THE MEXICAN VOICE July, 1939 ____________ HORIZONS * Cont'd from pago 2 IS Wo must keep our oyos on tho goal and not allow personalities rule our decisions Romomboring always tho democratio ideal which recognizes truo worth wherever it is found and is willing to listen to its loaders. Wo miat kc .p tho solantifie attitude towr.rd tho problems that r.ay confront us, studying each side impartially .but always rc-memboring our aims and ideals. ***** IT LUCKY TO BE MARRIED IN JUNE? By J. Mtoomb Brougher There is not lucky wedding month or wedding . A happy married life does not depend on In choosing a life partner use common Of course, this is the wvhen young people get veronoo, qualities we all nood. In the latter part of August sho will visit Southern California for a wook, to moot our leadors and to exchange ideas with thorn. Pie hope that our various activities will bo in full force so that they can bo a just reception for her. __ ED< last thing usod. in live, they GIRLS CONFERENCE FETED COMMENT In this spooch she mentions our work and aspirations with such fervor, such enthusiasm, and such praise for the little that vro have done and what we hope to do • We can not help but have nil the admiration and respect in the world for the author of this spooch. to cliango the No corcmony has any magic charm to make stubborn young people into unselfish, personalities A happy home depends on the character of the persons getting If they fall in lovu at first sight day chance. dense. In fact have no sense at all. No month or day has power disposition of individuals getting married marriage selfish, generous entirely married, and expect to got married, they bett*r take u second look. Has the young woman good health and domestic tastes? Can she cook? Does sho love childorn? Is she intelligent and industrious? Docs she have a cheefful disposition? As for the young man; Is he physically fit? Has ho good habits? Is he ambitious and industrious? Is ho a real man who would com* mand the respect and devoted scrvic? of a true woman? If both arc fine Christian character, personally congenial and genuinely in love with each other, there is every reason to expect that they will bo happy when married. ************** "For those in love" Regardless of . whether you’or holding hand*shyly or casting adoring glances at anyone.--------EDITOR Miss ^kinoz <. is a sister of Ro^s, of whom, you will road in "IVs being Done” Following her graduation sho had the opportunity of a fellowship to the University of Now Mexico to work for a Khstor’s degroo in Spanish. But, as tvc said, interest in the problems of her people were more vital to her, hence the choice to remain at the Arizona State Teacherfs College. Feting the members of the Girls Conference the Mexican Youth Cabinet sponsored an orientation banquet Friday June Ninth. Successfully carrying out the purpose of.the meeting, which was: ac-qaintlng the girls with the activities of the Boys Conference, the program aroused much comment. Special introductions of the evening were Rev. Kendrlk Watson of the Baptist Christian Center, Dr. Sandoval of Azusa, David Acevedo a winner of a four year scholarship to Art Center in a nation-vdde contest, and David Villasenor who is considered one of the Westi greatest wood carvers, and Mr. Forrest P. Knapp who is the Southwest Area Secretary of the YMCA. Beyond this wo know littlo of her, * but from her writing we can gain a definite impresión of strength and perse- Felix Gutierrez acting *s master of (Continued on page 4)