDISON 20" FAN THIN AND LIGHT spEC|AL, I BED PILLOWS ! (FOAM FILLED) misma que se minima (D.R.). DE NINA ENCONTRADO SAT. LATE SHOW APR. 29] David Cruz assists students interested in the media at MACC. De acuerdo con el reporte de la policia, la autopsia que se le hizo al cuerpo indica que la nina nació con vida, lo que hace necesario una investigación para determinar que causo su muerte. El cuerpecito de una nina de horas de nacida fue encontrado por unos ñiños del bloque 800 de la calle Hardin en esta ciudad, el pasado viernes, 14 de Abril poco después de las cinco de la tarde. Cuando los ñiños lo descubrieron debajo de el portal de una casa, unos perros lo estaban destrozando. Una audencia en la Corte de Comisionados tuvo lugar el martes, 18 de Abril para tratar el incidente. El Licensiado Rogelio Munoz quien fue obtenido por lia joven mujer que se alega es la madre de la criatura, estuvo de acuerdo con el Juez de Paz Jerry White, y el Fiscal del Distrito en que se lleve el caso al gran jurado. EL LASSO J 227 No. Getty 278-2626 NOW SHOWING STARTS ERL APR. 28 :oior- PG A M' * 24.99 19.99 SPECIAL EA. Cruz coordinates pilot program UMIKIlli FOR MR.«OOI)BAR HlADIES STRETCH PANTS I MEN'S NYLON H solid color STRETCH SOCKS Reg. Price SPECIAL । SPECIAL SIZES 10-13 O 4.99 ^SIGNAL MOUTH WASH j GARGLE 18 OZ. BOTTLE | "MR. COFFEE" PILTER PACKAGE Of 10 Reg. Price 1.86 SPECIAL SPECIAL 991- We carry a large selection of 8-track tapes, albums and 45's in English & Spanish. We also have blank tapes and accessories. LOS PASADOS 4 ANOS. ESTE ES JERRY WHITE YA HA COMPROBADO QUE ES UN HOMBRE JUSTO Y HONESTO. JERRY WHITE ESTA ORGULLOSO DE LA GENTE DE UVALDE Y QUIERE QUE LA GENTE ESTE ORGULLOSO DE EL. COMO JUEZ DE PAZ POR JERRY WHITE CONOCE Y ENTIENDE LA LEY. EL UNICO NEGOCIO AL QUE EL SE HA DEDICADO. ELIGA A JERRY WHITE COMO JUEZ DEL CONDADO DE UVALDE. Vote For JERRY WHITE El Sobado 6 de Mayo POL ADV RD BY JERRY WHITE, PEARSALL RD , UVALDE PENTHOUSE COVER GIRL Brigitte dealer in SECOND COMINO OF EVA RATED X in EASTMAN COLOR Another Barbara Walters, Walter Cronkite or Geraldo Rivera? Perhaps not anytime soon, but a group of local high school students are finding out what it takes to get there. Twenty-two students from the San Antonio Independent School trict and the Edgewood School District are taking part in a pilot program coordinated by Channel 4 anchorman may fall into the same stereotyped thinking. Sometimes, even they may be surprised to find new interests awakened within themselves.” Alfaro stated that the journalism course had never been attempted before in San Antonio and while that presented also for the Cui- some obstacles, it opened the way David Cruz and Mexican-American tural Center. The course started in December and was completed in March. “We’re trying to provide these youngsters with what may be their only exposure to Mass Media while they’re still deciding on a career,” says Ruben Alfaro, Development Director with MACC. “Even if they decide on some other field, the firsthand experience they’re getting here will provide them with a better perspective on how media shapes the attitudes and opinions of entire communities, ”he adds. Alfaro explained that the idea for the course was sparked when Cruz approached MACC for assistance in beginning a “barrio workshop” for high school students with ea potential and interest in journalism. “Young people often determine what course or direction they’ll take by the models they If there is no positive influence, then they developing a tailor-made course to fit local needs. “After refining the concept, we approached McDonald’s for funding and they contributed the money needed to purchase some film equipment. We then provided our facilities for classrooms and David shared his own time and suggestions. What we came up with is a unique combination.” The 12-week long workshop met every Sa-urday for three hours. Students first discussed media philosophies about news events and how these were treated. Later, they had an opportunity to experience some of this first-hand by selecting their own stories and seeing them developed until they were completed. “The whole idea was to let each participant see how the function of media takes into perosnal opinions and views and can be into a more meaningful approach to often cold and impersonal subjects. Throughout the course, students were encouraged to think about their role in relation to people in the community. That’s important because of the impact media has on so many people each day.” MACC has added the course to their regular curriculum and Alfaro says he expects other cities will also see some merit in developing similar programs with their youths. “We’re trying to provide participants with the experience and knowledge which other persons have gained in many different fields. We also blend this experience with the cultural ties we have. This way, individual accomplishments and needs are seen in the light of our own unique Mexican background.” “El Uvalde Times” is published bimonthly in Uvalde, Texas. It is the intent of the newspaper to publish news and information in the most accurate and professional manner possible. Errors printed will be corrected in the following issue when brought to the attention of the editor. Original reprinted publisher. articles in this newspaper cannot be without the permission of the EL UVALDE TIMES 556 W. MAIN UVALDE, TEXAS 78801 278-3616 Publisher & Editor OLGA RODRIQUEZ NOW SHOWING DIANA FILMS S A presenta a LA INDIA MARIA (MARIA ELENA VELASCO) CHELELO (Eleoior García) FERNANDO LUJAN A COLORES DRIVE IN rSTARDUST ¡Hwy. 8.3 No. _278-2 EL MIEDO NO ANDA EN BURRO | Distribuida por COLUMBIA PICTURES UVALDE DAYTON TIRE & FURNITURE 213 W. MAIN 278-6674 •Manufacturer’s suggested retail price. TORO PG ALSO EXPERIENCIA PREMATRIMONIAL STARTS FRI. APR. 28 In 1848 he rode across *** the grt-at plains- ALSO $169.95* Now there's a Toro mower to match your budget. Choose this 19" Whirlwind® II, the durable, dependable sidedischarge model with many famous Toro features: 3 hp Briggs & Stratton engine. Patented Wind-Tunnel® housing. Easy-pull fingertip start. Hand-propelled. Quick-change height-of-cut adjustment. Bagging kit optional. Haronlyen donewithomaToro long enough! ™