iñíiTy^.l 'si--. ÍM • .-».ü>ír Í ’■■•»*. I sse^N ■i», :b 5 F>'; L ; "X ,g: ’Xu -S. ¿i t ‘-I ■\í P- Ib :« ?» o •J&.. "Slfe ‘-T* />i- -t r¿ V» WR|i «1 * fc.^1 lkv7 -'1W X .."• B .¡r4- tri r;I '> ‘r r. '^.¿K BÉ ■8: |3£:í/" ;»r? THE XEW . M *.X I>üli< KlKte» * ‘V l l < lx 1 .1 . ! .-u ), > !,r *8 «C i;-t o»«-r «tgi*- ¡ ttiiíitot■•>»'* «'■‘■’i'1 üA'-r*-- • :j,-t.. c.« 11'.» i-p.'íd ih < or Tufritory.- XVciLilil* 1VKTA I'£. 11 KbDAX , AUÍVfrl 1 -’ t< ।: i'i*' 1 te tett.V t»r . »r w.-l grower tu »1.}- ;b* ir ------------------------"*—1—-"■ ——--T7-. ’ priuhi l Asxtt to tilo M»t«« aml ar»abr>- "ite , ,l’('?',,>"|.r'66t te>‘-iteMi’<'**(At< . ngvliU ut eastiti! turn* ! r I14IÍ i..e n«lu, r "% tte7w««i;or ■ ¡Vrw X«w->»*d*o tAs ««^<"10. y-9>r» f -i" <*• >.(■”•' • p.MirwcM,- *« <** •*•''*< fl'-d te-'p-n f-v-*-:. *-« <*■ itev.tery. «*<1 An* i«n?«r •»» -vwiul#** <*•«*««*• ' A f'>r d-etltee of re.mn.won.-r of ,!.icrmine the piefit atteihg f.on. hi hvmrmt: ■ ‘ " lit.»fn|. liie ¡udKSi.oii» uro tint be of hi* r»|ut»l, I bis 1» er pec ut Uy mo in regard > *■ ' ' ! to ilitep, lint u ateo to • gmat rxtvi I »pp!u/iba* । 1 to'horses, csttte, goits My stlentiohj ’■ lias teen r.iUt «l 30 ll»t# *ubjwt' l»y*• I <•»". «« roj, *" " furnish -t to you ter I lie KifíeSta-/ yóor res d-re , A» l hew-pti-lialite- tieiv-ln‘.l upon tlw xinpi' if-y - r-g< ’’bwna* noehe*." . XV. F. M. Arxy. RK1"V Ü.I. X' x X X’ t>S I -X X- h1 "l'ejr <« >*'• t-'kd X'<-w<^v.w. j. FKANCISt'O CHA VI «di te J ¿n-aM ftet^e hr a» tho qi.aKty aml felativ» ' tw,. From what w» teow of .lhoJ.c-^i^ Xhuy i^eilly im eciir.ei-.ew.libl1 Imíneis; uf i» cum.i-rned We should:judge lh¡H thciV will rtt . Jy., •*, • ■tívt!rtl,. ^.».‘hV(Ke®l ^ ■depend# upon" tL character of the grM»" suit ia temf.t to the R^.bhe^uro,- -** -r- «* - them upon .ry^iher one thing, «ci-pt hmy Lt-, the constant.change of the bn'i’dmg aiumah , iggniot a. A »». k ridrt "-«y . ^lot mine by - a j-rfiriou. < . * J(|,y , he .UowaVthvm 1u u,e for.fefr.iF. t^- quth v std . - x <,flUwlM;,^¿1, Vlot nf ato.'k qusnt.ty of Um wot»l U" lU k of sheep wd pro- (,f b()r„„ _ from .,,,nis ■ andj-ivourse th» qualyy of h., w >ol wd , A p#M of rur, . r. ..idntr the prue be wdi get in thf rnwk-t, and - ¿ m their retraat al litó UsñaíU Alamosa, where they fare ftu by the. govern(*t-t.t. The. stock was róouud res-fev¿tl¿>ii>. il i" ' •" ■-• "i'vfí- Fuhtwlí • > wir" -■-• , " L- "S- . - ■'•»-" 7:-e-'lt'l'»U.;li- In the iu-llto ;.. í’ , l>m\i t 'w.- m :?. -¿i'.r."’ - • , - "••." " liielr still-x ti’ V»e govviltnüip.. iliy eute!.i:-i-, tlou nuil ‘be law* ptixitvil iri iftirvitehcv thi ró -l. ' Is'an hoRcst i-xpreihlon 6f the .deiiw’cratk' »t'n¿noi ing tn teto t hi-ami-ib I incuts, t,l»e »rlu-r through "a myet'.-a’. pbitfivnn •:ictj(ik-M"i.iig t-> Uie j.-.e.« ^1.’" " be swept from Hi- ci-n-«ilu:ih'>u ! Die- p.wit HllilU mi Wa.it i; V n ■ 'r' yii-M rr.-i'tx"’-I’ili Y. -,i." । nr wi- commofaiM) lo-d»y the pwblhaliun of - a teriea of sttitle# oh efeek rawihg irons J te pen -l-f i >ot« mor A.éy; who. hé» imd -urgpeiilvrabfe '■ practical 'ytperreuCw winks epg*Red in that brauyh «.fbu-mese m Illinois 8 ml Kans xs, with iLu know Iho 1‘Ai.fr.f gunner wn I imt-is‘Stale AgneilH'r ' .!>nt of the NaUeual Agncu'tural Society. XVr «>«) i .xpe A ; 1 — liiamltoui:. " ~ XX’e rt-gret to h'ani ihat tli« nlil ptelanthrop» -'■ irmiVinn. Viiwent ("«'Iyer. t. .xb.-nl f- vth«-r visit upon bon’ur'T’.'rt’mstr Trrritoty. XX r úk<- the fdUuwii-g ff** an rxrtengv-: tleiV. l'X»wan, .«'ting sr.-rrtari . f #te- inh-tter. im.lev tei<-gi»pte i t"7> ' r; »" »'■»■<'>* 1 "'. -Ihe MttF.to gl. V» Anz. -na .fin i N-.» Mexico l.nog is ««¡-H-slfd »ouct.', w»* thti Mme ti ne hof:ñe I Ut tee -mlkur of tile 1 part men I Th-- ibje.t if Mr (. oh ei a-tiip • Ni-W Mi-xhc. is to essi't Scp-r.ntcmtent 1< in hi* efforts to nrite^r-rt-fewt'-w /p»vhe < h . VadJw* to »i#>t Waebmgtoti city tomakíí pc««¿,¿ be.knoiv* about,"' stoik raising te our mwiilain - with the white» - . , ' i ., • The war dopevfmenf ba# addiwvd eivtict la ’ " th» commp idiag grtktei ti,r '!»)»»rttncht of 1 Mi**ou«i Statiiig that .the phildent dirrmi*. »o far a» di« rvsouuwS- 0?, thy general wiU permit. ao»i»t^pc€ be given in pro' isions\sm! tiauipnrt- , f ation ami mil.wry protection It* X*t>'<'« nt Colvi r. I Imlito comm ¡«stew. MtecndtMTOT-ihgto colleft \ ¡n (¡^ teetion of country; ’ the Mi»"» of New Mexico *»•! Arirona upj*n ”11. .' —*•—>-—«*-*>-*-iceervafiou at Cwfivla Ar¿mo*9, 'iíbd áko.to irerh 1 " Í*dt«» aiw*ty b<* ihiiocril 10 cntne.w both en ..:"lbe w»V andaiu r the arrival at" th# rc»erv*tton. ■ During the p«xt yt-4r vnir people lyivc «rflVred MVtrtk' from Indian ti - predanon«.:.r#peviall) 5» -the lower countie s «teirerUíis s»mc eliief Cacjiiie and bw ban-l of thieve» are lor*ir>"di carrier, cr^lte* c»fltore- and de»-j ir -> "n-b bicorne «parirte.!, the future will shbw.*»lii ni vjJfiK derltittitioú “.imcBr!,-ivuU *-< .................................................., TIk-ix* I:it fótin i which s|*eaky ot -'aincudeiL-titi de lucio*, bul not de birv -^mark ihe tonguagnof liie*e.wi-d*-: yg-* Judj¡e .loiigeon and U^ríí Udi left tíos.-..¡,IWS" dCstictO bul favl ¡le Jure” .who .........................................' " exér ill’ll rd j of the c^tetiud admifiitg thr ... .... - - judiziiwiil, fad "nnsunderat:ni?Hng ux ú> ¡ There a| be purwned should they site- I .but* rc£u.f««l.,.to iHtrrii lej the teraca. Th»' vtl^t hi netting i flUtrul oí the govcrmiH’ut; TJiv ¡people Of this country are. Very lAueh Vxeited . Sriqn dWlhuUy w«w-Is to aubdtte Üh» pasión* over the matter, . x " • People’ of Nt:W M«xi<*e, how—long Jo you jrisb «i# óf this-co o'-to.'be the prey of-thal ir.fMnous ’gsrg <>f cutthroat# atxAlvfifraa? 1 1 -_•-' IhtwmiA. an"i as an rm-w»uiw u- ® 7 . , t ---------------. . -. . . le • 1 ri««4 ’ "tfl'•"b improve-ft tin* by prAatturottvcyaiiye for Al- ,bit<(UW<|Ue. - I*#** Amongst th» priin^g-Ts »1«j .left iTijs ! oKinticg in-tte eaulbeTw-saoach were J Ion. A. J." ! t-'ciontam anti «Juilge Hart of Kl Piitti, Texts," : end" Hou. Johti.fi. ¡foil of Li M--iteti.- I. • tt** Á tiuft»ter%fXi|1»lk‘ wvrii recently rtoh-6 [from XXultetn & Stockton-at Fort" ^rbh-n, "and ¡ trackfcd to tiró V»6ada Alámoss teeoi-yetton. A ' terrible retribution wid »w».A *. M~ - - I ha* never been more stilkingty verified *nd il- 1 within tteir limiu. . -' _.' ty Fur the information; of all-conormed w. «ytnjitlate for delégate to" Congress." left tted w.«x ale'suLae-Territory, to look after kis chances oí olectton ; been eii aspirant for pditusl bcoore at the Linds , 4vrm of.tlw legi.i.t.trr so amended as tn ‘ [ofthepippre cf Sew "Mexico, tnj iri onler to-. es,vnii.tI i ,' ; l.titiii.C1'*-! li.unhiirl’i hi'g<.- m /h । «•;• 1 e ill body the l.'-lh ll'h an-i l‘«:b iFtii r vteialiiig lti¿ cduatituUun h» ¡tja-mflil attt-h'pí lawful. , ' io oicr’ííru'* !llw; ¡lovyryni' út^, ”" [ de Alelo»"! tiii re cuif-bv tío diMgrcvnn.iit lis lo । ■■ this í.icl, a» itere c."iy te no «juoilvií a» tu ttie 1 . I exnitowe ul lhcsb l.ws and cv¥- frtijl.eiU l.utxilar.y— iirb,, i it- !,:<11ns ' coaie iihily nt the Norrt-' h.'ur civ b ev,-fi - s'ti mi l.'fe «Uwr_-tey... Hi‘h -"<. •i'-ti.i: . x,. .'r- - ll.Wxiul úiT.ife the «;»'tv," >hni¡:-l..:- .* Vio return,. ii«>r :•’•) !:' . '"-■.••I.;-. h di-IHU-t, »lid I. . l.!CVc<*!itt .r-fferi,..; : ■ -., " "tiiát I jini'Cd’t t-hvcoui'ik'" I " Vouw be$c «v.cty.-ni.l.>nbxun ii--- . ., ;" . I my miud-ln hflteH Qfll. uu.■■" ^'.'.¿s |.b"l 6igtit’oi.)i»ir lioUNt- itsj;^' * 1 "■ :.. i'tfini: as I alt t-n v campaigns to gather; from the utter^nres of those I «» . t who uro CKÍW the «>>»<■ deiODqsttiiíye in tfo-ir ■ <«ivy •wcqtirRging: there its s been np rani pfrtiso o'f Gall.-goiit .what ftey tteixght.of himfen ¡ flrór* M yet, and very few . parth.ii . bare an ad-time* .gun* by. Our c¡liten» who dot ing tte !. equate aupply ol w*irr. Those > upon tert four weeks bax.eteard from ite lip» of ver- ! tte ditcher J^ir sop; 1^ hate. teen -.«orel.Tdi»-. t»m*pt>Utici»wi upen rier streets nplhing but an- j ap¡>oínted"8y íts??lúmp ar stive failure (it; at pre-.-lueasured |>r»iee ¿4 tte it standard bearer, will I Sent, carrying less than -two. htin.lt e-i, in che») te surprised io see io"owr-epteaifas, iri a ie w d»ys,.■■ tod tte capscity-of liw clsites.fol» teen .torces• j ofAewipns kfod* of etock., will ia. fetor* ! some extracts from tfie writings and remark» of ¡ pondtt.g’y rerltt’ccdi . . _ . * J war* make NeWMexico'» country freai whence the same intfivideate, in which tnlkappenr the । ' CF*’Tbe recent .deinwfetiw eonrrfeuoti " of -' .Taos.etvnrty took atnong ground «pxhist • the -Mite movemenk. and , styled ttemsrlves tte i “"anti-state party,” As ill»’ democrat "re nn-.i didile fur-delégalo -is rattier: ty In favor of rhe I । state t¿pretn-?ot, wé do not tee'lmW die deni- I ■ oernry of Tíos coonty can -eonsiatenlly support : tfirr# year» from date of location. l J!S- " ■ ) 3 Mining news from, the Moren» district is. liép" pro positions to be coaslitered.. First, «loes Vv— •'"•■* 1 *• the toils*!Itutk»» provide lor the jitiulslimeal t>$ wixnt ttie. to gp til nnotoer dr tréá-atiB uginnst thé tolera! goretnnuitt; Jiec. I tier ol« vwewmer, or u,-c Pwr,. ....... ■ , ttuctiqu of a upn! coach *uh til ns c-mt-nts, m- | - ■ • 1 ei t ■ ■ «•rinding passenger), on tlm pget riy-l ftbm L» ( Merilh to Tucson, ’i/ a.n W.eutrence that CCea- j । iione no surprise io -tiiat scMiem of" country. ■ • ■-• CaiMs-a'itL Ms tribr, in.ihc moun4>irf reyes$e« Í • of Xet? Me'xico ahd-J^TiiiKia, dt-iits the military"; author itk», kuh óur Ur si citizen#, cfliivir» xud ' - añidiera,-and now has thy satisfaction of knowing ■ ♦ that" reinfurventent» for hi» ilcciuratcil Safad"aurj oy the way ftuui WajLihgton to i.nsite him to ! visit the capítol. Mid make prate jrilh-tiie gu<- . ' «rament of the United Stale*! . , Steek R»i»t»g tw JWw Me»iée.# The ««laptati, tt of this eountrytQ tile rearing war» mike ÑeW Mexico"# eduntry froai whettec the same in¿ivideals, in wl . . lai-ye «uppte» ot meat ¡or food. ind .WQale fot . following epithet? applied to Jo-£-.X[át>ii'eí Ga-manufecturmg vlolhing, víílt bé^deríteil.- anti ; Uegói: **ehmy hypocrite," “lauhaoiee olyect," which will be a gftaf”»ouree of weahb to'our ! ••perjured-traitor," awd other» wlitcb ate too in-cit-rens, while it Wil) furnLh- bratthy food for ¿.decent to appear in our columns. - Jtl. Frpm the JBorderer wt losrn¿ that a lot of «nek recently - »*ólen froS* Rio Mimbres wax foetid at the A tem osa reservation ia potsesMoti of, the Aputtee, but in inch a brokentilcwp eon-ditioh that ibe owners cuulil not drive it back. tiThe chief admitted that a number ofjú» young wren were out . on tiro wrepath, but said Ito was 1 enable tS control the-». .The -indiana xr«*' lea»- stuy by:»n mtiíu*. ny frU dii." —N cir i! t. Piras snt, i; 1 •- i .'«.; ■. I r"<-ci> ht tte- tn«»whis ik'M «"7.-jjskirt», ,»te títliir ¡ikti g >'".... ... Thry «k'fcud the e i-tuiiu- <• • «.'.-i tonúble aiid Ua-jf. iHiji.- 10 s,"<. •:>; v very «■ o > k h igin a n w 1: l v.".«c,: r -" -:". terCrt'ZHbtnvc fqi bi* tyn-fr'-Tt. ’5X¿, - ■ the Jx-.ws; nwi tji-b" I"•tec'i;-.i"». .j«:"..i-i* iiltttsflí dv»-sS$\t.iü ib -’-!.i¿. -. -th-it ir bi.r'idicLdtvri-í to/tpy-w-.".,-•■. m 1 -ttehr Me a \ 1! . W” b; ¡ • n» - v é ■ i1 6¡Wch.:r---<¿'v; ■ WasMugiou «isr;:»x tic Fr'iC'v IJií m-idt« * i.'lüf'sr f-pejseb " i-: J’?P .Klux LiiL-l'-nt b.-iyA" %• .‘a:n r . -¿r. kllix/" kJeíl" "Aáys.ht i"ivy-;i \ -.•.-,:< «;.; áa.4.*.lied Jib/t-rd-A";.- á--;-i*i Ttet'WííMed htúi tó o’M-n a. st■•>* ■' I" en*. !y .-g.1, o--' ■»• wb’-'t h ó f s fn/ k tú ■ i:.-, < rlms'iti'eít. .The lotnrcítio-ofió- »■■'-...........ilú.te ti";>-c.ls -«¡l ia--""- ;• C.SJ killd^of btltfitsw*. !" 1 tn .foart dr'í'XS-y^ idi’b-y.- .'::»T. -.tp sbl.Ft'.;, NfiwsoiU tjeriilk O3-ivp¿^; r|1 Qntt, If ^íi-re le sacti n provMdu,, dhl tbe-IStrath ' th her attempt -to wilhdi'Aw'irom the U"ir!dti 4 commit treason ns detltifd Itt III® rpfavtihitb’a- If upon vxaiuiimtioa, .we'.ircisi.tó •fiiiil-- the eon- ¡ siiluiloti slleait as to the eoamils.slon ,o.frltd'* :cr:iMv. it wi’iihlTie a slid c- wlifa cbuiiriyed with, tteif givut tuiud^, luid from cteps brougli*, Into lite the *A me rica 11 dtepabUv, could not baw beeiriRiioUpvibus. to "Tííc past as to have co:a-mitti.'d fcoeb an error. Tbo idea Is t P*5 -inr-*£T- e^v . P*-n^ - - -¿vS,. i> *\"... - ..,........... - ,..J ." ' ; " ,. , . V '«."•• - a . •■ c ■ Kock*, on the ilage-rouie frirtt herexto Mesilla. r »»:i-iliío ■*.!.! tu'**#» *■ we- Tr iTt!L itiiMF* innr*« flmii if will • | Wé i»»y toon cxp#et to hear oí Hu< ke Go f hr-. ties lraiftiug bvyy the" Ji-rnida." , " ‘ - । úeir.g itnd. he Wte attempts In-r life Is a traitor :" ___I but. we are: OtiiXutccd (» rúat ertir caiisc upoa > Srg^Tte fmRorlitl dtetrlrt court ft>t the ,;- -.. ■ . . 1 '" r ” c . c J. „ ., , . . é-, • 1 xb.-.tewv Qf BStnn;.: .lUet. lor. want of vote» _es'torspudiafí-il» I.probably "udjóértl UMíightur tü'myrrow.. as all pñnñjírs, ami like a fi led b^q-iette »et ha cap. toc tase» that.mill he 4¡ttci«léd ¡at.-thi* term are pms^áit.iwetoest.smte?, emi v^* ev.-ry, art atroadf of. ’ The presiding Judge.'oT-:•bntk'^quribg.nQti; civililje, wiM.beasts ; we xrXtit no pcet'e comml=-1 sionrr to trsvrl with tnii,.—,. ---------- ----..»,, the ¡adían country, "and" thi n yeturh to XVaahing- ! ntoj * r. ten w¡th the t¡'port that tte Indians¿H-e peaceable and devolví to. ;tte constant ntiservance vt 1 rcligióés rifé» amj «-restóte,s._ -We want no ." -1". • commissioner who docs ndt, know the ¿¡ifcrtmcc ‘ ■■ .between a.war d*n«‘e around a ■'«rained virtifli,- . ‘ éu$péjg'lt,il fovc; 8 slow fire? and a rel^iou» evre-; .tofny". . .-. ' '.." ■'•."'S'. ■ . Let os L ti e more soldier# and !».«» meh of the . frl rtmir r, mu»- W*V|i VICfY. it Fl biVe tji rhe eaith—tbti tauine of prodüon* ibeai)(j e.'t^pt» ecromph»M wñb- XiL., h.,-. m. tl.o Tüeíaícceséioii-ot.^Áic'» »s-ac<'"otiír>lts!ieil fat-t», it» order to.-scoó émi'.' - * 7** y--—7-— 1* f-'-oy-, . i--”7 in fSrinfcriy np-ett-d'and deupisett wawper* and 1 ddseph G. Tide», by bbr riglil, .jn!partiMiiy mmF ,-lh —it á -L - V - '1 te- aa—_-4 1 fct"on.#4/rl*tt ttrf fix t *í? vU't ‘ •f "I xr*n« n,o prxee «.-uiiraim- ‘ tkt p'ÚfVSt atmo»pherc, atld Sllpplielt Wllh. jn>-j tiiiwry "eecorta-thnidgh I no^KHalje ifalohrioe* streejns running. f>om thni . muuntim sprirg*. and- furntshing__pñro water. '• ' one i'f-t.h'í'ésiential.elcíuéfati for the auMcnsriee I. ■ of’bMhman am! beast. Thi) country having"* I !’ high ami dry range ctmdw^ve to fi$xeTi#»hb.l I óí-'all auituils, especially ilteperly reared atij^Mppoi-ea./wi)! j ,ptipitVa greater aoiircb of wealth tb»n"eveí»'puf ¡ --«migid and vas» mineral depo-Ils. ■ Tho.'oné wé I : .biter we teyer0M the earth. T6o?a6c . flijupúin'.Bfad Valleyafford*' ite ■ Lost imple ! défewoe *gaifilt*tte"Titet..Qf "'aoemec ‘.te,.-Wei^»8. Y^,-blá»k.witid» cf wjilter;. arti6«ijl prbteilion, piuliupéosibW *t ite ,obrth' ..anil neieit*lairy -in v^N1 délpüt*. tl will,ehare tte fate which kayruoul-1 steteVtet ndtereit^ to tV: vtrict rule.»"- of j«s-' eaeitdetertroa.” .- tiee, hás butailifetd.lo the’.j¿j<»d, niutfe he l»m -. ■ - ■•- , ?™ • - ■ : .} already atxjulrtd.as.one of lhr ^^e-'tetfixéte’télpw'ite. Joh$»4»;'sfe tired of. work'teg1 I.tivu" iu;cli;af a.nd¡ ¡«ositk^e íúngúagé dt-vlan s .1 i ire.i'iin tu.te a cria* iictl. üic penalty- «■in reot । }riix». ¡ihí^ 1 i»:iteX (o llie wtelonio fftet-reilus ñí Cófa- l ***’ ' gress, with the -pri-'VÍ.-iy, tlíat,.Sp eno..<¿asc¿i¡?;ii¡ corrúpfte-i «f b-íif-d.; thc peiinlty may ritiígc from. flic. nvli*te»:t" id tlíé. MrVfaré íyjriflMittkHi nndSti«.4i‘bglcg tire ,Hw.:'.. —-vrc svHt fot.kfly rcvtcxv Xte^,<7to,,'f,til¡h?':$ó»th' '" . Anil.'ece if treason ba»" Bot isétrn teáimitltd. "if" the lavr ha» not teen■'y|ylat.eil,¿'..Í>i¿ ; trot the. . Snutííto carrying oBk^tidosji'rioé^'jHic"&or«- ■crislgnty ;|iy. vibl^Bt imid| .irpou 'j^e;.jgnvetH-mtifai.$. dhTyte itot take jswgHiilfab "<»Firi^itb- ■ ¡¡•c;«lti"ck jaÁlw' etoí 'dfitt sité .'¿oi^ffrc-.. - upon tile gag.óf the gflycrtiinX;nill.,;yi'd"^iic-.hait;; : -xritge w iti^a If he r pdvfcF ah,j'aj-;^^íyy: Implacabie, -.war' "ágeinst. .l¿é-|pri:ejpi^tliíifo thajk. 7 ffronched-ihe land- hi ». "¿ffieíMa-,.Éíooti ?-i*; t b is uot i rta^on K 'jibia "ni»t. -jk-" jrrí¿ttH?." - wtitolt ¿o^t^,.«LicM;¿^l^7niti^4^,i^¿l$itid;eir:ti^' ' lawt B nt wc nre tu‘d lij die, -tuba rica »f l he; tWipt/;théNe ;'h«éiM<#íeBtir: aré ¿nitjiieiii, ¡¿*- ■■’p.trMr? A¡» to lhe doctrine aoTcrelgnty or th¿l ateurd principie <& m ;i*p^«*e» í» 1** $mo wMcfc 1’ adranctot1by. ibe democratic time mt »p*«to wiir éj¿w Ite tert*y «! ib* doeMM by, &0 fteJow.tog 1 ,-4ce»■ «*» 7- í y? " -~Soni¡e<>r-the tempt-raiu v-:!• «1. i"* V- -v- j -,t.ij-,nfe-t¡Mrvw<*r« “ ilii'nil';' timi.ii.fi.ir'.'lhcir ^ilír-í^," i ti"; -•«-!*? '.: estimutoitthid every téúipb'mñ’'” ■’’ ^ária iiirii«3iet.l1‘81,000. ¿to -y;'.1’ I '.t.iviw that 'wnmiiit ib; '«<’. í-.’.’^'c 'l-'llps y 1 :d»!!Vk kWkw.’baf ihte’.UJftis be.?.t'Í’’■!.'• ''"of tfi64iaiioaal debV :.'<..I \V v';-.[FroiBhhc^cr4naftP-.'i ■.í".r$>ititótteeteha^ ;\¥ies^v< ■*£" tjwi -it !:y,*-u;t. ■t'pi:. ”2| i' poltfnger^'ftrt! ;t'te. purpós iy ..of-di rw,-'!W:5p.•; 1 MgtottoAiovénitiit -*Rh '*.ltff 'Al-litóqtttrrijne.'tbe-wtil known Morris Milter, pró; ■priptot ot “Oúr ttotfllr,*,dted hexe eifyy ......... '«Trkil ;htií"'.ev »iti -.bttsiwai'i to=-Ulisto w »/■ Xrlíüjr»' jh^j- tíicliiigyéii^t ÍBr.bte"ÍUf?bi;íll8:Í¿«e,t-■ /al"Friday rn^aítig tit-♦";;iiX;l" 'í KF*-X bekutifnl »h«iwerye»tenl*)ree*r»ooii ' vkinliy. AVe lVB»t lliiil » ri?|*liuóe <4. i& ■ '■»=tot »wi>A>w?io...a;lito; "X- - Tbé wool latemít ^iT; AH¡ enpM «nd ít» .. , „ „ 7 ."WWMM «*.** throwk torir:»t, egoüto I¿tiid ¿óchtaingo^iíto».pf^tir '';fer41ie"A^ac&*;^d^ñÍ¿M.^e'Íy.di*n»eri-k^ ? ._ w.-. j;- vxllMs.:are-yi<>»t prolifie io a.variety of>erbi¿é ón the'rcecrvatian we ú>v txnecl a rttotitióu ef ”?■ 5:?'". • :'T?"*-- *•"*; * •.«••' w* • •^a&ur »U or«S»h. W . «diptíil\t> ttet-p,.arol during winter tficyáfforií. '-r-r——"." —. ■ "x i" - "a.Wppty" or ptstofíge ao tiróndant ttií^íe -• .flFlto^'A- J,4’óuiitÍíte».StateS^«i4r fto® ¿ "».>úppiy" of paqtiifege '*» abundant additional fygd. is, required; The _ animal» Va'iV fypd Kn l puft- water:during taéZwiptvr, and.Ly^ ,x ^lüliicicQt1 fliansgojnyit, tile only .'.«^peiite'^cf.' '. . ' '.Íy wluch ‘ y|i;‘toérptyy ,’P®W vrt/"»rév retoipedÁB" fül.fictiéai a^d-te,fc»íñt^fréí^éd’ • it|¿<*a»p' X'ltiiéÜí'" and fat •Ipj'anite*l*.:*ñd'-ef.growth-wooUw ;/y,V-'T". ' " .ig'<^‘«¿.'1,».i -"i-i-;,. -•■.■■, ■;. .•- »,.«■- V^..vv-cÜw.^oHawÍtig ..dyípwir te,re.;ttek.#"'teir^¿ :?.Ljy-) • ..Fte.Répreaé6fi^r-^hÍíin.3^^ ;. '■ ■: For-S te nff Jcis^ An g»'l 'ílaf irijgÁa,v.?'i-x" ;&;Y¿r jileii j • The above mmiiMtioet - wzvw majeananl-wau»ly; tte party ía‘ «nrted en líe ticket, and the HI Pa»o (Tvxm) district, inti judge Hatt, >¿xer*eces» ’ ty’a' contiitdtoe: - • ■."¿"A '. V.' feLsveliNORjn ftrir ertv.inr. ■ #4 ¿re. kA#l:fe*AV-r- "beyiirbepx in 'oú.r tirty jo.r- a/dW.-Aiyi*. >itd'-Norfliiig broogte ib,a verá^á" ef-;^til^¿-¡;í¿e^l«e^e''írair yte^rbwjeueymt pe"'^|.eoiiay*-:," V :ÍIíé:i(KsC5Áipí' '7'?/yc^'3ÍÍ.vri««Í "Imdteifodfe'fsr.¿ilieí ^’in^'tíÉr.'iifi^totouCÁ'r^iidáVjuf-".^ ; i.dé^iÚ-SiiiiMeii: pcpdrifg 6»:í;)*‘*:,‘lay#fe>: Th»: ■^'4':$^4u«&ent ;of-. yeéi’v:y."jpy^M.i’g; . 1k"-'u/í¿" "'L ^b-'uügb tLzt » y tiun cf tcuntí y"1 forte Mex- ** e* jjitaairFapte.-dredsooti-afier.". ih^wten.-itoterts-.-,.?^-*ga:.■<• v’™", ‘ Í-. -■>s;.iJp:itite3-as„"lte".periy.wao &rc,d-jbe'""Mro.t .ti/r-Vj-íí-Fv’'- - < "^ -'"’' v v'fes Í...1 ,1. „.. by -Wnv-U«.r íyfaf/in'", yEhitihv^^btfe."/ and ¿*IÍÉ(¿í)' *'Ciw.p¿t:¿¿'nd¿j -Tri’ --i‘•'u'^'-'.-v--;-,.^v. , •-*,•'.¡.x. (r S»f| Reru-íico. "U* wat viatt -^¡tw-a.’ IhvNtígrte fl* ÜfXrt “■»► ,:X ■ . ■ evitiaterin^ Utiritor>..toyj-,*jU ttee 'cow te ■ -:rr, ; W^^yeeXtiteeiAte^ Vo^t.iw .' aeliUoeoenty^Las1 entirely Utwxhe .a^M^fw" grarttig tte^eteé ••cleaej^wt^ ’tiriaw. "<<•** •’«'■•■Urte eejnilM fYeB4'-tev^fv«4etiw^ »»d4i***'té.ite'lütivtf gramfr l^íá totiF-iaerteiwli’ iwt.ww" gn?e^0NÍÍí^:r^VwO •AéneVl^^wHlf 4:' ■ ■ -i J" -■’- ’- f 1'-"^'^-'"'' ;Vj lS8i8®s#Ss wte tl*^NW fcf>- p:.^.é9y5: .P : ’"•« a» 2§ i*11"' MsN QF”< wlthow .. -nü-íTl* ■" w 19 M;.-te1?' i wSeíl M JMrtMÉT W ISm»^ #WÍ fillOl BBS / 77 7 Xa-jjw; L.Y il fl p @fe E»is L;'-_