^iw fitanir >ratinrl g; B. 8DARBOROUGH, ¿Wtalr. FeMiaMer am« Prepa*rtw Proclarrvetion by tttr tiovernor of the State of Texan. Svnrexnen-With thir number the few órewff. Sealfoci will be temporarily auaproded. Averse to reducing the proportions of our al-n-ady too small «beet and thus sailing for awhile I teg or with color» at half mast, we prwfrr to take the Sentieel from iu post altageib* until ,och time ■ ths Lleecln entiarr» will ». Melchor Ocampo, a cotoae! and The eetabtobment owe» «un» «mall ifebu Id there ere many dur it. Ip ord- r tn ne-fij a- «ret tl- U.t mu,t I- prid and to thi. end content with this, Im. Ar-is a» bandit»; and pay np. Let every reader of thl. prnagr^L put it to bimeelf wbelto r or noi to- owe» u*. 3 (U matlcni not-bow armdl the amiiimt) and if ao. let him nwolve to pay, for we need tte - Otn FtAO 1» ThkML. "—A teantiful Con-federate flag duller» to the Southern brtx-i--from the garrison uf Furl brown 1: »*■ wrought by tte fair hand- of some of the Indict uf Brownsville, under the UusfcrAlp ol Mr». 1. B. Bigelow. and by item prowled to the troop» now occupying the garttoon Ap- GreatBurrarx *xn Mrvicojt _ Wy¿*. th' New British MintaHr tit-y,»'''* h»i arriwd at hi» destination. ^xic». From both tbe Lonim Time» sad the Pna of ll..- 13th May. we fexrn tbs ,5trd—--went out with instruction» to righlv enforce in M- «feo the custom» convention, t-; which a certain portion o-»I rctyja-. ______________ nstie. ll.. Mini.tryPM.v.bvWevr that Sum.- Id lb" abb- to th-- .•imitboni Conf<--1- . E 1 h, . small majority, have tc rauiou-lv to obtain th.- .. r.. p,-. ifr Yaneeydu^i doubt the .uoeu^ of hi» mbsii'h. [? Ere froriug of .*h* chief hot* for pewerviug th.'Ehiun.-nd prop;-, na. 5 w Mexico, aud lie- lu-lin Ternrm.ro roitat^tel be wouel ow day be su-ackuowle -g-1 iitnat.- b tween Kan-.M and tn • 6ta»e -I lex»». -tf K.U feah iu him did nut reeuV.r -u»l I ami. wberros, the late intimal.- commerruil coMdroac, but their seal continu'd ti-tbe rod. . and political aa-ix-iati.-n ol the people of th- mdMfcBAe* Wro a putem sound iu "Very .piar- .State ol T. «as, «Jal th- ir hlite rto eeu'hiuou» ur Jibs cuuatiT H. laiwd in the . to. uuu: and cxWtai* interoouree witn tbuwwub mruvweuuMir. rii. whom T-xas. a* a iwmber of tlo- Coufedarate tilatro of Ane-fiia.i» Dow »< *«. m-ght rouw •nmc of thr dtieros “I •»*-! State, iguiiauiiv. and other» poeaiMy. knowingly, to dun-gam tbe n-lal on» in which war In lu.-, n aai-l Gov-►rnuxriit* Hm- pUvral th*-ui: and, wb«'t'-ae. 1 p«Rl to the rfaolh, Mr. Duegias was found among the igtobh crowd who d.- anted u — a volunteer m lb" camp of our deadlier ene-my. Diseewr vvrrl-.ik him in the midst of th* eúilrnam» * tfoe yvuvrtsum. lusl in tte mnw ■ tuee ivuriixtvu, •••• • ••• " ------ • • •f bit ti* Mi.d Ibr WMixrity ”t b!« *tnmg ’ have iwk-tl imonnahon . : ... T. i hat»* air him much and MinliMg, vniy lb- UN n ry h- du'y in th-- pr ■ini—-. »» g*wd ciliseu»— Sow. therefore, 1. EuwA.ii Clark, (tor. eruuriif ibeBta*-'of Texas, do tuno *i» my Pro, lamalion to lb, p<-ople nt »:,i.l Slat*. note f.rt Ito- nrcrtbM" of Juarea with tne object oi raising Co p-wer Sr. Ortega aid aftewaeJ. overthrow him for hi» owu rl.-vMlon—bolding cunfereaoe. with Marqrn x. it i. -aid. lu re-,-sUbliah Ibe Constinttkm of MM. er tbr organic basis, with lb. rod of ir.cn-w.ihL- ibe iiMioual forces aud placitig regular o(Bo-r» at Mi.il» w hk'b hie r-vent polit'iral ííiur.-- void. MARKU.D:-» thi. City on nur-tay -venin-, tin- •-’mliim-i.. al lh"l-»lta>‘,L<-bureh. h, ti'ri:.-..-.. nd Fstlwr P F. Pmwt, M«-. Vnrrim Maxax to Mi»* Sauah A. K:h<-* M m . bo-hof Brownivilk-.___ CANDIDATES. tiun and reception, by Judge Higeluw iu beban . of tbebdfcsendüul Ftad-far bi» ceiwmarul. AUEX EXEMlt* —We call ‘h' attrotiou ol ¿nr 11eilmi to ibe proclamation of Oov Clark, ibe ExactUivi- of Texas, on this aud other im-yortant sebjtcu. WOBTXT OF Pk*I*i: —We an- ph ased to leant that etft enterprising lellow-cilisrn, II. Miller, tired M the lung delay» in the receipt of awws from Other parts of the world, anti lor the accbmruodatiou of paaw-ug-rs. low deu-r-mined to «tart bi» pilot boat from Bruvs Santiago upon the blockaded water» of the Gulf, éapt. Sawyer, than whom a folter or more ¿fever commander does not live, has command Of the craft, ffo made Ms first cl.-arence this Week with a nútaber of passcngi rs. am! we prediel for him that bewUl.fiud communica- their bowl. Marques and other reaction chiefs have recently sustain' d eeriou» deiraU. Several companies of emigront’ -frum ,l,r l*dU»l State» are nqiurtud as having amved iu Mexico—Ibe iMt of whom croe" J th-’ IL" Grand,- al Piedra* X--gras, rod an raid tu be from San Antonio. T.-«a« Tit* ludían "Valtou. Th. New Orleans Crrocent of the 7th irhl., dé- b.Ld ju»t re- *■ it"* V. b.OrrSe a*.. fCu.) Ih.paió.uf th. W. - main tku Br- V. Tte Angu»ta. /¿ai.ruad, y< Fon < im.lt*>- — W. arc authoris'd to »'•-u -di'.'. E K Ih'Utl. K«r- »•-» ■'"«•'’•foto l,,r -i," r ..ngr - Of th. C l Di-tri^ hb-lton m some point or other, the blockade to the Oou-frory uorórttesanmug. Fa*' Sovealol.'—Wé ha¿e ródeived á dr-enlxr ffmn that well Known and State-wide fevórite, F. R. Lubbock, Ex Lieut. Governor ¿f Texas, autborialng u* to announce him aa Í caáBdaie for Governor. Fe* men have more friends Uwugbout Texas than Gov Lubbock, leeros from Mr John A 1’ turned from Fort Ouachita. i¿ the T'-r-rilory. that this and all the other Fori» iu tn-Territory, were evacuated by the FrMeraH.rcro before llw arrival of tto lento trobj*. Tm Tetan» wen- iu each «tose pur.uil Kiel Ma.-r Emory bad to abandon mint of his la-avy amelen. He also threw gnu», ammuuitiou, «•■-Into the Ouachita rivtr. flnt taking-the gtós to pieces and breaking th-- luck». Th" rn.'my I- ft at Fort Ouachita a large identity of clolb-ing, -inn-- proviiionii Slid one field piece. Al Fort Arbuckle also tb--y abandoned vari-'u-goveruwnt stoiro and euppln. Fur: Ar-huckle is no* garriiiim-d by a company oi ' Vlilckaro* and ChiwtaW ludiau». under t.apt. MeKlm$y. Fort Ouacinta to gam,.-:i.- i|lr. the Dead Shot Ranger», from Jeff, nuu, Texa». under Capt. Mayberry. The ¿"hickaeaw», in Council, on the Stth of May. formally IfbaolVed their conwvtion with the Vnitod Stale» government ami laewd n mroif. -u-- Io the Choctaws. Cn-k». Cheri-kee- luru Out. nkj . ivning. by I Qoxu-r. --I tbo-tb Mrgim-Ut. SuUUl Vnr.'l.!•, vohinl.-vr». inri»bada parótel'rmpC-d. S = Horn, of TexI He a*! - v.ivn-tr.-ng inti nuii.'irt m a d-ite te rea.-h W H-kllipt-Hi Hl;. to < a.u|> ¡futa, wuciv b-- c..,! uu l'-iv- uu annual ion. ArrLirXim- th thi- Wait tit’v irr-.x r.—The mowing extract t:om a htt.-i it»- loth Mtorinxi’ Fo»ttnh«i.-i General I gun to Mr. I'P'. Wharton, of thi» paper.' n:»li' * iumnuc m tin.t tin- ndiitary otfir-er. rely chit dr u)n tie- rrp..r— an-i tt..iii H» .p-mnueti’* aiidulfa-. .- .llll| ! 1.6 I'll- wrntntiiiu* 1 !• ma-:- rii'.-n-.-h rh." 1 am aati.H/ew wnr •- -s.iirtd lu Lamar count) and tte Semhn-lea. and to the Rescrvi- Indian*, nixing. an . . . . I . ma. .1 I I*..».ah. id IltukUlf and ii'atiui-r. t- ptnperi, fltXX fr.if II .*/.*! of G-tizab-. Tim Pietrii-. chiUtirit* all the emmtr-a b»-,~n th- Um Grande and lb- Grtadalnpe ri- X i-.-iu-lmgito.juaaiicainirliiii; til- m'l- r__ : SrtTi. Si.XATnn.-E. H. M'AIIKO-¡H ifflimnw. bimu ll r* » candi-ht" i..: Miw;r«liyo». —.............• Hidalgo. Starr, Zapata and ti-- . - . ... I—el....• -l.rl.L agnowove Hew dime* 3\ alw-itth m a :: . Nickel' -f UwWg-* < Oiwuy. »• « fari.h-tou- h-r i MepwaeHatrve lor 1-e • .miiF--» -it ''am-ton i ! .ni Ifedalg.i, in H- m-jt Statu fj-gi.latun .— i i—- to. held un foe tin.» M.-n.lo. .»th t> I*»» dvii-Jt ; Ta-- undersigned i.ff- -r h:m~s* * • 1 1 Tt-teli Judicial wees Advi'Titsriiiimts. áence.’ Tfierv.having teen no convention to nominate, Mr. Lubbock enter» the li»ts with 1b ninny claiHx upon tbe voirre m any uim*» and we cteertMh- place him on^he track in tbe t’aiky. with the assurance to every voter that give» him hi* suffrage, that be will Itave no cause for rrgrrl. CtiMMUeiOXEl OFGEXKtAL LaXOOEEICE. —Hon. Stephen Crneby, of Austin, aam-iiiice» I himself as,a candidate lur n-ek-ction to this * -office, la haa'b-vn conceded, we believe, by all who have bad dealing* with the land offic of Texas, that Mri Crosby ha> dtebargAj iu ___dutiie batter thiffi any one_b<1brr »r sine* hi» incumbency. We tep" to »-siead 6f Ml Indian Tertiwy. Th.- irh-udi) ludiaue are all iu favnrV it. Th--y lu l order-nd off tbr Tafitoe mtosiooartee in the comitry. The ludiau» atoo took up two Abolition!»!» fruto nuithron Troaa, o* iff - ahum naa_H. preacher, and hui-c theta. The Forts were ail o! uiaklUK a d I» in.-n tell by AfbocMa. grapmog ou I. with a treaty made with the Reverse ledum* Tbe pp,’!*-of iforl!« iuT-;XU» an-rrpn—-ntr-d M unauimuu» lor fighting, aud all dato-a, In-cluJiug pn-a--b.-fA. Wl-ri- caper for tbr- fray. Lixcoi.x'* GEXEiiAl.*.—Ex-G'-vi-nior Sent Medray, of Ohio, In a nc al numtar oi Uu: t risis, edih-d by him, thu. »|uaMof Bnpada-r General Reeder, one of IJircuin'a rirteaas dth- for military orrinl utiice. Hi» record, which can be proJuc-d. 1» the iouh-at one efer n-ad o a man in Ida poeition. It »n.rai.i w poWmuesi «nt uu th»* < iaivK**.*» -n- W«i« IMlfc 1-ium- lii-ui .*uL Yuuin.' <<» if^n ¡T‘c™ ,1 lis»-.111- tevu nppuiuwl of Deed» for tie- nial.- of crUeucv < i.-x erm* Thoms» 3V iitem Mu *• -tad. i. <- auto aq.tr niie, in nutii g t.oi return, i.k- st. Itom.i,,-.- m Mwieaippi. » in.." HlHtl H"t I AXll. .-.XU :.»r, -« Slat.-- tv drill ExniXQi-En totuz CoxrnuKic ii r.-Tln-C'hartewton Courier of Ito- 1st in*., speaking ofjhr valuable services of Mr. MuiMmlnger. dety of all bvuorabte m. u. We assure ou< rewtem ami lit-' world iu peueiai that he >» a most unmittigat-d. unwaath-d, uupufged macal. He ba» the " uec-s-ary qu.aticadmia " for a high ntaix.In. Luuu-lu’, army, „ iT*,.Cein flani.-y was niibv«i>eau»-e-f his out u-iug proper efforts L, >uwlw uM, a— souriarts. Tin- *-luui:i,Ua:^^^wrtlh.Ml¡Y eD_ deavoriug tu irritate uisercuur*. >• i aw, kd him u-mi or th-' -y town» in Maryland, which i- ! i) Meo»-, arid bavins rrSciÁod Ilia n-iiimi»»ion tato Li-d lb" 11.W» l-'-H.i; ., .¡.an-tit - <:-• 1,-alalu.--:» "> many Mary-landen. tjh The C«mM--rat m--n I---ln..-n Mi-mphi» and Cairo, who- r-:i. , . Mmufe lil.e. Jlu-said F.ol.-r I» about f.- t urna tuche» in height, weigh» IÜO Hr do-'» ii.-t look a man iu ..■epiiig a dtiukmg ruout iu Harrisburg, ¡larri» county, ami H l« »up|n,».--l be will ui.ikc tu» wny tmdu He had» from Mu.ue and is -upttafod lu a B.M k K- pu'.mcpti. H» A. F. FLOWERS, A A Q M Mo Unmde Mu. lh.|. ya. Nvw Orleans. L^ffcaix. r to Richmond be visited thia city, and while terete submitted to our banka a propo.ua.u w hkh wiU supply a currency so much needed throughout ita. Confederate Slate». H- pro-powaao issue Treeurr MH* of all the u.ual ty Forty-four rivi Cincinnati. Ibr the w| promulgation oí Se. J Priwrar. Mlrriut».—Oil tu- -nd inn. tu. .Mlm JI ton U-ml-'l-iT.U- S'.i.'-e W. ll. rate. I '• Uuiu ..'"I mi."' ie be reconverted hto Treasury note. wteu- cciveblr for aUdhu ol tbr g¿„r»lwui, and will beatallaMe b pay lb. direct lag which Coegna, ia to lay they will afford a aound and available currecy rr.rjwhrtr. " The CourierJrani that tlx- Chartrolon bank. iivy.-d Nankin W plan by opening a credit monta» ul ;br day» further til Inou Cam» thn-.it. n to M .»-k .'li-uipl-i-. JuitX Mahm 1"1h- n -d Battle, it i« th--.lL-!':. «:U e . i.r j. ______________________ atvr n .u Mi........ in l-i„iu-... m ... . OH,l Dralrn ra Fortin «xd u , u‘?r,/'*.. * yi«».csz«- gw». i I - in" • ' Ú- < «««p Street. .Veir Orleans. ............L 1 . r L1 p Uud a full a».urt- XX a. lit of all km.!» ol goods suitable to u xicau trade. Ibry iui itc lb" ctutom of la u u.d patron» ol the Kio Gtaud" aud of it “co- “cdiby . ►Ivaucvd jH'aiti.-'.i-. Dsath UF COFFEE. tiUiug WE1LMAX. Feaepeoff l««d, Ure-Kow* w‘ ^■^^■toacoustantl y el baud a Lua