LA MBKBIAI» Dice ' ‘ *,A'*'* Facts About Your Neighbors Club du Señorita», el que lie. verá por nombre "Club de Coraioue# eu Huerta" pur eer t>dae uoviae de Jovenee qua lejoe de ellae retan defendían do la Patria y pru«aud > ru tfiia Sweetheart», loe que a1 Information I — I DALLAS July 21-Nation wide adverti.iugi* being ured with daily and weekly uewe-paprre, the farm pre»». trade regresar le» contarán entre paper*, magazine# and radio to stimulate the flow of ecrap metal» into war production The industries nt America are financing the <2.000,000 ad vertielug campaign and th» Bureau i f Industrial Conservation of the War Production Board I» a»»i»iiug in the con ceiitrat-d drive for wrap material. "Tbi# campaign,*' eaid John L. Dellinger, regional confer, vatiou manager, "*«» under- be»o y bcm !u que eufrieron 1 y de lo que gozarou lee dirnu la mitad. Que hay muchacha» que cuando virteu pantalón y coqueta blueita encantan, y hay otra» que... Que un conocido Joven que le gurí* de piropo» al bello ves un gru,*i de bel'as mucha « leading industries, in cha. Jugando carrera» en bi i c*mwi,h lh** G'"”**r dijo a un amigo: quisle ra aer carro, para quel par» ,h„ WpB-, „ „ w „,t|onBl dar un choque a ese grupo peivage program. The com. atm cuando me costara la mittee includes member comp, vida. antes of the American Iron concerned with summer continual flow of wrap meta* !arH pirl cnlarly desired in months In Iluto It» plants, but ia also the field-of public adminis-I using it» advertisements to ^ration, business administra stimulate the flow of other,«i"”. library science, econnm-ueeded mater .U. The |ro. ics. statistics, and matb-mi.tics mediate response of industry through calculus. Graduates in setting up machinery for and senior student# who will thecampalgn was particular I finish their college course by ly gratifying, in so far as It September 30 may apply. Toe Quickest, Surest Way YOU Can Help Win This War... Buy Defense BONDS—STAMPS 4 Nowl helped n» to clear the track» Application» must be filed by1 m,Ht show at least 80 semes •for an all-out drive to bring August 27 with the Commie- ter hours* work in geology In I in the scrap." j»ion » Washington, D. 0., of- g rllCf,guided college; graduate1* Although the current ad- flce- or eenior students may apply ! verttslng campaign ia design-1 Nursing education consult. Nn rience ,, llr.„„ary. ed to stimulate the immediate ants are needed to eoued of.'geant Walter A. Pumphrey: fleet». are pictured above:Sergeant J M. Cadena; berreadlo* left to right, front g-autO tavio Saeni: Sergeant, row: Cor,oral Roy V. Howard. Regulo B-navid-»: Firet Claes Corporal Irene" Saent: Cor- Private Pablo Q. Vera and IH.ral Alvaro Huevara; Cor- Fir»t •'!»«« Privet- H. Q poral Jove J Treviflo: Top Bera». Photo by F. V. l.op*i Sergeant 0. A. Preeman;Cor end picture courteey 1 he poral Fernando Haeni; First I Benavidee Mill and Hin Com-,,, „ , . „ rv ui . P»ny, (lai tain Calvin North. Clare Private E. D. Slayton; * ’ Foto de J I. C. Braman corand Flrat Clan Private Kr| t,,., del Duval County FACTS 1 CollegeGraduates, Geologists, Nurse Educators, technicians Sought for Federal war work For the third time this year the United States Civil Service Commission I» holding an-from high school I» no longer examination to recruit college necersary. Completion *of an medical technician. Under the n»w requirements, graduation college students who will j th» required complete their coorsee inth-'eil positions. recognized hospital may be substituted for experience. e Geologists are deaired f< t geologic mapping and atndy-iug of mineral nejioair» and in administrating funds appropriated for training nurses in national defense, and to 'give consultation service to schools of nursing. Position-are iu the Public Health 'Service and pay from 82 1100 I to 84.HOO a year. Registered I nurses who have completed a course in a recognized college with a full program in ao ! vanc»d nursing education of Nursing Education Consult ant. M-diea! Technician, and Geologist, there will be no written test: applicants will he rated on their experience and training. Applications, must he filed with the Civil Service Commission. Washington, D. C„ and except for Junior Professional Assistant, will be accepted until th" ■at least a year, and also gra 1'iated from an accredited school of nursing with a daily average of 100 or more patients. may apply if th-y hai" had appropriate experience. Additional medical tech" nicians ar* being sought Salaries range from 81.440 a year for Junior laboratory helper, to 82,0110 for senint need# of the service have been Full information as to requirements. and application forms, may be obtained from the Secretary of the Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners at first and -econd-class post offices, or from the I Jolted States Civil Service Commie-, sion, Washington. D. C. j RELOJERO JOYERO Y ARMERO Se atiende pronto y ee giran tiza todo trabe a precios razonables. Francisco cortin Taller contiguo a la Barbería del Sr. Ramón taime Six Diege Texii IMPRENTA D» “LA LIBERTAD” Eeté equipada een meteriaiee moder nos. y por esto, ee qua eeUmee en condiciones de hacer teda cíese de trabajes de reme, tanto en Inglé» como en Eeyefiel Nuestro# precios sen loo m*e cémodoo y nuestro trebeje de lo mejor SI Ud. necesita algún trabaje, visítenos en nuestro taller, frente a la Iglesia Catélica SIEMPRE LISTOS NOS ENCONTRARA UD. para hacerle eos Trabajos Comerciales Anuncies, Facturas, Socantee, Circule ree Etc, Etc TENEMOS SIEMPRE Un Variado Surtido de Papelería, Sobres, Tarjetas pare Beutiio. Esquelas. F. DE P. GONZALEZ, Prop. P. O.BOX 2 San Diego, Duvil ü. Texa» Frente a la Parroquia Cattiica. ■■SAN DIEGO** DISTRIBUTING CO. EXPElfDEDORES DE CERVEZAS DE UTA CIUDAD Gruí Frixt, Jix, ScbiliU. Sntbrr» $*.1, Ft trt. Cirti Bhici. Biiweser. fiut, Bekan, f*rf!. Texn rnd». Sska*. Tribe Is Cm:, Bsdwtw, :